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Vodič za dizajniranje frejmvorka

Cena: 3080 rsd
Popust i do: 2002 rsd

101 princip za dobar UX dizajn

101 princip za dobar UX dizajn

Cena: 2200 rsd
Popust i do: 1430 rsd

The 18 Blogs Every UX Pro Should Follow

1. A List Apart

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @alistapart

While A List Apart previously focused on standards-based web design, their articles now provide information for all “people who make websites.” Their topics span a variety of categories from CSS techniques to UX to business.

2. UX Booth

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @UXBooth

To quote Abraham Lincoln, UX “by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Ok, maybe he didn’t reference UX, but UX Booth sure does. Their content is for beginner to intermediate UX and UI designers and a new post goes live every Tuesday.

3. Luke W

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @lukew

Luke Wroblewski is an expert and leader in the mobile design industry, and his site includes conference notes, user experience how-to videos, and general UX articles. Luke typically has notes on at least one conference a month, and also has an extensive library with each of his how-to videos.

4. UXmatters

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @uxmatters

Posting since 2005, UXmatters provides best practices for UX and design at all learning levels. Multiple posts go live every Monday, which is a perfect pairing with your first cup of coffee for the week.

5. Designmodo

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @Designmodo

Designmodo is focused on both web design and development. With tutorials, giveaways, and inspirational content, this site has something for everyone in the designer and developer communities.

6. The Usability Post

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @usabilitypost

The Usability Post dives into the latest web trends, with articles ranging from icons to typography to UI concepts. The archives date back to 2008, so you’ll have plenty of reading material.

7. UX Movement

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @uxmovement

UX Movement’s goal is to share “how good and bad interface design practices affect user behavior.” Wander over to their site for articles on design techniques and the user experience.

8. Wireframes Magazine

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @wireframes

Wireframes Magazine publishes articles about IA resources. From software to podcast suggestions, you’ll be sure to find new resources to add to your tool kit.

9. 52 Weeks of UX

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @jbrewer

While this blog ran from 2010 to 2011, it contains timeless discussions around UI and UX. We highly recommend digging through the archives for insights on design and human behavior from the former Principal Designer at Twitter.

10. Smashing Magazine

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @smashingmag

We love Smashing Magazine–especially their UX Design category. Their articles are extremely in-depth, and provide something new for even the most experienced UX pro. We highly recommend adding Smashing Magazine to your must-read list.

11. Konigi

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @konigi

The Konigi blog is for interface designers, and has posts that range from conference notes to creative discussions. It’s also written by a designer at Balsamiq, one of our favorite wireframing tools.

12. Boxes and Arrows

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @boxesandarrows

Boxes and Arrows has the goal of improving the design of information architecture. Their topics include UX, business, research, and design. Check out their site for new content every other week.

13. UX Myths

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @uxmyths

This list of 32 myths about user experience aims to correct misconceptions. With articles and resources for both UX professionals and stakeholders, this is a great site to bookmark.

14. Measuring Usability

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @MeasuringU

This quantitative research firm’s blog is full of articles related to usability testing and UX topics. Head to their site every Tuesday for a new insightful article.

15. Usabilla

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @usabilla

Usabilla is a Dutch company with a focus on UX and user feedback. Their blog includes articles on user engagement, design, and UX research.

16. UsabilityGeek

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @justinmifsud

UsabilityGeek is a comprehensive site that gives practical advice on UX, UI design, ecommerce, business, and conversion. New posts launch every Monday and Wednesday, so be sure to add them to your weekly routine.

17. Nielsen Norman Group

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @NNgroup

The Nielsen Norman Group is a trusted authority on all things related to usability. Luckily for you, they’ve posted many of their insights in their blog. Check in regularly for expert UX news and tips.

18. Digital Telepathy

Go to the blog | Follow on Twitter @dtelepathy

If you’re looking for a design-focused site, head to Digital Telepathy. They aim to “promote the betterment of the web through design and craft.” Here, you’ll find plenty of inspiration.



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