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JavaScript projektni obrasci, prevod drugog izdanja

JavaScript projektni obrasci, prevod drugog izdanja

Popust cena: 1940 rsd

JavaScript od početnika do profesionalca

JavaScript od početnika do profesionalca

Popust cena: 2380 rsd

Inside Angular - Angular 4 Front to Back

Angular 4 Front To Back

  • This course was crafted to benefit absolutely any level of developer.
  • We will start from scratch and learn how to create a development environment for Angular 4, Setup Angular CLI and learn all of the fundamentals.
  • Once we study the core fundamentals in depth, we will start on a basic project and then move to a much more advanced client management system with authentication and data storing with the Firebase platform.
  • Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:

Master Angular 4 from the basics to building an advanced application with Firebase integration Read more »

Single Page Application with Angular.js, Node.js and MongoDB (MongoJS Module) – PhloxBlog

  • Previously we have posted the communication for Developing Web Application with Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB (MongoJS module).
  • Current post is a proof of concept towards make a web application with Javascript based Web Server.
  • To make this possible, we have selected –

    We have created a Proof of Concept with Javascript based web server, where we have focused on dealing with NoSql (MongoDB) with javascript based framework Node.js and angular.js on client side.  Read more »

AngularJS forEach() Function Example – Iterate or Loop Through Each Item in An Array or Object in AngularJS

  • You can loop through an Array or an Object in AngularJS using the forEach() function.
  • I am sharing two examples here, showing how to use the forEach() loop in AngularJS to extract items or values from array or an object.
  • In the first example, I am creating an object named employees, which has an array of data in it, such as the date of joining, name and age of each employee.
  • I’ll use the forEach() function to loop through each value in the object and extract the values and display it (in the console) one by one.
  • The forEach() function will loop through each value in the object.

I am sharing two examples here, showing how to use the forEach() loop in AngularJS to extract items or values from array or an object. Read more »

We moved the #Angular Blog, check us out and follow us at to stay up to date

  • Rob Wormald: This is a guest post from Victor Savkin of the NgRx core team.
  • NgRx is suite of libraries that empower Angular developers to…

The latest news and tips from the Angular team. Read more »

Overview Of #Angular – Part 1 by @rameshkartikrs cc @CsharpCorner #AngularJS

  • Module and Component are the essential elements for building an Angular application.
  • Let’s have a quick look at these topics…

    Angular Essentials


    The module is a mechanism to group components to form an application.

  • In other words, Module is a group of components and services that can be combined with other modules to create an application.
  • The template is none other than an HTML form content which tells Angular how to render the component.
  • Selector tells angular to create an instance of EmployeeComponent and inserts the instance of the component into the tag in parent HTML.

In this article, we are going to discuss an overview of Angular. This article is for those beginners who are planning to learn & implement Angular. Are you an Angular Expert? Then please feel free to provide your suggestions to improve the content. In the first part, we will see what Angular is and why you should give so much importance to it. Read more »

Purpose, difference and scope of AngularJS and ReactJS

  • With the help of ReactJS developers can create web applications which are dynamic in nature i.e which keeps on changing over time

    and the important thing is without even reloading the page.

  • -> AngularJS is a full framework.It uses MVC design to write single page applications.
  • -> AngularJS is best suitable for single page applications which update single view at a time

    While ReactJS is best suitable for Single page applications which update many views at a time.

  • This makes ReactJs ahead of AngularJs for the future race but AngularJS is actively maintained by google and many things are going to happen for them in future also.
  • Both offer complete different way of developing web application

    Some people like developers and programmer may say that AngularJS is better or ReactJS is better.


It is a very popular web framework.

It is an open source front end JavaScript based framework for developing various mobile applications like windows, ios and android. Read more »

Comparing Angular and React: Dashbouquet +2 years experience

  • Comparing Angular and React: Dashbouquet +2 years experienceIn the last couple years DashBouquet team had a great number of various projects, among which were the ones on Angular, Angular2 and React.
  • Since we worked with both Angular and React, we want to share our opinion, talk about pros and cons of each and give some recommendations on the best use for each library.Few years back we started our work with Angular and since then we have over 50 projects, different in size and tech stack.
  • So it is crucial that we use the best and most efficient tools and quickly decide, which ones are worth using and which ones are not.Here is a table, in which we give pros and cons for Angular and React:Developers tend to choose Angular over React, which is an advantage because in this scenario, it is more convenient to work with the framework.
  • So, if you have an application with complex business logic, it would be better to choose React + Redux instead.Another Angular disadvantage is high possibility of getting side effects.
  • As for React and Angular2 cons, one of the biggest issues is lack of good developers.

In the last couple years DashBouquet team had a great number of various projects, among which were the ones on Angular, Angular2 and React. Because modern development trends include the use of such…Read more »

Advanced Forms & Validation in Ionic 2

  • For example you might have an input field like this:

    and then in your class definition you could access that value through:

    In this tutorial we are going to look at a more complex, but also more powerful, way to set up forms in an Ionic 2 application.

  • Here’s what it will look like:

    The method we will use makes it easier to manage forms with many fields, and it also allows us to more easily validate data that is entered, this includes:

    We will be using FormBuilder to create our forms and Validators, which are used in conjunction with FormBuilder, to validate the input.

  • A FormControl is tied to an input field, it has a value (i.e. the value the user has entered), and a validation state (i.e. whether or not the value is valid based on an optional validation function).
  • Here we’ve set up our form with a property with a value of which is the name of the member variable we set up in our class, which we will use to create a FormGroup with FormBuilder in just a moment.
  • First of all, we’ve added the class conditionally to most elements using something like this:

    This will give the element the invalid styling only if the input is invalid (which we can do by checking the property on the FormControl) and the user has made an attempt to input a value, or they have attempted to submit the form.

In this tutorial we are going to look at a more complex, but also more powerful, way to set up forms in Ionic 2. We will be building a multi stage sign up form. Read more »




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