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JavaScript od početnika do profesionalca

JavaScript od početnika do profesionalca

Cena: 2970 rsd
Popust i do: 1931 rsd

Naučite TypeScript prevod drugog izdanja

Naučite TypeScript prevod drugog izdanja

Cena: 2750 rsd
Popust i do: 1788 rsd

Java Weekly 1, Microservices

Java Microservices: Code Examples, Tutorials, and More

Microservices are replacing monoliths every day. So, let's explore how Java devs can put them to work with the help of their favorite frameworks.

Refactoring Java in IntelliJ

Remember, it's never too late to refactor. Do it in small chunks. Protected your code with tests. And whenever possible, let your IDE do the work for you.

Java EE: Zero-Downtime Deployments With Kubernetes [Video]

Want to orchestrate your Java EE apps without a pause to let changes go into place? Take a look at how to you make it happen with Kubernetes.

How to Setup a Secure REST API with Spring

Protecting your data is key in many applications. Read this article and see how easy it is to setup a secure RESTful API with Spring Boot and Speedment.

This Week in Spring: Azure, Spring 5, and Scaling JSF Apps

It's another busy week in the Spring world, including more Spring 5 updates, a big focus on Azure's IaaS capabilities, security updates, and how to scale JSF apps.

Octopus Deploy Java Support RFC

The Octopus Deploy team wants Java to enjoy the same support that .NET already has, but they need your help. Want to get involved?

Scala Load Configuration With PureConfig 

PureConfig is a nifty library that serves as a front-end for other libraries. Its real strength is as a boilerplate-free way of loading Sacal config files.

So, You Want to Create an Atlassian Connect Add-On in Java?  

You can use Java to make an add-on for the Atlassian suite of products. Learn to connect your application with this Spring Boot-based project.

Real Objects vs. Data Containers  

This take on objects and object-oriented programming suggests converting data containers and structures into real objects, then tackles the performance issues involved.

Create a Simple Maven 3 Plugin 

This quick walkthrough will teach you how to create a quick and easy Maven 3 plugin, with some general best practices to keep in mind along the way.



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