Directory Structure Changes in Laravel 5.3
Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × Directory Structure Changes in Laravel 5.3 1. Directory Structure Changes in Laravel 5.3 2.
Home Web Laravel Reset Password in Laravel 5.
Image Uploading in Laravel 5.3
Image uploading in laravel is very easy. All most any dynamic web applications have this feature. In this article i would like to explain simple way to upload image. You need to careful while handling with files. For security reasons we need to validate uploaded file.
Sending a welcome mail with Laravel 5.3
Recently I was working an a project where, in order to use the webapp, users should first apply for an account. Potential users can fill in request form. After the request is approved by an admin they may use the app. Our client expected that the barrier to request an account should be very low.
Prevent Browser back button after Logout in Laravel 5.3
When you click back button after logout , still that page will appear. This is not you are actually logged it, just browser cached previous page. If you try to interact with that page, it will not display. Because you were not authenticated.
How to automatically apply the Laravel PHP code style
Writing clean and readable code is essential. Having a properly defined code style, and adhering to that, is tedious work. Let's automate it as much as possible. Laravel uses the PSR-1 and PSR-2 code style standards. These conventions define things like:
Hosting a Laravel application on AWS Lambda
This weekend, after stumbling upon an Amazon blog post that describes how to run arbitrary executables in AWS Lambda, I started wondering if it would be possible to run a PHP script inside a Lambda function.
How to redirect http to https in laravel using middleware
Step 3: Now you can use the middleware like.
Woah! I switched to Windows and it’s awesome for PHP development.
After twenty-two years as a Mac user, I switched to Windows 10. I was motivated by excellent hardware that became available (the Dell XPS 15 specifically). Macbook Pros had remained stagnant for years and I wanted a larger, better screen.
Laravel Forge adds a new development blog
Vue.js has announced v2 is now released and available. Version two has been in development since April and features s… Hacktoberfest, the month-long festival of code, is back again this year. The event is hosted in partnership between G…
they can bite! – how (not) to use accessors in Eloquent
Eloquent mutators & accessors are handy feature that can simplify your high level code and hide some-data related logic in the model. However, it is pretty common to misuse them and soon regret it.
This package allows you to manage and keep track of each one of your logs files. NOTE: You can also use LogViewer as an API.
Integrating WordPress into Larave
Recently whilst working on an outsourced project at We Are DWM we had a Laravel app and a WordPress site running side by side. The client had wanted the same design across both “sites” and for it to appear as seamless as possible.
Online service booking made easy. Small and medium scale businesses wish to provide online service booking for their customers, but the tools out there are either too expensive or too complex for their needs.
“Helpers” are often used as convenient collection of functions. They are also a sign of bad design, and I want you to stop writing them. I’ll quote myself
Vue 2.0 is Here!
Today I am thrilled to announce the official release of Vue.js 2.0: Ghost in the Shell. After 8 alphas, 8 betas and 8 rcs (a total coincidence!), Vue.js 2.0 is ready for production! The official guide has been fully updated and is available at Ever since the work on 2.
That's it for this time, see you next week!
Povilas Korop
LaravelDaily Team
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