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Mašinsko učenje uz PyTorch i Scikit-Learn

Mašinsko učenje uz PyTorch i Scikit-Learn

Cena: 3630 rsd
Popust i do: 2360 rsd

Osnove veštačke inteligencije i mašinskog učenja

Osnove veštačke inteligencije i mašinskog učenja

Cena: 2310 rsd
Popust i do: 1502 rsd

Machine Learning Open Source of the Month May 2018

For the past month, we ranked nearly 250 Machine Learning Open Source Projects to pick the Top 10.

We compared projects with new or major release during this period. Mybridge AI ranks projects based on a variety of factors to measure its quality for professionals.

  • Average number of Github stars in this edition: 979⭐️
  • “Watch” Machine Learning Top 10 Open Source on Github and get email once a month.
  • Topics: ICLR 2018, Game Research, DeepLearn, Image Translation, Visualization, Text Generation, Self Driving Car, NLP, Video Loader

Open source projects can be useful for programmers. Hope you find an interesting project that inspires you.

Rank 1

Progressive_growing_of_gans: Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation [2523 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Tero Karras

……[Research Paper]

Rank 2

ELF: An Extensive, Lightweight, and Flexible platform for game research. We have used it to build our Go playing bot, ELF OpenGo, which achieved a 14–0 record versus four global top-30 players [1600 stars on Github]. Courtesy of PyTorch

……[Facebook Open Sources ELF OpenGo]

Rank 3

DeepLearn: Implementation of research papers on Deep Learning+ NLP+ CV in Python using Keras, Tensorflow and Scikit Learn. [1277 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Gaurav Bhatt

Rank 4

MUNIT: Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation [813 stars on Github]. Courtesy of NVIDIA Research

……[Research Paper]

Rank 5

MMdnn: A set of tools to help users inter-operate among different deep learning frameworks. E.g. model conversion and visualization. Convert models between Caffe, Keras, MXNet, Tensorflow [1488 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Microsoft Research

Rank 6

Textgenrnn: Python module to easily generate text using a pretrained character-based recurrent neural network. [620 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Max Woolf

Rank 7

Donkey: A modular self driving car library for Python [756 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Will Roscoe

Rank 8

TwinGAN: Unpaired Cross-Domain Image Translation with Weight-Sharing GANs [234 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Jerry Li

Rank 9

Gluon-nlp: NLP made easy [545 stars on Github]. Courtesy of DMLC

Rank 10

Nvvl: A library that uses hardware acceleration to load sequences of video frames to facilitate machine learning training [294 stars on Github]. Courtesy of NVIDIA


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