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Laravel, 40 dodatnih pravila validacije i ostale vesti, saveti, trikovi




  Laravel nedeljni pregled saveta, vesti 40 dodatnih pravila validacije Laravela laraveldaily. com Sistem za validaciju Laravela ima više od 60 dostupnih pravila validacije, ali šta se dešava ako vam je potreno neko dodatno pravilo? Možete lako da kreirate sopstveno pravilo validacije ili da upotrebite nešto što je već dostupno na internetu. Pogledajte. QuickAdminPanel 2019: Deploy & Preview Panel [VIDEO] youtube. com Kratak demo trajanja 3-minuta koji pokazuje kako da rasporedite generisani Laravel kod na servere da biste se uverili da funkcioniše i da bi vam omogućio da ga prikažete klijentima/kolegama. Kako napredovati kao programer [VIDEO] youtube. com Kratak video trajanja 4-minuta: odgovaranje na pitanje jednog od vas - moja dva saveta za mlade programere. Iz Laravel zajednice Laravel raspoređivanja bez zastoja pomoću Laravel Envoy-a adrien. poupa. fr Nedavno sam tražio način da rasporedim Laravel aplikaciju jednostavno i bez glavobolje. Nakon nekog vremena, napisao sam veoma jednostavan Bash skript za automatizaciju uobičajenih zadataka raspoređivanja: izvlačenje promena iz Gita, instaliranje Composer zavisnosti, izgradnja NPM skriptova, pokretanje migracija i tako dalje. Veze životnog ciklusa Laravel modela medium. com Kada pišete aplikacije, često je potrebno da provučete funkcionalnosti kroz događaje koji se dešavaju u objektu klase koju ste kreirali. Kreiranje Laravel objekta zahteva za “create” i “updates” medium. com Danas sam odlučio da pojednostavim moje kontrolere predstavljanjem Laravel objekata zahteva. Ali ako pošaljemo zahtev za ažuriranje koristeći samo opis, Laravel će nam prikazati grešku validacije. Generisanje Vue fajlova pomoću komande Artisan pineco. de U većim projektima, često kreiramo nove fajlove - kontrolere, događaje, zadatke i tako dalje - dok se projekat razvija. Za ove klase imamo sve potrebne komande, međutim, ako je projekat čeoni, potrebno je da kreiramo fajlove ručno. Projekat u Spatie-u stitcher. io Mesec maj označava prvu godišnjicu klijent projekta na kojem radim u Spatie-u. Pomislio sam da bi bilo korisno podeliti neke statističke podatke sa zajednicom, da bih vam predočio kako može izgledati "stvarni veb projekat ". Započećemo osnovnim pregledom. Učenje Laravela - Posmatranje, deo 1: Servisni kontejner matthiasnoback. nl Ja sam koristio symfony 1, Symfony 2+, Zend Framework 1, Zend Expressive, ali nikada nisam koristio Laravel. Do sada. Moj partner je tražio način da nauči PHP i gradi pomoću njega veb aplikacije. ★ Keširanje celog odgovora Laravel aplikacije freek. dev Kada dobije zahtev, aplikacija će vratiti odgovor. Da bi kreirala dati odgovor, aplikacija treba da izvrši neke zadatke. Najverovatnije će se izvršiti upiti. Sve to može da potraje određeno vreme. Docker + PhpStorm + Laravel+ XDebug + Vue Hot Reload = srce️ medium. com Trebaćete da instalirate docker i docker-compose na sistem pre nego što nastavite rad. I naravno, chrome ekstenziju xdebug-helper. Prilagodite Laravel obrazac za registraciju koristeći dodatna polja medium. com Zdravo! Ovde Aman. Nadam se da ste dobro. Nadam se da ste pročitali moj poslednji blog koji govori o Laravel autorizaciji. U tom blogu možete da naučite kako da koristite Laravel Auth paket i kako da kreirate polja Login, Registration, Forgot Password, itd. Kako da ponovo upotrebite obrazac i njegovu validaciju u Laravelu? medium. com Dok razvijate veb aplikaciju često ćete se naći u situaciji kada treba ponovo da upotrebite validaciju obrasca. Prvo, isti obrazac se koristi na 2 različite stranice. Kako da podesite ispravljanje grešaka pomoću PhpStorma i Homesteada 42coders. com Mnogi php programeri se oslanjaju na var_dump (ili njegovu reinkarnaciju u radnim okvirima: debug(), dump(), dd(), i tako dalje) kada ispravljaju greške u kodu, a u većini slučajeva je to u redu, ali nije uvek dovoljno dobro. Kada pokušavate da rešite složene probleme ili da ispravite neku “tvrdoglavu” grešku, veoma je korisno odlična mogućnost rešavanja problema PhpStorma. Mnogo je brže i. . . Pročitajte više kako da podesite ispravljanje grešaka pomoću PhpStorma i Homesteada » Izgradnja modalnih prozora pomoću Vue. js-a i Tailwind CSS-a laravel-news. com Modalni prozoru su veoma popularna komponenta korisničkog interfejsa i korisni su za mnoge različite scenarije. Možete da upotrebite takav prozor za upozorenje korisniku, za prikazivanje obrasca ili čak obrasca za prijavljivanje. Upotreba je bezgranična. U ovom tutorialu ćemo vam pokazati kako da izgradite ponovo upotrebljivu karticu pomoću alatke Vue. I Deploy on Fridays (And Maybe You Should Too) Michiel Rook - PHP UK Conference 2019 [VIDEO] youtu. be Preporučujem ovaj video. Da li ste ikada čuli sebe ili nekog drugog da kaže “Nemoj raspoređivati petkom?” Možda je to pravilo kompanije? brunocfalcao/larapush github. com Rasporedite bazu koda na veb server upotrebom nove Laravel Artisan komande php artisan push. Laravel - Radni okvir za izradu modernih PHP aplikacija, prevod 2. izdanja LINK KA KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE

Laravel, nedeljni pregled vesti, saveta, videa




Zdravo, Nakon 4 meseca “tišine”, još jedna obuka od mene - Laravel: PHPUnit testiranje za početnike. To je zapravo rešavanje problema uključivanja mladih programera u moj tim. Cilj je da oni prihvate najbolju praksu kao što je automatizovano testiranje, pa ako ste i vi jedan od onih koji “nikada nemaju vremena” za pokretanje testa, ova 90-minutna obuka je za vas. Nudim svojim pretplatnicima popust 2-za-1!Ako kupite ovaj novi kurs za $19, odgovorite na ovaj email i obavestite me koji od mojih kurseva želite BESPLATNO, i ja ću vam ga aktivirati. Ponuda važi SAMO OVE NEDELJE, do 23. juna uveče. U drugim novostima sam primetio da mi je mnogo jednostavnije da se izrazim, kada govorim o Laravel savetima, u video formatu nego u tekstu. Takođe, gledaocu daje mogućnost da vidi tačan proces, korak po korak, i nauči nešto što se ne odnosi na video (sećam se da sam puno naučio od Jeffrey Waya ili Adama Wathana, o pisanju koda). Dakle, verovatno LaravelDaily blog neće biti toliko aktivan i trebali biste da se prijavite na moj YouTube kanal ako još niste (vidite linkove video snimaka u listi). Pogledajmo sada današnjih 25+ korisnih članaka i video snimaka, uživajte! Od LaravelDaily tima Novi kurs! Laravel: PHPUnit testiranje za početnikelaraveldaily. teachable. com U stvarnosti, automatizovano testiranje je prilično jednostavno - što ćete i videti u ovoj obuci. Da biste započeli testiranje jednostavne funkcionalnosti, dovoljno je da investirate nekoliko sati i brzo ćete naučiti kroz osnovne primere. Laravel Upwork istraživanje: da li je full-stack sada zahtev? [VIDEO]www. youtube. com Mini-istraživanje iz ~100 Upwork poslova: koje druge tehnologije su popularne u Laravel projektima? Da li bismo svi trebali da učimo sada Vue? Ili Elasticsearch? Ili AWS svet? Laravel Translation: Paket sa lepim AdminPanelom [VIDEO]www. youtube. com Pregled paketa pod nazivom Laravel Translation autora Joe Dixona. Veoma jednostavan, pogodan UI administrativni panel bez nepotrebnih funkcija. Možemo li priuštiti pisanje kvalitetnog softvera? [VIDEO]www. youtube. com Problem: nemamo dovoljno vremena/budžeta da bismo izvršili TDD, pregled koda, nadgradnju Laravel verzije itd. U ovom video snimku predstaviću vam tri moguća rešenja i saveta. Iz Laravel zajednice Održavanje Laravela - video zvaničnog Laravel zaposlenog Driesmedium. com Puno ljudi se možda pita šta je potrebno za održavanje velikog projekta otvorenog koda kao što je Laravel i svih njegovih biblioteka otvorenog koda. U ovom video snimku ću vam predstaviti moju dnevnu rutinu. Upotreba Laravel Blade komponenti i slotovawww. larashout. com Laravel Blade komponente i slotovi skraćuju vreme razvoja i pomažu nam da izgradimo odlične veb aplikacije. Ideja Blade komponenti i slotova je inspirisana VueJS-om za izgradnju HTML elemenata u ponovo upotrebljivim oblastima. Višekorisnička aplikacija u Laravelu bez upotrebe dodatnog paketa  — Deo Imedium. com Iako je Laravel veb razvoj učinio veoma jednostavnim i robustnim, za postizanje višekorisničkog okružanja je potrebno malo dodatnog posla. Dobro je što je jednostavnije nego što izgleda. Laravel: Posrednički program za hvatanje odgovoramedium. com Ponekad aplikacije izvršavaju nešto što intenzivno troši resurse pa je mnogo bolje keširati rezultat i vratiti ga. Potpuno je u redu ovaj pristup, keširanja rezultata. . . . dok Controller ne počne da gomila kod koji je odgovoran za upravljanje kešom u više metoda. Održavanje više veb sajtova koji dele većinu njihovog kodawww. reddit. com Ja imam veb sajt A. Želim da kreiram veb sajt B koji deli oko 80% koda iz veb sajta A ali takođe uključuje i neke ključne razlike, ne samo u tekstu/temi. Izdat je Laravel v5. 8. 24blog. laravel. com Laravel v5. 8. 24 izdat je 19. 06. 2019. , i ovde možete da pročitate promene koje su izvršene u ovom izdanju. Emitovanje pomoću Laravela, Passporta, Pushera & Vue. js-amedium. com Naša omnichannel commerce platforma Skata u velikoj meri koristi podatke u realnom vremenu unutar backofficea. Hej! Da li vam se sviđaju moji nedeljni Laravel linkovi? Pogledajte moje Laravel kurseve! Kako da upotrebite Swagger alatku za API dokumentaciju?promptsoftech. com Swagger, je radni okvir koji se koristi za opis API-a pomoću uobičajenog jezika koji je svima poznat. Može da se naziva nacrt kuće, jer ga možemo uporediti sa nacrtom kuće. Laravel JSON – Jednostavna omotačka funkcija za JSON za pronalaženje grešakalaravel-news. com Kada smo napisali PHP 7. 3: Pregled obrade grešaka za JSON, Jan Östlund je pomenuo paket koji je napisao, pod nazivom Laravel JSON. Laravel JSON je mali paket koji olakšava šifriranje i dekodiranje JSON-a. Pokretanje Docker steka za veb razvojjosepostiga. com Docker je najbolji način za izgradnju, deljenje i pokretanje aplikacije u oblaku. Nema sumnje! Vi bukvalno treba samo da konfigurišete infrastrukturu jednom, programski, i možete da pokrećete aplikaciju na svakom cloud provajderu. Takođe je veoma brz. Slanje i primanje webhooka u Laravel aplikacijamafreek. dev Webhook je mehanizam u kojem aplikacija može da obavesti drugu aplikaciju da se nešto desilo. Tehnički, aplikacija šalje HTTP zahtev u tu drugu aplikaciju. U ovom postu bloga, želeo bih da predstavim dva paketa koji su nedavno izdati. PHP Annotated Monthly – Jun 2019blog. jetbrains. com Dobrodošli u junsko izdanje PHP Annotated Monthly-a, sa svim najnovijim vestima i materijalima iz sveta PHP-a. Pročitajte više o PHP 7. 4. 0 alfa 1 izdanju, Doctrine kompaniji, novostima i prihvaćenim predlozima iz PHP Internalsa, Laravela, Symfonya, o korisnim alatkama i još mnogo više! Laravel i n + 1 problemwww. reddit. com Prvi put pišem post. Povratne informacije su dobrodošle! 10 Laravel pomoćnih funkcija koje biste trebali da znatemedium. com Laravel ima puno pomoćnih funkcija koje obezbeđuju pogodan način upotrebe putanja, nizova i znakovnih nizova. Skoro je nemoguće poznavati ih sve. Većina programera poznaje one koje se najčešće koriste  Kako da potvrdite korisnički unos u Laravel Artisan konzolnoj komandi?medium. com Ovde ćemo predstaviti savet za rešavanje problema sa kojim sam se danas susreo: napisao sam Laravel Artisan konzolnu komandu da bih omogućio kreiranje novog korisnika putem komandne linije. Za ovaj projekat, neka polja su potrebna za korisnika, kao što je na primer ime i prezime. Tipizirana svojstva u PHP-ustitcher. io Tipizirana svojstva klase su dodata u verziju PHP 7. 4 i obezbeđuju veliko poboljšanje za PHP-ov sistem tipova. Ove promene su u potpunosti kompatibilne sa starijim verzijama. Ako niste sigurni koje su prednosti tipova, preporučujem da prvo pročitate ovaj post. Alternativni način za organizovanje strukture Laravel direktorijumastefanbauer. me U ovom članku bih želeo da vam prikažem alternativni način organizovanja strukture Laravel direktorijuma. Mislim da je podrazumevana struktura odgovarajuća za većinu projekata. Ali kada se radi o većim projektima, potrebna je drugačija struktura. Pregled PHP alatke isset()link. medium. com Alatka isset() je najvažnija alatka na raspolaganju za potvrđivanje podataka u PHP-u. Kao što i naziv govori, dizajnirana je da verifikuje da li je podešena data promenljiva, vraćajući logičku vrednost na osnovu rezultata. Ispravljanje greške fajla . gitignorelaravel-news. com Ponekad ćete možda kreirati fajl koji git neočekivano ignoriše. Iako se ne dešava često, može biti prilično teško shvatiti koji . gitignore fajl je odgovoran za ignorisanje fajla u projektu. Veoma je jednostavno kada upoznate korisnu komandu git! GitHub Actions za PHP programerestefanzweifel. io Ako ste programer koji koristi GitHub, verovatno ste već čuli za GitHub Actions. GitHub-ov novi automatizovani sistem (sličan CI funkciji GitLaba). Najavljen je oktobra 2018. i trenutno je još u beta fazi (možete se ovde prijaviti da biste dobili pristup). 7 apsolutnih istina koje sam naučio kao programermonicalent. com Sledeće godine će biti 10. godina od kada sam formalno zaposlen kao programer. Deset godina! I pored mog stvarnog zaposlenja, 2/3 mog života gradim aplikacije na vebu. To je sve za ovu nedelju, vidimo se u sledećem informatoru!Povilas KoropLaravelDaily. com    

Laravel, nedeljni pregled vesti, saveta, videa, Laravel 6




Hey, Thursday Laravel newsletter here!This week was extremely busy for me, so didn't write articles or shoot videos, only quick Twitter tips below, but it seems that the audience likes them!Before this week's useful links, wanted to talk about the reason of being busy. We had quite a few problems with our QuickAdminPanel and here's moral of the story for you: it's ok to fail and to refactor big part of the code. Even if you realize some fundamental flaws in your architecture, it's never too late to notice them and change the core parts, for the better future goals. That's exactly what happened to us. In new 2019 version, we implemented actually deploying the generated code to our servers, via many queue jobs, and we messed up with some edge case scenarios, like if someone generates a CRUD, then installs some modules, removes soft-deletes and a few more actions, then queue jobs started overlapping with unpredictable result, which eventually caused generator to crash and user would see "Generating files. . . " loading indefinitely.  So, after a few attempts for quick fixes, we decided to rollback some functionality and spend 1 month on full refactoring of queues in generator. Happens. Hard (and expensive) decision, but it should pay off in the end. Anyway, enough of me crying on your shoulder, let's get to this week's useful links and content.     Laravel 6 Is Now Released laravel-news. com The Laravel team is proud to announce the release of Laravel 6 and it’s now available to everyone. This release marks the start of the Laravel framework (laravel/framework) using Semantic Versioning. Laracasts: What’s New In Laravel 6 laravel-news. com Laracasts has started a “What’s new in Laravel 6” series to get you up to speed on all the features in this release. Eloquent Subquery Enhancements in Laravel 6. 0 laravel-news. com If you’ve been following my work for any length of time, you know that I am a big fan of pushing more work in our Laravel applications to the database layer. Laravel 6 is Released and Available for Artisan Developers medium. com Laravel 6 is Released and it’s now available to everyone. This release includes compatibility with Laravel Vapor, improved authorization responses, job middleware, lazy collections, sub-query improvements, semantic versioning, among many other improvements. A few new things in Laravel 6. 0 medium. com Laravel 6. 0 comes with a new error page with a very nice design. It contains multiple tabs with helpful hints about the request, the app/framework, user, context, and debug. The frontend scaffolding that was provided with Laravel 5. x releases is now separated into a different repository. Laravel 6. 0: What You Should Know medium. com Since the inception of Laravel 5. 0 around 4. 5 years ago, the Laravel ecosystem has blossomed into something that leaves users nothing to complain about, to say the least.    

Laravel, PhpStorm 2017.3 released!, PHP 7.2.0 released, Laravel v5.5.22 released




New Releases PhpStorm 2017. 3 released! www. jetbrains. com Experience The Drive to Develop with the third major update for PhpStorm in 2017. PHP 7. 2. 0 released twitter. com Official tweet with links to release notes and download. Laravel v5. 5. 22 released medium. com Another fresh Laravel release. Articles from Laravel Daily blogs Differences: $request->get() vs $request->input() vs request() vs get_data() laraveldaily. com How do you handle POST data in your store() or update() methods? Seems like a simple question, but actually there are so many options! Any thoughts? Do you know the difference?   “It is unsafe to run Dusk in production. ” – What to do? quickadminpanel. com Laravel has an awesome tool for browser testing called Laravel Dusk. And we have its Test Generator within our QuickAdminPanel, but a few customers encountered this error, so will try to explain how to avoid it and what it actually means. This is how the error looks. Laravel-related articles from all the web Laracon US 2018 is Announced laravel-news. com The Laracon US 2018 site is now live and the early information is available for the event. It will be held in Chicago Illinois, July 25-26, 2018. The current speaker line up includes Taylor Otwell, Jason Fried, Adam Wathan, and Matt Stauffer, and a CFP is open if you’d like to be on this list. Comcast/php-legal-licenses github. com Legal Licenses is a utility to help generate a single text file containing all of the important information about a project's dependencies. In some organizations, the use of Open Source Software (OSS) is strictly controlled and audited, and requires having every OSS library simply documented. To Make or to Create… that is the question medium. com While Learning Laravel in my spare time I noticed that when I was creating a Migration that it wasn’t populating the up or down functions correctly. Like most things in this life the mistake was mine. I was actually meant to run: Add a headless CMS to Laravel 5. 5 in 5 minutes medium. com In this short article, I will show you how you can use the headless CMS Storyblok in combination with the PHP Framework for Web Artisans “Laravel”. At the end of this article, you will have a Laravel Application which renders components according to the data of the API of Storyblok. Add two-factor authentication to your Laravel 5 application in 6 steps medium. com When ever a user logs into your app and tries to access a restricted area we want to force a two factor authentication. Optionally this approach will allow you to have areas that require two factor and other areas that don’t if you wish. Easily download files from cloud storage in a Laravel app Automate Tasks by Creating Custom Artisan command in Laravel scotch. io Out of the box, Laravel comes installed with a lot of helpful commands available to use in an application. But as your application grows, you might find it time wasting, performing some tasks like populating database with user's data or products. Laravel Quick Snippet — body class based on view name medium. com Start in App\Providers\AppServiceProvider. php . Using the View facade we can pass * to the composer method so that it will be called when any view is rendered. We can then use the the share method to pass the variable viewName to all views that are rendered by your application. Laravel 5. 5 User Image mikateach. me In this short tutorial, we are going to Implement User Image / Avatar functionality in Laravel version 5. 5. I assume that you have basic Laravel knowledge and have the installer installed on your local machine. Tagging With Laravel m. serversideup. net We’ve done a few many to many eloquent relationship tutorials, all with different use-cases. However, there’s one more that we should accomplish. That’s the ability to tag a coffee shop. Luckily, tagging with Laravel is as easy as the other solutions. Automatically Generating a UUID on your Laravel Models medium. com A UUID (Universally unique identifier) is an ID that can be given to your table rows to identify them in a manner that is a bit nicer than a sequential table id. Understanding use of Interface and Abstract class medium. com we know that interface is defined by interface keyword and all methods are abstract. All methods declared in an interface must be public; this is the nature of an interface. Here is the example : In interface, method body is not defined, just the name and the parameters. mohamednagy/Permissions-Handler github. com Permissions-handler is an easy-to-use package for laravel 5 to manage users roles and permissions based on Doctrine Annotations. As the above example, Permissions Handler comes with three types of annotations. Using Named Routes in a Lumen Test laravel-news. com When writing tests in Lumen, I recently discovered that the route() helper doesn’t work with tests out-of-the-box. It looks like the localhost part of the request isn’t being set, and the route isn’t matching. We can fix that by bootstrapping the request as Laravel does. Getting Started with Pusher and Laravel 5. 5 Event Data Binding (Part 1) medium. com Building modern dynamic website and messaging applications require some responsive features such as notifications, popups and lot more. My experience with Laravel framework has been increasing endlessly as i build on. How to Read Big Files with PHP (Without Killing Your Server) www. sitepoint. com It’s not often that we, as PHP developers, need to worry about memory management. The PHP engine does a stellar job of cleaning up after us, and the web server model of short-lived execution contexts means even the sloppiest code has no long-lasting effects. Handy Validation Rules in Laravel pineco. de Validation is an important part of our application. Formerly we wrote about Laravel’s form requests and how to move your validation logic into them. Now we want to show some various validation issues and how to solve them with custom validation rules. Laravel Zero From Scratch #1: Let's build a console application www. youtube. com In this screencast, I will show you how to build a console application with Laravel Zero. Learn more: http://laravel-zero. com. This is a community project and not an official Laravel one!Laravel Zero was created by, and is maintained by Nuno Maduro, and is a micro-framework that provides an elegant Primer: Laravel 5. 5, Tailwind 0. 2 and PurgeCSS bliss medium. com Recently Andrew Del Prete and Full Stack Radio posted about removing unused css declarations when building Tailwinds CSS into a Laravel project. It sounds like magic but behind the scenes it is searching through all . html, . blade. php, . js and . Microservice Architecture with Laravel and Lumen – Hiren's Technical Blog hirendave. tech Recently in Google DevFest Ahmedabad I got to learn about Microservice Architecture. So I decided to try and implement with Laravel. In this post I am going to explain about it. Using Docker secrets with Laravel iwader. co. uk Docker secrets are a convenient and secure way of managing sensitive information that your containers need access to. More can be read on them over on the docker documention. Working with discount coupons in Laravel Spark fgilio. com A couple of days ago it was Black Friday and at publica. la we decided to put out a beefy discount for new customers. Laravel 5. 5 String Helper Method: title stillat. com This method will convert the given $value to look like a traditional print title. This method essentially will transform the entire $value to its lowercased equivalent and then uppercase the first character of each word it finds. antonioribeiro/version github. com It helps you to keep and manage your application version, increment version numbers (major, minor, patch, build), and can also use your last commit hash as build number. Pull requests and issues are welcome. Hope you enjoyed it, see you next Thursday!Povilas KoropLaravelDaily Team                                            

Laravel, TOP 15 LaravelDaily Articles and Videos in 2017




Need Opinion: Laravel Bootstrap Theme Downloader [VIDEO] www. youtube. com A draft of a package to download front-end themes into Laravel app. Would you use such a package? Please evaluate the idea, and based on the feedback we will proceed (or not) on the actual usable package release in 2018. TOP 15 LaravelDaily Articles+Videos in 2017 laraveldaily. com Another year gone by, so it’s time to to some recap – what articles were the best in 2017? Gathered this statistics from three sources where we publish content: this blog, QuickAdminPanel blog and our YouTube channel. Enjoy! Braintree Payments in Laravel: The Ultimate Guide quickadminpanel. com Braintree is one of the most popular ways to accept payments online, in this article we take a deep look how it works in Laravel framework. In this tutorial we will create a few Braintree demos, so please create your testing account at Braintree, and let’s dive right in. Dependency Injection in Laravel: Notifications Example [VIDEO] www. youtube. com Explaining the complicated Dependency Injection topic with simple example of Laravel Notification system. Filter Eloquent relationships "on-the-fly", when you need it laraveldaily. com I find more and more Eloquent functions that are rarely used, so continue posting these short tips on the blog. Here’s the next one. Simple Eloquent relationship goes like this. Redirect after Login or Register: Add your own Method laraveldaily. com In Laravel’s Auth system you can customize a few most important things – one of them is a variable $redirectTo – where to take the user after login/registration. But there’s even more to customize. Which means – after registration, user is redirected to /home. Laravel-related articles from all the web The Best of Laravel News 2017 laravel-news. com Here’s a look at the most popular articles we wrote this year, including the major release of Laravel 5. 5, command line tips, Vue. js tutorials, bash tricks, and of course, popular Laravel tutorials. 1. Generate beautiful RESTful Laravel API documentation with Swagger medium. com Do you document your API application? Without a proper API documentation, your peers or coworkers have no idea how to discover the API endpoints and their usages. How to Send Emails in Laravel code. tutsplus. com In this article, we're going to explore the Mail API in the Laravel web framework. Laravel takes advantage of the popular SwiftMailer library, which is easy to use and comes with a variety of email drivers to choose from. Send SMS Messages in Laravel using AWS SNS www. kerneldev. com Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a full-featured notification service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). SNS provides a way to quickly and reliably send messages to a large number of subscribers. With SNS you can send Mobile Push Notifications, emails and Worldwide SMS messages!. Laravel 5. 5 package development from scratch medium. com First of all I want to thank Cristian Tăbăcitu for his cool article about package development. My article is just an extension of his article. Here I will cover all steps of creating, maintaining and using packages. I will be using my laravel-boolean-softdeletes package as an example. Getting Started With React in Laravel 5. 5 medium. com By default, the newest versions of Laravel ship with scaffolding for the JavaScript framework Vue. js. This is great for getting started quickly… if you plan on using it. Another popular choice for front-end JavaScript is Facebook’s React. Public and Private API with Laravel serversideup. net Let’s get started with some of the back end configuration. We will be re-organizing API routes and removing the login route. Free Video Course: Scaling your Laravel applications on Forge laravel-news. com Bootstrap CSS has just released its last beta release (beta 3) of the new version 4 codebase. There are a few breakin… Laravel eloquent Lazy Vs. Eager Loaded medium. com The Eloquent (ORM) in laravel is working amazingly and provide very simple ways for accessing to the database. In this article we will understand about what is lazy and eager loading in Laravel eloquent and how it’s works in the background. Three ways to fix the https error for . dev and . app domains in Chrome updivision. com Most of our development is done on Vagrant so even though we have Homestead Grasshopper to help us with setting up the websites, we noticed after the latest Chrome update that we were required to use https for all . dev and . app domains. Auto posting to social network in Laravel medium. com Manually post to social networks is probably better than to use an automated method. But, if you post many new topics every day, automated post is practically inevitable. In Laravel, You need a package for your web application to auto posting website content to social network. Developing RESTful APIs with Lumen (A PHP Micro-framework) auth0. com TL;DR: In this tutorial, I'll show you how easy it is to build and secure an API with Lumen. Check out the repo to get the code. Lumen is an open-source PHP based micro-framework created by Taylor Otwell in 2015. Lumen is designed for building lightning fast micro-services and APIs. How to Work with Laravel as a Front-End Dev medium. com In this article, I’ll be explaining the front-end aspect of Laravel. Sentry Logging in Laravel medium. com This was pretty easy to hook up. Lets dive in… Note: You can add some additional fields to the LineFormatter. See the “Customization” section below. Laravel v5. 5. 28 released medium. com Happy holiday! Laravel on AWS: a reference architecture hackernoon. com It’s not an easy task to set up durable architecture for your web application. And if you try to build it as you go, you’ll soon get tired of clicking around the AWS console.

Laravel, za validaciju više datoteka i ostali saveti, vesti, trikovi, knjige




Pisanje koda u realnom vremenu: Projekat Freelance Job Board na platformi Laravel 5. 8 + QuickAdminPanel 2019 [VIDEO] www. youtube. com Demonstracioni video jednostavnog projekta Laravel Freelance Job Board u kom poslodavci mogu da objavljuju poslove i da traže samostalne novinare, a kandidati mogu da ponude predloge i da budu angažovani. Obuhvata i Github spremište. Laravel Auth: Preusmeravanje na prethodnu (planiranu) stranicu nakon registracije laraveldaily. com Laravel Auth ima funkciju preusmeravanja prijavljenog korisnika na istu stranicu koju je ranije posetio. Na primer, ako posetite /posts automatski ćete biti preusmereni na /login, a zatim uspešno unesite svoje podatke, Laravel će „zapamtiti“ i preusmeriti vas nazad na /posts, umesto na podrazumevani /home. Ali, ovo ne funkcioniše prilikom REGISTRACIJE novog korisnika, pogledajte kako možemo to da promenimo. Od brzine do kvaliteta u IT projektima: TDD eksperiment [VIDEO] www. youtube. com Razmišljanja o smeru u kojem se krećemo sa timom LaravelDaily za nove projekte. Snimićemo više ovakvih videa i podeliti ideje o tome kako se kreiraju uspešni IT projekti, ne samo pomoću Laravela. Laravel savet dana: za validaciju više datoteka twitter. com Kako ljudi misle da programeri pišu kodove i realnost twitter. com Iz Laravel zajednice Autentifikacija u Laravelu i radnom okviru Vue. js bez SPA pomoću Passporta medium. com Ovo uputstvo će vas voditi kroz proces autentifikacije korisnika u Ajax zahtevima koje šalje front end komponenta u višestraničnim aplikacijama. Resursi: U ovom uputstvu su korišćeni sledeći resursi. Šta su trejtovi (Traits) u PHP-u i kako se koriste medium. com Pre nego što razgovaramo o tome šta su trejtovi u PHP-u, prvo ćemo pogledati PHP nasleđivanje. Ako ste upoznati sa PHP-om, posebno sa OOP arhitekturom, onda ste bez sumnje potpuno svesni da je PHP jedan od jezika koji implementira jedno nasleđivanje. Podešavanje Laravela, PHPStorma i Xdebuga… pomoću lokalnog servera medium. com Kada programirate vaš sledeći projekat, ponekad je bolje da počnete da koristite Laravel ugrađeni server pozivanjem php artisan servisa. Uputstvo za korišćenje soketa u Laravel aplikaciji medium. com Soketi su u današnje vreme veoma popularni u razvoju veb stranica. Omogućavaju komunikaciju u realnom vremenu između pregledača klijenta i servera. Postoji mnogo slučajeva korišćenja soketa. Na primer… Jednostavno podešavanje Hot Loadera za „Laravel – React“ pomoću Laravel Mixa medium. com Nešto o meni: Nisam stručnjak za HMR ili za bilo šta što se odnosi na Laravel Mix, jer je ovo moja prva aplikacija sa Laravel Mixom, ali, ipak, teško ćete sami pronaći ovo rešenje, pa ga želim podeliti. Savet za upotrebu Laravel komande ->map->only u Eloquent kolekcijama za prikupljanje više atributa twitter. com Kompletno podešavanje Swaggera na platformi Laravel 5. x medium. com Ovaj post pokriva podešavanje Darkaonline Swaggera u laravel projektu. Obavezno instalirajte composer. Izrada Vue Front Enda za Laravel API vegibit. com U prethodnom članku smo izradili JSON Rest API koristeći Laravel radni okvir. U ovom uputstvu koristićemo Vuejs da bismo izradili front end koji može da koristi API koji već imamo. Private Packagist for Vendors blog. packagist. com Ako prodajete PHP pakete, najlakši način je da sada vašim korisnicima ponudite instaliranje Composer paketa pomoću proizvoda Private Packagist for Vendors. Dobijate jedinstveni URL i token za autentifikaciju za svakog korisnika koje mogu koristiti u datoteci composer. json da bi instalirali pakete. Izrada Lumen API-ja bez servera pomoću AWS Lambda i DynamoDBI-a link. medium. com U svom prethodnom postu objasnio sam kako da pokrenete Lumen Laravel bez servera na AVS-u , pomoću prilagođenog PHP runtime-a. U ovom postu ću pokazati kako se izrađuje RESETful API bez servera u Lumen Laravelu za dodavanje, brisanje… Reddit: Primeri Laravela u stvarnom svetu? www. reddit. com Može li neko preporučiti spremišta koja prikazuju Laravel projekte u stvarnom svetu? Kreirao sam nekoliko velikih Laravel projekata i želeo sam da vidim kako drugi kreiraju stvari, kao što su: strukture mapa, dizajn kontrolera, posrednički program itd. . . goldspecdigital/oooas github. com Objektno-orijentisani pristup za generisanje OpenAPI specifikacija implementiran u PHP-u. Možete izgraditi API specifikaciju koristeći nepromenljive PHP klase, a zatim obaviti izvoz specifikacije u JSON-u (ili YAML-u uz pomoć drugog paketa). Debagovanje Webhookova alexrusin. com Webhook je HTTP povratni poziv, koji se pojavljuje kada se nešto desi (kada resurs promeni svoje stanje). Webhookovi obezbeđuju način za izradu aplikacija vođene događajem da biste bili obavešteni o promenama. Mailroom alatke (Mailroom server i Mailroom Clerk klijent) vam pomažu da rešite te probleme. Laravel Views sada podržava html kao tip datoteke u verziji v5. 8. 18 laravel-news. com Druga konferencija Laracon Australia održava se od 31. oktobra do 1. novembra 2019. godine. Prijavite se da biste bili prvi… Reddit: Da li sam podložan CSRF napadima ako koristim podrazumevanu autentifikaciju zasnovanu na sesiji u AJAX-u? www. reddit. com Dakle, koristim podrazumevanu ugrađenu autentifikaciju zasnovanu na sesiji koja se isporučuje sa Laravelom. Sajt nije baš SPA, ima više stvarnih ruta, ali svaka stranica je na neki način mini SPA. Kako da kreirate sopstvene Artisan komande u Laravelu link. medium. com Drugo, moramo da promenimo potpis za našu komandu. Peto, sada je vreme za testiranje naše komande. Otvorite datoteku evidencije unutar datoteke storage/logs/laravel. log, a zatim dodajte tekst // za testiranje. Jednostavni API koji koristi Laravel 5. 8 link. medium. com Pomoću Terminala promenite direktorijum u kome obično čuvate svoje projekte ili kod. Unesite komande koje su prikazane u nastavku da biste pokrenuli vaš Laravel projekat. Dodajte API ključeve u Laravel modele pomoću paketa Laravel Keyable laravel-news. com Laravel Keyable je paket autora Lirana Cohena koji omogućava da dodate API ključeve svakom modelu i da pridružite dolazne zahteve sa njihovim odgovarajućim modelom. Takođe možete koristiti pravila za autorizaciju zahteva. Pregled obaveštenja o novim porukama u Laravelu je postao lakši sampo. co. uk Od verzije Laravel 5. 8. 16 MailMessage klasa koja je kreirana pomoću opcije Mail Notification implementira Renderable interfejs. To čini pregled u pregledaču radi testiranja mnogo jednostavnijim. Umesto da uradite mnogo toga da biste postigli ono što je potrebno, sada možete uraditi ovo: Detaljni prikaz komande git rebase git-rebase. io Jedna od Gitovih osnovnih dragocenosti je mogućnost uređivanja istorije. Za razliku od sistema za upravljanje verzijama koji istoriju tretiraju kao „sveti zapis“, u git-u možemo promeniti istoriju tako da odgovara našim potrebama. nunomaduro/phpinsights github. com PHP Insights je kreirao i održava Nuno Maduro i savršena je polazna tačka za analizu kvaliteta koda PHP projekata. Pažljivo je izrađen da bi pojednostavio analizu vašeg koda direktno sa terminala. ORIGINAL Laravel - Radni okvir za izradu modernih PHP aplikacija, prevod 2. izdanja LINK KA KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE

Node.js weeky 162




  6 of the Most Exciting ES6 Features in Node v6 LTS With an updated version of V8 under the hood, there’s now major support for something near and dear to many JavaScript developers’ hearts: ES6. Using Buffers to Share Data Between Node. js and C++ Learn how to share data between Node and C++ using Buffers - in order to work with the same data in both languages, in a performant way. Advances in Core-Dump Debugging for Node The LLNODE project has moved under the Node. js organization. It provides a plugin to the LLDB debugger so JavaScript stacks and heap objects can be analyzed from a core dump. New Course: React Native (feat. Redux) . . . Build Mobile Apps in JS Use the same skills you use on the web to build cross-platform, native applications in JavaScript! The Mysterious Fiber Bomb: A V8 Debugging Story A look at how a team investigated an odd performance issue with one of their Node apps that was pegging the CPU at 100% usage but remaining responsive to requests. Token-Based Authentication with Node A detailed tutorial looking at a test-first approach to token-based authentication in a Node app, using JSON Web Tokens and Postgres. Node. js At Scale: Understanding The Event Loop A thorough, practical look at how Node’s event loop works, how you can leverage it to build fast apps, and how to solve common problems. The History of Node. js on a Timeline A quick link driven history of Node. js from 2009 until the present day. In brief Writing a RESTful API with Express and MassiveJS TUTORIAL MassiveJS is a library for working with Postgres.  ALEXIS HEVIA Running a Node App on AWS using coldbrew-cli TUTORIAL coldbrew-cli deploys your app in Docker containers.  COLDBREW CLOUD Building Hybrid Applications with Electron STORY Notes from Slack’s recent redevelopment of its main desktop client app.  PAUL BETTS Yarn vs. npm: Installation Time OPINION More real-world tests on Yarn installation times.  TATU TAMMINEN Four Node. js Gotchas Operations Teams Should Know About OPINION DANIEL KAHN Track metrics from your Node. js apps in real-time TOOLS Graph and set alerts on metrics from your Node apps and the rest of your stack. Get started in minutes.  DATADOG   SPONSORED Introducing TJSON, A Stricter, Typed Form of JSON TOOLS Syntax-compatible with JSON, but with type annotations.  TONY ARCIERI inspect-process: Simple Debugging for Node using Chrome's Devtools TOOLS A small wrapper built on the shoulders of giants to make working with the v8-inspector simple.  JARID MARGOLIN Awesome Node. js Projects: 26 Node-Powered Open Source Projects TOOLS SQREEN Securely Store Files with Node, S3, and Stormpath CODE Express-stormpath-s3 is a new package for conveniently uploading, deleting, downloading, and syncing user files with Express. js and AWS S3.  STORMPATH   SPONSORED MailMason: A Toolset for Building and Updating Consistent Transactional Emails CODE WILDBIT mimetype-descriptions: Library Providing Localized Description of MIME Types CODE MICHAL FUDALA json-colorizer: Format JSON with Colors for Display in The Console CODE JOE ATTARDI Join Monster: Batch Data-Fetching for GraphQL and SQL CODE STEM JsonLogic: Serialize and Share Complex Rules as JSON CODE JEREMY WADHAMS JSONata: JSON Query and Transformation Language CODE  Node Weekly is curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.

PHP Weekly, PHP 7.3.0. alpha 3, Laravel Forge




PHP 7. 3. 0 alpha 3 Released The PHP team is glad to announce the release of the third PHP 7. 3. 0 version, PHP 7. 3. 0 Alpha 3. The rough outline of the PHP 7. 3 release cycle is specified in  Pineco. de: Implementing Custom Logic With Raw SQL In Laravel’s Query Builder The Pineco. de site has a new tutorial posted showing you how to implement custom logic with raw SQL in the Eloquent query builder in the Laravel framework. Rob Allen: Notes for working on the OpenWhisk PHP Runtime Continuing the theme of posts related to using PHP on the OpenWhisk serverless platform, Rob Allen has posted a few notes for working with the PHP runtime. Amazon like Product Images Showcase for Shopping Cart In general, the shopping cart software product view page will show the preview image with slideshow. The product slideshow is used to preview the product’s ima. Writing WordPress posts in Markdown WordPress allows you to write your posts using Markdown. This feature is available using Jetpack. If you write some of your eBooks or other documents using Mar SitePoint PHP Blog: Improving Performance Perception: On-Demand Image Resizing The SitePoint PHP blog has continued their series covering the creation of an online image gallery application. The series has included several tutorials cover. Notes for working on the OpenWHisk PHP Runtime These are some notes for working on the OpenWhisk PHP Runtime, but are probably applicable to the other runtimes too. Setting up I have a clone of the runtimes. 200 OK 200 OK is the most common HTTP status code. It generally means that the HTTP request succeeded. If the HTTP request was a GET request, the response should incl. Learn Laravel Forge Learn Laravel Forge is new video course on Laracasts teaching you all things Forge, by guest instructor Marcel Pociot! The course consists of over twenty free Blogging every week A very important "trick" in finding the flow in life is: do what you like most.

PHPflow weekly 1, Send Feedback Form Through Mail Using PHP




Send Feedback Form Through Mail Using PHP By: Parvez This tutorial help to create feedback from using bootstrap and send through email using php. We will use PHP mail functionality to send form content using email. I just want to send a user feedback form through email using PHP on-click of submit button. Form content will go to the mentioned email id, you can configure […] Continue reading   Basic Authentication in Laravel 5 Using Middleware By: Parvez This laravel 5 tutorial help to add basic authentication using laravel middleware. We will create a middleware class in laravel 5 that authenticate user using basicauth, After successful authenticating user, Laravel will process next request. We will use a middleware to provide the authentication for the REST call. This middleware will authorize the user at every request […] Continue reading   Consuming Web Services with PHP SoapClient and Laravel By: Parvez This laravel/Lumen tutorial help to consume SOAP request using PHP SOAP client. I am using PHP soap libs to consume soap request and send JSON response using Rest Service, Sometimes we have SOAP call to access resource that time we need to create SOAP request to access data. We will create Restful service to access soap […] Continue reading   Product Grid View with Pagination Using PHP, Bootstrap 4 and MySQL Last Updated On: February 25, 2018| By: Parvez This PHP tutorial help to create product listing grid with pagination. I have already shared php pagination tutorial with ajax and non-ajax manner, This tutorial will use MySQL as a database. We will create product listing page with pagination. I have been working on a project that have product listing functionality, A single product Block containing a […] Continue reading   Send Feedback Form Through Mail Using PHP By: Parvez This tutorial help to create feedback from using bootstrap and send through email using php. We will use PHP mail functionality to send form content using email. I just want to send a user feedback form through email using PHP on-click of submit button. Form content will go to the mentioned email id, you can configure […] Continue reading   Google Map with a Marker with PHP & Google Map API By: Parvez This php tutorials help to understand google map and integration of google map JavaScript api using PHP and jQuery. We will create map using constant address and get coordinate to display marker on that location. MAP is very important functionality to display direction of address into contact us page,You can also add map into wiki […] Continue reading   PHP 7, MYSQL I JAVASCRIPT U JEDNOJ KNJIZI VIŠE O KNJIZI

SitePoint PHP




PredictionIO and Lumen: Building a Movie Recommendation App Wern continues the movie prediction app building process, this time nelisting the full power of Lumen, ElasticSearch, and PredictionIO Read more [Reddit] A PHP core feature born from a tweet In a rather inspirational turn of events, a tweet suggesting a PHP feature got turned into an actual feature by the ever-inspiring SaraMG. Check out the full story on Reddit! Read more on Reddit Containerized PHP Development Environments with Vagga Parham dives into Vagga - a lightweight alternative to Docker useful for containerized development environments - and builds a PHP environment! Read more Sponsored Simplify Your Analytics with Segment Segment is the customer data platform that developers and analysts love because of its elegant APIs and extensive partner ecosystem. Read more Easy Deployment of PHP Applications with Deployer Younes demonstrates Deployer, a tool for deploying PHP applications to live, development, or staging servers with just a few lines of PHP code. Read more [Reddit] Discussion of RFC: Nikic/scalar_objects Again on Reddit, there's an ongoing discussion about bringing scalar objects into PHP. While this has been a dream of mine for ages, it does have some serious implications. For what those are, dive into the discussion and see for yourself. Read more on Reddit Contributing to PHP: How to Contribute to PHP's Manual Contributing to PHP isn't nearly as difficult as it seems. In this post, Thomas shows you how to add patches to the online documentation for PHP! Read more Sponsored Scapple for Mac or PC Turbocharge Your Workflow with This Next-Level Mind-Mapping Tool Read more Contributing to PHP: How to Fix Bugs in the PHP Core Thomas dives back into contributing to PHP's core - after covering documentation fixes last time, this time he fixes an actual bug in PHP. Learn how! Read more Easy Multi-Language Twig Apps with Gettext There are many approaches to internationalizing an app. Here's one using Gettext, Twig, and a solid application skeleton for a demo! Read more Technical Debt: Rescuing Legacy Code through Refactoring Jeroen Moons offers advice and lessons learned on how to get a legacy codebase under control and bring it to a new level of maturity. Read more Transducers in PHP Made Easy Younes explains the concept of transducers and demonstrates their use in PHP with Michael Dowling's library Read more

Šta je Lavarel Breeze




Laravel Breeze je paket za Laravel framework koji nudi jednostavan način za implementaciju autentifikacije, registracije i upravljanja korisnicima (CRUD) u vašim web aplikacijama. Bitan je jer čini da razvoj funkcionalnosti prijavljivanja, registracije i korisničkih računa bude brži i bezbolniji.   Evo ključnih stvari koje treba znati o Laravel Breeze: Šta nudi: Standardizovane rute i kontrolere: Laravel Breeze pruža predefinisane rute i kontrolere za prijavu, odjavu, resetovanje lozinke, e-mail verifikaciju i CRUD operacije nad korisničkim profilima. Blade komponente: Paket uključuje Blade komponente za brzo dodavanje obrazaca prijavljivanja, registracije i drugih funkcionalnosti u vaše Blade šablone. Šifrovanje lozinki: Lozinke korisnika su sigurno hashovane korišćenjem bcrypt algoritma da se spreči neovlašćeni pristup. E-mail verifikacija: Breeze podržava opcionalnu e-mail verifikaciju za potvrđivanje validnosti korisnika. API autentifikacija: Takođe nudi API rutu za prijavu, što je idealno za izgradnju API-baziranih aplikacija. Besplatan i otvoren kod: Laravel Breeze je besplatan i otvoren kod, što znači da ga možete slobodno koristiti i prilagoditi svojim specifičnim potrebama. Prednosti korišćenja: Brza implementacija: Ušteda vremena koristeći predefinisane komponente i logiku. Sigurnost: Sledi najbolje prakse sigurnosti za autentifikaciju. Prilagodljivost: Možete modifikovati ili proširiti komponente da odgovaraju vašim zahtevima. Jednostavna upotreba: Lako se instalira i konfiguriše. Nedostatci: Možda preopterećujuće za jednostavne aplikacije: Ako su potrebne samo osnovne funkcionalnosti prijavljivanja, možda je prekomplikovano. Manje prilagodljivo od izrade od nule: Ako imate vrlo specifične potrebe, možda ćete morati da modifikujete ili napravite vlastite komponente. Kada ga koristiti: Idealno za brzo dodavanje standardnih funkcionalnosti autentifikacije i CRUD-a korisnika u Laravel aplikaciju. Korisno za početnike i iskusne Laravel razvijatelje koji žele uštediti vreme na implementaciji osnovnih funkcionalnosti. Da li treba da koristite Laravel Breeze? Odlučite se za korišćenje Laravel Breeze ako:** Želite brzo i jednostavno dodati standardne funkcionalnosti autentifikacije i upravljanja korisnicima. Cenite sigurnost i želite da sledite najbolje prakse. Nemate specifičnih potreba koje zahtevaju značajnu prilagodbu. Ako vam treba više fleksibilnosti i kontrole, ili vam ne trebaju sve funkcije koje nudi Laravel Breeze, možda je bolje da razvijete vlastitu autentifikaciju od nule. Dodatne informacije: Laravel Breeze dokumentacija: https://kinsta. com/blog/laravel-breeze/ Laravel Breeze GitHub repozitorijum: https://github. com/laravel/breeze  
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