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JavaScript nedeljni pregled saveta, vesti, uputstava




Pass cookies with axios or fetch requests · Code with Hugo When working with git a selection of GitLab, GitHub, BitBucket and rebase-trigger-happy colleagues/collaborators, it's a rite of passage to see a message like the following: Pushing to [email protected]:some-project/some-repo. git To [email protected]:some-project/some-repo. git. . . Avoiding bugs with data structures: using Sets in JavaScript When working on a part of a user interface I like to constantly try to think about potential bugs that could occur, potentially when looking at taking input from users. Most components that take input will have code to prevent invalid input and bugs and you can't ever avoid th. . . How to use stateless components in Vue. js Blog In this post, you'll learn about functional components and find out how to use stateless components in your workflow in Vue. You will need the following in your PC: Node. js version 10. x and above installed. . . . How to test React-Redux connected Components The following implementation is a quick excerpt from one of my daily tasks as a software developer. If I run into a problem and arrive at an example that I find worth sharing, I will put a gist of the code up on this website. . . . How to add Password Reset functionality to your App Since almost all web apps need authentication, there needs to be a way for front-end or mobile apps to store user identity data in a secure fashion. Fortunately, this is an easy feature to add. . . . How to use Throttle and Debounce in JavaScript Throttling and debouncing are two popular and widely performed coding techniques which will help to improve the performance of JavaScript code that undergoes execution repeatedly within a certain period of time. In this tutorial, we'll learn about the JavaScript Throttle and D. . . Calculating Various Time-Deltas Between Two Dates In Angular 9. 0. 0-next. 4 At work, I write a lot of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) documents (see Incident Commander ). And, at the very top of each RCA document, I have to include the duration of the Incident in terms of hours and minutes. . . . Working with Attributes on DOM Elements The DOM is just a little weird about some things, and the way you deal with attributes is no exception. There are a number of ways to deal with the attributes on elements. By attributes, I mean things like the id in . Sometimes you need to set them. . . .  

JavaScript nedeljni pregled saveta, vesti, uputstava




Everything You Need To Know About Socket. IO This article explores Socket. IO, its main use cases and how to get started. We also help identify ideal use cases for Socket. IO, including signs your app has scaled beyond Socket. IO’s scope for support. This article examines where Socket. IO fits into the realtime landscape tod. . . The state of semantic JSX Blog Creating platforms for the web has always been as simple as learning to write HTML, throwing in look and feel with some CSS, and then, possibly a bit of JavaScript or any other scripting language for functionality. Jekyll E-Commerce Tutorial: Add a Shopping Cart to Your Static Website In a rush? Skip to technical tutorial or live demo The last version of this post dated back to 2016. Since then SSGs have changed, Jekyll has changed, Snipcart has changed; so let's take a fresher look at how to use Jekyll for e-commerce!. . . Promises and Static Values Async can throw a real wrench into the cogs of our programming workflows, all despite the fact that async is the modern JavaScript pattern. While async/await helps, there's sometimes confusion about the way to have a single function that returns a value whether it exists or ne. . . Docker for PHP: A Start-to-Finish Guide You've probably seen mentions of Docker over the past few years. This guide explains the basics so you can get up and running with Docker for PHP in your local development environment. How to Publish Your First npm Package Chances are, if you're interested in contributing a package to npm, you'll already have it installed. If not, it comes with Node. js, so head over to the Node. js site and install it. Build a Command-Line Real-Time Chat App using SocketIO First, we create a Node project: mkdir node-streamcd node-streamnpm init -y Now, we install the socket. io library: npm i socket. io Now the socket. io has a client-side library that will be used by the client to communicate with the socket. io server: npm i socket. io-client Now, . . . How to write your own search engine using Node. js and Elastic Blog Many people tend to add a lot of mysticism around Google's search algorithm (also known as Page Rank) because it somehow always manages to show us the result we're looking for in the first few pages (even in those cases where there are hundreds of result pages). How does it work?. . .

JavaScript nedeljni pregled saveta, vesti, uputstava




An Introduction to D3. js — A fantastic, well presented introduction to D3, a popular JavaScript-based data-visualization library, and its ecosystem of modules. Firefox 69 Released; Now Supports Public Instance Fields (and More) — Firefox 69 went out on the main Release channel this week and for JS developers, the inclusion of public instance fields will be of interest. The Resize Observer API and the Microtasks API are now also available to use and the JS debugger has gotten many improvements too. Image & Video Management Made for Developers — Simplify and automate the process of uploading, manipulating, optimizing, and delivering images and videos across every device at any bandwidth. Try Cloudinary. See how easy media management can be. Get your own free account today. Apple Just Shipped Web Components to Production and You Probably Missed It — Apple just launched a Web-based client for their Apple Music service and several developers noticed what tech they’re using to make it tick (namely Ember, Web Components, and Stencil JS). A Google Developer's Feedback on TypeScript — “We recently upgraded Google to use TypeScript 3. 5. Here is some feedback on the upgrade. ” We also learn Google only uses a single version of TypeScript that’s updated for everyone simultaneously. Using void in JavaScript and TypeScript — void means rather different things in JS and TypeScript and does some things I hadn’t expected too. 5 Handy Applications of Array. from() — Array. from() transforms array-likeobjects to arrays and can be used to generate ranges, remove duplicates, and clone arrays. Creating Drag and Drop Elements with Vanilla JavaScript and HTML— I remember when this used to be really complicated to do, but the HTML Drag and Drop API helps a lot nowadays. Score SOC 2 Compliance Quick Wins Using Git: A Developer's Guide Debugging TypeScript in Firefox DevTools — Firefox Debugger has evolved a lot in the last several months and while it’s well suited for working with JavaScript, it’s possible to debug TypeScript too thanks to source maps. Here’s a basic example. You Already Use Types — A post aimed firmly at skeptics and newcomers to type systems. Creating a Simple JavaScript Obfuscator — Obfuscating a language that’s ultimately run in an interpreted style can often seem like a pointless endeavor, but it’s neat to see the process adopted here. Bitmelo: An Online Environment for Creating JavaScript Games — It’s early days for this interesting project, but it’s basically an online sandbox geared to creating and working on simple JavaScript games, complete with tile, sound, map, and code editors.   Node 12. 10 — The ever-popular JavaScript platform. Handlebars. js 4. 2 — Long standing templating library. VuePress 1. 0. 4 — Vue-powered static site generator. Riot 4. 5 — Simple and elegant component-based UI library. RxDB 8. 4 — A realtime database for JavaScript apps.

JavaScript nedeljni pregled saveta, vesti, uputstava




Madge: Create Graphs From Your Module Dependencies — A developer tool for generating a visual graph of your module dependencies (works with CommonJS, AMD and ES6 modules), finding circular dependencies, and discovering other useful info. Modern JavaScript Features You May Have Missed — Given how JavaScript evolves all the time, it’s often worth reflecting on what’s been added, which is why articles like this tend to be popular here.  This post quickly covers some highlights of the most recent standards, ES2015 through ES2019. Migrating a Distributed System from JavaScript to TypeScript  - TypeScript can help overcome scalability issues of JavaScript. Here’s how Ably’s engineering team painlessly migrated a globally-distributed system written in JavaScript to TypeScript, and some learnings you can implement in your own migration. You Don't Know JS Yet: Getting Started — Kyle Simpson’s “You Don’t Know JS” (a. k. a. YDKJS) book has been hugely popular in the JavaScript world since its first release five years ago. He’s been working on a second edition whose first portion is now ‘draft complete’ and you can read it on GitHub. React (Experimentally) Unveils Concurrent Mode — A set of much awaited, new experimental features that will help React apps stay responsive and gracefully adjust to the user’s device capabilities and network speed. Very much aimed at early adopters and the curious. Here’s why these developments are exciting. A Look at Some Exciting New Features Coming in Vue 3 — The Vue. js Core team is bringing some exciting new features in Vue 3 (which you can see in a pre-alpha form here) such as the composition API, fragments, portals, and suspense, to name a few. Does it feel more React-like? Well, yes. The Svelte Handbook — It’s really just a very long blog post, but nonetheless, it’s a good way to quickly learn Svelte and become familiar with the intriguing compile-time framework. 10 Good Practices for Building Large Vue. js Projects — As we say in the UK, pretty much “what it says on the tin. ” What is Functional Programming? A Gentle JavaScript Intro — One for beginners or those truly new to functional concepts. Redux Starter Kit 1. 0 Released — A package designed to make it easier to get started with Redux and perform common tasks.

JavaScript nedeljni pregled, funkcionalni JavaScript, WebAssembly na eBayu, Material-UI 4.0




Funkcionalni JavaScript: Kako se koristi funkcija reduce za nešto više osim brojeva —Eric Elliot je naziva „jednom od najsvestranijih funkcija koje su ikada otkrivene“, ali se mnogi programeri bore da funkciju reduce koriste izvan osnovnih slučajeva korišćenja. Ako to uključuje i vas, ovo uputstvo je detaljno. James Sinclair Pixi. js 5. 0: Kreirajte divan 2D veb sadržaj   Pohvalite se „najbržim i najfleksibilnijim programom za vizuelizaciju 2D WebGL“ koji vam omogućava da iskoristite hardversku akceleraciju, bez WebGL-a ili problema koje se odnose na 3D. Pogledajte demo verzije da biste videli kako izgleda kod i za šta ćete ga koristiti. Tu je i Pixi Playground za brzo kreiranje sopstvenih eksperimenata. PixiJS Pribavite najbrže aplikacije. Počnite besplatno - Za razliku od većine rešenja za kontinuiranu integraciju (CI), Buddy samo ponovo gradi delove vaše aplikacije koji su se promenili i postavlja vaša ažuriranja u roku od nekoliko sekundi u bilo koju prodavnicu aplikacija. Počnite sa bržom izgradnjom boljih aplikacija pomoću platforme Buddy. Buddy sponsor Tornis: Gledajte i odgovarajte na promene u prozoru za prikaz pregledača - JavaScript biblioteka koja prati poziciju pokazivača, veličinu prozora za prikaz, poziciju za pomeranje itd. i omogućava da izvršavate radnje zasnovane na ovim promenama. Robb Owen Node 12. 3 objavljen sa podrškom za modul WebAssembly — Ovo je eksperimentalno, ali koristite module --experimental-wasm-modules da biste mogli, na primer, da obavite import '. /module. wasm'.  Evo dokumentacije o tome kako moduli funkcionišu ako želite da ih isprobate u ovoj ranoj fazi. Node. js Foundation WebAssembly na eBay-u: Slučaj korišćenja u stvarnom svetu – Napomene o tome kako je inženjerski tim Ebay-a pristupio izradi boljeg čitača bar koda koriste i WebAssembly da bi zamenio čistu JavaScript verziju. eBay Engineering WebAssembly na eBay-u: Slučaj korišćenja u stvarnom svetu – Napomene o tome kako je inženjerski tim Ebay-a pristupio izradi boljeg čitača bar koda koristeći i WebAssembly da bi zamenio čistu JavaScript verziju. eBay Engineering JavaScript čist kod: Neke najbolje tehnike - Možda se nećete prijaviti za sve njih (naročito za tehnike koje se odnose na klase i nasleđivanje), ali ovi saveti „ujka Boba“ mogu vam pomoći da razmislite više o tome kako ćete imenovati stvari i strukturirati kod. Milos Protic Poslovi Front-End inženjer – Apple Inc. (CA, SAD) – Volite izazov rešavanja složenih problema? Budite deo tima sa „snagama“ koje kreiraju JavaScript aplikacije za iCloud Analitycs. Apple Inženjeri koji su fokusirani na proizvod i vođeni front endom u Stokholmu - Pridružite se našem timu od odličnih 30 „igrača“, rešavajte probleme na globalnom nivou i pomognite nam da postanemo najpouzdanija zdravstvena kompanija na internetu. Diet Doctor Sweden AB Pronađite JavaScript posao preko platforme Vettery – Vettery je specijalizovan za tehničke „uloge“ i potpuno je besplatan za one koji traže posao. Vettery Uputstva, mišljenja i videa Kako kreirati interaktivne Sankey dijagrame pomoću JavaScripta - Sankey dijagram koristi linije slične zmiji za prikaz promena ili „tokova" u formacijama podataka (npr. kako se raspored glasova promenio između dva kruga izbora). Alfrick Opidi Vue. js i SEO: Kako optimizovati reaktivne sajtove za pretraživače - Da li Google indeksira sajtove koji su kreirani pomoću front-end renderovanih okvira? Da li treba unapred da podesite renderovanje? Paolo je izveo eksperiment da bi video stvarnost. Paolo Mioni Pravo reaktivno programiranje pomoću radnog okvira Svelte 3. 0 - Najnovije izdanje Sveltea, Veb radnog okvira za kompajliranje, je izgleda zaista postalo omiljeno kod programera. Ovie Okeh Pogledajte zašto 1,2 miliona programera izrađuje pomoću Mapbox GL JS-a – Mapbox više nego ikada olakšava kreiranje, implementiranje i renderovanje neverovatnih mapa u mobilnim i veb projektima. Mapbox sponsor Kako da kreirate iks-oks aplikaciju pomoću TypeScript, React i Mocha komponenata - Naučite kako da kreirate iks-oks aplikaciju pomoću React i TypeScript komponenata. Josh Kuttler Osnove biblioteke Three. js: Uputstvo - Ovo je veoma opsežan i impresivan skup uputstava o korišćenju biblioteke Three. js za kreiranje 3D sadržaja zasnovanih na pretraživaču. Greggman Pristupi upravljanju greškama u Vue. js aplikacijama Raymond Camden Kod i alatke Rough. js: Ručno izradite veb grafiku „skiciranog“ izgleda - Podržava crtanje na „platnu“ ili korišćenje SVG-a. Da, to je klasika, ali stalno se ažurira. . . od nedavno sa podrškom za isprekidane i cik-cak popune i popune u obliku sunčevih zraka. Preet Shihn reLift-HTML: Vrlo jednostavan način za kreiranje veb komponenata i dodavanje reaktivnosti stranicama - Pošto nema zavisnosti, nema virtuelnog DOM-a (neki ljudi vole ovu ideju) i nije potrebna alatka za izgradnju, ovo je zanimljiv projekat koji povezuje nekoliko modernih Veb tehnologija na osnovni JS način. reLift-HTML Biblioteka „fluentne validacije“ – Spojite pravila za validacije, npr. v8n(). some. not. uppercase(). test("Hello"); Bruno C. Couto AST Explorer: Analizirajte strukturu raščlanjenog JavaScripta na mreži - Uredna mala Veb alatka za prikaz kako se isporučeni JavaScript kod raščlanjuje u stablu sintakse. Felix Kling Material-UI 4. 0: Komponente React inspirisane Googleovom alatkom Material Design Material-UI await-timeout: API koji se zasniva na promisima za setTimeout i clearTimeout Vitaliy Potapov Bezbedno pokrenite funkcije u JavaScriptu pomoću besplatnih funkcijskih flegova Optimizely Rollouts sponsor Reveal. js 3. 8. 0: Radni okvir za HTML prezentaciju - Sada „zreo“ okvir za koji se često kreiraju ažuriranja i izdanja. Hakim El Hattab Funkcionalni JavaScript: Kako se koristi funkcija reduce za nešto više osim brojeva —Eric Elliot je naziva „jednom od najsvestranijih funkcija koje su ikada otkrivene“, ali se mnogi programeri bore da funkciju reduce koriste izvan osnovnih slučajeva korišćenja. Ako to uključuje i vas, ovo uputstvo je detaljno. James Sinclair Pixi. js 5. 0: Kreirajte divan 2D veb sadržaj — Pohvalite se „najbržim i najfleksibilnijim programom za vizuelizaciju 2D WebGL“ koji vam omogućava da iskoristite hardversku akceleraciju, bez WebGL-a ili problema koje se odnose na 3D. Pogledajte demo verzije da biste videli kako izgleda kod i za šta ćete ga koristiti. Tu je i Pixi Playground za brzo kreiranje sopstvenih eksperimenata. PixiJS Pribavite najbrže aplikacije. Počnite besplatno - Za razliku od većine rešenja za kontinuiranu integraciju (CI), Buddy samo ponovo gradi delove vaše aplikacije koji su se promenili i postavlja vaša ažuriranja u roku od nekoliko sekundi u bilo koju prodavnicu aplikacija. Počnite sa bržom izgradnjom boljih aplikacija pomoću platforme Buddy. Buddy sponsor Tornis: Gledajte i odgovarajte na promene u prozoru za prikaz pregledača - JavaScript biblioteka koja prati poziciju pokazivača, veličinu prozora za prikaz, poziciju za pomeranje itd. i omogućava da izvršavate radnje zasnovane na ovim promenama. Robb Owen Node 12. 3 objavljen sa podrškom za modul WebAssembly — Ovo je eksperimentalno, ali koristite module --experimental-wasm-modules da biste mogli, na primer, da obavite import '. /module. wasm'.  Evo dokumentacije o tome kako moduli funkcionišu ako želite da ih isprobate u ovoj ranoj fazi. Node. js Foundation WebAssembly na eBay-u: Slučaj korišćenja u stvarnom svetu – Napomene o tome kako je inženjerski tim Ebay-a pristupio izradi boljeg čitača bar koda koriste i WebAssembly da bi zamenio čistu JavaScript verziju. eBay Engineering WebAssembly na eBay-u: Slučaj korišćenja u stvarnom svetu – Napomene o tome kako je inženjerski tim Ebay-a pristupio izradi boljeg čitača bar koda koristeći i WebAssembly da bi zamenio čistu JavaScript verziju. eBay Engineering JavaScript čist kod: Neke najbolje tehnike - Možda se ne ete prijaviti za sve njih (naročito za tehnike koje se odnose na klase i nasleđivanje), ali ovi saveti „ujka Boba“ mogu vam pomoći da razmislite više o tome kako ćete imenovati stvari i strukturirati kod. Milos Protic Objektno-orijentisani JavaScript VIŠE O KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE Poslovi Front-End inženjer – Apple Inc. (CA, SAD) – Volite izazov rešavanja složenih problema? Budite deo tima sa „snagama“ koje kreiraju JavaScript aplikacije za iCloud Analitycs. Apple Inženjeri koji su fokusirani na proizvod i vođeni front endom u Stokholmu - Pridružite se našem timu od odličnih 30 „igrača“, rešavajte probleme na globalnom nivou i pomognite nam da postanemo najpouzdanija zdravstvena kompanija na internetu. Diet Doctor Sweden AB Pronađite JavaScript posao preko platforme Vettery – Vettery je specijalizovan za tehničke „uloge“ i potpuno je besplatan za one koji traže posao. Vettery Uputstva, mišljenja i videa Kako kreirati interaktivne Sankey dijagrame pomoću JavaScripta - Sankey dijagram koristi linije slične zmiji za prikaz promena ili „tokova" u formacijama podataka (npr. kako se raspored glasova promenio između dva kruga izbora). Alfrick Opidi Vue. js i SEO: Kako optimizovati reaktivne sajtove za pretraživače - Da li Google indeksira sajtove koji su kreirani pomoću front-end renderovanih okvira? Da li treba unapred da podesite renderovanje? Paolo je izveo eksperiment da bi video stvarnost. Paolo Mioni Pravo reaktivno programiranje pomoću radnog okvira Svelte 3. 0 - Najnovije izdanje Sveltea, Veb radnog okvira za kompajliranje, je izgleda zaista postalo omiljeno kod programera. Ovie Okeh Pogledajte zašto 1,2 miliona programera izrađuje pomoću Mapbox GL JS-a – Mapbox više nego ikada olakšava kreiranje, implementiranje i renderovanje neverovatnih mapa u mobilnim i veb projektima. Mapbox sponsor Kako da kreirate iks-oks aplikaciju pomoću TypeScript, React i Mocha komponenata - Naučite kako da kreirate iks-oks aplikaciju pomoću React i TypeScript komponenata. Josh Kuttler Osnove biblioteke Three. js: Uputstvo - Ovo je veoma opsežan i impresivan skup uputstava o korišćenju biblioteke Three. js za kreiranje 3D sadržaja zasnovanih na pretraživaču. Greggman Pristupi upravljanju greškama u Vue. js aplikacijama Raymond Camden Kod i alatke Rough. js: Ručno izradite veb grafiku „skiciranog“ izgleda - Podržava crtanje na „platnu“ ili korišćenje SVG-a. Da, to je klasika, ali stalno se ažurira. . . od nedavno sa podrškom za isprekidane i cik-cak popune i popune u obliku sunčevih zraka. Preet Shihn reLift-HTML: Vrlo jednostavan način za kreiranje veb komponenata i dodavanje reaktivnosti stranicama - Pošto nema zavisnosti, nema virtuelnog DOM-a (neki ljudi vole ovu ideju) i nije potrebna alatka za izgradnju, ovo je zanimljiv projekat koji povezuje nekoliko modernih Veb tehnologija na osnovni JS način. reLift-HTML Biblioteka „fluentne validacije“ – Spojite pravila za validacije, npr. v8n(). some. not. uppercase(). test("Hello"); Bruno C. Couto AST Explorer: Analizirajte strukturu raščlanjenog JavaScripta na mreži - Uredna mala Veb alatka za prikaz kako se isporučeni JavaScript kod raščlanjuje u stablu sintakse. Felix Kling Material-UI 4. 0: Komponente React inspirisane Googleovom alatkom Material Design Material-UI await-timeout: API koji se zasniva na promisima za setTimeout i clearTimeout Vitaliy Potapov Bezbedno pokrenite funkcije u JavaScriptu pomoću besplatnih funkcijskih flegova Optimizely Rollouts sponsor Reveal. js 3. 8. 0: Radni okvir za HTML prezentaciju - Sada „zreo“ okvir za koji se često kreiraju ažuriranja i izdanja. Hakim El Hattab Objavljen je Ember 3. 10 Kenneth Larsen and Jessica Jordan

JavaScript news, What are Template Literals




Express Gateway release 1. 4. 1 is out! HTTP Proxy, ioredis-mock and more updates to Express Gateway, an open source API Gateway built entirely on Express. js. . . . LunchBadger READ MORE Securing an Aurelia application with Azure B2C This is Aurelia unspecific and could (and maybe should) be done even before the Aurelia application started. Routing to the authority and handling the redirect is easy, but manage the token not necessarily. This would include: saving the tokens in some storage (e. g. sessionSto. . . Katharina Bähr READ MORE How to Build a Simple Chat App with React Native and Firebase In mobile development, cross-platform applications are appreciated for their short development cycle, low cost, and quick time to market in comparison with native apps. One popular framework that enables developers to build hybrid mobile apps is React Native. React Native was . . . The Garden Of Muses READ MORE vuetron A tool for testing and debugging your Vue + Vuex applications. . . . JavaScript Kicks READ MORE How we built AI Chatbot Using JavaScript and ChatScript This article is based on the experience of using ChatScript (CS) in one of the recent WebbyLab's projects. I am glad to share what we've learnt, the difficulties we've met, and the approaches we've used to defeat them on the way of chatbot programming. . . . Ellina Bereza READ MORE So you want to be a professional coder? I have been coding for longer than I care to admit. I am mostly "self-taught", but I did eventually take some programming courses in college which I don't think contributed much to my overall coding knowledge and experience. You can only learn coding by building actual non-exa. . . Samer Buna READ MORE I Love That TypeScript Doesn't Allow Me To Make Incorrect Assumptions About Object Usage Ben Nadel demonstrates one of the TypeScript features that he loves the most: the TypeScript compiler won't allow him to make poor assumptions about "duck typing" and object usage. Instead, he is forced - by the compiler - to write clean, self-documenting, unsurprising code. . . . Ben Nadel READ MORE Understanding JavaScript's Engine with Cartoons In a previous article, we detailed how JavaScript's engine works in terms of event execution and briefly mentioned compilation. Yes, you read that correctly. JavaScript is compiled, though unlike other language compilers that have build stages that allow for early optimization. . . Codesmith Staffing READ MORE JavaScript - What are Template Literals This is Part 1 of 2 in a series on Template Literals What are Template Literals What are Tag Functions? - Coming Sunday Template Literals Defined Template literals are quite simply the easiest way to improve your JavaScript code readability when working with Strings. Ok, that'. . . Brandon Morelli READ MORE Node. js Crash Course I've been doing Node full-time at work and noticed a lot of other people lacking a centralized resource to get up and running quickly. There are a lot of wonderful resources out there for Node that are only a Google search away, but, hopefully, this document should get you cod. . . DZone READ MORE Custom errors and error reporting in GraphQL First of all, big thanks to Facebook developers for open sourcing and maintaining GraphQL. js library. It can't express how well it works for me and my team (BTW, we're hiring) and I like really how simple yet flexible it is. As Elbert Einstein once said: Everything should be a. . . Konstantin Tarkus READ MORE Introducing React Food Truck There are many important questions to ask when you are building an application. Questions like: "Who are the users?", "What browser will they use to access the app?" and "Is there a heaven and will there be food trucks there?". Of course, some of these questions can be answere. . . Burke H✪lland READ MORE Copyright © 2017 Dotnetkicks, LLC, All rights reserved.

JavaScript Top 10 Articles For the Past Month October 2017




Top 10 articles october 2017 Rank 1 Modern-js-cheatsheet: Cheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects [Trending in Oct].  [12,782 stars on Github].  Courtesy of Beaudru Manuel Rank 2 ES6 for beginners with example. Courtesy of Srebalaji Thirumalai Rank 3 Await and Async Explained with Diagrams and Examples. Courtesy of Nikolay Grozev Rank 4 Coding Tip: Try to Code Without If-statements. Courtesy of Samer Buna Rank 5 JavaScript got better while I wasn’t looking. Courtesy of Eevee Rank 6 How JavaScript works: memory management + how to handle 4 common memory leaks. Courtesy of Alexander Zlatkov Rank 7 Basic javascript algorithms toolbox: starter kit. Courtesy of Aurélien Hervéand Hackernoon Rank 8 Deploying ES2015+ Code in Production Today. Courtesy of Phil Walton, Engineer at Google Rank 9 Every JavaScript framework tutorial written more than 5 minutes ago. Courtesy of Roger Collier and freeCodeCamp Rank 10 “Elements kinds” in V8. Courtesy of V8

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JavaScript Gets Its Own Foundation At OSCON last week, the jQuery Foundation announced its renaming to the JS Foundation, an entity“committed to creating a center of gravity within the exponentially expanding JS ecosystem”. Itsprojects include ESLint, jQuery and Webpack. THE NEW STACK An ES Proposal: Asynchronous Iteration Dr. Axel explains another potential addition to JavaScript: asynchronous iteration. He also shows how you can use it now via Babel. DR. AXEL RAUSCHMAYER Node. js v6 Transitions to LTS Three major updates for Node this month, with v7 set to become the new ‘current’ release line, v6 transitioning to LTS, and v0. 10 reaching its ‘end of life’ with no patches at all beyond October. NODE. JS FOUNDATION MySQL on Compose - hosted on AWS, GCP or SoftLayer Get the most from your favorite RDBMS with 3 Node HA, Daily Backup and Auto-scaling. See how easy it is to connect your Database, hassle-free. COMPOSE   SPONSOR The ECMAScript 2016 Change You Probably Don't Know No, it’s not the exponentiation operator, or Array. prototype. includes(), it’s that "use strict"can’t be used in functions with non-simple parameter lists. NICHOLAS C. ZAKAS Angular 2 Form Fundamentals: Reactive Forms Angular 2 presents two different methods for creating forms, template-driven (as used in Angular 1. x) or reactive. Todd digs into the latter. TODD MOTTO Yarn vs npm: Everything You Need to Know Is package manager fatigue soon to become a thing? Tim Severien summarizes everything you need to know and compares Yarn to io. js. SITEPOINT Replacing jQuery's ready() with Plain JavaScript Julian Motz takes a look at jQuery’s document. ready() method and shows a more vanilla JS approach. SITEPOINT IN BRIEF The Linux Foundation Unites JavaScript Community for Open Web Development NEWSJS FOUNDATION A Quick Review of New Features in Angular 2. 1 NEWSGERARD SANS Ember. js 2. 8-LTS, 2. 9 and 2. 10 Beta Released NEWS Facebook Wants Your Input for JSX 2. 0 NEWSFACEBOOK Angular 1. x Banned From Use in Firefox Addons NEWS Martin Probst of Google notes that “We believe this is likely a misunderstanding”. Updates to follow. MOZILLA Chrome Dev Summit 2016 NEWS Chrome Dev Summit 2016 will take place at the SFJAZZ Center in San Francisco, CA on November 10-11. Join Chrome VP Darin Fisher for two full days of announcements and talks from the Chrome team. Register now with code JAVASCRIPTWEEKLYGOOGLE INC.   SPONSOR A Practical Introduction to ES6 Generator Functions TUTORIALDAVID TANG Some Simple ES6 Syntax Tricks TUTORIALEMIL ONG How to Create Your Own TypeScript Type Definition Files (. d. ts) TUTORIAL A very thorough tutorial. WOLK SOFTWARE ENGINEERING A Visual Guide to State in React TUTORIALDAVE CEDDIA Experimenting with async/await in Node. js 7 Nightly TUTORIAL NODEGERGELY NEMETH JavaScript for Web Designers: DOM Scripting TUTORIALMAT MARQUIS Using Yarn with Docker TUTORIALMARTINO FORNASA Searching JavaScript Arrays Efficiently with includes and indexOf TUTORIALDUDLEY STOREY Building a 3D Minecraft-Style Editor in JavaScript TUTORIALCHRISTOPHER PITT Ember and Rails 5 with JSON API: A Modern Bridge TUTORIALEMBER IGNITER Medium-Like Image Loading with Vue. js TUTORIALLOUIS ZAWADZKI Polymer Summit 2016: Recordings of All Talks Are Now Available VIDEO Catch up now on all talks from Polymer Summit 2016. GOOGLE Is MVC Dead for The Frontend? OPINIONALEX MOLDOVAN Why You Shouldn’t Use ‘var’ Anymore OPINION And how ‘let’ solves a common JavaScript “gotcha”…MARK BROUCH Debugging JS errors in production TOOLS 100% open source tool for catching errors, even if they're minified. Plugins for React, Vue, & Angular 1 or 2. SENTRY  SPONSOR Faltu: Search Sort, Filter, and Limit An Array of Objects in MongoDB-esque Style CODEMOIN UDDIN Vivus. js: Bring SVGs to Life by 'Drawing' Them via Animations CODEMAXWELLITO meSing. js: JavaScript Singing Synthesis Library CODE With a demo here. DAVID SU

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Glimmer: Fast UI Components from the Ember Ecosystem Glimmer’s fast components can be used outside of Ember but could also provide an easy way to gradually pick up the framework. There’s a great intro video. The Mandelwat Set: A JS Introduction to Fractals A fun journey into the world of fractals, starting from an empty canvas and going through the math and logic involved in rendering a Mandlebrot set of your own. Angular 4. 0 Released 4. 0. 0 (‘invisible-makeover’) is here. Backwards compatible with Angular 2 and most apps will port straight over unless they use animations. Also learn why it's 4. 0 and not 3. 0. Create a Quick-Start Application with Angular and Wijmo Find out how Wijmo’s advanced UI components can help you to create an Angular application quickly and efficiently – we take you through step-by-step. Where 'async' and 'await' Can Beat Promises Some straightforward examples of using ES2016's async/await vs promises. async/await are natively supported in Node 7. 6, as well as via Babel. The Basics of DOM Manipulation without jQuery A crash course in DOM manipulation with vanilla JavaScript, using methods like querySelectorAll and addEventListener. Mixing Generators Into Iterators Iterators can be written using generators which can lead to an interesting use case. Popper. js: A Popover/Tooltip Library Written in ES6 Elegant and well documented, with many examples on the homepage.  No dependencies. This Week's Top Node News Over in Node Weekly we covered Next. js 2. 0, a look back at left-pad, and what 'const' stands for in ES6. IN BRIEF A New Proposed Policy on JS Dialogs for Chromium NEWS “the Chromium team highly recommends that you not use JavaScript dialogs”GOOGLE Pluralsight Releases 'Getting Started with Ember 2' Course NEWS 77% of Sites Use At Least 1 Vulnerable JS Library NEWSSNYK Using Source Maps to Debug Errors TUTORIAL Let's talk JavaScript Source Maps. What are they? How can you enable source mapping? Why aren't they working?ROLLBAR  SPONSOR Tuning Angular's Change Detection TUTORIALJURI STRUMPFLOHNER Maybe You Should Use 'Maybes' to Wrap Optional Values TUTORIALALEXANDER JARVIS Creating an Angular 2 Injectable Service TUTORIAL Compares creating and registering services in Angular 1. x vs 2+. TODD MOTTO Creating Mondrian-Style Grid Paintings with JavaScript TUTORIALMAX HALFORD How to build a ‘who’s typing’ feature in JavaScript TUTORIAL We'll walk you through how to build a 'who's typing' feature in a chat app using Pusher with JavaScript. PUSHER  SPONSOR Dr. Axel's JavaScript Coding and Style Tips (2014) VIDEO A golden oldie. AXEL RAUSCHMAYER JavaScript Framework Battle: ‘Hello World’ in Each CLI OPINION A look at how framework command-line interfaces compare to each other. SHANE OSBOURNE 5 ES8 Features and A Wishlist for ES9 OPINIONDYLAN SCHIEMANN Fuel: A Beta/In-Progress React-Compatible Virtual DOM Implementation TOOLSTAKETOSHI AONO Polished: A Lightweight Toolset for Writing Styles in JavaScript TOOLSMAXIMILIAN STOIBER Choices: Configurable Select Box and Text Input (without jQuery) CODE Similar to Select2 and Selectize but without the jQuery dependency. JOSHUA JACKSON FSM-as-Promised: A Finite State Machine Library built on ES6 Promises CODEVLAD STIRBU D3-Node: Server-Side D3 for Static Chart/Map Generation CODE TypeScript Example Boilerplate Demonstrating a Modern Tool Pipeline CODE “TypeScript + Visual Studio Code + Jest + Yarn + TypeDoc = Eternal bliss”

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A note from your editor, @peterc: If you're into serverless architecture, AWS Lambda, etc. we've launched a new weekly serverless newsletter - check out today's issue and subscribe if you like it. Today's Database Weekly is also looking strong if you want to stay up to date with the latest database news :-) Britecharts: A D3. js-Based Client-Side Charting Library Based on D3. js v4 and built around reusable components, Britecharts makes it easy to declaratively build charts and visualizations, such as this.  There’s lots of info in this introductory post too. Using the Fetch API (Instead of XMLHttpRequest) The Fetch API is now supported in all mainstream browsers (except IE). It’s promise based and far more elegant than XMLHttpRequest. This is a very thorough intro. ES6 Module Support Now in Chrome Canary (M60+) ES6/ES2015 modules are now natively supported in Chrome Canary behind the Experimental Web Platform flag. Here’s the basics of how they work. You may also like this gist showing off a use case. Speed Racer: Collect Perf Metrics for Your Library/App Like a test runner but for performance. It runs in Chrome (headlessly too, if you have the right version) and produces reports on your code’s execution. Butternut: A Fast, Future-Friendly JavaScript Minifier Still an alpha/work-in-progress but is significantly faster than other minifiers due to taking a unique approach. Also supports ES6 upwards. UPNG. js: A Fast PNG Decoder and Lossy Encoder in 520 Lines First linked a month ago as a pure decoder, now it does lossy encoding too.  Example output here. IN BRIEF Jest 20 Released: Facebook's JavaScript Testing Framework NEWSFACEBOOK BrazilJS 2017 Call for Papers Open (for 2 Conferences) NEWS In Porto Alegre (Aug 25-26) and Fortaleza (Sep 1-2). Use AngularJS to Build a Fast and Secure Chat App PubNub gets your data anywhere in under 0. 25 seconds. It’s easy with PubNub’s Angular library. PUBNUB  SPONSOR All About Recursion and Tail Calls in JavaScript TUTORIALLUCAS FERNANDES DA COSTA Writing Secure Node. js Code: A Write Up and Video TUTORIAL NODEDANNY GRANDER Component Architecture Recipes for Angular’s Reactive Forms TUTORIALTODD MOTTO Building an 'Infinite Tube' WebGL Demo with Three. js TUTORIALLOUIS HOEBREGTS Module Specifiers: What’s New with ES Modules? TUTORIALDR. AXEL RAUSCHMAYER What's A Transducer? Some In-Depth Functional Fun TUTORIALREG BRAITHWAITE An 'Ultimate' Atom Editor Setup for JS Development TUTORIAL Tons of recommended packages here if you’re an Atom user. ELAD OSSADON Altering the DOM with JavaScript (For Beginners) TUTORIALZELL LIEW Proactively detect 

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The Many Faces of Functions in JavaScript A look at a variety of syntactic forms for functions in JavaScript (e. g. arrow functions, generators). Stuff worth being familiar with. An Abridged Cartoon Introduction To WebAssembly Lin Clark explains what exactly WebAssembly is, and what makes it fast. 11 (So Far) Videos from JSConf EU 2017 Highlights include Jason Miller on Preact, a TC39 committee panel discussion, and Marja Hölttä on parsing JavaScript. Automatically capture and quickly fix JavaScript errors affecting your users “We can fix bugs in 30 minutes instead of 2 days. Our customers hardly see any bugs because we fix them right away. ” Cut through front-end noise so you can efficiently assess the impact of your errors with Bugsnag.  Try it free. Composing Software: An Introduction This introduction to his series of functional programming posts highlights the importance of building software in a composable way.  “A software developer who doesn’t understand composition is like a home builder who doesn’t know about bolts or nails. ” JSON Feed: A JSON-Based Format for Web Feeds A proposed format similar to RSS and Atom but in JSON. See the spec here. JavaScript Engines - How Do They Even? [video] Another talk from JSConf EU covers the basic concepts of compilers, challenges posed by modern JS, and how to write compiler-friendly JavaScript.  (25 minutes). IN BRIEF Polymer 2. 0 Released: The Web Components Library NEWS Now with support for ES6 class-based syntax. WENDY GINSBERG jQuery Mobile 1. 5. 0 Alpha 1 Released NEWSJQUERY FOUNDATION ForwardJS Tickets on sale today NEWS Attend full-day hands-on React workshops and dozens of talks at ForwardJS San Francisco this July. FORWARDJS  SPONSOR The Hitchhiker’s Guide to d3. js TUTORIAL Starting points and resources for upping your D3 game. IAN JOHNSON json-api-normalizer: An Easy Way To Integrate the JSON API and Redux TUTORIALYURY DYMOV Data Driven Vue. js: Creating Data-Driven Components with Vue TUTORIALDARREN JENNINGS ES Proposal: RegExp Lookbehind Assertions TUTORIALDR. AXEL RAUSCHMAYER Building a Full-Sphere 3D Image Gallery with React VR TUTORIALSITEPOINT 3 Ways to Reduce Webpack Bundle Size TUTORIALJAKOB LIND Analyzing React’s Source Code for Type Mismatch Operations TUTORIAL Using a Babel plugin called Runtyper. VITALIY POTAPOV Optimizing AWS Lambda performance with MongoDB Atlas and Node. js See the performance implications of using Lambda functions with a database-as-a-service like MongoDB Atlas. MONGODB  SPONSOR Using Test Driven Development To Write A Function (in 3 Minutes) VIDEOKENT C. DODDS Martinet: A Simplified Build System Based on Webpack 2 TOOLS For building static sites or single page apps. ICEROAD Godzilla: An ES2015 to Go(lang) Source Code Transpiler and Runtime TOOLS A bit of an opposite to GopherJS. JINGWEN OWEN OU Rltm. js: A Universal API for Realtime Services TOOLSPUBNUB  SPONSOR LambStatus: A Serverless Status Page System CODE A server status page system built for use on AWS Lambda. KISHIN YAGAMI react-pdf: Create PDF Files using React CODE In browser or on the server. More like this in today’s React newsletter. DIEGO MURACCIOLE Delaunator: A Fast JS Library for Delaunay Triangulation of 2D Points CODEMAPBOX RxDB 4. 0: A Reactive Client-Side Offline-First JavaScript Database CODE Stanchion: Priority Levels For Your App's Network Requests CODE An app-aware network queue where requests are dispatched based on an assigned priority.  ALEXANDER WANG

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How to Get The Most Out of the Console Most JS developers debug with console. log so why not learn more about what the console can do for you? V8 Release 6. 0 Now In Beta It’s coming to Chrome 60, has SharedArrayBuffer support, and brings rest/spread properties on objects. How to Build an Android App using Cordova and Vue. js Rather than learn Android development from scratch, put your JavaScript skills to use with Cordova and Vue. js to build a basic ‘to do’ app. ForwardJS Tickets on sale today Attend full-day hands-on React workshops and dozens of talks at ForwardJS San Francisco this July. A Crash Course in Memory Management An great three part series covering why memory management is important, using ArrayBuffers and SharedArrayBuffers in JS, and avoiding race conditions with Atomics. Sponzor saveta - knjiga JavaScript Više o knjizi i korpa za naručivanje ESLint v4 Released A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Here’s a migration guide. What's New with Node 8 and npm 5 If you haven’t dug into the new goodies yet, this is a good roundup of the latest developments on the Node ecosystem’s most important tools. Up and Running with Preact A 12-part video course that starts with lessons on how to setup an app with Webpack and Babel and how to configure these tools for use with Preact. IN BRIEF Kyle Simpson's 'Deep Foundations of JS' Course in London NEWS We’ve got Kyle back in London in four weeks’ time. WHITE OCTOBER EVENTS Angular 1. 0 Turns Five Years Old NEWSCHRIS BRANDRICK EmberCamp London: A Full Day of Ember Talks (July 11) NEWS Angular 4. 2 Now Available NEWSSTEPHEN FLUIN Announcing TypeScript 2. 4 RC NEWS Support for ES import() calls and string enums are key features. MICROSOFT JSConf Belgium 2017 Is In 2 Weeks (June 29) NEWS Great speakers and tickets are still available. JSCONF BELGIUM Using Source Maps to Debug Errors TUTORIAL Let's talk JavaScript Source Maps. What are they? How to enable source mapping? Why aren't they working?ROLLBAR  SPONSOR 19 JavaScript Shorthand Coding Techniques TUTORIALMICHAEL WANYOIKE Using a C Library in JavaScript TUTORIAL How a team compiled LibreOffice’s hunspell for use on the client side. TEAMEMO A Curated List of 68 React and Redux Tutorials, Walkthroughs and Courses TUTORIALMARK ERIKSON Introducing FilterBubbler: A WebExtension Built using React/Redux STORY A text analysis toolkit using the new WebExtensions API. MOZILLA HACKS Test-Driven Development for JavaScript TUTORIAL In this eBook we will explore the idea of practicing Test-Driven Development (TDD) for client-side JavaScript. CODESHIP  SPONSOR What's Coming After ES6: The Future of JavaScript VIDEOBRIAN HOLT Will Vue. js Become a Giant Like Angular or React? OPINIONBARTOSZ BILEJCZYK Bonsai: An Open Source Webpack Analyzer TOOLSRYAN ALBRECHT Amplitude. js: A Modern HTML5 Audio Player with No Dependencies CODE521 DIMENSIONS ZangoDB: A MongoDB-Like Interface for HTML5 IndexedDB CODEERIK OLSON Dutier: A Small (1KB) Centralized State Management Solution CODELUIS VINICIUS Collect. js: 76 Convenience Methods for Arrays and Objects CODE A similar API to Laravel Collections: chunk, flatten, shuffle, etc. DANIEL ECKERMANN js-joda: Immutable Date and Time Library CODE Building a REST API Using Express. js TUTORIALMONGODB  SPONSOR

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Using JavaScript for Microcontroller Development Learn about the ecosystem and some options for using JS on microcontrollers and IoT platforms. A Spreadsheet in 25 Lines of ES6 A modern ES6 update to a very popular demo from 2013 which implemented a working spreadsheet in very few lines of JS. Picking Jest Over Mocha: A Testing Tool Comparison A developer at Automattic (the company behind WordPress) explains why they prefer Jest to Mocha for JavaScript testing. Build Faster. Test More. Fail Less. Easy CI/CD for JavaScript CircleCI’s continuous integration and delivery platform helps software teams rapidly release code with confidence.  NEW RELEASE: Workflows - Custom job orchestration provides granular control over your development process. Cell: A Self-Constructing Web App Framework An intriguing new approach to creating a simple front-end app where you write the entire app mostly declaratively in a single JS object. React Express: Learn React with Interactive Examples An opinionated, all-in-one guide walking through create-react-app, webpack, Babel, ES2015+, JSX, Redux, CSS-in-JS, and more. Codemods: A Quick and Easy Way to Automate Code Refactoring An introduction to the idea of using Facebook’s jscodeshift to create and apply ‘codemods’ to automate changes to your code. The Parse Times of 1MB of JavaScript on Various Devices Performance isn’t just about how quickly a device can download a huge blob of JavaScript, but how long it takes to parse too. IN BRIEF The State of Angular and the Due Date of Version 5 NEWSDOR MOSHE ForwardJS Tickets on sale today NEWS Attend full-day hands-on React workshops and dozens of talks at ForwardJS San Francisco this July. FORWARDJS  SPONSOR Creating a Personal Bluetooth Beacon with Puck. js TUTORIALADAM BUTLER Unambiguous Webpack Config with TypeScript TUTORIALDEVON MARISA ZUEGEL The Art of Building a Progressive Web App with Ember TUTORIALMATTHEW BEALE A Thorough (Re)Introduction to Callbacks TUTORIAL A thorough guide aimed at newbies/learners. ZELL LIEW A Brief Guide to Reliable Stream Processing with RxJS TUTORIALHENDRIK SWANEPOEL How to Create Interactive JavaScript Charts from Custom Data Sets TUTORIALSITEPOINT An Introduction to Sets in JavaScript TUTORIALALLIGATOR Register for M101JS: MongoDB for Node. js Developers Learn everything you need to know to get started building a MongoDB-based app. MONGODB  SPONSOR Techniques for Decomposing React Components TUTORIALDAVID TANG Introducing Lazy Arrays in JavaScript with lazy-arr TUTORIALPERFORMANCEJS ES2017's async/await is 'The Best Thing to Ever Happen to JavaScript' OPINIONMIKE MACCANA Functional Programming in JS is an Antipattern OPINION Here’s your thought provoking opinion piece of the week. ALEX DIXON Why One Developer Chose React Over Vue OPINION He prefers immutability and using JS instead of directives. STEVEN POULTON Making the Switch from AngularJS to Angular in an Enterprise Dev Shop STORYTELERIK DEVELOPER NETWORK jQuery-contextMenu: A jQuery Context Menu Plugin and Polyfill CODESWIS Spected: A Low Level Validation Library for Objects CODE25TH-FLOOR GMBH Tetris Reimplemented with Vue, Vuex, and Immutable. js CODE An interesting implementation that’s very smooth to play. BINARYIFY p-iteration: Make Array Iteration Easy with async/await and Promises CODEANTONIO V vue-table-component: A Vue Component to Filter and Sort Tables CODEFREEK VAN DER HERTEN How to find & fix the slowest code in your . NET application with Redgate  RED GATE  SPONSOR Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress. Like this? You may also enjoy: FrontEnd Focus : Node Weekly : React Status

JavaScript weekly 341




TC39, ECMAScript, and the Future of JavaScript A thorough explanation of how new features make it into JavaScript, before focusing on some practical examples including Array#includes, named captures, and lookbehind assertions in regexes. Automated Testing with Headless Chrome Eric Bidelman runs through how to use Headless Chrome, using Karma as a runner and Mocha+Chai for authoring tests. Optimizing AWS Lambda performance with MongoDB Atlas and Node. js See the performance implications of using Lambda functions with a database-as-a-service like MongoDB Atlas. ECMAScript 2017 Language Spec Published The official spec for ES2017 (essentially the 8th edition of the JS spec) has been published in HTML and PDF if you’re lacking for bedtime reading. Vulcan: An Open-Source Project to 'Meteorize' GraphQL A full-stack app framework built on React and GraphQL. It’s an evolution of Telescope but is becoming less Meteor-dependent. React Armory: A Neat Way to Learn React Online A well presented tutorial site complete with rich, live editable examples. TypeScript 2. 4 Released Includes support for cynamic import() expressions, string enums, & improved checking. Naučite TypeScript Napravite poslovne i industrijske veb aplikacije pomoću TypeScripta i vodećih JavaScript okruženja. Više o knjizi i korpa za naručivanje: LINK This Week's React-Specific News in React Status React Status is our React focused weekly. This week it includes a React Native starter kitand an introduction to Redux-first routing. IN BRIEF Babylon, Babel's JS Parser, To Support TypeScript NEWS Not a lot to see yet, but . ts support has been baked in. BABEL Microsoft's 'Sonar' Linting Tool Joins the JS Foundation NEWS Check out Sonar’s homepage to learn more. KRIS BORCHERS Using Source Maps to Debug Errors TUTORIAL Let's talk JavaScript Source Maps. What are they? How to enable source mapping? Why aren't they working?ROLLBAR  SPONSOR Getting Started with Webpack 3 TUTORIALJOÃO AUGUSTO The 'Best' Frontend JavaScript Interview Questions TUTORIAL Opinions will vary but if you do well at these, you’re in a strong position. BORIS CHERNY Build A Realtime Chart with Vue. js and Pusher TUTORIALYOMI ELUWANDE Unleash The Power of Angular Reactive Forms VIDEO Oriented around live coding a form from scratch. NIR KAUFMAN Use AngularJS to Build a Fast and Secure Chat App PubNub gets your data anywhere in less than 0. 25 seconds. It’s so easy with PubNub’s AngularJS library. PUBNUB  SPONSOR Choosing A Frontend Framework in 2017 OPINIONTHIS DOT LABS Why I'm Switching from React to Cycle. js OPINIONSITEPOINT An Up to Date List of TC39 Proposals and their Status TOOLSNICOLÁS BEVACQUA Search and Install npm Modules Automatically from the Atom Editor TOOLSALGOLIA Decaffeinate: Convert Your CoffeeScript to Modern JavaScript TOOLS A well established project that continues to get frequent updates. BRIAN DONOVAN Infinite Scroll v3: As Users Scroll, Automatically Load More TOOLS Note it’s both GPL3 and commercial. METAFIZZY Study: A Progressive, Client/Server AB Testing Library CODEDOLLAR SHAVE CLUB echarts: Powerful Charting and Visualization in the Browser CODE Lots of demos here. BAIDU vanilla-tilt. js: A Dependency-Free, Smooth 3D Element Tilting Library CODE RE:DOM: A Tiny (2KB) JS Library for Creating User Interfaces CODEJUHA LINDSTEDT frontexpress: An Express. js-Style JavaScript Router for the Front-End CODECAMEL AISSANI ForwardJS Tickets on sale today  FORWARDJS 

JavaScript weekly 342




A Set of Best Practices for JavaScript Projects British design studio Hive has collected together guidelines for working on JS projects. Why Reddit Chose TypeScript Reddit felt that TypeScript was the best option for typed front-end development. Gatsby 1. 0: A Static Site Generator for React A powerful React-based static site generator. v1 can integrate with CMSs like Wordpress, and Drupal, and supports route-based code splitting, service workers, offline support, etc. Components will make you a better web developer Building with reusable, isolated components will make your work clean & maintainable. Component IO offers ready-to-use website components that work everywhere. Use the live online content & code editor to improve your workflow. Ink: Like A React, But For Building CLI Apps Provides React’s component-based UI building experience, but for command line-style apps. An intriguing idea. AC-D3: Library for Building Audiovisual Charts in D3 Bring the power of embedded videos to D3 visualizations. An ECMAScript Proposal for Pattern Matching Functionality BRIAN TERLSON AND SEBASTIAN MARKBÅGE babel-plugin-preval: Pre-Evaluate Code at Build-time An interesting new Babel plugin to pre-evaluate code at build time (perhaps to dynamically bring in content from files to other code). Kent also recorded a video of him building it. IN BRIEF 'Prettier' Code Formatter Reaches Version 1. 5 NEWS Introduces GraphQL, CSS-in-JS and JSON support. PRETTIER 7 Ways To Define A Component Template in Vue. js TUTORIALANTHONY GORE Experimenting with the Background Fetch API TUTORIALPHIL NASH Pattern Matching with TypeScript TUTORIALMANUEL ALABOR Intro to 'date-fns', a Lightweight JS Date Library TUTORIAL A simple, functional alternative to Moment. js. SITEPOINT Building a Realtime Dashboard Powered by Laravel and Vue. js TUTORIALFREEK VAN DER HERTEN Why Use SemVer / Semantic Versioning? OPINION And how it has ‘changed the way we write JavaScript’. THE NPM BLOG Comparing and Contrasting React and Angular OPINIONDAN HALVERSON 8 Habits of a Happy Node Hacker (2017 Edition) OPINION Just in case you’re not a Node Weekly reader :-)JEREMY MORRELL A much faster way to debug code than with breakpoints or console. log TOOLS This wallaby. js feature allows to inspect the result of any JavaScript expression execution in your editor. WALLABY. JS  SPONSOR Evan You on the State of Vue in 2017 VIDEOVUECONF How to Get Started and Build Something with GraphQL VIDEOXAVIER CAZALOT 14 'Live Search' jQuery Plugins TOOLSSITEPOINT bundlesize: Keep Your Bundle Size in Check TOOLSSIDDHARTH KSHETRAPAL webpack-common-shake: A CommonJS Tree Shaker Plugin for WebPack TOOLSFEDOR INDUTNY Spend less time coding, more time shipping 

JavaScript Weekly 366, Everything You Need To Know About Parcel: The Web App Bundler Parcel




Everything You Need To Know About Parcel: The Web App Bundler Parcel only came out two weeks ago, but it’s already making waves, including within the webpack project itself. 10 Insights from the State of JS Survey Over 23,000 developers responded, and Sacha Grief analyzes the results. GraphQL and TypeScript are set for a great 2018, and most developers think JS is headed the right way. Wes Bos Explains Async/Await in 15 Minutes [video] This is a really accessible, well presented, and short introduction to the main principles behind using async/await vs promises, if you’re not up to speed yet. MongoDB 3. 6 Sessions Explained by Percona As mentioned in our last post, we are looking deeper into new sessions in MongoDB 3. 6. Many of the cornerstone features of 3. 6 depend directly or indirectly on sessions - things like “retryable” writes, causal consistency, killSession (global killOp) & more. How to Become a Better Node. js Developer in 2018 A few straightforward best practices which could help you be a better Node developer in the coming year. The Future of State Management with Apollo GraphQL A look at using apollo-link-state to manage your local data in Apollo Client, a JavaScript GraphQL client, thus avoiding using something like Redux altogether. Take the 2017 JavaScript Ecosystem Survey npm Inc. and the JS and Node foundations are running a 10 minute ‘JavaScript ecosystem survey’ so make your voices heard. V8 Release v6. 4: Yet More Speed and Memory Savings Google’s JavaScript engine shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. The 6. 4 branch also introduces support for two new regular expression features.   IN BRIEF The Future of jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile NEWSJQUERY UI BLOG A Free 'TypeScript Fundamentals' Course COURSE It used to cost money. Now it doesn’t. JAMES HENRY Practical Redux: Beyond the Todo App COURSE Mark Erikson on what happens if you try to build something bigger than yet another TodoMVC app using Redux?EDUCATIVE  SPONSOR The 'Reflect' Object, Use Cases and Things to Watch Out for TUTORIAL A neat look at a slice of not commonly used JavaScript. STEFAN JUDIS Testing Angular 2 and Continuous Integration with Jest TUTORIALMATT FEHSKENS An Introduction to Weak Value Maps TUTORIALKRIS ZYP How 'Controllable' React Components Maximize Reusability TUTORIAL A deep dive into what really makes React components reusable. NOAM ELBOIM How to Build a Realtime Poll in 5 Steps TUTORIALCHRISTIAN NWAMBA Using OpenCV from Node to Recognize Objects in Images TUTORIAL NODEVINCENT MÜHLER Building a Voice-Activated Movie Search App Powered by Amazon Lex, Lambda, and MongoDB Atlas (Part 2) TUTORIALMONGODB  SPONSOR WebAssembly Will Let You Run High-Perf Apps in Your Browser STORY A neat high level overview of WebAssembly. IEEE SPECTRUM Which JavaScript Frameworks Are the Fastest? OPINIONJOHN HANNAH Is jQuery Still Relevant? OPINIONREMY SHARP Angular Top 50: What You Should Have Read in 2017 OPINIONLUKAS MARX Webpack-CLI 2. 0 Released: Webpack's Command Line Interface TOOLSWEBPACK Jest 22 Released: Facebook's Popular JS Testing Tool TOOLS A major release refining almost all parts of Jest. Babel 7 support too. FACEBOOK Cloud-Scale Monitoring and Alerting from Datadog TOOLS See your entire stack in one place with unified dashboards and 200+ technology integrations.  Try Datadog free. DATADOG  SPONSOR React Content Loader: A 'Content is Loading' Component using SVG CODEDANILO WOZNICA 11 Vue. js Component Libraries You Should Know In 2018 CODEJONATHAN SARING Unchanged: A Fast Handler for Updating JS Objects and Arrays Immutably CODETONY QUETANO element-ready: Detect When an Element is Ready in the DOM CODESINDRE SORHUS Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress. Knjiga meseca VIŠE O KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE.

JavaScript Weekly 392, ECMAScript 2018 Language Spec Published




Write Perfect Code with Standard and ESLint — An intro to getting started with linting (and why - hint: to catch errors in your code) as well as how to improve your setup if you’re already doing it. ECMAScript 2018 Language Spec Published — The official spec for ES2018 (essentially the 9th edition of the JS spec) has been published in HTML and PDF if you’re lacking for bedtime reading (it’s a significant document but, yes, it’s a long, dry spec). Plan Visually with a Single Glance and Make Sure Your Projects Get Done — monday. com is a project management tool your team will enjoy using. It makes it fun and easy for everyone to collaborate, focus and get more done. It's a visual project management tool that’ll help you and your team collaborate and achieve more. On Consuming (and Publishing) ES2015+ Packages — Babel’s creator reflects on the idea of compiling dependencies (in addition to your own code), how Babel v7 will make it easier to do so, and the problems involved. Exploring ES2018 with Dr. Axel — If the ES2018 news above interested you but you want a more accessible way to understand the new features, Dr. Axel’s book here is great. Or if you’d prefer a short, snappy post with quick examples, try this for size. JavaScript Usage by Industry — Over 16,000 developers took npm Inc’s JavaScript Ecosystem Survey last year and in this post we see how industries differ in their use of JavaScript, its tools, techniques, and ecosystem generally. Using face-api. js: Face Recognition in the Browser with TensorFlow. js — A library bringing face detection, recognition and landmark detection to the browser. An Official Way to Track ECMAScript Proposals — A frequently updated table of the proposals for future JavaScript features along with their progress. There’s also a useful guide to how the TC39 process works if you’re interested. Tutorials and Opinions Asynchrony: Under the Hood — Filmed at the recent JSConf EU, this talk deftly explores the conceptual underpinnings of asynchronous programming approaches, and the drawbacks and advantages of each. A Practical Intro to Worker Threads in Node 10. 5 — Node can now work with multiple threads, in a sense. New Ways to Build on Slack — Use Slack? Now you can build an app that turns Slack messages into tasks, to-dos, follow-ups, and more with your team’s tools. See how. Headless User Interface Components — Headless user interface components separate the logic and behavior of a component from its visual representation. Your Free Pass to Better JavaScript Skills — You can learn a lot in 10 days—start a free trial and get unlimited access to expert-led dev courses and more. Code and Tools lit-html: Syntax Highlighting in VS Code for HTML Inside of JavaScript Matt Bierner Docz: A Modern Documentation Site Publishing System — Zero-config, powered by Webpack 4 and a Markdown + JSX templating format. Pedro Nauck MongoDB 4. 0 Is Now Generally Available. Try It Now on MongoDB Atlas MONGODB sponsor Gio. js: Three. js 3D Globe Data Visualization Library — There’s also a quick start tutorial. Numerous Contributors Vuetify: A Material Design Component Framework for Vue John Leider Superfine: A Minimal View Layer for Creating Declarative Web Interfaces Jorge Bucaran

JavaScript Weekly 416, Pika, CSS Object Model, Bugsnag




Pika: A Searchable Catalog of ES Module npm Packages— Most packages in the main npm repository are published as Node. js/Common. js-style modules which aren’t so good for front-end development. Pika lets you search only for fast, modern packages using the ES module syntax. A Guide to the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) — If you’ve written JavaScript in a front-end context, you’ve undoubtedly dealt with the DOM (Document Object Model) but there’s also the CSS Object Model, a set of APIs allowing the manipulation of CSS from JavaScript. A lot of detail and examples here. Level Up Your JavaScript Error Monitoring  Identify impactful errors at a glance. Sort errors by event count or users impacted to find ones that occur most frequently or affect a large segment of users. Get to the root cause of errors quickly with automatic diagnostic collection.  Try it free. Quicklink: Faster Subsequent Page-Loads by Prefetching Visible Links — A new project from Google Chrome Labs that aims to make subsequent page loads quicker by prefetching links that are currently in the view point during idle time. 19 Ways to Become a Better Node Developer in 2019 — Highlights tips, skills and strategies that may prove valuable over the coming months. This was very popular in yesterday’s Node Weekly and most of the points are applicable to allJavaScript developers. A Look at Public and Private Class Fields — Several proposals expand JavaScript’s existing class syntax with new features such as public class fields in V8 v7. 2 and Chrome 72, as well as private class fields later on. Here’s how it looks. JavaScript Growth and Third Parties — Web performance expert Steve Souders doesn’t pull any punches here: “JavaScript is the main cause for making websites slow. Ten years ago it was network bottlenecks…” Performance budgeting and monitoring is a must. Tutorials and Opinions Creating My First Chrome Extension — A ‘generous measure of know-how’ on the subject of creating extensions for Chrome. JENNIFER WONG Metaprogramming, Higher-Order Components and Mixins with Angular Ivy — Ivy is the name of Angular’s forthcoming faster new renderer. Learn a few things about its new powers here. VICTOR SAVKIN Get the Confidence to Use Kotlin in Your Projects… in 2 Days — JetBrains Certified - Limited to 20 students - Coming to a city near you. BIG NERD RANCH SPONSOR Real-Time Object Detection in 10 Lines of Code with TensorFlow. js — Includes interactive demos. It’s amazing what you can do in the browser now. NICK BOURDAKOS Why Do React Hooks Rely on Call Order? DAN ABRAMOV 7 Ways to Create a JavaScript Function NICOLAI AUGUST HAGEN Picking an Interactive Map Theme with Vue. js NIC RABOY ▶  Building a Simple Virtual DOM from Scratch — The audio isn’t great but the speaker is engaging and almost everyone could get something valuable from this 40 minute talk. JASON YU The Developer’s Guide to Not Losing the Metrics You Need INFLUXDATA SPONSOR JavaScript and Civil Rights — Thoughts on the human factors side of JavaScript and “the potential impact of web interfaces on users’ civil rights. ” MARCY SUTTON Netflix's Learnings From Adopting GraphQL ARTEM SHTATNOV AND RAVI SRINIVAS RANGANATHAN (NETFLIX) thank u, next: An Introduction to Linked Lists — A creative Ariana Grande-themed post on linked lists. TBH I thought she was singing “bacon eggs” till now. . :-) ALI SPITTEL Code and Tools JSON Generator: A Tool for Generating Random Data — Generate any random data you want online with agile JavaScript-powered templates. VAZHA OMANASHVILI Deno: A Secure TypeScript Runtime On V8 — Ryan Dahl’s project has made a lot of progress recently so if you want to run TypeScript outside of the browser environment and not use Node. js, give it a try. RYAN DAHL A Much Faster Way to Debug Code Than with Breakpoints or console. log — Wallaby catches errors in your tests and displays the results of expressions right in your editor as you type. WALLABY. JS SPONSOR Rendora: A Dynamic Renderer for Zero-Conf Server-Side Rendering— It’s built in Go, but you might find this useful for using headless Chrome to do server-side rendering of client-rendered content for bots, etc. RENDORA A Minimal Google Analytics Snippet — Forget the 73KB of code Google’s ‘Tag Manager’ and Analytics library needs and use this 1KB of code instead to track your pageviews (and only pageviews) with Google Analytics. DAVID KUNNEN billboard. js 1. 7: A Simple Chart Library Based on D3 v4+ — A new version just dropped with multiple axes support, a new theme, and TypeScript support. NAVER CORP matchit: Quickly Parse and Match URLs LUKE EDWARDS Ember 3. 6 Released MELANIE SUMMER, KENNETH LARSEN AND CHRIS GARRETT wolkenkit 3. 0: A CQRS and Event Sourcing Framework for JS and Node — A DDD (domain-driven design)-oriented foundation for apps. SOPHIE VAN SKY  

JavaScript Weekly 425




NSFW JS: A Way to Check for Undesirable Images Client-Side— Billed as ‘client-side indecent content checking for the soul’, this is an interesting, though imperfect, way to screen content prior to upload. It uses TensorFlow. js behind the scenes.  Demo here. JavaScript Loading Priorities in Chrome — How browsers schedule and execute scripts can impact the performance of your pages. Addy Osmani compares the different approaches here. Frontiers 2019: Explore New Ways to Build Apps on Slack — Teams move faster with apps on Slack. And, it wouldn’t be possible without the people who built them. Connect with app builders like you, get hands-on training and spark new ideas at Frontiers 2019. TypeScript Linter TSLint to Give Way to ESLint — The developers of TSLint, the TypeScript linter, have decided to deprecate it and focus on improving TypeScript support in the popular ESLint linter instead. This will greatly help existing ESLint users who are picking up TypeScript. CodeCrumbs: Document Codebases by Adding 'Breadcrumbs' — One of those things that’s better to see visually than read about. Essentially you annotate your code in a certain way and it can produce visualizations of how your codebase works. Ionic React Now Available in Beta — Ionic, a framework for building cross-platform hybrid mobile apps, is commonly associated with Angular but now it’s available in a React flavor too with around 70 components intended to cover the main use cases when building mobile apps.  (This item comes via our mobile developer newsletter). Objektno-orijentisani JavaScript VIŠE O KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE Articles, Tutorials and Opinions for vs forEach() vs for/in vs for/of — An overview of the difference between these looping constructs using several different edge cases. VALERI KARPOV JSConf US & The Expanding Web — Check out a recent blog by Anna Sedlar. BIG NERD RANCH SPONSOR Using Fastify and Preact for Quick Web App Prototyping — Two technologies we haven’t mentioned for quite a while come together here in building a simple full-stack app. LUCIANO MAMMINO Styling an Angular Application with Bootstrap — A tutorial using the latest versions of Bootstrap 4 and Angular 7. SMASHING MAGAZINE Working with TypeScript in Visual Studio Code — Since VS Code and TypeScript both originated at Microsoft, it’s no surprise they work well together. JAMES QUICK BEGINNER How to Disallow Large Imports from JavaScript Projects — Are there known large dependencies your team wish they could disallow from a project? ESLint supports disallowing specific imports. ADDY OSMANI Replace Tedious Coding with MongoDB Stitch and Public APIs MONGODB SPONSOR 'We Migrated to Next. js to Serve Our Home Page 7. 5× Faster' — Going from a basic React boilerplate to Next. js can yield serious initial render time improvements and without much work, too. DREW POWERS (MANIFOLD) Faster Calls with Arguments Mismatch — Technical notes on a special V8 optimization for situations where you have strict mode functions that don’t use the arguments object or rest parameters. The performance improvement can be significant. BENEDIKT MEURER AND TOON VERWAEST (V8) Code and Tools VS Code Settings and Extensions for Faster JS Development TILO MITRA Cryption: In-Browser AES File Encryption with Data Integrity Check— It’s limited as to the size of data it can work with, however, but is an interesting project. TIM-LUCA LAGMÖLLER Supercharge Your Code, Test, Debug Feedback Loop — Wallaby runs unit tests as you type and reports results right beside your code in your text editor. WALLABY. JS SPONSOR SimpleFS: Handle Files in IndexedDB Like You Would in Node — Node-style file operations for files stored in IndexedDB. FAGBOKFORLAGET V&B AS Cleave. js: Format Input Text Content While Typing — Ideal for things like phone numbers, credit card numbers, dates. . or define your own. MAX HUANG Howler. js: An Audio Library for the Modern Web — Get a simple API for your audio needs across all platforms. No dependencies, too. JAMES SIMPSON A JavaScript-Interop Library for ClojureScript APPLIED SCIENCE STUDIO

JavaScript Weekly 429




JavaScript Weekly #429 I Don't Hate Arrow Functions (But. . ) — Arrow functions (=>), as introduced in ES6, have generally been a much welcomed addition to JavaScript but Kyle Simpson reminds us they’re not suitable in every scenario and has created an ESLint plugin to help you keep a handle on their use. V8 Release 7. 4: Private Class Fields Are Almost Here — The latest V8 is coming to a Chrome and Node near you soon, with perhaps the juiciest syntax addition being support for private class fields. There are also several key performance improvements, all covered in the post. 50% Off for Developers at the Annual Slack Conference — Attend the developer track at Frontiers for access to workshops, new feature demos, one-on-one app design sessions, and more. Register today to reserve your spot with the code F19DEV_COMM. An Introduction to Web Components — If you’ve not played with Web Components yet, here’s a great opportunity. This is a five part series (all now available) that walks through building Web Components and demonstrates why they’re an ideal approach to building front-end components and UI elements in a standardized way. fromfrom: A LINQ Inspired Library to Transform Sequences of Data— Now this is how you introduce your new library :-) A neat looking way to convert arrays of JavaScript objects from one structure to another using a fluent API. State of the Vuenion: An Update on Vue. js — At last month’s VueJS Amsterdam event, the creator of Vue. js gave a 40 minute keynote on how things are going with the project.  What a striking intro! JavaScript #1 in RedMonk's Programming Language Ranking — RedMonk is a highly regarded software development analyst and they’re continuing to find that JavaScript is dominating the industry.  TypeScript is also rocketing up the chart to now sit at #12. Objektno-orijentisani JavaScript VIŠE O KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE Tutorials and Opinions Writing Resilient React Components — Several principles to set you on the right path building solid React components. ES5 to ESNext — Here's Every Feature Added to JavaScript Since 2015 A Complete Guide to Threads in Node. js — An introduction to executing complex operations in Node. js with the worker_threads threading module. Reliable End to End Test Automation with Gauge and Taiko — Open source JavaScript testing by ThoughtWorks. How to Manipulate CSS Colors with JavaScript — This goes into a lotmore depth than you might be expecting. . An Intro to RxJS Concepts with Vanilla JavaScript — Observables. . ? Observers. . ? Get a grip on the concepts here. Write Your First Service Worker in 5 Minutes — Making a service worker (a script that runs in the background of your browser and handles certain types of non-interactive mechanisms, such as caching) can seem intimidating but here it is boiled down to the bare essentials. JavaScript's New #private Class Fields — Since they’re coming to both Node and Chrome very soon. . Build and Deploy Serverless Apps on a Global Cloud Network — Learn how to start writing serverless APIs in JavaScript, and reserve a custom subdomain for your next project. Henry Zhu: "Open Source is About One’s Soul Searching and Moving the Whole Community" — An interview with Henry Zhu, a core maintainer of Babel, who’s speaking at JSNation later this year. Testing and Debugging JavaScript Sites for Search — Google’s search index bot is happy to run your JavaScript but you might want to check things are set up and running well. Code and Tools Peacock: Visually Distinguish Different VS Code Windows — A way to keep your various VS Code windows organized and easy to follow. JOHN PAPA lax. js: Animation Scroll Effects — A simple and lightweight (2kb minified & zipped) plugin to create smooth animation on scroll.  Here’s the repo. ALEX FOX idb: IndexedDB, But with Promises — “A little 1. 1k library that tries to make IndexedDB usable via promises, helpers, and async iterators. ” JAKE ARCHIBALD TradingVue. js: A Flexible, 'Hackable' Charting Lib for Traders — For making those candlestick charts that every day-trader loves. CODE'S ALL RIGHT ™ CrumbsJS: An ES6 Cookies and localStorage JavaScript Library — An extremely simple API for working with these browser features. NIR TZEZANA Dare to Stream: Try Bitmovin’s Encoding, Player, and Analytics Solutions for Free BITMOVIN SPONSOR React Router v5 Released — If you need it, you know :-) We’ll be focusing more on it in next week’s React newsletter. MICHAEL JACKSON Mosaic: A Frontend JavaScript Library for Building User Interfaces — Many will argue there are too many such libraries but I think it’s neat to experiment and see fresh perspectives. ADEOLA UTHMAN  
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