JavaScript Weekly 436
What’s New in JavaScript — At this week’s Google I/O ’19, Mathias Bynens and Sathya Gunasekaran of the V8 team gave a fantastic 30 minute ‘state of the union’ talk on the state of JavaScript as a language and what new features are being baked in.
Comlink 4. 0: It Makes Web Workers Enjoyable — Web Workers provide a way to run JavaScript out of the main thread and in the background, and they’re supported in every browser. Google’s Comlink takes away all the headaches of using them and makes it easy. Basically, you need this.
Best Experience with React, Angular & Vue. js in WebStorm — With smart code completion, dozens of refactorings, and support for popular frameworks, all working out of the box, WebStorm is an IDE that makes development easier and more enjoyable. Try the new WebStorm 2019. 1.
Angular Fans! Here's All The Talks from ng-conf 2019 — There’s a lotto go through here, but this is truly a one-stop shop for up to date Angular talks. Highlights include the keynote talk, how enterprises are using Angular, John Papa delivering a batch of Angular tips, and a complete workshop on using ngRx for state management.
Objektno-orijentisani JavaScript
Microsoft has launched React Native for Windows, bringing the once native mobile development framework to Windows 10 desktop, Xbox, and tablet ecosystems too.
Googlebot has gotten an upgrade which means it can now crawl and run all your latest ES6 JavaScript, handle Web Components, and more.
A DoS vulnerability has been found in the popular Axios HTTP librarywhere a malicious server operator could gum down your client-side code.
The latest version of GraalVM, a JVM-related VM from Oracle, includes a "JavaScript engine compliant with the latest ECMAScript 2019 standard"which provides a migration path for anyone using Rhino or Nashorn.
To celebrate Minecraft's 10th birthday, Mojang have rebuilt Minecraft Classic in JavaScript and made it free to play. The source shows they've used Babylon. js for the 3D.
Tutorials, Opinions, and Videos
A Guide to Setting Up Vim for JavaScript Development — VS Code might be the most heavily used editor in our space now, but Vim has a lot going for it and this is a thorough look at setting it up for JavaScript development.
Array. from Has A Second Argument — Array. from creates a new array from array-like or iterable objects, but it can also take a second argument that’s a map function between the old value to the new.
The Developer’s Guide to Not Losing the Metrics You Need — Gathering and storing metrics is a part of production. When adverse events occur, you need to have the metrics available to debug the problems.
Building a JavaScript Guitar Pedalboard — This is really fun! You can play with the pedalboard for yourself (no guitar needed, there’s a musical sample available) or just learn how the whole thing was set up.
▶ Watch Me Build a Trading Bot — Siraj is one of the more engaging developers on YouTube and here he shows off the development of a currency trading bot using a variety of JavaScript related technologies.
A Guide to Node. js Logging — Learn how to improve logging in your library or app from using console. log to dedicated libraries like Roarr and Pino.
Structuring Vuex Modules for Relationships, Speed and Flexibility — Vuex is a state management approach for Vue. js apps.
▶ A Hands-On Introduction to React Hooks — A 30 minute introduction and demonstration of hooks directly from Facebook’s F8 conference and given by an experienced developer on the Instagram Web team who’s using React every day. (P. S. This week’s React newsletter was really good!)