Everything You Should Know About Ruby Splats
Even though splats (and double splats) in Ruby are common, there are some complex edge cases that can be misleading.
Using React Inside Your Rails Apps
An exploration of different ways to bring React into your new or existing Rails apps.
Performance Updates from RailsConf 2017
A high-level summary of various performance talks and panels from RailsConf 2017 and their practical impact.
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24/7 monitoring & support by experts. Pre-baked blue/green deployment. Auto scaling for high/low demand. Plus - deploy your app as often as you like.
It’s tough to balance dependencies against immediate productivity and often tougher to keep dependency versions up-to-date.
A detailed post showing how the
TruffleRuby team measures and improves performance with tracing and by graphing compilation calls.
A long post starting with functional basics, like functors and monads, and ending with a full-Ruby implementation of lazy I/O classes.
In brief