Under the hood, Rails 5’s ActionCable uses nio4r, a low level non-blocking IO library inspired by Java’s NIO. Here, its author explains how it works.
If you’ve decided to give Phoenix & Elixir a try but your existing user auth is happening through a Rails app, don’t fear, here’s how to share sessions.
A look at using SQS and Shoryuken to process queued requests to a third-party API.
What if Ruby made it easy for you to write async code and real-time apps? By pairing up JRuby with Ratpack, Joe Kutner shows us that we can teach Ruby some new tricks.
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A practical look at tweaking your background jobs to scale and perform better.
Glenn Goodrich explores the Raspberry Pi platform using mRuby and the h2o web server. Learn how to make a quick API or capture a camera image.
In an hour long talk, Oracle’s Chris Seaton shows off the Truffle project, a research project that aims to provide a significantly faster alternative runtime for JRuby.
In brief