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SitePoint Ruby

Rubyzip and Rails

Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski compresses all his knowledge about rubyzip and Rails into this post. Learn how to provide your users with a zipped archive today.

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API automation

Instant API for any database. Sample apps for React, Angular, Android, and iOS. Free and open source, with an active community.

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Ruby Qs: LRU Cache and Binary Trees

Another entry in a very interesting series, Dhaivat Pandya walks through interview questions around LRU Cache and Binary trees. Good stuff.

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Generate Excel Files with Rails

Another post from Ilya, this one on providing Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx files) with Rails and the axlsx gem. Now you can supply large, compressed spreadsheets...

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PWYW Design Bundle

Thousands of Top-Shelf Graphics from 10 of the Web's Finest Design Destinations

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Ruby Qs: Problem Walkthroughs

In this post, Dhaivat goes through a couple of problems that Ruby interviewers might ask and how you can answer. This post can help you get hired.

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A New Browser: Vivaldi

Have you heard of the new browser on the block, Vivaldi? It’s based on Chromium and has some pretty cool features. Check out this interview with its CEO.

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Measure UX Success/Failure

How do you measure the success or failure of your UX? You don’t? Well, this post will help you get started with some important metrics so you’ll know if you’re good.

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