Dobro obrazovanje ne mora da dođe po visokoj ceni. U stvari, vi možete da stičete znanja koja nude velika imena kao što su Jejl, MIT, i Tafts i to bez potrebe da bilo šta platite ili se bilo gde prijavite. U ovom članku dajemo vam listu od 200 onlajn kurseva ovih renomiranih institucija, koje vi možete da pohađate bez ikakvih obaveza.
Prirodne nauke
Ovi kursevi pokrivaju fiziku, geologiju, prirodne fenomene i još mnogo toga.
- Fundamentals of Physics
- Principles of Chemical Science
- Frontiers and Controversies in Astrophysics
- Life in the Palaeozoic
- General Biology I
- General Biology II
- Physics I: Classical Mechanics
- Climate Change
- Quantum Mechanics
- Organic Chemistry I
- Earthquakes
- Comparing Stars
- Physics III: Vibrations and Waves
- Introduction to Modern Physics
- Superconductivity
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Evolution Through Natural Selection
- Physics for Humanists
- The Evolving Universe
- Physics I
- The Sun
Studirajte matematiku, od jednostavnih cena pa sve do kalkulusa.
- Linear Algebra
- Exploring Distance Time Graphs
- Differential Equations
- An Introduction to Complex Numbers
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Calculus III
- Prices
- Single Variable Calculus
- Systems of Differential Equations
- Math Everywhere
Inženjerstvo i računarske nauke
Upoznajte računarske mreže, električno inženjerstvo, i još mnogo toga pomoću ovih kurseva.
- Circuits and Electronics
- Network Security
- Science of Sound
- Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
- Protocols in Multi-Service Networks
- Flash.
- Mathematical Methods for Engineers I
- Signals and Systems
- Computers and Computer Systems
- Computer System Engineering
- Communications Systems I
- Fluid Mechanics
- Information on the Web
- Microelectronic Devices and Circuits
- Stochastic Processes
- Introducing ICT Systems
- Models and Modeling.
- Soil-based Hazardous Waste Management
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Error Control Coding
- Designing the User Interface
- Uncertainty in Engineering Analysis
- Signals and Systems
- Accessibility in Interaction Design
- Mathematics for Computer Science
- Biochemical Engineering
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- An Introduction to Data and Information
- Information Theory
Jezik, umetnost i dizajn
Upoznajte svoju umetničku stranu tako što ćete učiti francuski, studirati poeziju i uobličavati vaše veštine plesanja.
- Modern Poetry.
- French: En Ville
- Three-Dimensional Modeling, Animation and Rendering Using Blender 3D Software
- Beginning Latin: Grammar
- Finding Information in Modern Languages
- Introduction to Writing: Academic Prose
- Producing Films for Social Change
- Spanish: Espacios Publicos
- First Year Chinese I
- First Year Chinese II
- Dance Skills
- English Grammar in Context
- Studing the Arts and Humanities
- Technology for Professional Writers
- Understanding Theatre
- CALFNES Spanish
- Nature and the Built Environment
- Intermediate Writing: Research Writing in a Persuasive Mode
- Classical Drama and Theatre
Na ovim kursevima nećete naučiti kako da obavljate operacije na otvorenom srcu, ali ćete saznati mnogo toga.
- Health Issues for Aging Populations
- Introduction to Biology
- Introduction to Methods for Health Service Research and Evaluation
- Principles of Drug Development
- Implant Dentistry
- Professional Issues in Nursing
- Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
- Addiction and Neural Aging
- Public Health Biology
- Population Change and Public Health
- Managed Care and Health Insurance
- Health Assessment and Promotion
- Preclinical Complete Denture Prosthodontics
- Genetics
- Ethical Issues in Public Health
- Introduction to Clinical Pain Problems
- STI Prevention: Using Epidemiology to Inform Policy and Program
- History of Public Health
- Food Safety, Storage and Allergies
- Human Growth and Development
- Microbiology
- Concepts in Economic Evaluation
- Ethics of Human Subject Research
- Comtemporary Biosocial Problems in America
- Opthamology Grand Rounds
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology
- Renal Pathiphysiology
- Nutrition and Medicine
- Family Planning Policies and Programs
Poljoprivreda i veterinarska medicina
Obrazutje se iz oblasti ekologije, veterinarskog zdravlja, i očuvanja.
- Agricultural Science and Policy I
- Agricultural Science and Policy II
- Histology
- Cattle Management
- Animals at the Extremes: The Desert Environment
- Irrigation & Conveyance Control Systems
- Plant Diseases & Chemicals
- Law and Veterinary Medicine
- Tropical Ecology and Conservation
- Vegetable Gardening and Lawn Care
- Veterinary Respiratory Pathophysiology
- Sprinkle & Trickle Irrigation
- Water Quality
- Population Health
- Human-Animal Relationships
- Zoological Medicine
- Surface Irrigation Design
Zakon i politika
Kursevi posvećeni političkim procesima i zakonu.
- Theories of Public Policy
- International Relations
- Terrorism, Peace and Other Inconsistencies
- Judges and the Law
- Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley
- Introduction to Political Philosophy
- Making and Using Rules
Društvene nauke
Upoznajte ljudsku fiziologiju, svetske probleme i još mnogo toga preko ovih kurseva.
- Death
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Introduction to Psychology
- Cultural Anthropology
- Public Opinion
- Introducing Consciousness
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love
- Substance Abuse and the Family
- Promoting Positive Development Among Youth
- Women in Islamic Societies
- Introduction to Psychology
Učite na tuđim greškama iz prošlosti pomoću ovih kurseva.
- 19th Century Europe
- The Roman Empire: Introducing Some Key Terms
- African American History
- History of Utah
- US Institutions
- Islamic Societies of the Middle East and North Africa
- History and Civilization
Saznajte kako se razvijala religija, istorija i još mnogo toga.
- Introduction to the Old Testament
- Anthropology of Religion
- Faith and the African American Experience
- Foundations of Theology: Biblical and Historical
- Latino Theology and Christian Tradition
- Jews and Christian Throughout History
- Religion Today: Themes and Issues
Biznis i finansije
Upotrebite ove kurseve kako biste bolje shvatili menadžment, ekonomiju i inovacije.
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Capital Markets
- Creating an Ethical Organization
- Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning
- Introduction to Economics
- Microeconomics for Managers
- Entrepreneurial Behavior
- Introduction to Microeconomics
- Understanding Management
- Training and Human Resources Development
- International Economics
- The Concept of Innovation
- Medical Product Quality Systems
- E-Marketing
- International Multilateral Negotiation
- Spa Operations
- Managerial Economics
- An Introduction to Business Cultures
- Regulatory Requirements for Pharmaceutical Products
- Business Analysis:
Porodica i obrazovanje
Ovi kursevi se fokusiraju na porodicu, decu i najbolje metode učenja.
- Introduction to Open Education
- Psychosocial Aspects of Visual Impairment
- Intro to Instructional Design
- Producing Distance Education Resources
- Parents and Toddlers: Teaching and Learning at Home
- Why Teach Art?
- Marriage and Family Relationships
- Understanding Online Interaction
- California Subject Examination for Teachers
- Accessibility of eLearning
- Conversation on Instructional Design
- Learn and Apply HTML
- Family Finance
- Data Visualization Theory and Practice
- Research for the Classroom Teacher
- Instructional Games
- Advanced Topics in Learning Object Design and Reuse
- Blogs, Wikis, New Media for Learning
- Power of Positive Parenting
- Connecting People with Online Resources
Dodatni resursi
Kursevi koje smo ovde dali su samo vrh ledenog brega. Pogledajte i ove resurse ako vas interesuje još onlajn kurseva.