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Popust cena: 270 rsd

Dreamweaver 8 – kreiranje internet prezentacija

Dreamweaver 8 – kreiranje internet prezentacija

Popust cena: 180 rsd

Android Offline First, Fingerprint Authentification, Java Error Handler, iOS feratures Android already has

Google Maps have a secret function that will transform your holiday | Travel News |… — Google Maps users will be well aware of the power of the app - with many questioning how we ever lived without it in our… Open in a new tab

Offline First: Introducing TrueTime for Android(

In this series of blog posts, Kaushik Gopal shares some ideas and learnings from moving primary parts of their shopper app offline — making the apps for shoppers first-class partners to our APIs. Step 1 - establishing a baseline for time.

Android Security and Accessibility (

In one of our former issues we were talking about the security impact when screen readers might access password fields. To keep the discussion going Ataul Munim has written a feedback why he thinks that the issue is not that severe.

Sharing code between UI & unit tests (

In this series of posts Pavel Dudka will share some useful tricks he's learned over the last few years related to testing on Android.

5 NEW iOS 10 Features Android ALREADY HAS!

Synchronously Animating Colors on Android (

Kyle Banks came across a situation where he wanted to animate the background color of the app’s Toolbar, TabLayout, FloatingActionButton, and the window StatusBar when the selected tab changes.

Android Fingerprint Authentication (

Getting Android fingerprint authentication right isn't easy. Aitor Viana shows how (via a library) to simplify the process.

Kotlin vs Java: Compilation speed (

In Part 3, AJ Alt won’t be trying to compare the speed of Kotlin versus a single line of Java; instead, he’ll try to answer the question of whether converting a codebase from Java to Kotlin will affect its overall build time.

12 Budget-Friendly Video Editing Apps You Can Use For Social Video

Hootsuite Social Media Management — Flickr CC by NC ND 2.0 Social video has become a pivotal part of any content marketing plan. There is a multitude of platforms… Open in a new tab


Let the view handle the lifecycle in MVP by using RxJava (

Sometimes it's not easy to wrap your head around how to use MVP together with RxJava. In this post you'll learn how to properly subscribe to an onViewCreated event.

Nougat – GCM Network Manager (

Mark Allison starts a loosely-related series of articles looking at various aspects of these new features in Nougat to see how to best make use of them.

TransactionTooLargeException crashes on Nougat (

Chiu-Ki Chan discovers limitations on the size of instance state saved by Activities.

5 world-building games for Android and iOS inspired by Minecraft - Apple News

Apple News — Phone Arena We’ve rounded up five entertaining titles inspired by the things that make Minecraft special without stealing its identity. If you like exploring vast, randomly generated worlds… Open in a new tab

Building a blazing fast ETC2 compressor (

Google has released a fast, open source ETC2 compressor. Colt McAnlis takes a look.

Auto rename Android versionName in Gradle (

Barry shows how to modify versionName automatically, by creating a custom Gradle Plugin.

Ceylon: Ceylon 1.3.0 is now available

Is your custom view interactive aware? (

During the lifecycle of your Android view, there are times where the user can’t interact with it, and you can must take advantage of it to save some battery.

Android Amazing Open Source Apps (

Getting started with Android Development might be easy. Mastering it is a hard thing - this blog post lists a few open source apps that do a lot things right (usability and software architecture).

DoorSignView (

Create static door signs using DoorSignView or, if you're into fancy things, give a try to AnimatedDoorSignView for adding a cool animation based on the device orientation sensor(s).

Java Error Handler (

Error handling is a library for Java and Android that helps you to DRY up your error handling code. The concept for this library is to have a default handler for every expected (exceptional, common or not) error. It helps to handle specific errors as appropriate based on where and when they occur and have a default catch-all handler for unknown errors.

Top 5 best Android apps for yout android phones

Techpepsye — Here we collect best android apps for this week. We collect some new apps, best android apps and useful apps for your android phone. With these apps, you can create mix music, know the… Open in a new tab


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