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Ukupno: 443, strana 10 od 23

Dreamweaver CS5: KAKO DA ubacite PSD slike iz Photoshopa




Nakon što kreirate ili modifikujete slike u Photoshopu, u  PSD formatu, možete brzo da kopirate i pejstujete celu ili deo slike koja ima  više slojeva. Isto tako možete da ubacite ceo PSD fajl u Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver će automatski da optimizuje slike u izabrani  format (GIF, JPEG ili PNG). Pre nego što ubacite PSD fajl na web stranicu  potrebno je da ga snimite na lokaciju gde se nalaze i ostali fajlovi web sajta.   Kada ubacite ceo PSD fajl, Dreamweaver kreira Smart Object koji zadržava vezu  sa Photoshopom. Da biste kreirali Smart Object iz Photoshop fajla, uradite  sledeće:  Otvorite web stranicu na koju želite da ubacite sliku.   Kliknite unutar dokumenta na mesto na koje biste želeli  da dodate sliku.   U liniji menija izaberite Insert a zatim kliknite na  komandu Image.   Potražite PSD sliku koju želite a zatim kliknite na OK.   Kliknite na karticu Options a zatim specifikujte format,  kvalitet i opcije umekšavanja.   Kliknite na karticu File a zatim specifikujte opcije  skaliranja.   Kliknite na OK.

Dreamweaver CS5: KAKO DA ubacite specijalne karaktere na web stranicu




U programima za  procesiranje reči imate sva slova abecede i specijalne karaktere. Specijalni  karakteri služe da bolje iskažete vašu misao. U Dreamweaveru  možete da upotrebite podmeni Special Characters da biste dodali specijalne  karaktere na web stranicu. Da biste ubacili specijalni karakter na web  stranicu, uradite sledeće:  Otvorite web  stranicu na koju želite da dodate specijalni karakter.   Kliknite na  mesto na koje želite da dodate specijalni karakter da biste postavili tačku  unosa.   U liniji  menija kliknite na Insert a zatim izaberite komandu HTML > Special Characters.   Izaberite  specijalni karakter koji želite da ubacite na web stranicu.   Ako želite da  ubacite specijalni karakter koji nije dostupan u ovom podmeniju, kliknite na  opciju Other.   Izaberite  specijalni karakter koji želite i kliknite na OK.

Dreamweaver CS5: KAKO DA uključite jedan HTML fajl u drugi




Uključivanje jedne HTML stranice u drugu je veoma važan deo  web dizajna jer možete jednostavno i brzo da ažurirate ceo web sajt. Dreamweaver uključene HTML fajlove naziva fajl biblioteke.   Dakle, potrebno je da kreirate fajl biblioteke koji ćete kasnije upotrebiti  prilikom dizajniranja web sajta.   Otvorite panel Library tako što ćete kliknuti na Window >  Assets a zatim kliknite na dugme Library.   Selektujte deo  HTML fajla koji želite da konvertujete u element biblioteke.   Prevucite  selekciju u panel Library i otpustite taster miša.   Dajte naziv  fajlu biblioteke. Kada je kreiran  element biblioteke, možete da ga upotrebite na bilo kojoj stranici vašeg sajta.   Jednostavno prevucite element biblioteke na novu stranicu.

Dreamweaver CS5: KAKO DA upotrebite komande Undo i Redo




Verovatno jedna  od najvećih novina u računarskoj industriji je mogućnost poništavanja izvršene  radnje i ponovno izvršavanje iste. Dreamweaver vam  daje mogućnost da poništite greške i ponovo izvršite radnju koju ste slučajno  poništili. Panel History prikazuje akcije koje ste izvršili u Dreamweaveru i  omogućava vam da ih poništite i ponovo izvršite koliko god koraka želite. Da biste  upotrebili komande Undo i Redo, uradite sledeće:  Da biste  poništili poslednji izvršeni korak, u meniju Edit kliknite na komandu Undo ili  u liniji sa alatkama Standard kliknite na dugme Undo.   Da biste  vratili korak koji ste slučajno poništili, u meniju Edit kliknite na komandu  Redo ili u liniji sa alatkama Standard kliknite na dugme Redo. Da biste izvršili  komande Undo i Redo koristeći panel History, uradite sledeće:  Otvorite web  stranicu i izvršite nekoliko akcija.   U liniji  menija kliknite na Window a zatim kliknite na History da biste otvorili panel  History.   U panelu  History prikazana je lista svih koraka koje ste izvršili u dokumentu. Da biste  poništili više koraka, kliknite na strelicu koja se nalazi sa leve strane  panela History. Biće poništeni svi koraci koji su prikazani ispod strelice.

Dreamweaver CS5: KAKO DA upotrebite panel CSS Style




Dreamweaver vam  na panelu CSS Styles daje potpunu kontrolu nad internim i eksternim stilovima.   Panel CSS Styles omogućava vam da menjate stilove elemenata na stranici. Panel CSS Styles  sadrži listu svih internih i eksternih stilova koji su povezani sa aktivnom web  stranicom. Pored prikazivanja stilova, koji su poznati kao pravila (rules), CSS  Styles panel vam daje mogućnost da dodate stilove, modifikujete postojeće  stilove i tako dalje. Pomoću CSS Style  panela u Dreamweaveru možete da uradite sledeće:   Otvorite web  stranicu koja sadrži stilizovani tekst koji želite da pregledate.   U liniji  menija kliknite na Window a zatim na CSS Styles.   Otvoriće se  panel CSS Style. Dostupne su sledeće opcije:   All or Current  - prikazuje sve atilove aktivnog dokumenta ili selektovani stil.   Rules Window -  prikazuje listu pravila aktivnog dokumenta.   Properties  Window - prikazuje listu parametara za pravilo koje je selektovano u prozoru  Rules.   Show Category  View - prikazuje parametre za selektovano pravilo po kategorijama.   Show List View  - prikazuje parametre za selektovano pravilo u prikazu List.   Show Only Set  Properties - prikazuje samo set parametara.   Attach Style  Sheet - dodaje eksterni stil.   New CSS Rule -  kreira novi stil.   Edit Style  Sheet - otvara okvir za dijalog za modifikovanje stilova.   Disable/Enable  CSS Property - uključuje ili isključuje parametre selektovanog stila.   Delete CSS  Style Sheet - briše selektovano pravilo ili parametar.

Dreamweaver CS5: KAKO DA upotrebite panel Results




Rezultat izvršavaja komande Find All i Replace all u okviru  za dijalog Find and Replace, pojaviće se na kartici Search prozora Results. Rezultati pretrage ostaće u prozoru do sledeće upotrebe  komande Find All ili Replace All. Rezultatima pretrage možete da pristupite  tako što ćete otvoriti panel Results. Da biste upotrebili panel Results, uradite sledeće:  Otvorite Web stranicu na kojoj želite da pronađete i  zamenite tekst.   Kliknite na meni Window a zatim kliknite na Results da  biste otvorili panel Results.   Na dnu prozora Dreamweavera otvoriće se panel Results sa  listom stranica koje sadrže rezultate prethodne pretrage. Kliknite na karticu  Search.   Izaberite jednu od sledećih opcija panela:  Highlight Selection - Dvostruko kliknite na selekciju u  panelu Results da biste otvorili fajl i označili selekciju u dokumentu.   Find and Replace - Kliknite da biste otvorili okvir za  dijalog Find and Replace.   Stop - Kliknite da biste zaustavili pretragu koja je u toku.   Save Report - Kliknite da biste snimili rezultate pretrage  u XML fajl. Da biste zatvorili panel Results, kliknite na meni Window a  zatim kliknite na Results.

Dreamweaver CS5: KAKO DA upotrebite radio dugme




Kada kreirate web stranicu, možda ćete poželeti da dodate  radio dugmad da biste vašim čitaocima dali izbor. U Dreamweaveru dodavanje  radio dugmeta je veoma jednostavno. Da biste dodali radio dugme na vašu web stranicu, uradite  sledeće:   Postavite tačku unosa na mesto gde želite da postavite  radio dugme a zatim kliknite na Insert > Form > Radio Button.   Otvoriće se  okvir za dijalog Input Tag Accessibility Attributes. Možete da ukucate ID i  naziv u određena polja. Zatim možete da selektujete stil i poziciju iz grupe  Style i grupe Position. Zatim kliknite na OK da biste ubacili radio dugme.   Nakon toga  možete da kliknete na radio dugme, na panelu Properties u odeljku Radio Button,  možete da promenite naziv radio dugmeta. Možete da promenite i vrednost u polju  Check Value. Za Initial State možete da izaberete Checked ako želite da se  opcija prikaže kada se formular učita.   Ako želite da  ubacite više radio dugmadi, ponovite korake 1, 2 i 3.   Ako želite da  dodate radio grupu, trebali biste da postavite tačku unosa na mesto gde želite  da se prikaže radio grupa, zatim kliknite na Insert, izaberite Form a zatim  Radio Group.   Otvoriće se  okvir za dijalog Radio Group. Unesite naziv za grupu. Zatim možete da dodate  ili uklonite radio dugme tako što ćete kliknuti na znak plus ili minus.   Kliknite na OK da biste dodali radio grupu.

Dreamweaver CS5: KAKO DA vaša web stranica ispuni ceo prozor pretraživača




Ako želite da vaš  web sajt ispunjava ceo prozor pretraživača, možete to da uradite u  Dreamweaveru. Sajtovi kreirani  pomoću Dreamweavera ne zauzimaju ceo prozor pretraživača. Ako želite da vaš web  sajt ispunjava ceo prozor pretraživača, uradite sledeće:  Otvorite novi  dokument ili šablon u Dreamweaveru.   Kada se stranica otvori, u statusnoj liniji klinite na  izraz  <div#container>. Videćete da  je u glavnom prozoru selektovana cela web stranica.   Na desnom strani prozora Dreamweavera videćete panel  Files. Iznad njega nalazi se skupljeni CSS panel. Kliknite da biste ga  otvorili.   U CSS panelu, dvostruko kliknite na stavku Width.   Otvoriće se okvir za dijalog u kojem možete da promenite širinu stranice.   Kliknite na polje Width i ukucajte broj 100. Uverite se da je u polju pored  izabran %.   Kliknite na OK. Vaša web stranica će sada ispunjavati ceo prozor  pretraživača. Zar nije jednostavno?

Dreamweaver CS5: Šta je novo u Dreamweaveru CS5




Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 vam omogućava da kreirate dizajn sa  PHP zasnovanim sistemima za organizovanje sadržaja kao što su WordPress, Joomla  ili Drupal. Kreiranje u Dreamweaveru CS5 olakšaće vam moćne alatke za  kontrolu a pomoću Adobe BrowserLaba, novog Adobe CS Live servisa, možete da  testirate stranice u više pretraživača. Šta je novo u Dreamweaveru CS5?   Integrisana CMS podrška    Možete da potražite podršku za sisteme za organizovanje  sadržaja kao što su WordPress, Joomla ili Drupal.   Integracija sa servisom Adobe BrowserLab    Pregledajte dinamičke web stranice i lokalne sadržaje u više  pretraživača sa više omogućenih prikaza i alatki za dijagnostikovanje i  upoređivanje.   PHP pomoć    Prikažite odgovarajuće sintakse za prilagođene PHP funkcije  koje će vam pomoći da tačnije kreirate kodove.   Integracija sa servisom Business Catalyst    Iskoristite integraciju Dreamweavera i Adobe Business  Catalyst servisa da biste kreirali šta god poželite, od predivnih web sajtova  to moćnih onlajn prodavnica.   Postojanost između medija    Ubacite bilo koji Adobe Photoshop ili Illustrator fajl u  Dreamweaver da biste kreirali Smart objekte.     Pored ovih novina ima i poboljšanja već postojećih funkcija.   Neka od poboljšanja su:  Podrška za Subversion    Organizujte fajlove sajta efikasnije u kontrolisanom  okruženju pomoću poboljšane podrške za program Subversion.   Podešavanja sajta    Podesite web sajtove brže nego ikad, čak i sa više  uključenih servera.   Poboljšane stranice CSS Startera

Dzone daily, Complete Guide to Preventing Account Takeover




Complete Guide to Preventing Account Takeover    Download Now › Are You an Architect?   Do you share this view of the definition of a software architect? Let us know in the comments. GitLab: We're Moving From Azure to Google Cloud Platform GitLab has decided to move from Azure to Google Cloud Platform to improve performance and reliability. Read on for the details of the migration. Mapping The Available API Integrations Each Company Has  Without a robust platform integration strategy, a platform is an island and won't be as competitive as platforms who are interconnected and interoperable with other API-driven solutions in the space. Software Architecture: The 5 Patterns You Need to Know Whether you're a software architect or a developer, it always pays to know the patterns used in a given architecture. Here are five of the most important ones. Specializing in Node. js/Full Stack Development [Video]  When learning new languages/frameworks, is it better to learn that language or framework independent of others or as part of a stack? See what one dev has to say. Why Is Swagger JSON Better Than Swagger Java Client? Want to know why the Swagger JSON is better than Swagger Java Client? Click here to learn why in this post. DZone's Top IoT Reads How IOT and Big Data Are Driving Smart Traffic Management and Smart Cities   Traffic can be a real pain. Check out this post about IoT and traffic management in smart cities! How to Choose a Microcontroller for IoT   Most IoT devices use some kind of microcontroller. Click here to learn more about selecting a microcontroller for your IoT device. How Safe Is the Internet of Things?   How safe are our connected devices? As more and more data is collected, the security of IoT devices becomes a pressing issue. Functional Safety in the Automotive Industry (Part 1): The Rise of C   Let's look back at the history of embedded development in the automotive industry and see how C helped change everything. IoT and the Environment: A Greener World   Want to learn about how IoT is the future to a greener plant? Read more here about how connected devices can help reduce carbon dioxide levels and more. Applications of IoT in the Medical Industry (Part 2) – Telemedicine   Want to learn more about the use of telemedicine in the medical industry? Read more about the various improvements to be made with IoT technology. Redefining Businesses Through Digital Twin Technology   Want to learn more about a technology that can benefit smart cities and businesses? Look no further than digital twin technology.

Dzone Weekly Mobile Application Development, 9 Useful Tips For Linux Server Security




8 Options for Capturing Thread Dumps Thread dumps are vital artifacts to diagnose CPU spikes, deadlocks, memory problems, unresponsive applications, poor response times, and other system problems.  Read »   Building a Language: Generating Bytecode Federico Tomassetti's series on building your own language reaches bytecode. Read » JMS: A Quick and Complete Guide This guide will walk you through all you need to know about JMS and how it works, communicates, and connects with other software.  Read »   Exclusive DZone Research Mobile Application Development Users keep expecting more responsive cross-device UX, and mobile app developers are feeling increased pressure to keep up. How are developers actually building mobile apps in 2016? The DZone Guide to Mobile Application Development (Volume III) presents original survey data, gathered from over 400 developers, on real-world tools, techniques, frameworks, and all aspects of mobile developer experience (DX) for native and hybrid mobile app development. Download the Guide »   Top Articles This Week Java The Shotgun Surgery Code Smell - by Shamik Mitra Poprocks and Coke [comic] - by Daniel Stori Towards More Functional Java Using Lambdas as Predicates - by Scott Leberknight   Performance 9 Useful Tips For Linux Server Security - by Denny Zhang Avoid Using COUNT() in SQL When You Could Use EXISTS() - by Lukas Eder Vulnerabilities in the News This Week - by Maria Lee   DevOps Running Multiple Zookeeper Instances on Single Windows Machine - by Mohammad Nadeem Type-Safe and Clean Coding: The Benefits of Type-Inference - by Sercan Karaoglu Monitoring Docker Containers with Elasticsearch and Cadvisor - by Lorenzo Fontana   IoT A New Wardrobe: The Internet of Clothes - by Adi Gaskell Using NATS For Secure, Fast, Low-Latency IoT Sensor Messaging - by Danko Miocevic Mongoose Embedded Web Server: Internal Networking Interface - by Alexander Alashkin   Cloud Docker Containers Only to Shine More With Kubernetes - by Ajitesh Kumar OpenStack: Core Components - by Ciby Baby Punnamparambil What‰Ûªs the Deal With Unikernels? - by Eric Wright   Agile On Pair Programming and the Myth of the 10x Developer - by Sam Atkinson What DevOps Taught Me About Agile - by Kurt Bittner What Makes a Team Great? - by Adi Gaskell   Big Data/Analytics Solving Real-Life Mysteries With Big Data and Apache Spark - by Justin Kestelyn Data Fracking: Going Deep Into the Data Lake Using Drill - by Greg Wood Apache NiFi 1. 0. 0: Zero-Master Clustering - by Mark Payne   Database Replication From Oracle to MariaDB (Part 1)- by Anders Karlsson Spring Boot With Spring Security and JDBC - by Emmanouil Gkatziouras 5 Keys to Avoiding Database Downtime - by Yaniv Yehuda   Mobile The Changing Mobile OS Landscape in the Enterprise - by Mark Kirstein iOS 10 Is About to Disrupt Mobile Testing Plans - by Eran Kinsbruner Native Cross-Platform Mobile Architecture - by Paul Zabelin   Integration Building a Real-Time GitHub Issue Tracker Using Java and Deepstream - by John Diamond A Look at the State of API Documentation Solutions - by Kin Lane An Intro to the Mule Management Console - by Harish Kumar   Web Dev Unwrapping AngularJS 2 - by Ravi Malhotra Perl: Language, Community, and the Future - by Navrup Johal Hacking JavaScript Games to Improve Your Testing - by Alan Richardson

Dzone weekly, Funcional Programming in Java




Functional Programming in Java 8 (Part 2): Optionals Use Optionals when there is a clear need to represent ''no result'' or where null is likely to cause errors. Otherwise, stick to nulls.  Read » Deep Learning and Machine Learning Guide: Part I From doing deep dives and checking out cool projects to working on distributed frameworks yourself, there many ways to learn about deep learning and machine learning.  Read » Memoizing Functions With Core Java 9 Java 9 will open a couple of new doors for memoizing functions. Starting with a base function, we'll work our way to NFunctions, memoizing along the way.  Read » Top Articles This Week Java Dealing With Similar Tests in JUnit 5 - by Grzegorz Ziemoski Removing Duplicate Code With Lambda Expressions - by Enrique Molinari Default and Static Methods in Interfaces - by Gaurav Rai Mazra   Security TLS and Web Certificates Explained - by Arun Pandey Security With Java in 2017 - by Nikica Fulir Proposal for a Java Policy Files Crafting Process - by Nicolas Frankel   Performance Depressed Developer 10 [Comic] - by Daniel Stori Storing and Querying Trillions of Events - by Nikita Salnikov-tarnovski Top 5 Log Management Enterprise Tools - by Elena Berezhnaya   DevOps The Ultimate DevOps Tools Ecosystem Tutorial, Part V: Release - by Noga Cohen Copy-and-Paste-Driven Development - by David Green Points of View to Consider When Switching to Automated Testing - by Sergio Sacrist�n   IoT A Doorbell With Facial Recognition - by Mangesh Pise The Age of Everything: Big Data Meets IoT - by Ryan Kh Introducing the Thingsboard Open Source IoT Gateway - by Andrew Shvayka   Cloud Architecting for Cloud-Native Data: Data Microservices Using Spring Cloud [Video] - by Pieter Humphrey Getting Started With Oracle Container Cloud Service - by Arun Gupta Converged Data Platform for Docker - by Tom Smith   Agile 6 Ways To Be A More Productive Developer - by Grzegorz Ziemoski Definition of Done - by Derek Huether My Notes From the ''Passionate Programmer'' - by Jakub Jedryszek   Big Data/Analytics Real-Time Big Data Processing with Spark and MemSQL - by Karshit Kumar What Are Spark Checkpoints on Data Frames? - by Jean Georges Perrin Big Data, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Command Line Tools - by Tim Spann   Database Ensure Your Database Doesn't Bottleneck Transformation- by Robert Reeves SpringOne Platform Replay: Introduction to Spring Data [Video] - by Pieter Humphrey The Pitfalls of Creating Indexes on MongoDB - by Dharshan Rangegowda   Mobile Using Xcode Storyboard for UI Building and Testing - by Ville-Veikko Helppi 6 Common Errors Android Developers Make - by Melissa Crooks Microsoft Announces Project Rome SDK for Android - by Prateek Tiwari   Integration What Are ESB and SOA? - by Dariusz Suchojad Using Kafka With Spring [Video] - by Pieter Humphrey API Management Is Getting More Modular and Composable - by Kin Lane   Web Dev SOLID, GRASP, And Other Basic Principles of Object Oriented Design - by Muhammad Umair Angular AoT Compilation, Lazy Loading, and Treeshaking With Webpack - by Fabian Gosebrink 7 Programming Languages That Grab My Attention! - by Lea Maya Karam  

Dzone Weekly, Optional Anti-Patterns, PDF Creation with Java, To Framework or NOT




Optional Anti-Patterns Optionals have proven so useful that some devs have taken them out of their native habitat. Here are anti-patterns and code smells to avoid.  Read ▶ PDF Creation With Java Need to make some PDFs with Java? If you're not familiar with iText library, here's your chance to see this piece of open source software generate PDFs.  Read ▶ To Framework or Not To Framework? The librarians claim that frameworks are unnecessary clutter to a project. The frame-workers use the frameworks anyway so that they can focus on the real business.  Read ▶ Introducing the AI Zone DZone’s brand new AI Zone features exciting topics like Machine Learning, NLP, and Cognitive Computing. Find the latest news and practical applications for chatbots, deep learning, knowledge engineering, and more! Visit the New AI Zone ▶   TOP ARTICLES THIS WEEK  JAVA Don't Extract Everything Into a Method - by Lukas Eder  SECURITY Go Beyond Username/Password With Modern Authentication - by Diego Poza  PERFORMANCE How to Utilize the Heapster+InfluxDB+Grafana Stack in Kubernetes for Monitoring Pods - by Slava Koltovich  AGILE Don't Be Average - by David Huntley  BIG DATA An Introduction to Kafka - by Prashant Sharma  DEVOPS Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) - by Soumyajit Basu  DATABASE Introduction to Dynamic SQL - by Mateusz Komendołowicz  INTEGRATION Microservices and Enterprise Architecture: When Two Worlds Meet - by Thomas Jardinet  MOBILE Xamarin's Effect on Software Development - by Graham High  IOT Connecting the World: IoT Ideas for Business - by Valeriia Timokhina  WEB DEV JavaScript Callback Hell: Solved - by Christian Ciceri  CLOUD Orchestration With Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Mesos - by Rachel Howard

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Kao demonstraciju kako to funkcioniše uzećemo primer sajta GrockaInfo. com. Naime, na ideju jednog našeg prijatelja došli smo do projekta koji bi imao za cilj bolje informisanje stanovnika opštine Grocka. Da bi se „pronašli posetioci" sajta moguće je odraditi više aktivnosti. Moguće je sajt reklamirati u novinama, radiju, deljenjem letaka i slično. Međutim upravo zbog velikog broja korisnika Facebooka na našim prostorima i cenom koštanja (praktično besplatno) odlučili smo se za ovakav način „pribavljanja posetilaca" sajta. Jer gde najlakše naći posetioce internet sajtova nego na internetu :). Prvo što je urađeno je osnovna optimizacija sajta za pretraživače, nista posebno, ali sasvim dovoljno da ispliva ispred zvanične prezentacije opštine Grocka, sajtova nekih firmi, političkih stranaka, radio stanica sa teritorije cele opštine. Prijavljivanje na Google Analytics je bila druga bitna stvar. GA trenutno najbolje obrađuje statistiku, problem nastaje kod prikaza korisnika wireless interneta, jer sve posetioce sa jednog repetitora prikazuje kao jednog. Tako da samu posećenost sajta treba gledati između jedinstvenih posetilaca i broja prikazanih strana. Integracija sa Facebookom je bila sledeća. Postoje više vrsta integracija, od samog linka sa sajta ka Facebook strani, prikazivanje događaja sa Facebook strane, kao i postavljanje tzv. Like dugmića na stranama i člancima sajta. Ono što je bilo najbitnije su potezi koji su se dešavali na samom Facebook-u. Za potrebe reklamiranja napravili smo stranicu (trenutno oko 5200 lajkova), profil (sa oko 1500 prijatelja) i grupu sa preko 13 000 članova (u jednom trenutku preko 15 000). Na početku postojanja sajta skoro sve posete su dolazile sa FB, kasnije što zbog optimizacije za pretraživače, što zbog odjeka koje je sajt imao u stanovništvu, sada je to malo drugacije. 30% dolazi sa FB, 30% direktno i 30% preko pretraživača, a ostatak od 10% preko linkova na drugim sajtovima. Ovakav raspored je skoro idealan za sve sajtove. Na vrhuncu posećenosti sajt je imao za jedan vikend 15 000 pregleda ili oko 7 000 jedinstvenih poseta. Jedan od krivaca za takvu posećenost je naravno Facebook i njegova mogućnost da se vest brzo prošili između velikog broja ljudi. CLOUD WEB DESIGN

FronEnd Focus 270




12 Handy Chrome DevTools Tips These are mostly simple tips but may uncover a few features you hadn’t got around to trying yet. ($0 was a handy one I didn’t know about. ) Do You Know These Eight HTML5 Tags? Practical explanations and examples. Includes a look at contextual highlighting with ‘mark’, quotations with ‘q’, and more. Debugging The Web with Paul Irish In 30 minutes, Paul Irish shared what’s new in Chrome’s DevTools and how they’ll help you when debugging your sites and front-end work. A lot of useful stuff. Try Kendo UI - the most complete JavaScript/HTML UI library with 70+ widgets / Kendo UI delivers everything you need to build modern web applications under tight deadlines - from the must-haves Data Grids and DropDowns to Spreadsheet and Scheduler. Choose from 70+ UI components and combine them to create beautiful, responsive apps. Dirty Tricks From The Dark Corners Of Front-End A superb slidedeck from a workshop given by Smashing Magazine’s proprietor. You should learn a few things from this. Bootstrap 4: A Visual Guide to What’s New Literally see what’s new in the next version of the popular front-end framework, including cards, font changes, a new XL grid tier, and tweaks to button styling. HEAD: Everything To Go In Your HTML's 'head' Starts from the usual basics (title, charset, etc. ) but works up to a significant number of meta and link tags useful in various situations. The Art of Debugging (on the Web) A ton of useful insights, tips, videos, and more, on debugging issues in Web apps, front end development, etc. Testing with Realistic Networking Conditions A look at a variety of approaches and tools for testing Web sites using network conditions end users are likely to experience. The Best of the Rest Chrome's DevTools in 2016 and Beyond newsGoogle Houdini: Maybe The Most Exciting Development In CSS You've Never Heard Of newsPhilip Walton Free O'Reilly eBook - 'Intelligent Caching' - Optimize Front End Performance at Scale Use "Intelligent Caching" as a resource and guide for optimizing performance on your website or application. Download nowStackPath  Sponsor How Well Do You Know CSS 'Display'? tutorial A helpful, in-depth run through of what each value of an element’s ‘display’ property can do for you, including inline-block, flex, run-in, and others. Chen Hui Jing 12 Little-Known CSS Facts (The Sequel) tutorialLouis Lazaris How to Center in CSS tutorial A golden oldie that resurfaced this year. Oliver Zheng A Guide to Writing Maintainable CSS tutorial Write CSS without worrying that overzealous styles will cause problems. Adam Silver Full Width Containers in Limited Width Parents tutorialChris Coyier Getting Started with Webpack 2 tutorialDrew Powers A Case Study on Boosting Front-End Performance storyCSS Tricks How and Why GitHub Switched to SVG for Its Icons storyGitHub Is jQuery Still Relevant? opinionTelerik Developer Network The Headless Web opinion Creative (and fascinating) thinking about the future of the Web. Paul Kinlan Discover the world’s most trusted SQL Server comparison tool Enjoy a free trial of SQL Compare, the industry standard for comparing and deploying SQL Server schemas. Red Gate  Sponsor Flexbox Patterns: User Interface Examples with Code code Examples of practical ways to use Flexbox to build UI components for your own site. CJ Cenizal WTF, Forms? Friendlier HTML Form Controls code Friendlier HTML form controls with a little CSS magic from GitHub’s Director of Design. Mark Otto

FrontEnd Focus 265 - smooth web animations, unlimited workshops




CSS Grids, Flexbox and Box Alignment: Our New System For Web Layout Rachel Andrew explains that by understanding flexbox you’re very close to understanding much of grid layout. Plenty of great CodePen examples here. How to Build A Responsive Grid System Zell sets outs to prep you with the knowledge needed to build a custom-made grid in this tutorial. 10 Principles for Smooth Web Animations Handy insights and approaches for reaching the much desired 60fps for your site’s animations. Unlimited LIVE online front-end engineering workshops Starting this week, Frontend Masters is offering all their LIVE online workshops from world-class experts, 100% free for members! Get unlimited access to ALL live online workshops, plus 50+ courses for just $39/mo. 309 Useful CodePens for Everyday Front End Development A large CodePen collection collated by Sarah Drasner featuring techniques that may prove useful in everyday front-end dev. How and Why You Should Inline Your Critical CSS Why you should be inlining your critical CSS, as well as how to do it using Grunt, npm modules and other tools. SkateJS: Cross-Framework Web Component Library Built on W3C Specs A library built on top of the W3C web component specs for writing functional and performant web components with a small footprint. Cooperative Scheduling with requestIdleCallback Firefox Nightly has support for requestIdleCallback, a method for having a function be called in the main thread during a window of idle time. HeadlessBrowsers: A List of (Almost) All Headless Web Browsers in Existence A collection of web browsers without a graphical user interface, controlled programmatically. Useful for automation, testing, and other purposes. IN BRIEF Google's Mobile-First Indexing Approach NEWS Google’s algorithms will eventually primarily use the mobile version of a site’s content. GOOGLE Announcing Dart Sass: A Dart Implementation of the Sass CSS Pre-Processor NEWS It’s fast, and compatible with JavaScript, naturally. SASS CSS 'position: sticky' To Be Enabled by Default in Chrome 56 NEWSCHROME PLATFORM STATUS CSS Round Display Specifications NEWS A look at support for round displays in CSS and how to use the features in Crosswalk. JOONE HUR Download 'Intelligent Caching' from O'Reilly Media Use 'Intelligent Caching' as a resource & guide for optimizing performance on your site or app. Download now. STACKPATH  SPONSOR Rendering the Mandelbrot Set with WebGL TUTORIALNICEBYTE Generating Sounds Programmatically in the Browser with JavaScript TUTORIALMARC G GAUTHIER Get Started on the CSS of the Future with PostCSS-cssnext TUTORIALSITEPOINT Capturing an Image from the User via the Browser TUTORIALPAUL KINLAN The State of Responsive 3D Shapes TUTORIAL An incredibly thorough guide. ANA TUDOR Building a responsive HTML5 app? Learn the must-know techniques in this whitepaper If you're a HTML5/JS dev, responsive web design is or will be a requirement in the near future. This whitepaper will give you the must-know on responsive web. PROGRESS  SPONSOR WebVR: Developing for the Immersive Web SLIDEDECKTONY PARISI A Look at the Chinese Language and Typography on the Web STORY A thorough look into how Chinese typography is displayed on the web. CHEN HUI JING Custom Elements: An Ecosystem Still Being Worked Out OPINIONPAUL KINLAN Web Fonts, Boy, I Don't Know OPINION “Web fonts are okay”, but Monica proclaims it’s your “responsibility to make your site load super fast” when using them. MONICA DINCULESCU Rethinking Responsive Design OPINION ”. . the future of the web exists beyond screens. ”UNA KRAVETS Why I Won’t Be Using the Fetch API in My Apps OPINIONSHAHAR TALMI CSS Architecture for Design Systems OPINIONBRAD FROST Tool to Produce Gradient Fallbacks for An Image That Resembles The Original TOOLS Inspired by Harry Roberts’ article. BEN BRIGGS ChaosSocket: A WebSocket Mocking Interface CODEHECTOR ZARCO WordPress 4. 7 Beta 4 WordPress 4. 7 Beta 4 is now available! This software is still in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site. Consider setting up a test site just to play with the new version. To test WordPress 4. 7, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can download the beta here (zip). For more information on what’s new in 4. 7, check out the Beta 1, Beta 2, and Beta 3blog posts, along with in-depth developer guides on make/core. We’ve made about 60 changes in the last few days for beta 4, including tweaks to Twenty Seventeen, custom CSS, and the REST API content endpoints. Do you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages! If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.  

FrontEnd Focus 294




Leveraging the Paint Timing API to Improve User Experiences Last week we linked the video, now here’s a full write-up focusing on the Paint Timing API. Breaking Out with CSS Grid Explained A recent demo from Tyler Sticka demonstrated how to break content out of a CSS Grid layout and go full width, here Rachel explains how/why the technique works. 70% Repetition in Style Sheets: Data on How We Fail at CSS Optimization Focusing on how many declarations we use in our style sheets, how many of those declarations are unique, and what that means. Automatically capture and quickly fix JavaScript errors affecting your users  Get real-time crash alerts and collect detailed diagnostics so you can fix errors for your users. See deminified stacktraces with support for sourcemaps. Cut through front-end noise so you can efficiently assess the impact of errors.  Learn more. Chrome 60 Beta Released with Paint Timing API and font-display font-display controls how and when Chrome displays text content while downloading fonts. Other features include support for the Payment Request API, the Web Budget API and the availability of the CSS :focus-within pseudo class. The Browser Hacker's Guide To Instantly Loading Everything A snappy 25 minute talk on modern techniques to improving page loading performance from the front-end perspective, particularly from a mobile POV. The State of Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Brave [videos] Representatives for four different browsers present 10-15 min updates on where those browsers are at. The videos cover Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Brendan Eich’s Brave. Results of the 'Ultimate CSS Survey' 2017 Louis Lazaris breaks down the results of SitePoint’s recent survey, shedding light on developer practices in CSS tooling, technologies, and knowledge. IN BRIEF Firefox 54: E10S-Multi, WebExtension APIs, CSS clip-path NEWS Completes the transformation of Firefox into a fully multi-process browser. MOZILLA HACKS Latest Updates to the Credential Management API NEWSGOOGLE DEVELOPERS Introducing FilterBubbler: A WebExtension Built using React/Redux NEWS A text analysis toolkit using the new WebExtensions API. MOZILLA HACKS Cross-Browser Extensions, Available Now in Firefox NEWS WebExtensions APIs are inspired by Chrome’s extension APIs, supported by Opera, Firefox, and Edge. MOZILLA HACKS ForwardJS Tickets on sale today Attend full-day hands-on React workshops and dozens of talks at ForwardJS San Francisco this July. FORWARDJS  SPONSOR A Complete Guide To Switching From HTTP To HTTPS TUTORIAL Covers the individual components and steps required to get setup with HTTPS. VLADISLAV DENISHEV CSS Shapes, Clipping and Masking, and How to Use Them TUTORIAL Firefox 54 introduces new CSS clip-path features. MOZILLA HACKS Build A Minimalist HTML Card in Just 53 Lines of Code (with Flexbox) TUTORIALBRANDON MORELLI Cropping Images in CSS With 'object-fit' TUTORIALALLIGATOR. IO When Large Isn't Large Enough: Designing With Hero Images TUTORIALNICK BABICH How Pure CSS Images Helped Me Understand React Components STORYMICHAEL MANGIALARDI WebAssembly and How It Works in WebKit STORYWEBKIT Bojler: HTML Email Boilerplate and Guidelines TOOLS Focused on rendering well on the most popular email clients. SLICEJACK Now UI Kit: A Bootstrap 4 UI Kit TOOLSCREATIVE TIM country-flags: SVG and PNG Renders of All Countries' Flags TOOLSHAMPUS JOAKIM NILSSON $20 Free Credit on a new account Linux cloud hosting starting at 1GB of RAM for $5/mo. Use promo code HTML520 and get $20 credit. LINODE  SPONSOR billboard. js: A Chart Library, based on D3 v4+ CODE 80+ examples here. NAVER CORP ZangoDB: A MongoDB-Like Interface for HTML5 IndexedDB CODEERIK OLSON Amplitude. js: A Modern HTML5 Audio Player CODE No dependencies required.  Demo here. 521 DIMENSIONS

Frontend Focus 335, Lazy Loading Images and Video,




Lazy Loading Images and Video — Looking to improve initial page load time and lower per-page payload? This guide on has plenty of pointers on lazy-loading techniques, libraries and gotchas to watch out for. Browsers To Support 'Web Authentication': A New Standard for Logins  The Web Authentication spec (a. k. a. Webauthn) has been working its way toward W3C approval for nearly two years, but this marks the first major announcement of browser support. Webinar: Designing a Conversational Chatbot Experience — Join our upcoming webinar, Designing a Conversational Chatbot Experience: Tales from the Trenches, to get an insider’s view into creating efficient human-computer interaction. Coming April 25, 11:00 am EST.  Register today. Colorizing SVG Backgrounds with CSS Filters — A problem with using SVGs as backgrounds is it can be harder to control their fill color, in which case CSS filters can come in very handy. Glide: A Dependency-Free ES6 Slider and Carousel — A lightweight, flexible and fast straightforward slider.  Demo here. Creating Data Tables for the Web — Maybe you’ve heard “don’t use tables for layout” before, and while they’re not ideal for pure layouts, they have a lot of great uses. This tutorial dives deep on how to create accessible, responsive, and ergonomic data tables for the Web. Mozilla Brings Firefox to Augmented and Virtual Reality  Mozilla is anticipating the need for a browser that caters to the needs of mixed reality content. It’s dubbed ‘Firefox Reality’. A 10-Part Course to Learn Bootstrap 4 — A free interactive screencast-led course running through the features and concepts of Bootstrap 4. Presenting Web Pages to Secondary Attached Displays — Chrome 66 lets pages use a secondary attached display via the Presentation API and control its contents through the Presentation Receiver API. NEWS AND OPTION Bootstrap 4. 1 Released CSS Fonts Module Level 4 Working Draft The Pitfalls of Card UIs — “An optimistic design choice that ends up compounding complexity. ” Why Would You Do 'That' in CSS? — Reflecting on why to bother experimenting with CSS; it’s fun and you’ll usually learn something. Progressive Web Apps: Bridging The Gap Between Web and Mobile Apps TUTORIALS How to Build Chrome Extensions with React and Parcel Art Directing for the Web with CSS Grid Template Areas Building Your First Bootstrap 4. 0 Site — A quick tutorial to get you up to speed with the latest version of Bootstrap. How Does Your Developer Team ‘React’ to Training? — Team training on Python and Full Stack Essentials with React.  See details. Animated SVG Radial Progress Bars — Using a single path SVG, a ‘smidge’ of CSS, and several lines of JavaScript. How to Hand Code Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Keep Pixelated Images Pixelated as They Scale — The image-rendering property can be used to tweak how images are scaled. A Few Tips to Make Your PWA Feel Native on iOS CODE AND TOOLS Web Maker - First Ever Offline and Blazing Fast Front-End Playground Site Palette: A Chrome Browser Extension to Generate Comprehensive Color Palettes Tabler: An Open Source Bootstrap Admin Panel Theme — A responsive, cross-browser admin panel built up from HTML5 and CSS3 components. virtual-audio-graph: Declaratively Manipulate the Web Audio API— The documentation and examples here may help you understand this. Epic Spinners — A collection of easy to use CSS-only animated spinners. Linux Cloud Hosting Starting at 1GB of RAM for $5/mo

Frontend Focus 339




New CSS Features That Are Changing Web Design Widely available, but relatively new, Web technologies like CSS Grid, CSS custom properties, CSS shapes and CSS writing-mode are allowing designers to exercise creativity in all new ways. Zell Liew explains how. Container-Adapting Tabs, with a "More" Button — You could call this a ‘progressively collapsing’ navigation menu. It’s a neat way to handle a wide variation of horizontal viewport widths if you have a lot of items you need to present in your navigation. The New Generation of Project Management Tools Is Here and It’s Visual —   monday. com is a visual tool your team will actually enjoy using. It makes it fun and easy for everyone to collaborate, focus on what's important, and get more done. A project management tool that’ll help you and your team collaborate and achieve more together. layerJS: UI Composition and Animation in Pure HTML — Work with UX patterns and controls like menus, sliders, parallax effects, and zoom effects by declaring them as visual effects in HTML attributes. 'I Used The Web For A Day With JavaScript Turned Off' — Is it possible to do anything on the web without JavaScript nowadays? This is not only a neat journey to answer that question but there are plenty of insights on how to improve your own sites and apps. Creating Responsive Layouts & Components with CSS Grid — “Let’s make a photo gallery responsive quickly . . . using very few lines of CSS. ” Inspecting Animations in Chrome DevTools — A quick demo of what Chrome’s Animation panel has to offer if you want to spy on how CSS animations/transitions work. Welcome to the Immersive Web — A look at how the browser is becoming a platform for virtual world experiences thanks to WebXR (and, once, WebVR). Tutorials A Deep Dive into the Bootstrap Form Component ILYA BODROV-KRUKOWSKI Decorating Lines of Text with 'box-decoration-break' — Styling inline boxes split over multiple lines can be tricky, but box-decoration-break can give you more options. PREETHI SAM Extracting a React Component: On Demand Tutorial — Attendees couldn’t believe we offered this at no cost - catch up here with Josh Skeen's tutorial replay. BIG NERD RANCH SPONSOR A Look at the Resize Observer JavaScript API — Rather than relying on window. resize to check if certain elements have changed size, the Resize Observer API makes it possible to be notified directly.  Chrome only for now, but there’s a polyfill. ALLIGATOR HTML5's Global 'hidden' Attribute — hidden is an attribute you can use on any HTML element to, well, hide it, and a worthwhile alternative to display: none in many situations. LOUIS LAZARIS The Relative Units of CSS: em, rem, vw, vh, ex, and ch ADAM LAKI An Intro to CSS 3D Transforms DAVID DESANDRO Cheat Sheet: Functional Programming with JavaScript PROGRESS KENDO UI SPONSOR 5 Basic Console Tips to Debug Webapps with Chrome DevTools MAILEN MANCUSO Code and Tools Introducing Elmstatic: An Elm-to-HTML Static Site Generator ALEX S. KORBAN TUTORIAL Selection: A Library to Enable Visual DOM Selection — For example, if you want users to be able to drag a box around various elements they want to select. Touch device friendly. SIMON REINISCH Announcing Babylon. js v3. 2 — An open source framework for creating powerful 3D experiences in the browser. DAVID CATUHE (MICROSOFT) Impact, the HTML5 Game Engine, Open Sourced — Anyone building HTML5 games a few years ago will have heard of this popular game engine. It was a paid-for product but has just been MIT licensed. DOMINIC SZABLEWSKI Themify: CSS Theming Made Easy — A PostCSS plugin for generating site themes during build. DATORAMA Linux Cloud Hosting Starting at 1GB of RAM for $5/mo LINODE CLOUD HOSTING SPONSOR Responsive Type: A One-Size-Fits-All SCSS Type Solution KYLE VILLENEUVE Particle Effects for Buttons — Disintegrate elements into particles to make them disappear (or vice versa). LUIS MANUEL Ideas for Proximity Feedback with Progressive Hover Effects — Experimenting with hover effects that trigger when an element is approached. TEAM CODROPS

FrontEnd Focus 351, Building A Progressive Web App: No React, No Angular, No Vue




Priority Nav Scroller: Priority+ Navigation in a Horizontal Scrollable Container — A practical navigational element if you have a large number of category links to show. Comes as an ES6 module but a compiled version is also included. Implementing a 'Double Click' Link with Pure CSS — A pretty neat trick using hidden link elements/CSS transitions to create links and other elements that only operate when double clicked. It even worked on mobile (for me). New Course:  Complete Intro to Web Development, v2 — More than an introductory course, this is a totally revamped, modern intro course where you'll go from building your first website to having the foundations for becoming a professional web developer. Logical Styling Based on the Number of Given Elements — Ready to learn some true CSS trickery? Here’s a practical look at a few ways to use CSS’s support for logic and condition-based styling (e. g. take one approach if there are fewer or more than x elements). The Trick to Viewport Units on Mobile — Notches, scrollbars, navigational elements. . they can all interfere with your use of the vw and vh viewport units. CSS custom properties to the rescue! Building A Progressive Web App: No React, No Angular, No Vue Just direct DOM manipulation with some more recent APIs and JS specs. Logging Activity with the Web Beacon API — The Beacon API is a Web API (supported by all major browsers) that provides an efficient way for data to be asynchronously sent from a page back to a server for logging purposes. On CSS Standards and CSS Exclusions — Front-end developers share some responsibility in getting new Web features implemented, if only by using and trying newer (and potentially buggy) features as they appear in clients. CSS Exclusions, as covered here, is one such example. Tutorials Creating Animated Radial Progress Bars with SVG, CSS & Vue. js Making Legacy Sites More Performant with Modern Frontend Techniques — How to use developer tools to identify and fix frontend performance bottlenecks on your legacy sites. Five Steps to Speed Up Your Image Heavy Website Learn How to Use CodePen with One Of Its Co-Founders — A 20 minute guide to productively using CodePen, the online HTML/JS/CSS code editor and playground. Speed Up Alignment in CSS with Flexbox Utility Classes Online & Evening M. S. in Software Engineering. 3 Specializations Available — Advanced understanding of Java™, C# and Swift, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Web, Java or mobile software specializations. Two User Experience Psychology and Performance Videos — Smashing Magazine have shared two videos from their recent conference, one with Ilya Grigorik talking about UX on the Web, and the other about the role of psychology in UX. Sometimes the 'sizes' Attribute is Quite Important — Some tips on being more efficient with your responsive images. What You Need To Know When Converting a Flash Game to HTML5 — If you’re still needing to covert an old Flash game over to work in the new frontend environment (anyone?), here are some tips. Using SSE Instead Of WebSockets For Unidirectional Data Flow Over HTTP/2 Code and Tools CSS Duotone Generator — Bring in an image, apply effects, and then generate the HTML and CSS you need to reproduce it on a page. Developer Tools for Every Customer Session – New in FullStory Between. js: Lightweight JavaScript Tweening Library — Demos here. FormStorage: Keep Form Data Stored Locally After Submission Epic Spinners — A collection of customizable, easy to use animated spinners, available as Vue components.
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