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Django weekly 1




Worthy Read Django ORM: what are its less obious features? orm One component of Django framework that I always enjoy using is its Object-relational Mapper. It provides a sane way of representing relational data as Python objects. While it seems less expressive than alternatives, such as SQLAlchemy, it still can express a lot of complicated SQL statements. In my article I’ll try to give you a closer look into some of the less obvious parts of the ORM.   Top 10 Django Projects Started in 2016 projects One of the cornerstones of Django is that there’s a solid core that others can extend and share their extensions. So it’s good to celebrate the best of those. Here’s my list derived from query on Github for projects started this year.   Mocking External APIs in Python testing The following tutorial demonstrates how to test the use of an external API using Python mock objects.   Speeding up Django tests during development. testing This is part of outline created for a talk given at work regarding speeding up Django tests during development. One of the things which hampers in TDD is if your test suite takes lot of time in running, following are some of things you can use while running tests to improve test running time.   djfiles admin panel, static files DJFiles is a simple Django app for manage static files of your project via admin panel.   PyCharm and Django Announce 30% Discount With All Proceeds Going to DSF Today and for the next two weeks, our fundraising program is getting a big boost from JetBrains PyCharm, a premiere Python IDE that has supported Django for many years. During this campaign, buy PyCharm Professional Edition with a 30% discount and all money raised will go to our general fundraising and Django Fellowship program. Additionally, JetBrains is sponsoring PEP 484 type hinting in Django through a separate DSF Fellowship grant.   Django 1. 10 beta 1 released django As part of the Django 1. 10 release process , today we 've released Django 1. 10 beta 1 , a preview/testing package that represents the second stage in the 1. 10 release cycle and an opportunity for you to try out the changes coming in Django 1. 10 . Django 1. 10 has a panoply of new features which you can read about in the in-development 1. 10 release notes .   Django with Bash for Windows windows Doing django development using "Bash for Windows" seems to work pretty well. See what it takes to set it up and get started.   Django Girls workshop at EuroPython 2016 community, conference We’re pleased to announce a Django Girls workshop on Sunday, July 17, the first day of the EuroPython 2016 conference.   Projects django-latexify - 13 Stars, 0 Fork django-latexify let’s you easily render text and math equations from your template to look like LaTeX. The app lets you render math equations written in LaTeX on your HTML, or even just regular plain text. It uses Katex (a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web) for rending math equations and a modification of WiTex (LaTeX like CSS) for rending plain text. The-Attic - 6 Stars, 0 Fork An Online Bookstore, made using the Django Framework, with some basic functionalities. Made for learning purposes :) Features Login-Logout System both direct and through Facebook. Activation Mail sent at registration. Cart functionality. djshorty - 4 Stars, 2 Fork A Django URL shortening app

Django weekly 2




The Philosophy of Channels ( Django Channels ) async,channels I've not been as proactive as I could have been at communicating my reasoning and long-term vision for what Channels could do; I'm hoping this blog post will rectify some of that. Let me take you through the specific set of problems I'm looking to tackle, why I chose to design things the way I did, and what I see as the path forwards.   Serving Files In Django static files A web application comprises of different file-types like media files for the application, files uploaded by the user and more, so is the case with a typical Django application, these files can be classified into two Static Files and Media Files as what Django calls it. This article is focused on how files are served so I'll not be concentrating on configuration or setup of files or server .   Make your Django Query Logic DRYer android. Showing you how to use @property in Django model and making code more streamlined.   Django, Fabric, Deployment discussion So we have a decently complex Django app. Celery workers, RabbitMQ, and app servers. Our existing Fabric deployment model (fab prod deploy) doing its thing (git fetch, restart gunicorn, etc) works well enough but is slow (especially waiting for Celery to restart as needed). We are not ready (yet) to move to a full CI/CD solution, but want to take a few steps closer. Can anyone recommend some tooling that fits in to fairly vanilla deployment (i. e. the above) that will give us things like the ability to manage virtualenvs, rollback deployments (I'm thinking symlinked directories here) - obviously these aren't perfect, especially w. r. t. migrations, etc, but would cover 99% of our use case without having to significantly re-tool.   Projects django-timeline-logger - 17 Stars, 2 Fork A reusable Django app to log actions and display them in a timeline. django-docker-cloud-template - 9 Stars, 1 Fork A template for creating Django applications that run on Docker Cloud docker-django-nginx-slack-sphinx - 2 Stars, 0 Fork Django + nginx using Docker Compose with Slack + uWSGI + Sphinx + Bootstrap + Bootswatch . This is a repository for deploying a Django + nginx stack using docker compose. django-next-train - 1 Stars, 0 Fork A lightweight public transit Django app for finding "next train" times in the Washington DC Metro system. While many mobile apps provide transit times, they are often slow, loaded advertisements and/or suffer from poor interface design. All of these factors can cause one to "miss the train" when simply attempting to retrieve the information. Copyright (c) 2016 - Ankur Gupta. Thanks to the folks at Agiliq for donating the domain. Agiliq is an app development studio building web and mobile apps. Check them out.

Django weekly 3




Worthy Read Djangocon Recap Day 1 and Day 2 Robert Roskam https://medium. com/@raiderrobert does a recap of Day 1 and 2 of just concluded Djangocon in US. We have shared quite a few articles written by Robert over the last two issues. You might as well want to subscribe to his posts on medium.   How to Create a Custom Django Middleware middleware   In a nutshell, a Middleware is a regular Python class that hooks into Django’s request/response life cycle. Those classes holds pieces of code that are processed upon every request/response your Django application handles.   How to Extend Django User Model user The Django’s built-in authentication system is great. For the most part we can use it out-of-the-box, saving a lot of development and testing effort. It fits most of the use cases and is very safe. But sometimes we need to do some fine adjustment so to fit our Web application. In this tutorial I will present the strategies you can use to simply extend the default Django User Model, so you don’t need to implement everything from scratch.   Python has come a long way. So has job hunting sponsor Try Hired and get in front of 4,000+ companies with one application. No more pushy recruiters, no more dead end applications and mismatched companies, Hired puts the power in your hands.   Best Gitter channels: Python & Django community Gitter is like slack for communities. Where developers come to talk/communicate with each other. There are quite a few good Python Django channels in there have a look.   One page websites with Django CMS django-cms Is it possible to create a one page website using Django CMS that is fully editable by the user? I have always liked to explore the tools we use so that we can use them in the best possible way, however, this does not always mean we use them in the way the authors had intended. My tweaks, presented below, were written with the same creative intent as the guys who implemented the game tetris using Excel.   Using S3 for Django Media Files s3 Storing media files off of your server in a service like S3 is safe?—?even if your web server gets hit by a nuke, your media files will still be accessible?—?and becomes cost effective as you aggregate lots of media files.   Django + Elastic Search + haystack = Powering your website with search functionality – part 1 elasticsearch, haystack Having said that, implementing search into your web app is not difficult thanks to lot of libraries built for this purpose. In this article, we will discuss how to power up your django website with search functionality using haystack and elastic search. Assuming you already have a fair knowledge of django web framework, lets jump on to haystack and elastic search.   How to Optimize Images for Page Load Speed in Django ? performance Now we’re dealing with sites that are routinely 2MB or higher. That is the size of Doom, a video game from the mid 90s. The main driver of most of this bloat is images. In June 2011, the average site had 480KB of images, and now the average is 1. 4MB.   Django security releases issued: 1. 10 release candidate 1, 1. 9. 8, and 1. 8. 14 django the Django team is issuing Django 1. 10 release candidate 1, Django 1. 9. 8 and 1. 8. 14. These release addresses a security issue detailed in the blog post.   Projects django-jet - 432 Stars, 65 Fork Modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality http://jet. geex-arts. com/ django-functest - 7 Stars, 1 Fork Helpers for creating high-level functional tests in Django, with a unified API for WebTest and Selenium tests.

Django weekly 4




Django 1. 10 released The Django team is happy to announce the release of Django 1. 10. As always, the release notes cover the panoply of new features in detail, but a few highlights are: Full text search for PostgreSQL. New-style middleware to solve the lack of strict request/response layering of the old-style of middleware. Official support for Unicode usernames. Kompletno uputstvo za Django 1. 10 Strana: 1725 LINK ZA PREUZIMANJE. Django knjiga dana About This Book This is the latest book on the market that will help you take advantage of the new features added to Django 1. 8 This book consists of recipes of varying complexities to help you create multilingual, responsive, and scalable websites with Django This updated edition teaches you major Django functions and will help you improve your skills by developing models, forms, views, and templates LINK Hardening Django one DoS at a time — Bright Pixel Medium — It’s easy to demonstrate this problem on a vanilla Django install. The following tests were run on my MBP, which has a 3,1 GHz Intel Core i7 and 16GB RAM, and use the bellow versions:… Open in a new tab Conditional Expressions | Django documentation docs. djangoproject. com — [source] A Case() expression is like the if . . . elif . . . else statement in Python. Each condition in the provided When() objects is evaluated in order, until one evaluates to a truthful… Open in a new tab Version1. 10Roadmap – Django code. djangoproject. com — If there is still a consistent stream of release blockers coming in at the planned release candidate date; we'll release beta 2 to encourage further testing and push the release candidate… Open in a new tab Datafloq - Best Python & Django Channels for Data Scientists on Gitter Datafloq — The ability to analyze data with  a dynamic, object-oriented language that combines combines remarkable power with very clear… Open in a new tab Model Managers — django-model-utils 2. 5. 1a1 documentation django-model-utils. readthedocs. io — This manager (contributed by Jeff Elmore) should be attached to a base model class in a model-inheritance tree. It allows queries on that base model to return heterogenous results of the…Open in a new tab Remote Backend Engineer | Android, Backend, CI, Django, GitHub, iOS, JavaScript, Linux, Python, Redis, Travis CI Latitude — Building Robotics Remote Android Backend CI Django GitHub iOS JavaScript Linux Python Redis Travis CI Apply View Leave feedback on this listing Open in a new tab

Django weekly 5




Worthy Read Looking for Python/Django Jobs ?. Get offers from companies, not chase them. sponsor Try Hired and get in front of 4,000+ companies with one application. No more pushy recruiters, no more dead end applications and mismatched companies, Hired puts the power in your hands.   Welcome to the new members of the Django Software Foundation community Please welcome our new members. Some were nominated in recognition of their contributions to Django's code, some for their service on Django committees and work in other community organisations, and some in recognition of their contributions to the development of the international Django community.   Django Crispy Forms. What are they about ? forms Django-crispy-forms is an application that helps to manage Django forms. It allows adjusting forms’ properties (such as method, send button or CSS classes) on the backend without having to re-write them in the template. This solution is much more readable than plain Django forms and makes rendering the form template really easy?—?you can even limit it to one line of code. What’s more, django-crispy-forms can affect the appearance and style of the form by adding css classes to the the entire form as well as to individual fields, their labels, or buttons.   Custom Django 1. 9 Email Authentication Backend email You were might have come across the popular packages such as django-allauth and django-registration. While these are great packages, they were too feature bloated for what I was going for in my minimum viable product (MVP). Furthermore, I started getting more frustrated as I googled because 9 out of every 10 articles were much older versions of Django. So, I decided to write my own backend after numerous hours reading the docs and coming to the realization that I could just do it myself. I am now sharing my GitHub repository below for anyone out there who might find it useful.   Things You Must Know About Django Admin As Your App Gets Bigger performance ,  admin panel The Django admin is a very powerful tool. We use it for day to day operations, browsing data and support. As we grew some of our projects from zero to 100K+ users we started experiencing some of Django’s admin pain points?—?long response times and heavy load on the database.   Slack bot with a Django backend?—?101 tutorial bot There are plenty of introductory tutorials on Slack bots but all of them seem to be overly simplistic that are extremely difficult to extend. We at Pep AI, have been building Slack bots like Pep and AttendanceBot that do substantial backend logic processing and we totally understand how daunting it is to extend a simple hello world to a backend heavy bot. This tutorial aims to bridge the gap between a simple hello world code snippet and a functional real world bot.   Projects taiga-back - 2975 Stars, 477 Fork Project management web application with scrum in mind! Built on top of Django and AngularJS (Backend Code) django-ratelimit - 285 Stars, 75 Fork Cache-based rate-limiting for Django https://django-ratelimit. readthedocs. io/en/latest/ django-salesforce - 92 Stars, 34 Fork Salesforce integration for Django's ORM using the SF REST API. https://pypi. python. org/pypi/django-salesforce Copyright (c) 2016 - Ankur Gupta. Thanks to the folks at Agiliq for donating the domain. Agiliq is an app development studio building web and mobile apps. Check them out.

Django weekly 53




Worthy Read   Wrangling Celery Workflow We use Celery to define and process our tasks, backed by RabbitMQ as our task queue. Celery is quite powerful, but as Rover has scaled we’ve encountered some difficulties managing its complexity. Many of our tasks trigger other tasks; a complete workflow may involve dozens of tasks triggered from all over our codebase. Each of these tasks emits specific logging information (along with Celery’s own internal logging), which we aggregate in a single searchable location. However, these log records are interspersed among all of our application’s other logging, which is quite extensive. We use a pool of workers, so the log entries won’t be in any kind of sensible order. Worse, there’s no way to associate log entries from one task to another in the same workflow.   Speed up Django transaction hooks tests django-transactions-hooks was merged to Django core in 1. 9 release. It is a robust solution for performing actions only after your database commits, queuing tasks, sending emails, posting data to external services.      HelloSign eSign API Embed docs directly on your website with a few lines of code.   Creating React Native apps with Django rest-api I am going to share basic steps for developing a React Native app with Django rest-api.       Managing Django’s settings Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards and optional settings files.   Error monitoring, alerting, analytics. Root cause to resolution in 30 secs.     Running the Seedstars django-react-redux-base boilerplate project on Heroku One of the biggest pains with doing modern full stack web development is in the configuration of the toolchain. Luckily, the folks at Seedstars have put together a fantastic boilerplate project, based on Django & React + Redux, that does all of that for you.       Sending Emails with Django There are two things to know about when it comes to sending emails with Django. The first is the The Email Backend configuration that tells Django what to do whenever an app within your project tries to send an email, and the other is the actual code of functions and classes that you can use to send the email(s). In this post I will only explain the first part and show the methods and services you can use for different cases.   Projects   mythical-learning - 0 Stars, 0 Fork Django based web app to enhance learning feature of Competitive Programming.   django-shop-tutorial: - 0 Stars, 0 Fork use Django to create a simple shopping site tutorial.   django-celery-example - 0 Stars, 0 Fork Example used in the blog post How to Use Celery and RabbitMQ with Django shared in previous issue.

Django weekly 6




Comparing Wagtail, Django CMS and Mezzanine video, cms Django CMS, Mezzanine and Wagtail are the three most popular Django-based content management systems; all three have kept (or, in Wagtail's case, gained) their popularity because they are so different to each other. In many ways, from their fundamental data models right through to how they approach their content editing UIs, each one has a very different take on how a CMS should work. This talk will explore the different approaches, strengths and weaknesses of each CMS, and what they mean for you as a developer and for your content editors.   Django: initial values for a bound form forms I ran into a small issue with Django today: what do you do when you need initial values in a bound form (such as a search form that is both initialized and then processed via GET action (so that searches can be bookmarked) ?  How to connect your Django-Docker App to AWS docker My colleague and i are working on a prototype where we need a backend application to manage a huge amount of data. We decided to go with Django, Docker and the Cookiecutter-Template. That package allo  Looking for Django Jobs ?. Get offers from companies, not chase them. sponsor Try Hired and get in front of 4,000+ companies with one application. No more pushy recruiters, no more dead end applications and mismatched companies, Hired puts the power in your hands.   IBM Watson APIs with Django watson-api Building in minutes a Django application that is using IBM Watson APIs to analyse comments. IBM, under the general brand of "Watson", is offering a banch of cloud, Artificial Inteligence services that you can use in two ways. Give to your applications the power of cognitive computing. Analysing structured/unstructure data, comming to conclussions about your business This article will stay on technical level, demonstrating how you can get started in a few minutes bulding a web application that is using one of those services.   How would a Python developer workout ? humor Read the tweet ;)  Running Django on Container Engine docker, google cloud   It's easy to get started developing Django apps running on Google Container Engine, and because the apps you create will run on the same infrastructure that powers all of Google's products, you can be confident that they will scale to serve all of your users, whether there are a few or millions of them. This tutorial assumes you are familiar with with Django web development. It walks you through deploying the official Django tutorial app, Writing your first Django App. It's a good idea work through that tutorial before this one, especially if you are new to Django development.   Battle of the PaaS: Python Apps in the Cloud PAAS Python has been, and still is, a popular language to build a web application stack to organize and display that data. In this article, we will examine several of the most popular Python Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) platforms and evaluate their pros and cons. You have several options for choosing a web host: i) Virtualized servers, ii) Platform as a service (PaaS), iii) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), iv) Bare-metal.   Django bugfix release issued: 1. 10. 1 release Today we've issued the 1. 10. 1 bugfix release more info here https://docs. djangoproject. com/en/stable/releases/1. 10. 1/ Why Django Middleware is so darn cool ? middleware A simple explanation of how middleware works and a diagram explaining it.   Projects django-fobi - 70 Stars, 19 Fork django-fobi (or just fobi) is a customisable, modular, user- and developer- friendly form generator/builder application for Django. With fobi you can build Django forms using an intuitive GUI, save or mail posted form data or even export forms into JSON format and import them on other instances. API allows you to build your own form elements and form handlers (mechanisms for handling the submitted form data). Regionalify - 1 Stars, 0 Fork Regionalify: Supercharge your Django Admin with the power of regional character indicators Raw django-cors-middleware - 0 Stars, 0 Fork A Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses. Although JSON-P is useful, it is strictly limited to GET requests. CORS builds on top of XmlHttpRequest to allow developers to make cross-domain requests, similar to same-domain requests. Read more about it here: http://www. html5rocks. com/en/tutorials/cors/. This is a fork of https://github. com/ottoyiu/django-cors-headers/ because of inactivity.

Django weekly 7




A Brief Introduction to Django Channels With the gradual evolution of the web technologies, standing here in 2016, supporting http only is simply not enough. Today, we are using websockets for real time communications, WebRTC is getting popular for real time collaboration or video calling, HTTP/2 is also being adapted by many. In the current state of the web, any modern web framework needs to be able to support more and more protocols. This is where Django Channels come into play.   Executing Custom SQL in Django Migrations database migration Usually, Django’s automatic schema detection works quite nicely, but occasionally you will have to write some custom migration that Django can’t properly generate, such as a functional index in PostgreSQL. The best way to run custom SQL in a migration is through the migration. RunSQL operation. RunSQL allows you to write code for migrating forwards and backwards—that is, applying migrations and unapplying them.   Caching in Django with Redis redis, caching In this tutorial, we will explore some of the factors that bog down your application, and we will demonstrate how to implement caching with Redis to counteract their effects.   Python has come a long way. So has job hunting. sponsor Try Hired and get in front of 4,000+ companies with one application. No more pushy recruiters, no more dead end applications and mismatched companies, Hired puts the power in your hands.   Django, Databases, and Decorators - Connecting and using multiple databases in Django database Adrienne Domingus talks about how they introduced multiple databases ( read only ) and to speed up their slow queries. See her approach and decorators written to accomplish the task.   Deploying Django to Google App Engine with Gitlab CI google cloud You should read this if you have just started with Django and planning to deploy it to Google App Engine, or if you are already running it there but deploying it manually from your IDE or command line.   Deux - Multifactor Authentication for Django Rest Framework security Multifactor Authentication provides multifactor authentication integration for the Django Rest Framework. It integrates with Token Authentication built into DRF and OAuth2 provided by django-oauth-toolkit.   Projects django-money - 324 Stars, 137 Fork A little Django app that uses py-moneyed to add support for Money fields in your models and forms. django-trackstats - 47 Stars, 6 Fork So, the focus is purely on storing statistics for use within your application later on. Other features, such as charting, reports, OLAP, query builders, slicing & dicing, integration with Datadog and the likes are all beyond scope. django-directmessages - 5 Stars, 0 Fork Django-Directmessages is a low-level and easy-to-use Django App to manage simple directmessages. In contrast to other Django Apps for messaging, Django-Directmessages doesn't use any type of pre-built templates and is concentrated on the programmatic usage.


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