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Saveti – Twitter

Ukupno: 22, strana 1 od 2

4 Tviter alatke koje mogu da vam pomognu u prevođenju tvitova sa stranih jezika




4 Tviter alatke za prevođenjeTweetransTWEETRANSPodržano je više od 40 svetskih jezika. Podržan je i srpski. TRANSLATE TWEETLINKTWITLATORLINK. TRANSTWEETLINK. BLOG KOJI MOŽDA NISTE POSETILISOCIABLEBLOGKorisni članci o Twitteru: TAG

Bioischanged ili kako da pratite kako se neko menja na Tviteru




BioIsChangedSvaki Tviter profil ima jaje umesto fotografije na početku. Onda se iz istog jaja ispili profil koji svakoga trenutka može da se promeni. Budite sa promenama u toku. BIOISCHANGEDPrijavite se na servis preko svog Tviter profila. Servis prati promene na kratkim biografijama ili avatarima i fotografijama na Tviteru. Šta se promenilo kod Tviter prijatelja?Nakon prijavljivanja, BioIsChanged će u dve kolone prikazati šta se u podacioan o Tviter korisnika promenilo i da li su promenjene fotografije ili avatari. Na primer, PinterestPinterest is an online pinboard. Organize and share the things you love. Pre dve godine. Pinterest is an online pinboard. Organize and share the things you love. If you need help, check http://t. co/YNBzfF0Z or tag your tweet with #pinteresthelp! Pre 11 meseciPinterest is a place to collect and organize the things you love. If you need help, check http://t. co/NF9pNv0Hhr or tag your tweet with #pinteresthelp!Danas. Yoko Ono je menjala fotografije na svom Tviter profilu Pre dve godine Pre 8 meseci Pre 2 meseca. Manjajte seAko se menjate, imaćete potrebu da na Tviteru menjate i podatke o sebi, a i svoje fotografije/avatare. Lovac na blagoLovac na blago, danas. Lovac na blago ranije. Lovac na blago kada smo ga upoznali. @LovacNaBlago

Infografika - Kako da dobijete više pratilaca na Tviteru




Šta uraditi?LINK

Infografika koja vam pomaže da budete masovnije praćeni na Twitteru




Ko vas sluša na Twitteru?TWIENDSMolimo za komentar.

Kada je najbolje vreme za pisanje na Twitteru ili Facebooku




Pisati, ali kada? ORIGINALAN ČLANAK

Kada tvitujete nemate 140 karaktera na raspolaganju




140 karaktera je sanSve je počelo sa 140 karaktera. Ne grebite po Tviteru noktima. Onda je početkom 2013. godine, kada u svoj tvit uključujete i link, broj karaktera je smanjen na 117. Ali, ako želite da neko odgovori na vaš tvit nemate ni 117 karaktera na raspolaganju. Oduzmite od svog tvita 20-30 karaktera. Prema tome, za tvit koji sadrži link, imate na raspolaganju manje od 100 karaktera. Za tvit bez linka oko 110. Ali, to je izazov. Molite za RTNije dovoljno da tvitujete. Potrebno je da od onih koje su sa vama u vezi tražite da vaš tvit ponove, ili retvituju. Molim RT. Na primer, sve češće tviteraši hoće da se nekome pomogne. Potrebna je krv, pare. Iako u tvitu piše da je nekome potrebna pomoć, traženje RT stvar još naglašava. Linkovi u tvituUvek koristite neki od generatora koji skraćuju tvit: ow. ly, bit. ly, tiny. urlSkraćivanje linkova se ne vrši u situacijama kada želite da svoj brend ili blog malo promovišete. U skraćenom linku se ne vidi veb adresa, dok ceo link zauzima suviše prostora u tvitu. Prvi tvit je sa skraćenim linkom do knjige. Drugi tvit je sa punim linkom, ili linkom u kom se vidi da vodi na naš sajt i poddirektorijum knjige. KOMPLETAN ČLANAK.

KAKO DA ažurirate twitter sa desktopa - SendTweet




Postoji odlično podešavanje Rainmetera koje ažurira Twitter  status direktno sa desktopa. Ovo podešavanje zahteva instalaciju Rainmetera. Kada raspakujete zip  arhivu SendTweet config u direktorijum Skins, podesite skript i dodajte vaše  Twitter korisničko ime i lozinku, pokrenite SendTweet iz ikonice Rainmeter u  system trayu. Kada to uradite možete jednostavno da kliknete na tekstualno  polje i počnete da šaljete poruke direktno sa desktopa. SendTweet možete da prevučete bilo gde na desktop ali ćete  trebati da ažurirate RainInput. cfg fajl sa ispravnom pozicijom za tekstualno  polje da biste se uverili da se one poklapaju. SendTweet je besplatan za daunlodovanje i zahteva Rainmeter,  a dostupna je verzija samo za Windows sisteme. Adresa: SendTweet

Kako da dodate interaktivne fotografije svojim tvitovima i ThingLink




ThinkLinkSvaka fotografija govori kao hiljadu reči, ali od danas svaka fotografija može da bude i obogaćena sa hiljadu reči, zvukova, tekstova. Zahvaljujući ThingLink. Pridružite se:Završna operacija:PrimerOvo je jedan od primera. Javite nam kakva su vam iskustva.

Kako da istaknete svoj najbolji tvit ili kako da ga zakačite na vrh svog profila




Zakačeni tvit Ovaj termin mi se učinio kao termin koji najviše odgovara. Tviter koristi ikonu čivije, špenadle kao znak za obeležavanje istaknutog tvita. Tvita koji se prvi vidi kada neko otvori vaš Tviter profil. Na primer, mi smo istakli tvit iz vremena poplava:   To je tvit nastao 18. maja 2014. godine u vreme poplava kada su tviteraši iz Srbije i regiona, bili više od korisnika društvenih mreža. Izaberite svoj najbolji tvit, kliknite . . .   i izaberite Pin to your profile page. Ukoliko već postoji zakačen tvit, Tviter će od vas tražiti odobrenje da izvrši zamenu. Vaš novi najbolji tvit će od sada moći da pročitaju svi oni koji posete vaš profil i provere da li da vas prate ili ne.

Kako da prikažete tweetove u WordPressu




Twitter je jedna od najpopularnijih društvenih mreža. Tweetove možete da prikažete i u WordPressu pomoću vidžeta.   Otvorite stranicu Twitter Widgets i ako ste prijavljeni na vaš Twitter nalog, prikazaće se primerak vidžeta sa vašim korisničkim ID-om. Veličinu i izgled vidžeta možete da podešavate. Možete da izaberete svetliju ili tamniju temu, podesite visinu, izaberete boju linka i tako dalje.   Po standardnom podešavanju, širina vidžeta je automatski podešena pa o tome ne treba da brinete. Kada ste zadovoljni izgledom vašeg vidžeta, kliknite na dugme Create widget.   Da biste twitter vidžet dodali u vašu kopiju WordPressa, kopirajte kod vidžeta i otvorite WordPress admin područje Appearance > Widgets. Prevucite i otpustite tekstualni vidžet u sidebar i pejstujte twitter vidžet. Snimite promene i pregledajte vaš sajt.   Trebalo bi da vidite živi prikaz vaših što znači da ste uspešno dodali tweetove u WordPress sidebar. Ako želite da dodate tweetove na drugo područje sajta ili stranicu, vidžet pejstujte u područje za postove u WordPressu.

KAKO DA prikažete Twitter nalog na vašem blogu - Wickett Twitter Widget




Ne morate uvek da idete na Twitter. com i da se ulogujete na  nalog ako imate svoj WordPress zasnovani blog na kojem provodite najviše  vremena. Wicket Twitter Widget će prikazati tweetove sa vašeg Twitter  naloga u panelu sa strane vašeg bloga. Evo šta je potrebno da uradite da biste  prikazali Twitter nalog u panelu sa strane vašeg bloga.   Aploudujte wickett-twitter-widget. php u vaš  /wp-content/plugins/ direktorijum.   Aktivirajte plagin kroz meni Plugins u WordPressu.   Dodajte widget u panel sa strane iz Appearance >Widgets  i konfigurišite opcije widgeta. To je sve. Preporuka - PHP i MYSQL od početnika do profesionalca Knjiga PHP i MySQL: od početnika do profesionalca, prevod trećeg izdanja, sadrži obiman materijal vezan za dve najpoznatije tehnologije koje se zasnivaju na otvorenom kodu: PHP, programski jezik za kreiranje skriptova, i MySQL server baza podataka. Knjiga je modifikovana tako da sadrži opis najnovijih funkcionalnosti MySQL servera, tako da čitaoci mogu da nauče kako da iskoriste te funkcionalnosti u obe tehnologije, u cilju kreiranja veoma složenih i stabilnih web aplikacija, kojima je moguće mnogo jednostavije upravljati. Link ka knjizi i korpi za naručivanje.  

Kako da retvitujete dodajući komentar




Retvit sa komentaromTviter je kreirao tri ikonice od kojih je jedna retvit. Pretpostavimo da želite da retvitujete:Jednostavno kliknite ikonu Retweet i tvit je ponovljen. Poslali ste svima onima koje pratite tvit koji je napisala Biljana Lukić. Oni će ga pročitati ili ne, možda retvitovati ili ne. Uskoro ćete možda dobiti informaciju da su retvitovali vaš retvit ili su ga označili kao favorit. Ali to nije najbolji i najpametniji način da retvitujete. Retvit sa komentaromKao prvo, nemojte da koristite Retweet ikonu. Naravno, ukoliko želite da retvit sadrži komentar. Manuelno retvitovanje je mnogo bolje. Retvit sa komentarom uvek pokazuje piscu tvita da mislite isto ili slično. Kako napisati retvit sa komentaromKliknite Reply ikonuUpišite RT ispred korisničkog imena tviteraša. Kopirajte deo ili ceo tvit. Mi smo u ovom primeru kopirali deo, jer je ceo tvit skoro potrošio skoro svih 140 karaktera. Komentar je ograničen brojem preostalih karaktera. Kliknite tvit. Kreirali ste svoj prvi retvit sa komentarom.

Kako da se oglašavate - Twitter otvara oglašavanje za sve korisnike




Twitter je objavio da će oglašavanje biti dostupno svim korisnicima kroz novu platformu.   Oglašivači će prvo trebati da budu pozvani da koriste Twitter ads – i kvartalno da potroše malo novca. Ovo je veoma korisno jer će čak i oni korisnici koji imaju minimalni budžet za marketing moći da se oglašavaju na popularnoj mreži.   Šta je potrebno da uradite?   Kliknite na ikonicu sa zupčanikom Settings, a zatim na Twitter Ads. Pregledajte stranicu Twitter's Introduction to Twitter Ads i kliknite na Advertising page. Pratite korake ispisane na ekranu. Twitter će vam ponuditi i korisne savete dok prolazite potrebne korake. Kada unesete sve potrebne informacije, otvoriće se stranica sa rezimeom gde možete da pregledate sve informacije koje ste uneli za oglašavanje ili promociju.   Twitter ima jednostavan korisnički interfejs koji će vam ponuditi dve opcije za ono što možete da promovišete: vaše lične tweetove ili ceo vaš Twitter nalog.   Imajte na umu da nema razlike između toga gde će biti prikazani vaši promovisani twitovi i drugi twitovi. Promovisanje twita vam jednostavno pomaže da važni twitovi budu vidljiviji. Ako želite da istaknete neki od vaših twitova, selektujte ga u Promoted Tweets odeljku i selektujte budžet za datu kampanju. Promovisani nalozi sa druge strane će vam pomoći da povećate broj onih koji vas prate.

Kako da startujete Twitter na Windowsu 8




Twitter for Windows 8 je nova aplikacija koja olakšava deljenje i otkrivanje sadržaja na Windows 8 uređajima.   Pored poznatih funkcija Twitter, uključujući i Home, Connect, Discover i Me kartice, ova aplikacija predstavlja novu funkciju koja iskorišćava prednosti jedinstvenih funkcija Windowsa 8. Lepljenje prikaza:    Upotrebite još jednu aplikaciju zajedno sa Twitterom. Prilepite Twitter na levu ili desnu stranu ekrana a zatim počnite da koristite drugu aplikaciju. Moći ćete da pratite razgovore koji se dešavaju na Twitteru dok gledate video ili čitate vesti. Sa ovim lepljenjem prikaza možete da podesite veličinu aplikacije na jednu trećinu, dve trećine ili ceo ekran.   Fotografije:    Sa novim prikazom fotografija ne samo da možete da prikažete veću verziju ličnih fotografija, već možete da ih poređate horizontalno da biste prikazali više fotografija na kartici Discover ili korisničkom profilu. Kliknite na fotografiju da biste je videli preko celog ekrana, i velike fotografije će biti prikazane centrirane na ekranu.     Deljenje:    Tweetujte iz bilo koje aplikacije u bilo koje vreme. Jednostavno prevucite sa desne strane ekrana Windowsa 8 a zatim izaberite opciju Share charm da biste podelili sadržaj iz bilo koje aplikacije, kao što su fotografije, novi članci i drugo, na Twitteru.   Pretraga:    Kada ste inspirisani, pretražujte. Slično deljenju, pretraga olakšava da pronađete nalog ili vidite Tweetove koristeći određenu oznaku. Prevucite sa desne strane ekrana Windowsa 8 iz bilo koje aplikacije i selektujte opciju Search charm.   Live Tiles i obaveštenja:    Nemojte ništa propuštati. Pratite šta se dešava na Twitteru koristeći Twitter Live Tiles and notifications. Obaveštenja će se prikazivati bez obzira koja je aplikacija pokrenuta.   Twitter for Windows 8 aplikacija je dostupna u Windows Store na 22 jezika.   Twitter for Windows 8

Kako i kada da upotrebite Twitter liste




Ako ste korisnik Twittera verovatno znate da servis omogućava da kreirate liste Twitter naloga za praćenje.   Za ove liste možete da kreirate nazive i opise ili čak možete da pratite i liste drugih korisnika, i one mogu da budu javne, odnosno da budu vidljive svima ili privatne, odnosno da budu vidljive samo za vas.   Možete da imate do 1000 Twitter listi a svaka lista može da obuhvati 5000 korisnika. Ove liste su korisne da biste organizovali Twitter konekcije. Evo nekih saveta, kako i kada da upotrebite Twitter liste:   1. Organizovanje #FF listi   Twitter liste možete da upotrebite za organizovanje #FF listi. Naravno kada kreirate ovu listu najbolje je da ona bude privatna da ne biste uvredili korisnike koji se na njoj ne nalaze. Pored toga, Twitter liste možete da upotrebite za organizovanje aktivnosti grupa koje uključuju ručno biranje Twitter profila.   2. Povezivanje tačaka   Možete da kreirate Twitter liste sa ljudima koji su blisko povezani u poslovnom svetu. Na taj način moći ćete lako da pratite njihove razgovore a naravno, moći ćete i da odredite kakvi se ljudi nalaze među vašim kontaktima.   3. Posmatranje rivala   Naravno, možete da upotrebite liste da biste slušali o čemu razgovaraju vaši rivali. Dobra stvar u vezi Twitter listi je što one mogu da budu privatne i ljudi koje dodate u listu neće znati da ste ih postavili u listu.   4. Pronalaženje potencijalnih klijenata   Možete da kreirate Twitter listu potencijalnih klijenata koje ćete pratiti. Ponekad je teško pratiti kome ste se i sa kakvom ponudom obratili na Twitteru pa je ovo odličan način organizovanja vaših marketinških aktivnosti.   5. Traženje odgovarajućih listi   Twitter liste mogu da budu korisne ako započinjete novi posao. Pretražite Twitter liste na Googlu i kada pronađete listu koja vam odgovara jednostavno se na nju prijavite. Ali ne zaboravite da se prijavom na listu ona prikazuje javno među ostalim vašim listama, pa ako ne želite da ostali korisnici znaju da je pratite, prebacite je u privatnu grupu.   6. Povećajte vidljivost u pretrazi   Javne Twitter liste su indeksirane od strane mašina za pretragu i prikazuju rezultate. Ponekad je kreiranje Twitter liste sa određenom temom korisno jer postoji mogućnost da će vaš Twitter nalog lakše da se pronađe prilikom pretrage na Google-u ili drugim pretraživačima.   7. Dodavanje svakodnevnih razgovora   Razgovor sa ljudima na mreži može da bude veoma koristan kao početna tačka, i olakšaće vam razgovor sa njima kada se jednom sretnete uživo. Twitter liste vam takođe pomažu da sarađujete sa drugim korisnicima koji su učestvovali u istom događaju kao i vi. Izvor: http://socialmediatoday. com

Must Have Twitter Apps: Twitter Tools, Widgets & Applications




Webopedia AllMyTweets: A tool that allows users to view all of their tweets on one page and export them through Firefox. Bit. ly: A URL shorten service to shrink tweet URLs to 20 characters, plus track and share URLs. Bkkeepr: A Twitter tool that allows users to keep track of books they are currently reading. Blackbird: The name of a Twitter client for BlackBerry smartphones. Buffer: A social media management platform that allows users to manage their various social media accounts in one place. BuzzSumo:A tool that allows users to search for Twitter’s key influencers for specific subjects and the most shared content. Commun. it: A Twitter relationship management tool that indicates who your influencers, supporters, and engaged members are. Flock: A social browser with many Twitter related features. Users can send and read tweets, read mentions, and perform and save Twitter searches. There is also a character count tool Twitter users can use to make sure they stay within the character limit. FollowersForSale: With this Twitter tool, users can buy a certain number of followers for a set price. FollowerWonk: A tool for Twitter that provides analytics, follower segmentation, social graph tracking, compares users, and more. Friend or Follow: A Twitter tool to find out whether people you following are following you back, and whether they are following the people following them. Interested twitterers simply need to enter their Twitter username at the site. GeoChirp: A Twitter application that allows users to find other Twitter users who have similar interests in any specific geographical location. Goo. gl: Google's own URL shortener. Offers short URLs, reliable service and good uptime. GroupTweet: A Twitter tool that lets users send messages that can only be viewed by a selected group of Twitter friends. HashTags. org: Categorize your tweets so people can find them and understand what they are all about. Hootsuite: A social media management platform that is compatible with a variety of social media sites including Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. InnerTwitter: Encourages Twitter users to meditate by sending chimes at specific time intervals or at random times throughout the day. These chimes are the signal for users to spend a few quiet moments in meditation. iTweet: This is an interface for Twitter designed to make it easier to use Twitter from an iPhone. LinkBunch: This tool lets Twitter users combine several links into one link so they can be shared in a single tweet. LoudTwitter: A Twitter tool that allows Twitter users to display Twitter updates on their blog. PocketTweets: The name of a mobile Web-based Twitter client for the iPhone. You can use it to see the latest tweets from your contacts or to update your status remotely as well as download other Twitter applications. SocialOomph: A service that allows its users to schedule tweets, track keywords, helps to extend Twitter profiles, and more. TinyURL: shrink your URLs to 23 characters on Twitter or any online publishing space. TweetDeck: A tool for Twitter that includes real-time tracking, tweet managing, organizing, and engagement. TweetStats: Use this tool to see Twitter stats including tweets per hour, tweets per month, tweet timeline and reply statistics. Tweriod: A tool that provides users with the best time to tweet with analytics that are based on the users’ own tweets as well as their followers' tweets. Twibs: An application that lets Twitter users find businesses on twitter. Twidroid: A full-featured Twitter app designed for use on Android mobile phones. TwitLonger: A tool that allows users to submit tweets longer than the allowed 140 characters by automatically including a link that followers can click to continue reading the full message. Twitonomy: A resource that provide Twitter analytics from competitors, as well as which tweets have the highest retweet rate, and more. Twitterfeed: Allows users to add RSS feeds that can be shared automatically through their Twitter account and other social media sites. Twitrank: A Twitter user ranking service that provides an updated list of the top 150 Twitter users. Twitter Widgets: Twitter's own widgets are compatible with any website and most social networks. Twtrland: A tool that allows users to filter other users based on categories that can help them find relevant users to connect with.

Samouništavajući tvitovi - Kako da kreirate tvit koji će se sam izbrisati




Servisi za brisanje tvitovaPre par dana smo poslali svima sa mejling liste obaveštenje da ćemo na Tviteru da objavljujemo akcije koje imaju vremenski rok trajanja. Nakon toga sam saznao da postoje servisi koji mogu neki tvit da obrišu. Koji razlozi mogu da nas navedu da tvitamo nešto što će biti izbrisano?Kompanija kreće u akciju na Tviteru i želi da se nakon akcije obriše svaki trag o njoj. Želite da se našalite sa prijateljima ili pratiocima. Trenutno znamo za dva servisa koja možete da koristite za samouništavajuće tvitove. Twitter SpiritNakon aktiviranja Spirita, možete da kreirate tvit u kom će hashtag da odredi vreme brisanja tvita. Objavili smo tvit:Koji će biti izbrisan, pa i sama akcija za 60 minuta. Aktivirajte SPIRIT. Stevan je tvitnuo: "Ovo je odlična opcija u slučajevima kada želite da neki tvit nestane u toku razgovora sa nekim. "Petar: "Ovo sa brisanjem tvitova je odlično za meteorologe koji pogreše u prognozi. "Milan: "Brisanje tvitova je kao brisanje dezinformacija. "efemrNa istom principu, efemr koristi hashtag za brisanje tvita nakon izvesnog vremena. efemr dodatno vodi evidenciju o svim vašim izbrisanim tvitovima. Svaki kreiran i izbrisan tvit lako sa kontrolne table možete da RT. efemrIZVOR

Tviter prečice sa tastature jer valja nešto i naučiti




Tviter prečiceB = Blokirajte ga neka se pušiF = Moj si favoritJ = Skačem na sledeći tvit K = Skačem na prethodni tvitL = Zatvori sve otvorene tvitoveM = Sledeća direktna porukaN = Novi tvitR = Odgovori ako imaš štaT = Rečeno baš kao da sam ja rekaoU = Deblokiranje korisnika, izvini, mislio sam da si neko drugiGA = Stranica aktivnostiGC = Aktivnosti, aktivnostiGD = Šta se sada dešavaGF = FavoritiGH = Hoću kućiGL = Listam listeGM = Poruke, nadam se da mi je neko nešto poručioGP = Moj profil, avfas i ostaloGR = Pomenuo bih sledećeGS = Podešavanja, podešavanjaGU = Idi na profilSpace = strana doleForward Slash ili / = Tražim, ali ne pomilovanjePeriod ili . = Ima li novih tvitova ili ste svi zaspaliQuestion Mark ili ? = Otvori meni prečica, nešto sam zaboravioDa li koristite prečice svesno ili nesvesno? InfografikaPrečice za MAC MAC

Twerminology: 119 Twitter Slang Words & Abbreviations




Webopedia: Our collection of the best twerminology includes definitions to more than 100 Twitter abbreviations, words, phrases, and tools that are commonly used on (or associated with) the Twitter service. Twitter Abbreviations: Numbers & Characters @ The @reply means a Twitter update (a tweet) that is directed to another user in reply to their update. An @reply will be saved in the user's "Replies" tab. Replies are sent either by clicking the 'reply' icon next to an update or typing @ username message (e. g. , @user I saw that movie too). ^ The caret sign is used to note an individual within an organization who sent the message. For example a large corporation may have several employees managing social accounts -- each person would use ^initials (^VB for example) to indicate who sent the message. $ On Twitter, a stock market name can be used with the $ - For example Tweeting $GOOG will create a clickable link in the Tweet. Twitter Abbreviations: A ab/abt: Short for "about. " This chat abbreviation is is frequently seen on Twitter. adventuritter: Slang term used to describe a Twitterer who is adventurous. attwaction: Slang term used to describe an attraction between two users. attwicted: Slang term used to describe someone who is addicted to Twitter. Twitter Abbreviations: B b/c: Twitter shorthand for "because. " B: Twitter shorthand for "be. " b4: Twitter shorthand for "before. " Bberrytweet: Slang term that refers to using a Blackberry device to send a tweet on Twitter. beetweet: Slang term used to describe a "hot tweet. " Usually this is a popular, trending topic on Twitter and many users will retweet a beetweet. bemyguest, #BeMyGuest: A popular Twitter hashtag (#BeMyGuest) to let other Twitter users know you'd like to exchange guest blog posts. BFN: Short for "bye for now. " bgd: A shortened form of "background" often used on Twitter. Bird-of-mouth: Slang term that refers to the use of Twitter to circulate news and information. BR: An acronym used on Twitter that stands for "best regards. " BTW: Shorthand for saying “by the way. ” bulltwit: Slang term to describe fake, false or over embellished Tweets. Twitter Abbreviations: C Celebrity syndrome: This Twitter phrase refers to a situation in which a non-celebrity mistakenly believes he or she is a celebrity. Users with celebrity syndrome will not follow a significant number of Twitter users. chk: Twitter shorthand for "check. " cld: Twitter shorthand for "could. " clk: Twitter shorthand for "click. " co-twitterer: Slang term used to describe a second person who tweets on a single Twitter account. crank tweet: Similar to a "crank phone call," it is a misleading tweet. cre8: Often seen on Twitter, it means "create. " cuttweet: Sometimes simply known as "CT," this slang term refers to a retweet that is a shortened version of the original. Twitter Abbreviations: D da: Often used on Twitter, this is a shortened version of "the. " daily twitamin: Twitter slang that means a tweet that contains useful knowledge that is easy to take in and remember. It is a "daily vitamin" for Twitterers. deets: A shortened version of "details" often found on Twitter. detweet: Slang term used to describe a tweet you made, then deleted. direct message (DM): Short for direct message, it is the function of the Twitter service that enables you to send a private message (direct message) to a person you are following. drive thru tweet: Refers to a tweet sent by an individual while he or she is at a restaurant drive-thru. drive-by-tweet: This is a fast tweet posted by an individual while he or she is in between tasks. drunktwittering: The act of posting on Twitter while intoxicated. Dweet: Slang term used to describe a tweet that has been sent by a user who is drunk. Twitter Abbreviations: E eavestweeting: The act of eavesdropping on other Twitter conversations. egotwistical: Slang term used to describe a user who talks about himself on Twitter. It is a combination of the words "egotistical and Twitter. " EM / eml: Shorthand versions of "e-mail" routinely used on Twitter. EMA: An acronym for "e-mail address" used on Twitter. emergaTweet: Also known as emergetweet it refers to a tweet sent out during an emergency when 911 is unavailable. Twitter Abbreviations: F F2F: An acronym used on Twitter that means "face to face. " fab: A shortened version of “fabulous”; frequently used on Twitter. Fail Whale: On the Twitter site, the Fail Whale is an image of a whale held up by birds and nets. This image shows that Twitter has been overloaded or that a failure occurred within the service. FAV: The FAV action on Twitter lets you mark a person's last message as a favorite message to be displayed in your Favorites Tab. To use FAV, type FAV username. Follower / following: On Twitter, blogs, and other social media sites, a follower is someone who subscribes to receives your updates. On the Twitter Web site "following" someone means you will see their messages in your own personal timeline. Twitter lets you see all the people you follow and also who is following you. FollowFriday (FF, or #followfriday): On Twitter, FollowFriday is a recommendation. It is used to call attention to a user's favorite followers and favorite people on Twitter. When you tweet a FF message, you are recommending that your followers also check out the people you mention in your post. When you send a FollowFriday message, you include #followfriday in your update so it can be searched for using that hash tag. FOMO: An acronym used for the saying “fear of missing out,” which is used when you feel like you are not going to be included in a social event. friendapalooza: A slang term used to describe a situation in which a twitterer adds many friends within a short time period. friendscrapping: A slang term related to Twitter that refers to an individual adding all of a friend’s friends as his or her own. FTL: An acronym frequently used on Twitter in place of the phrase “for the loss. ” FTW: An acronym frequently used on Twitter in place of the phrase “for the win. ” Twitter Abbreviations: H HAND: An acronym often used on Twitter, it stands for “have a nice day. ” Hash tag: A hash tag or hashtag is a way of organizing your updates for Twitter search engines. Users prefix a message with a community-driven hash tag to enable others to discover relevant posts. One commonly used hash tag on Twitter is #followfriday where users network by providing the names of their favorite people to follow on Twitter. Hivemind: This is a term used to refer to the combined intelligence of all Twitter users. Twitter Abbreviations: I IC: Often used on Twitter, it is the shorthand version for “I see. ” ICYMI: Short for "in case you missed it", the abbreviation may appear in a tweet that is a repost from the same person, just in case their followers missed it the first time it was tweeted. idk: An abbreviated form of “I don’t know” frequently used on Twitter. intwituation/intwituated: Slang terms used to describe a situation in which someone is infatuated with another Twitter user. Twitter Abbreviations: K kk: Twitter shorthand for "kewl kewl" (cool cool). Twitter Abbreviations: M Mention: Used to name another user within your tweet by using the @ symbol with the other user’s username. microblog: A type of blog that lets users publish short text updates. Bloggers can usually use a number of services for the updates including instant messaging, e-mail, or Twitter. The posts are called micro posts, while the act of using these services to update your blog is called microblogging. microfunding: Using Twitter and other forms of microblogging to raise money for nonprofits and charity donations. mistweet: Slang term used to describe a tweet that you later regret having sent. MRT: Means "modified retweet (RT). " MTF: Twitter shorthand for "more to follow. " Twitter Abbreviations: N neweeter: A slang term used to describe a new tweeter. NTS: Twitter shorthand for "note to self. " Twitter Abbreviations: O OH: Short for overheard. This chat abbreviation is used on Twitter, often in place of RT (retweet) when the user does not want to provide the username of the follower they are quoting. Twitter Abbreviations: P PRT: Short for please retweet. This is a notation added to the end of a Tweet. PRT shows the user is asking others to retweet their post. Twitter Abbreviations: R Retweet: Abbreviated as RT, retweet is used on Twitter to show you are tweeting something that was posted by another user. The format is RT @username where username is the Twitter name of the person you are retweeting. Twitter Abbreviations: S selfie: Slang phrase used to describe a photo that is taken of oneself where the right or left arm is extended with the camera held backwards. SMH: An acronym used for the saying “shaking my head” which is typically used when someone does not agree with something or is disgusted or off-put by something. social networking site: Abbreviated as SNS, a social networking site is the phrase used to describe any website that enables users to create public profiles within that Web site and form relationships with other users of the same website. Social networking sites can be used to describe community-based websites, online discussions forums, chat rooms and other social spaces online. SP: Means "Sponsored. " The user is indicating that they are being paid for the post or for click on the link contained in the post. Twitter Abbreviations: T TBH: An acronym for “to be honest. ” TBT: An acronym for “Throw Back Thursday,” usually following an old image as a reference to the past. TFTF: Twitter shorthand for "thanks for the follow. " TMB: Short for "Tweet me back. " TrashTweeter: Refers to a twitterer who talks trash in his or her posts. twabe (or twabes): Slang terms often used on Twitter to refer to a young woman. Can also be used as a flattering term that has roughly the same meaning as “dear”; or “sweetheart. ” twabstinence: A slang term used to describe someone’s decision to cut back on their Twitter time because it is preventing them from completing their work or other important daily tasks. twabulous: A slang term used to describe a fabulous tweet. Twaffic: Slang term used to mean "Twitter traffic. " Twalking: Slang term used to describe someone who is walking while they tweet, using a mobile device. twart: A slang term meaning “Twitter art. ” Twebay: Slang term used to describe selling (or promoting) an eBay item on Twitter. Tweeple: Meaning Twitter people. It is used to refer to or describe Twitter users. Tweet: Describes a Twitter update. A tweet is basically whatever you type into the Web box to answer that question, using 140 characters or less. People tweet personal messages, random thoughts, post links, or anything else that fits in the character requirements. tweetaholic: The term used to describe someone who has a problematic addiction to Twitter. tweeter: Refers to a person who send tweets on the Twitter service (same as Twitterer). tweeterboxes: Slang term used to refer to Twitter users who "tweet excessively. " tweetorial: Slang term used to describe tutoring or lecturing on or about Twitter. Some industry speakers use the term to describe a live event where a lecture on a Twitter topic is given (e. g. , a seminar or event that teaches people how to use Twitter), while others use the term to describe giving a lecture on Twitter. Here the host speaker will use a special designated hash tag so others can follow the lecture on Twitter. tweetroduce: Slang term used to describe the situation in which a user introduces one follower to another. tweetsult: Slang for an insult sent using Twitter. twegal advice: Slang term for legal advice that is sent on twitter using 140 characters or less. twerminology: A slang term meaning "Twitter terminology. " twettiquette: Short for Twitter etiquette. It is a slang term used to describe acceptable Twitter behavior. Twewbie: Short for Twitter newbie. It is a slang term used to describe someone who is new to Twitter. TwinkedIn: Slang term used to describe someone who invites their Twitter friends to interact with them on LinkedIn.   twis: Slang term used to describe a 'dis' on a fellow Twitter user. Twishing: Twishing is a combination of the words "Twitter and phishing". It is the act of sending a message to a Twitter user in an attempt to obtain his or her name and password. The message may instruct the recipient to visit a Web site where he or she is asked to log in. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user's information. See "Beware of Twishing" in the Did You Know. . . ? section of Webopedia for more information on Twishing. Twitosphere: An expression used to describe the "World of Twitter. " twittcrastination: Slang term that refers to using Twitter as a form of procrastination. twitterage: Slang term describing feelings of rage experienced as a result of a Twitter post. Twitterapps: Short for Twitter applications. It is the phrase used to describe any application that integrates with the twitter service. May also be called Twitter tools or Twitter add-ons. twitterati: Slang term that refers to 'A-list' Twitter users. Twitterer: Refers to a person who send tweets on the Twitter service. Twitterfly: A social butterfly on Twitter. A Twitterfly uses the @ sign in many messages, showing they have a lot of Twitter friends to talk with or mention in their updates. Twitter-ific: Short for "Twitter" and "terrific". It is a slang term used to describe something terrific you find on Twitter. twitterpated: Slang term describing the feeling one experiences when messages on Twitter become overwhelming. twitterphoria: Slang term describing the feelings of elation one experiences when they add someone as a friend and the person adds them in return. Twittworking: Short for Twitter networking. It is a slang term used to describe Twitterers who use Twitter to network. Twitter Abbreviations: U U: This shorthand form of "you" is frequently found on Twitter. Twitter Abbreviations: W woz: Slang for "was," this term is frequently found on Twitter. wtv: A shorthand form of "whatever" often found on Twitter. Twitter Abbreviations: Y ykyat: An acronym standing for "you know you’re addicted to. . . " that is frequently used on Twitter. YOLO: An acronym for the saying “you only live once” which is used much like the saying carpe diem implying that you should just enjoy life. YOYO: An acronym that stands for "you’re on your own" that is often used on Twitter. Twitter Abbreviations: Z ztwitt: A slang term that means "to tweet extremely fast. "

TwitLonger ili kako da napišete tvit duži od 140 karaktera




TwitLongerTwitLongerNakon što se prijavite koristeći svoj Tviter profil, otvoriće se novi prozor u koji upisujete svoj dug, duži i najduži tvit. Na primer, Meat Loaf koji se rodio na današnji dan je rekao:"Rock n' Roll came from the slaves singing gospel in the fields. Their lives were hell and they used music to lift out of it, to take them away. That's what rock n' roll should do - take you to a better place. " Meat LoafTo je tačno 221 karakter. Naravno da nije mislio na Tviter kada mu je to palo na pamet. TwitLonger će ovaj tvit skratiti i prikazati:Na krajuPonavljao sam rečenicu o skraćivanju tvita, ponavljao, a onda objavio:TwitLonger
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