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Saveti – PHP I MYSQL

Ukupno: 32, strana 1 od 2

5 najboljih PHP radnih okvira, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, CakePHP, Symfony




PHP Pi-Ejč-Pi ili Pe-Ha-Pe (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) specijalizovani je skriptni jezik prvenstveno namenjen za izradu dinamičnog veb sadržaja i izvodi se na strani servera. PHP predstavlja naslednika alata po nazivu PHP/FI, napisanog 1995. godine od strane Rasmusa Lerdorfa. [3] PHP/FI je predstavljao skup alata napisanih u Perlu, i autor ga je koristio za sopstvene potrebe. Skup alata je dobio ime "alati za ličnu prezentaciju" (engl.  Personal Home Page Tools), odakle i skraćenica PHP. Kako su rasle potrebe na sajtu, autor je prepisao kompletan projekat u C-u i omogućio da može da komunicira sa bazama podataka a korisnicima svog sajta da naprave sopstvene prezentacije pomoću njega. Rasmus je potom objavio[4] svoje alate i učinio izvorni kod dostupan svima da bi se projekat brže razvijao i da bi se greške (bagovi) brže ispravljale. PHP/FI, čija je puna definicija glasila „alati za ličnu prezentaciju/prevodilac obrazaca“ (engl.  Personal Home Page Tools/Forms Interpreter) je imao samo neke stvari zajedničke sa današnjim PHP-om — promenljive kao u Perlu, automatsko raščlanjivanje promenljivih iz zahteva i ugrađeni HTML. PHP/FI 2. 0 je konačno i zvanično objavljen 1997. godine, da bi ga ubrzo zamenio PHP 3. 0. 1. Laravel Decembra 2013. godine Laravel je proglašen za najpopularniji PHP frejmvork ispred Phalcon, Symphony2, Codelgniter i ostalih. Već avgusta 2014. godine je postao najpreuzimaniji i najpraćeniji projekat na Github-u. Izuzetno je pogodan za početnike koji žele da nauče PHP, pa se kao frejmvork preporučuje u prvim koracima prilikom učenja programskog jezika PHP. Da bi se Laravel koristio na korisničkom računaru, mora se instalirati Composer. Composer je aplikacija koja korisnicima omogućava da upravljaju komponentama od kojih se sastoji Laravel framework. Dobra stvar kod Composer-a je ta što prilikom instaliranja istog, vrši se automatska nadogradnja (update) najnovije verzije Composera. Laravel krasi čist i pregledan kod. Svakom novijom verzijom Laravela, tim programera koji rade na njegovom razvoju uvode novine koje, onima koji koriste ovaj frejmvork, pružaju novije mogućnosti i komande. Pojavom Laravela 5, unutar aplikacije, komponente su razbijene u više foldera uključujući komande (commands), konzole (console), događaju (events), izuzeci (exceptions), hendleri (handlers), http, provajderi (provider), services (usluge). LINK. Top 62 websites in Serbia using Laravel. Startovao je juna 2011. Trenutno stabilna verzija je 5. 6. 24 od maja 2018. https://laravel. com/ 2. CodeIgniter CodeIgniter je brz, besplatni, objektno orijentisani PHP framework za pravljenje web aplikacija. Prva zvanična verzija izašla je još 28. februara 2006-te i od tada do poslednje stabilne verzije 2. 1. 2 je prešao veliki put i razvio se svakako u jednog od najboljih PHP frameworka. Brzina učenja CodeIgniter je lako naučiti prvenstveno jer ima zaista veliku i opsežnu dokumentaciju koja je lepo klasifikovana i lako je snaći se u njoj. Postoje i brojni tutorijali, video i tekstualni, koji vas mogu uvesti u svet CodeIgniter-a. Tu je takođe i veoma brojna i dobro organizovana CodeIgniter zajednica sa veoma posećenim forumima i blogovima gde se može jako brzo doći do informacija. Tako da ako želite da naučite CodeIgniter nema potrebe da se plašite, informacije koje su vam potrebne su lako dostupne. LINK. Top 103 websites in Serbia using CodeIgniter. Starovao je 28. februara 2006. Stabilna verzija je 3. 1. 8. od 23. marta 2018. https://www. codeigniter. com/ 3. Zend Zend Framework Zend Framework je: • Baziran na PHP kodu • Objektno orijentisan • Koristi MVC arhitekturu • Ima doprinos u open source kodu, New BSD License • Kreiran za rad sa većim brojem baza podataka (MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB i Informix Dynamic Server) Ovaj framework je postao vrlo atraktivan od verzije PHP5 kada se uključuje u bazične elemente objektne verzije PHP-a • Ima veliki zajednicu i veliki broj klasa, metoda i gotovog koda. LINK. Top 1 websites in Serbia using Zend. Startovao je 2. marta 2006. Trenutno stabilna verzija je 3. 0. 0. od 28. juna 2016. http://framework. zend. com/ 4. CakePHP Znate i sami kako kako se bira najbolji alat za rad u softverskim kućama: uzima se najbolji radi se sa onim sa čime trenutna ekipa zna da radi. Programski jezik se bira na osnovu skillseta trenutne ekipe a frejmvork na osnovu preferensi programera koji je prvi došao u firmu, zasukao rukave i udario kamen temeljac za projekat. U idealnom svetu, jezik bi se birao na osnovu istraživanja i prilagođenosti problemu, mada u tom istom svetu i kafa teče iz slavina a prodžekt menadžeri znaju programirati…. …. svaki sledeći programer koji dođe u firmu samo nastavi tamo gde je prethodni stao, a ako ima sreće možda neće biti blokiran na društvenim mrežama od strane prvobitnog programera. Projekat je već imao osnovu u CakePHP-u – doduše, u drugom proizvodu i imalo je smisla nastaviti na tome. Pre 6 godina nije postojao jasan pobednik u popularnosti među PHP developerima kao što su to sada Laravel i Symfony. Laravel je tek začet 2011-e, dok je CakePHP postojao još od 2005-e (sećam se jer sam te godine još plaćao wireless internet 120din za 100mega) i važio je za veoma siguran i stabilan izbor, što još uvek i jeste. Sa druge strane, CodeIgniter je bio u punom zamahu, ali svi znamo kako se to završilo – privremeno napušten i pauziran. LINK. Top 17 websites in Serbia using CakePHP Startovao je aprila 2005. Trenutno je stabilna verzija 3. 6. 5. od 9. juna 2018. http://cakephp. org/ 5. Symfony Symfony je PHP veb aplikacijski radni okvir. Objavljen je 18. oktobra 2005. kao besplatni softver pdo MIT licencom. Symfony je snažno ispirisan Spring okvirom. Stabilna verzija je 4. 1. 1. od 25. juna 2018. https://symfony. com/

Awesome PHP, all you need




Awesome PHP A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things. Composer Repositories Composer Repositories. Firegento - Magento Module Composer Repository. Packagist - The PHP Package Repository. Private Packagist - Composer package archive as a service for PHP. WordPress Packagist - Manage your plugins with Composer. Zend Framework Packages - Zend Framework Composer Repository. Dependency Management Libraries for dependency and package management. Composer Installers - A multi framework Composer library installer. Composer - A package and dependency manager. Melody - A tool to build one file Composer scripts. Pickle - A PHP extension installer. Dependency Management Extras Extras related to dependency management. Composed - A library to parse your project's Composer environment at runtime. Composer Merge Plugin - A composer plugin to merge several composer. json files. Prestissimo - A composer plugin which enables parallel install process. Satis - A static Composer repository generator. tooly - A library to manage PHAR files in project using Composer. Toran Proxy - A static Composer repository and proxy. Frameworks Web development frameworks. Aura Framework - A framework built from independent components. CakePHP - A rapid application development framework (CP). Laravel 5 - Another PHP framework (L5). Nette - Another framework comprised of individual components. Phalcon - A framework implemented as a C extension. PPI Framework 2 - An interoperability framework. Symfony - A framework comprised of individual components (SF). Yii2 - Another PHP framework. Zend Framework 2 - Another framework comprised of individual components (ZF2). Ice - Another simple and fast PHP framework delivered as C-extension. Framework Extras Extras related to web development frameworks. CakePHP CRUD - A Rapid Application Development (RAD) plugin for CakePHP. Knp RAD Components - A set of Rapid Application Development (RAD) components for Symfony. Symfony CMF - A Content Management Framework to create custom CMS. Components Standalone components from web development frameworks and development groups. Aura - Independent components, fully decoupled from each other and from any framework. CakePHP Plugins - A directory of CakePHP plugins. Hoa Project - Another package of PHP components. League of Extraordinary Packages - A PHP package development group. Symfony Components - The components that make Symfony. Zend Framework 2 Components - The components that make Zend Framework. Micro Frameworks Micro frameworks and routers. Bullet PHP - A micro framework for building REST APIs. Lumen - A micro-framework by Laravel. Radar - An Action-Domain-Responder implementation for PHP. Slim - Another simple micro framework. Micro Framework Extras Extras related to micro frameworks and routers. Silex Skeleton - A project skeleton for Silex. Silex Web Profiler - A web debug toolbar for Silex. Slim Skeleton - A skeleton for Slim. Slim Twig View - Integrate Twig into Slim. Slim PHP View - A simple PHP renderer for Slim. Routers Libraries for handling application routing. Aura. Router - A full-featured routing library. Fast Route - A fast routing library. Klein - A flexible router. Pux - Another fast routing library. Route - A routing library built on top of Fast Route. Templating Libraries and tools for templating and lexing. Aura. View - Provides TemplateView and TwoStepView using PHP as the tempting language, with support for partials, sections, and helpers. Foil - Another native PHP templating library. MtHaml - A PHP implementation of the HAML template language. Mustache - A PHP implementation of the Mustache template language. PHPTAL - A PHP implementation of the TAL templating language. Plates - A native PHP templating library. Smarty - A template engine to complement PHP. Twig - A comprehensive templating language. Tale Jade - A PHP implementation of the Jade template language. Static Site Generators Tools for pre-processing content to generate web pages. Couscous - Couscous turns Markdown documentation into beautiful websites. It's GitHub Pages on steroids. Sculpin - A tool that converts Markdown and Twig into static HTML. Spress - An extensible tool that converts Markdown and Twig into HTML. HTTP Libraries for working with HTTP. Buzz - Another HTTP client. Guzzle - A comprehensive HTTP client. HTTPFul - A chainable HTTP client. HTTPlug - An HTTP client abstraction without binding to a specific implementation. PHP VCR - A library for recording and replaying HTTP requests. Requests - A simple HTTP library. Retrofit - A library to ease creation of REST API clients. zend-diactoros - PSR-7 HTTP Message implementation. Scraping Libraries for scraping websites. Embed - An information extractor from any web service or page. Goutte - A simple web scraper. PHP Spider - A configurable and extensible PHP web spider. Middlewares Libraries for building application using middlewares. Expressive - PSR-7 Middleware framework from Zend. PSR7-Middlewares - Inspiring collection of handy middlewares. Relay - A PHP 5. 5 PSR-7 middleware dispatcher. Stack - A library of stackable middleware for Silex/Symfony. zend-stratigility - Middleware for PHP built on top of PSR-7. URL Libraries for parsing URLs. PHP Domain Parser - A domain suffix parser library. Purl - A URL manipulation library. sabre/uri - A functional URI manipulation library. Uri - Another URL manipulation library. Email Libraries for sending and parsing email. CssToInlineStyles - A library to inline CSS in email templates. Email Reply Parser - An email reply parser library. Email Validator - A small email address validation library. Fetch - An IMAP library. Mautic - Email marketing automation PHPMailer - Another mailer solution. Stampie - A library for email services such as SendGrid, PostMark, MailGun and Mandrill. SwiftMailer - A mailer solution. Files Libraries for file manipulation and MIME type detection. CSV - A CSV data manipulation library. Flysystem - Another filesystem abstraction layer. Gaufrette - A filesystem abstraction layer. Hoa Mime - Another MIME detection library. PHP FFmpeg - A wrapper for the FFmpeg video library. UnifiedArchive - A unified reader and writer of compressed archives. Streams Libraries for working with streams. Streamer - A simple object-orientated stream wrapper library. Dependency Injection Libraries that implement the dependency injection design pattern. Aura. Di - A serializable dependency injection container with constructor and setter injection, interface and trait awareness, configuration inheritance, and much more. Acclimate - A common interface to dependency injection containers and service locators. Auryn - A recursive dependency injector. Container - Another flexible dependency injection container. Disco - A PSR-11 compatible, annotation-based dependency injection container. PHP-DI - A dependency injection container that supports autowiring. Pimple - A tiny dependency injection container. Symfony DI - A dependency injection container component (SF). Imagery Libraries for manipulating images. Color Extractor - A library for extracting colours from images. Glide - An on-demand image manipulation library. Image Hash - A library for generating perceptual image hashes. Image Optimizer - A library for optimizing images. Imagine - An image manipulation library. Intervention Image - Another image manipulation library. PHP Image Workshop - Another image manipulation library. Testing Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data. Alice - An expressive fixture generation library. AspectMock - A mocking framework for PHPUnit/Codeception. Atoum - A simple testing library. Behat - A behaviour driven development (BDD) testing framework. Codeception - A full stack testing framework. DBUnit - A database testing library for PHPUnit. Faker - A fake data generator library. HTTP Mock - A library for mocking HTTP requests in unit tests. Kahlan - Full stack Unit/BDD testing framework with built-in stub, mock and code-coverage support. Mink - Web acceptance testing. Mockery - A mock object library for testing. ParaTest - A parallel testing library for PHPUnit. Peridot - An event driven test framework. Phake - Another mock object library for testing. Pho - Another behaviour driven development testing framework. PHP-Mock - A mock library for built-in PHP functions (e. g. time()). PHPSpec - A design by specification unit testing library. PHPT - A test tool used by PHP itself. PHPUnit - A unit testing framework. Prophecy - A highly opinionated mocking framework. VFS Stream - A virtual filesystem stream wrapper for testing. Continuous Integration Libraries and applications for continuous integration. CircleCI - A continuous integration platform. GitlabCi - Let GitLab CI test, build, deploy your code. TravisCi like. Jenkins - A continous integration platform with PHP support. JoliCi - A continuous integration client written in PHP and powered by Docker. PHPCI - An open source continuous integration platform for PHP. SemaphoreCI - A continuous integration platform for open source and private projects. Shippable - A Docker based continious integration platform for open source and private projects. Travis CI - A continuous integration platform. Wercker - A continuous integration platform. Documentation Libraries for generating project documentation. APIGen - Another API documentation generator. daux. io - A documentation generator which uses Markdown files. PHP Documentor 2 - A documentation generator. phpDox - A documentation generator for PHP projects (that is not limited to API documentation). Sami - An API documentation generator. Security Libraries for generating secure random numbers, encrypting data and scanning for vulnerabilities. Halite - A simple library for encryption using libsodium. HTML Purifier - A standards compliant HTML filter. IniScan - A tool that scans PHP INI files for security. Optimus - Id obfuscation based on Knuth's multiplicative hashing method. PHP Encryption - Secure PHP Encryption Library. PHP SSH - An experimental object orientated SSH wrapper library. PHPSecLib - A pure PHP secure communications library. random_compat - PHP 5. x support for random_bytes() and random_int() RandomLib - A library for generating random numbers and strings. SensioLabs Security Check - A web tool to check your Composer dependencies for security advisories. TCrypto - A simple encrypted key-value storage library. VAddy - A continuous security testing platform for web applications. Zed - An integrated penetration testing tool for web applications. Passwords Libraries and tools for working with and storing passwords. GenPhrase - A library for generating secure random passphrases. Password Compat - A compatibility library for the new PHP 5. 5 password functions. Password Policy - A password policy library for PHP and JavaScript. Password Validator - A library for validating and upgrading password hashes. Password-Generator - PHP library to generate random passwords. PHP Password Lib - A library for generating and validating passwords. phpass - A portable password hashing framework. Zxcvbn PHP - A realistic PHP password strength estimate library based on Zxcvbn JS. Code Analysis Libraries and tools for analysing, parsing and manipulating codebases. Better Reflection - AST-based reflection library that allows analysis and manipulation of code Code Climate - An automated code review. PHP Parser - A PHP parser written in PHP. PHP Semantic Versioning Checker - A command line utility that compares two source sets and determines the appropriate semantic versioning to apply. PHPLOC - A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project. PHPQA - A tool for running QA tools (phploc, phpcpd, phpcs, pdepend, phpmd, phpmetrics). Qafoo Quality Analyzer - A tool to visualize metrics and source code. Scrutinizer - A web tool to scrutinise PHP code. UBench - A simple micro benchmark library. Code Quality Libraries for managing code quality, formatting and linting. PHP CodeSniffer - A library that detects PHP, CSS and JS coding standard violations. PHP CS Fixer - A coding standards fixer library. PHP Mess Detector - A library that scans code for bugs, sub-optimal code, unused parameters and more. PHPCheckstyle - A tool to help adhere to certain coding conventions. PHPCPD - A library that detects copied and pasted code. Static Analysis Libraries for performing static analysis of PHP code. Exakat - A static analysis engine for PHP. Mondrian - A code analysis tool using Graph Theory. phan - A static analyzer based on PHP 7+ and the php-ast extension. PHPCompatibility - A PHP compatibility checker for PHP CodeSniffer. PhpDependencyAnalysis - A tool to create customisable dependency graphs. PHP Metrics - A static metric library. PHP Migration - A static analyzer for PHP version migration. PHPStan - A PHP Static Analysis Tool. Psalm - A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications. Architectural Libraries related to design patterns, programming approaches and ways to organize code. Design Patterns PHP - A repository of software patterns implemented in PHP. Finite - A simple PHP finite state machine. Functional PHP - A functional programming library. Iter - A library that provides iteration primitives using generators. Patchwork - A library for redefining userland functions. Pipeline - A pipeline pattern implementation. RulerZ - A powerful rule engine and implementation of the Specification pattern. Debugging and Profiling Libraries and tools for debugging and profiling code. APM - Monitoring extension collecting errors and statistics into SQLite/MySQL/StatsD. Barbushin PHP Console - Another web debugging console using Google Chrome. Blackfire. io - A low-overhead code profiler. Kint - A debugging and profiling tool. PHP Console - A web debugging console. PHP Debug Bar - A debugging toolbar. PHPBench - A benchmarking Framework. Tideways. io - Monitoring and profiling tool Tracy - A simple error detection, logging and time measuring library. xDebug - A debug and profile tool for PHP. XHProf - A profiling tool originally developed by Facebook. Z-Ray - A debug and profile tool for Zend Server. Build Tools Project build and automation tools. Box - A utility to build PHAR files. Construct - A PHP project/micro-package generator. Phing - A PHP project build system inspired by Apache Ant. Task Runners Libraries for automating and running tasks. Bldr - A PHP Task runner built on Symfony components. Jobby - A PHP cron job manager without modifying crontab. Robo - A PHP Task runner with object-orientated configurations. Task - A pure PHP task runner inspired by Grunt and Gulp. Navigation Tools for building navigation structures. KnpMenu - A menu library. Asset Management Tools for managing, compressing and minifying website assets. JShrink - A JavaScript minifier library. Munee - An asset optimiser library. Puli - A library for determining assets absolute paths. BowerPHP - A PHP implementation of Bower. A package manager for the web Geolocation Libraries for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes. GeoCoder - A geocoding library. GeoJSON - A GeoJSON implementation. GeoTools - A library of geo-related tools. PHPGeo - A simple geo library. Date and Time Libraries for working with dates and times. CalendR - A calendar management library. Carbon - A simple DateTime API extension. Chronos - A DateTime API extension supporting both mutable and immutable date/time. Moment. php - Moment. js inspired PHP DateTime handler with i18n support. Yasumi - An library to help you calculate the dates and names of holidays. Event Libraries that are event-driven or implement non-blocking event loops. Amp - An event driven non-blocking I/O library. Broadway - An event source and CQRS library. Cake Event - An event dispatcher library (CP). Elephant. io - Yet another web socket library. Evenement - An event dispatcher library. Event - An event library with a focus on domain events. Hoa EventSource - An event source library. Hoa WebSocket - Another web socket library. Prooph Event Store - An event source component to persist event messages Ratchet - A web socket library. React - An event driven non-blocking I/O library. RxPHP - A reactive extension library. Workerman - An event driven non-blocking I/O library. Logging Libraries for generating and working with log files. Monolog - A comprehensive logger. E-commerce Libraries and applications for taking payments and building online e-commerce stores. Money - A PHP implementation of Fowler's money pattern. OmniPay - A framework agnostic multi-gateway payment processing library. Payum - A payment abstraction library. Shopware - Highly customizable e-commerce software Swap - An exchange rates library. Sylius - An open source e-commerce solution. PDF Libraries and software for working with PDF files. Dompdf - A HTML to PDF converter. PHPPdf - A library for generating PDFs and images from XML. Snappy - A PDF and image generation library. WKHTMLToPDF - A tool to convert HTML to PDF. Office Libraries for working with office suite documents. PHPPowerPoint - A library for working with Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations. PHPWord - A library for working with Microsoft Word documents. PHPSpreadsheet - A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files (successor of PHPExcel) Database Libraries for interacting with databases using object-relational mapping (ORM) or datamapping techniques. Atlas. Orm - A data mapper implementation for your persistence model in PHP. Aura. Sql - Provides an extension to the native PDO along with a profiler and connection locator. Aura. SqlQuery - Independent query builders for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. Baum - A nested set implementation for Eloquent. Cake ORM - Object-Relational Mapper, implemented using the DataMapper pattern (CP). Doctrine Extensions - A collection of Doctrine behavioural extensions. Doctrine - A comprehensive DBAL and ORM. Eloquent - A simple ORM (L5). LazyRecord - A fast ORM designed for simplicity, extendability and performance. Pomm - An Object Model Manager for PostgreSQL. Propel - A fast ORM, migration library and query builder. ProxyManager - A set of utilities to generate proxy objects for data mappers. RedBean - A lightweight, configuration-less ORM. Spot2 - A MySQL datamapper ORM. Migrations Libraries to help manage database schemas and migrations. Doctrine Migrations - A migration library for Doctrine. Migrations - A migration management library. Phinx - Another database migration library. PHPMig - Another migration management library. Ruckusing - Database migrations for PHP ala ActiveRecord Migrations with support for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite. NoSQL Libraries for working with "NoSQL" backends. PHPMongo - A MongoDB ORM. Predis - A feature complete Redis library. Queue Libraries for working with event and task queues. Bernard - A multibackend abstraction library. BunnyPHP - A performant pure-PHP AMQP (RabbitMQ) sync and also async (ReactPHP) library. Pheanstalk - A Beanstalkd client library. PHP AMQP - A pure PHP AMQP library. Tarantool Queue - PHP bindings for Tarantool Queue. Thumper - A RabbitMQ pattern library. Search Libraries and software for indexing and performing search queries on data. Elastica - A client library for ElasticSearch. ElasticSearch PHP - The official client library for ElasticSearch. Solarium - A client library for Solr. Sphinx Search - Sphinx Search library provides SphinxQL indexing and searching features SphinxQL query builder - A query library for the Sphinx search engine. Command Line Libraries related to the command line. Aura. Cli - Provides the equivalent of request ( Context ) and response ( Stdio ) objects for the command line interface, including Getopt support, and an independent Help object for describing commands. Boris - A tiny PHP REPL. Cilex - A micro framework for building command line tools. CLI Menu - A library for building CLI menus. CLIFramework - A command-line framework supports zsh/bash completion generation, subcommands and option constraints. It also powers phpbrew. CLImate - A library for outputting colours and special formatting. Commando - Another simple command line opt parser. Cron Expression - A library to calculate cron run dates. GetOpt - A command line opt parser. GetOptionKit - Another command line opt parser. Hoa Console - Another command line library. PsySH - Another PHP REPL. ShellWrap - A simple command line wrapper library. Authentication and Authorization Libraries for implementing user authentication and authorization. Aura. Auth - Provides authentication functionality and session tracking using various adapters. SocialConnect Auth - An open source social sign (OAuth1\OAuth2\OpenID\OpenIDConnect). Json Web Token - Json Tokens to authenticate and transmit information. OAuth 1. 0 Client - An OAuth 1. 0 client library. OAuth 2. 0 Client - An OAuth 2. 0 client library. OAuth2 Server - Another OAuth2 server implementation. OAuth2 Server - An OAuth2 authentication server, resource server and client library. Opauth - A multi-provider authentication framework. PHP oAuthLib - Another OAuth library. Sentinel Social - A library for social network authentication. Sentinel - A framework agnostic authentication & authorisation library. TwitterOAuth - A Twitter OAuth library. Markup Libraries for working with markup. Cebe Markdown - An fast and extensible Markdown parser. CommonMark PHP - A Markdown parser which supports the full CommonMark spec. Decoda - A lightweight markup parser library. Emoji - A library that converts unicode characters and names into emoji images. HTML to Markdown - Converts HTML into Markdown. HTML5 PHP - An HTML5 parser and serializer library. Parsedown - Another Markdown parser. PHP Markdown - A Markdown parser. Strings Libraries for parsing and manipulating strings. Agent - A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser, based on Mobiledetect. ANSI to HTML5 - An ANSI to HTML5 converter library. Color Jizz - A library for manipulating and converting colours. Device Detector - Another library for parsing user agent strings. Hoa String - Another UTF-8 string library. Jieba-PHP - A PHP port of Python's jieba. Chinese text segmentation for natural language processing. Mobile-Detect - A lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). Patchwork UTF-8 - A portable library for working with UTF-8 strings. Slugify - A library to convert strings to slugs. SQL Formatter - A library for formatting SQL statements. Stringy - A string manipulation library with multibyte support. UA Parser - A library for parsing user agent strings. URLify - A PHP port of Django's URLify. js. UUID - A library for generating UUIDs. Numbers Libraries for working with numbers. ByteUnits - A library to parse, format and convert byte units in binary and metric systems. LibPhoneNumber for PHP - A PHP implementation of Google's phone number handling library. PHP Conversion - Another library for converting between units of measure. PHP Units of Measure - A library for converting between units of measure. Filtering and Validation Libraries for filtering and validating data. Aura. Filter - Provides tools to validate and sanitize objects and arrays. Cake Validation - Another validation library (CP). Filterus - A simple PHP filtering library. ISO-codes - A library for validating inputs according standards from ISO, International Finance, Public Administrations, GS1, Book Industry, Phone numbers & Zipcodes for many countries MetaYaml - A schema validation library that supports YAML, JSON and XML. Respect Validation - A simple validation library. Upload - A library for handling file uploads and validation. Valitron - Another validation library. Volan - Another simplified validation library. API Libraries and web tools for developing APIs. API Platform - Expose in minutes an hypermedia REST API that embraces JSON-LD, Hydra format. Apigility - An API builder built with Zend Framework 2. Drest - A library for exposing Doctrine entities as REST resource endpoints. HAL - A Hypertext Application Language (HAL) builder library. Hateoas - A HATEOAS REST web service library. Negotiation - A content negotiation library. Restler - A lightweight framework to expose PHP methods as RESTful web API. wsdl2phpgenerator - A tool to generate PHP classes from SOAP WSDL files. Caching Libraries for caching data. Alternative PHP Cache (APC) - Open opcode cache for PHP. APIx Cache - A thin PSR-6 cache wrapper to various caching backends emphasising cache tagging and indexing. CacheTool - A tool to clear APC/opcode caches from the command line. Cake Cache - A caching library (CP). Doctrine Cache - A caching library. Metaphore - Cache slam defense using a semaphore to prevent dogpile effect. Stash - Another library for caching. Zend Cache - Another caching library (ZF2). Data Structure and Storage Libraries that implement data structure or storage techniques. Cake Collection - A simple collections library (CP). Collections - Collections Abstraction library for PHP. Fractal - A library for converting complex data structures to JSON output. Ginq - Another PHP library based on . NET's LINQ. JsonMapper - A library that maps nested JSON structures onto PHP classes. Knapsack - Collection library inspired by Clojure's sequences. PINQ - A PHP library based on . NET's LINQ (Language Integrated Query). Porter - Data import abstraction framework. Serializer - A library for serialising and de-serialising data. YaLinqo - Yet Another LINQ to Objects for PHP. Zend Serializer - Another library for serialising and de-serialising data (ZF2). Notifications Libraries for working with notification software. JoliNotif - A cross-platform library for desktop notification (support for Growl, notify-send, toaster, etc) Notification Pusher - A standalone library for device push notifications. Notificato - A library for handling push notifications. Notificator - A lightweight notification library. Php-pushwoosh - A PHP Library to easily send push notifications with the Pushwoosh REST Web Services. Deployment Libraries for project deployment. Deployer - A deployment tool. Envoy - A tool to run SSH tasks with PHP. Rocketeer - A fast and easy deployer for the PHP world. Internationalisation and Localisation Libraries for Internationalization (I18n) and Localization (L10n). Aura. Intl - Provides internationalization (I18N) tools, specifically package-oriented per-locale message translation. Cake I18n - Message translation and localization for dates and numbers (CP) Third Party APIs Libraries for accessing third party APIs. Amazon Web Service SDK - The official PHP AWS SDK library. Campaign Monitor - The official Campaign Monitor PHP library. Dropbox SDK - The official PHP Dropbox SDK library. Github - A library to interface with the Github API. Mailgun The official Mailgun PHP API. Stripe - The official Stripe PHP library. Twilio - The official Twilio PHP REST API. Extensions Libraries to help build PHP extensions. PHP CPP - A C++ library for developing PHP extensions. Zephir - A compiled language between PHP and C++ for developing PHP extensions. Miscellaneous Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above. Annotations - An annotations library (part of Doctrine). BotMan - A framework agnostic PHP library to build cross-platform chat bots. Cake Utility - Utility classes such as Inflector, String, Hash, Security and Xml (CP). Chief - A command bus library. ClassPreloader - A library for optimising autoloading. Country List - A list of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes. Embera - An Oembed consumer library. Essence - A library for extracting web media. Graphviz - A Graphviz library. Hprose-PHP - A very newbility RPC Library, support 25+ languages now. JSON Lint - A JSON lint utility. JSONPCallbackValidator - A library for validating JSONP callbacks. Metrics - A simple metrics API library. noCAPTCHA - Helper for Google's noCAPTCHA (reCAPTCHA). Nmap - A PHP wrapper around Nmap. Pagerfanta - A pagination library. PHP PassBook - A PHP library for iOS PassBook. PHP-ML - A library for Machine Learning in PHP. PHPCR - A PHP port of the Java Content Repository (JCR). PHPStack - A TCP/IP stack proof of concept written in PHP. print_o - An object graph visualizer. Procrastinator - A library for running time consuming tasks. Prooph Service Bus - Lightweight message bus supporting CQRS and Micro Services RMT - A library for versioning and releasing software. sabre/vobject - A library for parsing VCard and iCalendar objects. Slimdump - An easy dumper tool for MySQL. Spork - A process forking library. SuperClosure - A library that allows Closures to be serialized. Symfony VarDumper - A variable dumper component (SF). Underscore - A PHP port of the Underscore JS library. Whoops - A pretty error handling library. Software Software for creating a development environment. PHP Installation Tools to help install and manage PHP on your computer. HomeBrew - A package manager for OSX. Brew PHP Switcher - Brew PHP switcher. PHP Brew - A PHP version manager and installer. PHP Build - Another PHP version installer. PHP OSX - A PHP installer for OSX. VirtPHP - A tool for creating and managing isolated PHP environments. Development Environment Software and tools for creating a sandboxed development environment. Ansible - A radically simple orchestration framework. Phansible - A web tool for building PHP development virtual machines with Ansible. Protobox - Another web tool for building PHP development virtual machines. PuPHPet - A web tool for building PHP development virtual machines. Puppet - A server automation framework and application. Vagrant - A portable development environment utility. Docker - A containerization platform. Virtual Machines Alternative PHP virtual machines. Hack - A programming language for HHVM that interoperates seamlessly with PHP. HHVM - A Virtual Machine, Runtime and JIT for PHP by Facebook. Text Editors and IDEs Text Editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDE) with support for PHP. Atom - A hackable text editor. Atom IDE - An IDE extension for Atom. Eclipse for PHP Developers - A PHP IDE based on the Eclipse platform. Netbeans - An IDE with support for PHP and HTML5. PhpStorm - A commercial PHP IDE. VS Code - An open source code editor. Web Applications Web-based applications and tools. 3V4L - An online PHP & HHVM shell. DBV - A database version control application. PHP Queue - An application for managing queueing backends. MailCatcher - A web tool for capturing and viewing emails. Cachet - The open source status page system. phpRedisAdmin - A simple web interface to manage Redis databases. phpMyAdmin - A web interface for MySQL/MariaDB. Adminer - Database management in a single PHP file. Grav - A modern flat-file CMS. Lychee - An easy to use and great looking photo-management-system. Infrastructure Infrastructure for providing PHP applications and services. appserver. io - A multithreaded application server for PHP, written in PHP. php-pm - A process manager, supercharger and load balancer for PHP applications. Resources Various resources, such as books, websites and articles, for improving your PHP development skills and knowledge. PHP Websites Useful PHP-related websites. Nomad PHP - A online PHP learning resource. PHP Best Practices - A PHP best practice guide. PHP FIG - The PHP Framework Interoperability Group. PHP Mentoring - Peer to peer PHP mentorship organization. PHP Package Development Standards - Package development standards for PHP. PHP School - Open Source Learning for PHP. PHP Security - A guide to PHP security. PHP The Right Way - A PHP best practice quick reference guide. PHP UG - A website to help people locate their nearest PHP user group (UG). PHP Versions - Lists which versions of PHP are available on several popular web hosts. PHP Weekly - A weekly PHP newsletter. PHPTrends - An overview of fastest growing PHP libraries. Securing PHP - A newsletter about PHP security and library recommendations. Seven PHP - A website that interviews members of the PHP community. PHP Annotated Monthly - A monthly digest of PHP news. Other Websites Useful websites related to web development. Atlassian Git Tutorials - A series of Git tutorials. Hg Init - A series of Mercurial tutorials. Learning Linux - A website for learning Linux. Semantic Versioning - A website explaining semantic versioning. Servers for Hackers - A newsletter about server management. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) - An open software security community. WebSec IO - A web security community resource. PHP Books Fantastic PHP-related books. Functional Programming in PHP - This book will show you how to leverage these new PHP5. 3+ features by understanding functional programming principles Grumpy PHPUnit - A book about unit testing with PHPUnit by Chris Hartjes. Mastering Object-Orientated PHP - A book about object-orientated PHP by Brandon Savage. Modern PHP New Features and Good Practices - A book about new PHP features and best practices by Josh Lockhart. Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP - A book about modernizing legacy PHP applications by Paul M. Jones. PHP 7 Upgrade Guide - An ebook covering all of the features and changes in PHP 7 by Colin O'Dell. PHP Pandas - A book about learning to write PHP by Dayle Rees. Scaling PHP Applications - An ebook about scaling PHP applications by Steve Corona. Securing PHP: Core Concepts - A book about common security terms and practices for PHP by Chris Cornutt. Signaling PHP - A book about catching PCNTL signals in CLI scripts by Cal Evans. The Grumpy Programmer's Guide to Building Testable PHP Applications - A book about building testing PHP applications by Chris Hartjes. XML Parsing with PHP - This book covers parsing and validating XML documents, leveraging XPath expressions, and working with namespaces as well as how to create and modify XML files programmatically. Domain-Driven Design in PHP - Real examples written in PHP showcasing DDD Architectural Styles. Other Books Books related to general computing and web development. Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide - A guide to working with Elasticsearch by Clinton Gormley and Zachary Tong. Eloquent JavaScript - A book about JavaScript programming by Marijn Haverbeke. Head First Design Patterns - A book that expains software design patterns. Pro Git - A book about Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub. The Linux Command Line - A book about the Linux command line by William Shotts. The Tangled Web — Securing Web Applications - A book about securing web applications by Michal Zalewski. Understanding Computation - A book about computation theory by Tom Stuart. Vagrant Cookbook - A book about creating Vagrant environments by Erika Heidi. PHP Videos Fantastic PHP-related videos. Nomad PHP Lightning Talks - 10 to 15 minute Lightning Talks by PHP community members. PHP UK Conference - A collection of videos from the PHP UK Conference. Programming with Anthony - A video series by Anthony Ferrara. Taking PHP Seriously - A talk outlining PHP's strengths by Keith Adams of Facebook. PHP Podcasts Podcasts with a focus on PHP topics. PHP Town Hall - A casual PHP podcast by Ben Edmunds and Phil Sturgeon. Voices of the ElePHPant Interviews with the people that make the PHP community special. PHP Roundtable - The PHP Roundtable is a casual gathering of developers discussing topics that PHP nerds care about. PHP Reading PHP-releated reading materials. Composer Primer - A Composer primer. Composer Stability Flags - An article about Composer stability flags. Composer Versioning - An article about Composer versioning. Create Your Own PHP Framework - A series of articles on how to make your own PHP framework by Fabien Potencier. Don't Worry About BREACH - An article about the BREACH hack and CSRF tokens. On PHP 5. 3, Lambda Functions and Closures - An article about lambda functions and closures. PHP Is Much Better Than You Think - An article about the PHP language and ecosystem. PHP Package Checklist - A checklist for successful PHP package development. PHP Sucks! But I Like It! - An article about the pros and cons of PHP. Preventing CSRF Attacks - An article on preventing CSRF attacks. Seven Ways to Screw Up BCrypt - An article about correct BCrypt implementation. The 2018 Guide to Building Secure PHP Software - A guide to building secure PHP software. Use Env - An article about using the unix environment helper. PHP Internals Reading Reading materials related to the PHP internals or performance. Disproving the Single Quotes Myth - An article about performance of single and double quoted strings. How Big Are PHP Arrays (And Values) Really? - An article about array internals. How Foreach Works - A detailed StackOverflow answer about foreach. How Long is a Piece of String - An article about string internals. PHP Evaluation Order - An article about evaluation order in PHP. PHP Internals Book - An online book about PHP internals, written by three core developers. PHP RFCs - The home of PHP RFCs (Request for Comments). Print vs Echo, Which One is Faster? - An article about print and echo performance. The PHP Ternary Operator. Fast or Not? - An article ternary performance. Understanding OpCodes - An article about opcodes. When Does Foreach Copy? - An article about the internals of foreach. Why Objects (Usually) Use Less Memory Than Arrays - An article about object and array internals. You're Being Lied To - An article about internal ZVALs. Collecting Garbage: 1 2 3 - A series about the PHP garbage collection internals. PHP Source Code for Developers: 1 2 3 4 - A series about the PHP source code. PHP Magazines Fantastic PHP-related magazines. php[architect] - A monthly magazine dedicated to PHP.

Kome je namenjena knjiga PHP7, JAVASCRIPT I MYSQL




Ova knjiga je namenjena osobama koje razumeju opšti koncept World Wide Weba - treba da znaju da se ljudi povezuju na sajtove na World Wide Webu korišćenjem veb pretraživača. Nije potrebno nikakvo drugo znanje. U poglavljima koja su posvećena programiranju pomoću PHP-a ne zahteva se prethodno poznavanje jezika. Međutim, ako imate iskustva u drugim programskim jezicima, biće vam mnogo lakše zbog poznavanja programskih elemenata, kao što su promenljive, kontrolne strukture, funkcije, objekti i slično. Isto tako, ako ste već koristili neke baze podataka koje nisu MySQL, već posedujete solidnu osnovu za rad u lekcijama koje se odnose na MySQL.   Kako je knjiga organizovana Ova knjiga je podeljena u pet delova koji odgovaraju određenim tematskim grupama. Treba da pročitate poglavlja unutar svakog dela, redom, jer se svako poglavlje nadgrađuje na informacije iz prethodnog: - U Delu I, „Osnove veb aplikacije“, vodićemo vas od opisa komunikacije na vebu, do pisanja osnovnih PHP skriptova, i zaustavljaćemo se duž ovog puta da bismo obezbedili osnovu u HTML-u, CSS-u i JavaScriptu. Čak i ako poznajete jednu ili više od ovih tehnologija na osnovnom nivou, treba da pročitate ova poglavlja da biste „osvežili“ znanje. Veći broj poglavlja iz ostatka knjige se nadgrađuje na lekcije iz ovih početnih poglavlja. - Deo II, „Upotreba dinamičkih veb sajtova“, skoro u potpunosti je posvećen upotrebi i sintaksi JavaScripta, što obezbeđuje dinamiku u dinamičnim veb sajtovima; tamo gde HTML i CSS samo „stoje“ i izgledaju lepo, JavaScript „pokreće stvari“, bar dok ne dodate PHP i baze podataka u ovaj miks. - U Delu III, „Podizanje veb aplikacija na viši nivo“, pomeramo se iz čeonog interfejsa u pozadinski interfejs aplikacija. Naučićete osnove PHP jezika, uključujući strukturalne elemente, kao što su nizovi i objekti, i naučićete kako da upotrebite „kolačiće“ i korisničke sesije u svoju korist. Ovo je takođe deo knjige u kojem ćete naučiti više nego što ste (verovatno) ikada želeli da znate o obrascima. - Deo IV, „Integrisanje baze podataka u aplikacije“, sadrži poglavlja koja su posvećena generalnoj upotrebi baza podataka, kao, na primer, normalizaciji baze podataka i upotrebi PHP-a za povezivanje sa MySQL-om. Uključen je i osnovni SQL primer, koji sadrži funkcije i druge informacije specifične za MySQL. - Deo V, „Početak razvoja aplikacije“, sastoji se od poglavlja koja su namenjena za izvršavanje određenog zadatka upotrebom PHP-a i MySQL-a. Projekti uključuju kreiranje foruma diskusije, osnovnog veb izloga i jednostavnog kalendara. Na kraju svakog poglavlja nalaze se pitanja za testiranje koliko ste dobro ovladali obrađenom temom. Dodatne vežbe obezbeđuju još jedan način da primenite znanje koje ste stekli u tom poglavlju i vode vas ka korišćenju stečenog znanja u sledećem poglavlju. KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE.

Laravel Dailly, Stripe, Laravel 5.5,5, Laravel Horizon from Scratch




Articles from Laravel Daily blogs Stripe Payments in Laravel: The Ultimate Guide  Stripe is one of the most popular payment merchants for web, but information about Laravel integration is pretty fragmented, so I decided to write a really long tutorial about this topic. Live-coding VIDEO: Calendar project with Laravel + QuickAdminPanel30-minute demo of the School Calendar project based on our admin panel generator and a few custom Laravel things. Datatables stateSave option: “remember” search and filtersNot Laravel related, but today encountered the situation, so sharing with you. You probably know Datatables, right? It allows to quickly search and filter the table of data. But what if user then navigates away (for Edit, for example) and then wants to go back and have the same search parameters he had before? Easy. Change created_at and updated_at names to other fieldsLet’s imagine a scenario where you have an old database and re-writing codebase to Laravel. Database structure may not follow Laravel standards – created_at and updated_at fields are named differently. How can you “tell it to Laravel”? New in Laravel Laravel 5. 5. 5 Released With a New Route Fallback to Help Customize Your 404 ViewsLaravel v5. 5. 5, was released September 19th and now includes a neat Route::fallback() method to help customize 404 views. Using DigitalOcean Spaces object storage in LaravelToday DigitalOcean announced a great new product called Spaces that is essentially a much cheaper version of Amazon's S3 object storage product. I recently had an idea for a product that would have had significant storage and bandwidth requirements but I ultimately decided not to pursue it as using S3 would have been too expensive and I didn't want to roll my own storage solution. With the pricing on the Spaces product, this idea is now viable. Taylor Otwell at Laracon EU 2017Video of a keynote from the conferenceLaravel Horizon from ScratchIn this video, we take a look at how to install and how to use Laravel Horizon. All about APIs Create A RESTful API Authentication Using Laravel PassportIn today’s article, I am going to create a REST API in Laravel using Laravel Passport. Build REST API using Laravel Lumen for your ApplicationWe will build REST API using Lumen a micro php framework by laravel. Laravel 5. 5 API Form Request Validation ErrorsMost of us know Lumen is more cut out for developing APIs, but we are sometimes greedy! We do not want to miss out on some shipped goodies in Laravel!devingray/laravel-api-boilerplateA Boilerplate Project For Laravel API'sJWT authentication for Lumen 5. 4Recently I have been tinkering with Angular-4 to get a taste of it and I decided to create a quick project to get my hands dirty. My main focus was on the frontend so I decided to quickly bootstrap an application in Lumen because of its simplicity and almost zero-configuration development.   Random Laravel things The Keys are the Key in Laravel Multiple Field sortBy() Specify columns to eager load directly in the with call Validating a request and creating a model in one go Use Laravel 5. 5 Rule Object to validate the Pincode How to implement jQuery fullcalendar in laravel 5. 5 Testing Your Laravel Middleware Handling delayed notifications in Laravel highsolutions/eloquent-sequence: Laravel package for managing sequence of objects spatie/macroable: A trait to dynamically add methods to a class Random non-Laravel things What every software engineer should know about searchAsk a software engineer: “How would you add search functionality to your product?” or “How do I build a search engine?” You’ll probably immediately hear back something like: “Oh, we’d just launch an ElasticSearch cluster. Search is easy these days. ” But is it?The Realities of Being a FOSS MaintainerOver the past few days, I’ve been inundated with well over one thousand comments, tweets, emails, messages, and even phone calls about Wednesday’s announcement, ranging from support and encouragement to annoyance to vitriol, hate, and disgust. Now I want to take a few moments and respond personally.

Laravel Daily 42




Laravel log – single file or files by date?laraveldaily. com Laravel logging mechanism is pretty simple – it writes all the errors to a file at /storage/logs/laravel. log. It’s convenient until the file gets bigger. And then you have a problem to find a bug from yesterday or some days ago. How can you solve this? Routes file: redirect “everything else” to homepagelaraveldaily. com We all know that file app/Http/routes. php is used for listing all possible routes we need for our application. Two ways to set default DB column values in Laravellaraveldaily. com Sometimes there is a need to set a default column value for database field – if it’s not provided when creating the entry. There are two simple ways of doing it. Route parameters – no hyphen, only underscorelaraveldaily. com Lately I’ve been re-reading full Laravel documentation and found quite a lot of “small details” which no one actually noticed in tutorials or books. One of these is using “-” symbol in route parameters. Apparently, you cannot use “-” in parameter, like post-id here. Easy way of sending scheduled tasks output to Slacktnt. studio If you are building any kind of serious Laravel based app you'll probably be using cron jobs, and since version 5. 0 Laravel has a great task scheduling tool built right which many of us gladly use instead of tedious "manual" cron jobs. Laravel 5. 3 New Features and Updatesscotch. io Laracon is almost upon us. Unfortunately for me, I will not be able to attend. Guess, I'll have to wait for a couple of months to watch it on Youtube. That aside, this year's Laracon will be the stage for unveiling Laravel 5. 3. The new cache() global helper in Laravel 5. 3mattstauffer. co Time for another new feature in Laravel 5. 3! As I was writing my book I noticed a pattern in the global helper functions like session() and, in some ways, cookie(). There are three primary functions that they can perform: get a value, put a value, or return an instance of their backing service. Rocket is a CMS Open Source created with Laravel Framework 5. 2github. com Want to help? How about a pull request or create an issue with improvements. Canvas – A new minimal blogging applaravel-news. com Canvas is a new minimal blogging app by Todd Austin built on Laravel. It features writing in markdown with the Summernote WYSIWYG, a media uploader, post tags, and post scheduling. A week of Laravel #12 (26 June-03 July 2016)github. com Updates: "Updates: laravel/framework [master, 5. 2, 5. 1], laravel/laravel [master, develop], laravel/docs [master, 5. 2], laravel/homestead [master], laravel/cashier [6. Introducing Laravel Password v1. 0goodheads. io Software is eating the world. The internet has become a very wild planet that harbors almost everything.  With more and more of our lives being spent online, the list of accounts, social networks, and online shops we protect using passwords has also grown. Processing a csv file in Laravelmurze. be From time to time I need to process a csv file. PHP provides a fgetcsvfunction to help with that task. Unfortunately this is a very basic function. It will not, for instance, recognize a header column as such. PHP Generators – A Guide and Tutorialtk. talesoft. io In my in-depth guide about iterators I talked about what iterators are exactly and how you can use them. At the end I told you that I’ll also write one for generators. Here it is. The new $loop variable in Laravel 5. 3mattstauffer. co Let's take a look at another new feature that's coming in Laravel 5. 3. Laravel's Blade templating language provides something called "directives", which are custom tags—often control structures—that are prefaced with @. Laravel Collections: PHP Arrays On Steroidsscotch. io Laravel collections are one of the most powerful provisions of the Laravel framework. They are what PHP arrays should be, but better. Laravel collections are what PHP arrays should be, but better. Writing good code: how to reduce the cognitive load of your codechrismm. com Low bug count, good performance, easy modification. Good code is high-impact, and is perhaps the main reason behind the existence of the proverbial 10x developer. And yet, despite it’s importance, it eludes new developers.

Laravel Daily 43




Laravel Daily - new websitelaraveldaily. com New version of LaravelDaily. com - now it's not only a blog, but a page for advertising our services. If you want to hire professional Laravel developer(s) - let's talk, just reply to this email! Did you know about Forelse loop in Blade?laraveldaily. com As a tradition of posting little things here on the blog, one more useful detail. What do you do when you need to show a loop in Blade with foreach, but the list might be empty? You probably write if-else statement around it, right? There’s a “magic” loop structure called forelse. Backing Up Laravel Homestead Databasesgilbert. pellegrom. me Laravel Homestead is an awesome tool for building Laravel sites. However, sometimes it would be nice if when you did a vagrant destory you wouldn't lose all of the information in your databases. Laravel 5 Ajax CRUD example for web application without page refreshwww. expertphp. in Laravel 5 Ajax CRUD example to build web application without page refresh. In my last tutorial, i had done CRUD application inLaravel MVC without ajax request, now i am going to tell you how to build CRUD web application without page refresh inLaravel using ajax. Testing controllers in Laravel 5. 2www. youtube. com Simple video about testing controllers.  https://mguimaraes. co Writing modular applications in Laravelmurze. be Nicolas Widart, author of Asgard CMS, created a new package called laravel-modules that can help splitting up a large Laravelapp in modules. On his blog he published an introductory post. Improvements to Authentication in Laravel 5. 3murze. be Every two weeks I send out a newsletter containing lots of interesting stuff for the modern PHP developer. You can expect quick tips, links to interesting tutorials, opinions and packages. Implementing Smart Search with Laravel and Typeahead. jsscotch. io In a big web application, like an online market or a social network, one of the most important parts of the app is the search functionality. Having a great search feature will help your users find the right content(users, products, articles) quickly and easily. Laravel Elasticsearch Integration Packagescubettech. com User experience is one of the critical components, irrespective of whether you are developing a web or mobile application. The attention span of visitors to any websites or applications has been seemingly decreasing. 5+ AngularJS and Laravel CRUD Appswww. angularjs4u. com As you may know Laravel is a type of model–view–controller (MVC) together with Symfony2, Nette, CodeIgniter, Yii2 and other frameworks make up the bulk of the PHP industry when it comes to the development of web applications. Laravel User Registration with Email Activationjimfrenette. com This post documents how to add e-mail an confirmation to the Laravel User registration that is generated by the Artisan console. Laravel Validate Form on Submit using Google reCaptcha Validation Examplewww. expertphp. in Validate Form on Submit using Google reCaptcha Validation Example in Laravel A Qoutes about using captcha is "Tough on bots and Easy on humans". You are going to use Google recaptcha so you must know the benefits of using Google recaptcha. Nomally any captcha protect your websites from spamming. Laravel 5. 2 - User ACL Roles and Permissions with Middleware using entrust from Scratch Tutorialitsolutionstuff. com Laravel 5 provides authentication to us but that it simple to get user register, login, logout, and reset password and run quickly and easily.  Laravel 5 give you simple authentication and it's fast and it's consider to all developer requirement. Using MySQL’s JSON columns in Laravel 5. 3medium. com Laravel 5. 3, which will be released at this years Laracon US, has some new very handy functionality to work with MySQL 5. 7 JSON columns. In a post on his site Matt Stauffer demonstrates the new API. Validation Rule bail - Codebyjeff Quick Tipus2. campaign-archive1. com Hello, Laravel Friends! Did you know about the validation rule `bail`? It doesn't actually validate anything itself, it just tells the Validator to stop checking all the other rules if this parameters fails. Why the composer. lock file mattersdotdev. co I've never really understood the importance of the composer. lock file and why it should be included in source control, till recently (I know am a bit late). I always thought to myself, well composer. json contains all my dependencies and their version information, so why bother with composer. SeedCascade - because seeding in Laravel is Cumbersomehedronium. github. io Heres what your new Seeder classes would look like. It inserts 6 rows into the food table, with the name column being set to “Cabbage” on the first three and “Carrot” on the last three. Get Laravel Route Parameters in Middlewarescotch. io In the past, we've talked about simple Laravel routing and Laravel route parameters. Today we'll be talking about how to use route parameters in middleware, a task that may come up in your workflow. A middleware simply wraps an application's request. Setting up Multi Auth in Laravel 5. 2metricloop. com I recently needed to add multi-auth into an existing Laravel 5. 2 application. We already have Employees (App\User) logging into the app, no problem, but now we need to add Customers (App\Customer). Comparing Blade and Twig templates in Laravelmedium. com In my company, we use Twig instead of Blade for our Laravel projects. I know there are a lot of developers that also prefer Twig over Blade. So the question‘Why choose Twig over Blade?’ often pops up. Build a Twitter Bot with Laravelwww. codecourse. com A Twitter bot built with Laravel that uses sentiment analysis to reply to mentions with a happy, neutral or sad emoji.                        

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Laravel-related articles from all the web DeveloperHourlyRate. com – our new mini-project with a simple message for clients laraveldaily. com One of the most popular questions I’m getting as a developer and team leader is what is my/our hourly rate for web-development. Instead of answering “it depends” every time, I decided to create a mini website with an answer. tightenco/lambo: Quick new application creation with Laravel and Valet github. com Super-powered laravel new for Laravel and Valet. Make sure ~/. composer/vendor/bin is in your terminal's path. Moving from Drupal to Laravel — Engine SevenFour www. engine74. com I've been involved in web development in some way or another for the better part of half my life. I learned HTML when I was 11, and I took a few programming classes in high school. However, I hadn't been serious about it until I started at Fanshawe College in January of 2014. Laravel with Aspect Oriented Architecture // Speaker Deck speakerdeck. com Other Presentations by this Speaker How to Fix Laravel 5. 2 Token Mismatch Errors www. jeffmould. com Pulling your hair out over token mismatch errors in Laravel 5. 2? Everything worked fine up until you ran installed Laravel 5. 2? Googled it, tried the various fixes scattered across a multitude of sites? Realize you are not the only one with the same problem based on the number of results you find. Set up Paypal Payment Gateway Integration in Laravel PHP Example www. expertphp. in In this tutorial, i will tell you to integrate Paypal payment gateway in standard way in Laravel PHP Framework. Paypal payment gateway is going popular for all projects and easier to integrate in website for developers and here i define easy way to integrate paypal payment gateway in application. Important features of Laravel which make it the finest PHP framework ever! www. conversionbug. com What is Laravel? Laravel framework, is the one of the most popular php frameworks today. Laravel is exclusively designed for development of model view controller (MVC) applications and it was released under the MIT license. Github now supports Blade syntax highlighting laravel-news. com Thanks to James Brooks Github has just added support for Blade syntax highlighting on both your repos and Gists. This was added in from a pull request by James and then merged and deployed today. The highlighting should all happen automatically as long as you use the default . blade. Laravel Homestead and Valet Quick Project Setup www. youtube. com How to quickly set up Laravel projects with Homestead and Valet (and WordPress projects using WP-CLI with Valet). Quick setup:1:15 Laravel project with Homestead1:30 Development branch download reference3:45 Laravel project with Valet6:45 WordPress project with ValetExplained:11:25 Directory structur How to upload files in laravel www. dunebook. com Laravel  includes the excellent Flysystem project for interacting with files both in the application filesystem, as well as popular cloud-based storage solutions such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Rackspace. Filesystems are configured as disks in the config/filesystems. php file. Interacting with Laravel (and Symfony) Commands www. stillat. com This post will take a quick look at how to interact with console commands in the shell. Each section will examine an example signature, help output or input parameter type and then explain ways in which to supply data to the various input parameters. Email Templates from Databasetnt. studio Have you ever had the need to have more dynamic emails? We've had and it's usually the same request that comes from our clients and it goes something like this: "I would like to create an email template in our system, but I also want to be able to automatically replace {{name}} with our customer's PHP-related articles and offtopics 20 Useful PHP Frameworks Available on CodeCanyon code. tutsplus. com Not only is reinventing something that already exists time ill spent, it's also usually ill-fated. The same can be said with web development. This is why using a framework can be vital to a project's success. So with that, let's look at 20 useful PHP frameworks available on Envato Market. Securing a PHP Application in 2016: The Pocket Guide paragonie. com It was the year 2016. A business owner just had a great idea to expand their reach in the marketplace, and they needed to build a web application to pull it off. After a bit of market research, they decide the best course of action is to hire PHP programmers to build their vision. Powering Raspberry Pi Projects with PHP www. sitepoint. com A Raspberry Pi is a brilliant tiny computer that you can power off of a micro USB cable. The most recent model has WiFi, an ethernet port, 4 USB ports and an HDMI port. There’s also a micro SD card slot, which is where the “hard drive” goes. The Evolution of PHP – Infographic www. cabotsolutions. com PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is a highly popular server-side scripting language. It is very flexible and has a lot of innovative features. It is the fastest resource available for creating database–enabled dynamic websites. All the features and updates of PHP are available free of cost. New section: Successful IT Projects Developer’s job is not writing codemedium. com Internet is full of offers related to programming — clients need to create websites, applications, install or configure plugins. So your goal as a developer is writing code for them, right? Well, yes and no. In reality, clients come to developers in order to achieve their business goals. Most important quality for developer? Flexibility. medium. com Simple but important thought I want to share. A lot of new developers think that it’s enough to learn one or two programming languages, and then you basically get a job for the rest of your life. Maybe it was true 10–20 years ago, but not in modern world. Here’s why. The Full Stack Fallacy: Why Full Stack Engineers Don’t Actually Existhackernoon. com The tech industry defines a “full stack engineer” as one who can write any type of code needed for a project. We laud this engineer as a demagogue, since they can simultaneously face the lawless zombie apocalypse of systems programming and design a flawless user experience to dazzle the masses. The Conjoined Triangles of Senior-Level Developmentfrontside. io At Frontside, we gather every Tuesday afternoon for our company meeting, where we talk through our accomplishments and plans for the coming week. In a recent meeting, we talked about our search for a senior developer to join the team, and you could see passions flare.   That's it for this week, see you next Thursday, as usual!Povilas Korop

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Article of the week Checklist: 8 Things to Do When Launching Laravel Project LIVE, laraveldaily. com After having launched a couple dozens of projects with Laravel, I decided to create a checklist for the launches. The problem is quite often something is forgotten or overlooked – either from our team side, or from the client. Laravel 5. 3 and Laracon US 5. 3 feature announcement notes from Laracon mattstauffer. co Once the videos are released I'll be able to update this post with more info, since I was on an audio-only stream for the majority of this. I'll be writing my usual longer, in-depth blog posts about each of the new 5. What's New in Laravel 5. 3 Releaseimrealashu. in As we all know we’re getting more closer to Laravel 5. 3 release and expecting some cool features. So today I thought I should write my own perspective on this release. There are lots of changes including some big changes and some small changes we’re expecting to see in this release. Laracon: Laravel 5. 3 Recap laravel-news. com Today at Laracon US, Taylor Otwell, gave a talk covering many new features for 5. 3 and it included four major items: Laravel Scout, Laravel Passport, Laravel Mailable, and Laravel Notifications. A Deep Dive into Laravel 5. 3 Features scotch. io Laracon US 2016 Conference is Sold Out! With the 2016 Laracon US conference already sold out and just but a few weeks away, it is expected that Laravel 5. 3 will be released during the 3 day conference from July 27th to July 29th of 2016. Image dimension validation rules in Laravel 5. 3 mattstauffer. co In Laravel 5. 3, we have a new validation option: image dimensions for image uploads. The validation rule is called dimensions, and you can pass the following parameters to it: You can combine any rules that make sense together. Let's take a look at a few examples. Improvements to Authentication in Laravel 5. 3 josephsilber. com Authentication has gotten some nice improvements in 5. 3, so let's examine it piece by piece. We'll start with the current state of affairs, then take it from there. The auth middleware. Using this middleware on a route, you can restrict access to logged-in users. Laravel 5. 3 changes the "app" folder laravel-news. com As we are getting closer to the launch of Laravel 5. 3 new features, seem to come out almost daily. The latest is a change to the “App” folder and in a move to simplify it, the Events, Jobs, Listeners, and Policies folders are now gone. Laravel-related articles from all the web A Brief History of Laravel medium. com At Vehikl, we use the Laravel PHP framework in most of our web application development. We’ve long been a part of the Laravel and open source communities, actively contributing to both by authoring packages, volunteering time, and supporting conferences. How to Use Laravel Config Files scotch. io You discover that storing files on your own server is extra load, so not ideal. You open your web browser and do a google search on "efficient ways to store files". Finally, you decide to use Amazon S3. Since you are a Laravel user, you open config/filesystems. Best & useful Concepts of laravel Eloquent www. dunebook. com The Eloquent Model can actually do tons of things in a very smart and easy way. However, something can be improved in terms of code to write every time you want to do a specific operation. PHP framework Laravel selects Vue. js as default JavaScript frameworkreact-etc. net Laravel is a very popular PHP framework. It's known for it's ease of use and complementary side projects such as the Homestead Vagrant box. Laravel is very opinionated, but so far it's been lacking a default choice for a front end JavaScript framework. That changed today with Vue. Null Objects and Laravel — Simple use cases medium. com Null objects can act as simple and silent defaults in many situations and provide a generic default if the intended value does not exist. This helps, in many situations, to avoid the conditionals that we usually write for all values getting passed around in models and collections. How to start writing tests with Laravel 5. 2 www. youtube. com Basic video showing how to write basic unit tests using Laravel 5. 2 How to create custom Middleware to make a route group available only during testinglearninglaravel. net Catzie wrote a tutorial on how to create custom middleware to make a route group available only during testing. I needed to protect a group of routes from everything except my testing environment. Built with Laravel: 10+ Reputable Companies and Startups that Use Laravel Framework for their Web Projects belitsoft. com When we receive a new request for web project development and recommend the use of Laravel for the development, we are often asked whether great or widely known companies are using Laravel. A simple Disqus platform integration with Laravel. github. com Append the following config on your . env file. Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently. 5 Tips for Startup Engineering Team salexiskold. net Every single company depends on software, and startups are no exception.  Software has gone from being critical to every business, to BEING the business. Software creation is an art, a craft, and a process. Build Scalable Newsfeeds with PHP 7 and Laravel – in 60 Minutes blog. getstream. io With all the excitement around the release of PHP 7 – here at Stream we have decided to give our own PHP a refresher – from our client, example apps, and Laravel framework integration. PHP 7 boasts huge jumps in performance over PHP 5. X, as well as language feature additions. Can We Use Laravel to Build a Custom Google Drive UI? www. sitepoint. com In this tutorial, we’re going to build an app that talks to the Google Drive API. It will have file search, upload, download and delete features. If you want to follow along, you can clone the repo from Github. Build Scalable Newsfeeds with PHP 7 and Laravel – in 60 Minutes blog. getstream. io With all the excitement around the release of PHP 7 – here at Stream we have decided to give our own PHP a refresher – from our client, example apps, and Laravel framework integration. PHP 7 boasts huge jumps in performance over PHP 5. X, as well as language feature additions. Build A Support Ticket Application With Laravel – Part 1 scotch. io Laravel is currently the most starred PHP framework on GitHub and also the most popular PHP framework. Thanks to Taylor Otwell and the Laravel community, many companies and people are building awesome applications with this framework. Better Error Messages in Laravel for Easier Debugging [Laravel Quick Tips] www. youtube. com Installing better error messages is easy in Laravel 5. 2 or 5. 3. We will install the Whoops package, which was the same package that handled errors in Laravel 4, but was later taken out in Laravel 5. This video will show you how to install this back in. It requires a basic composer install and then yo How to Set API Rate Limiting in Laravel www. cloudways. com We’re going to continue with our discussion on Laravel and website security and introduce an API endpoint. I will also explore Laravel’s rate limiting functionality. To set things in proper context, i will use the to-do app developed in the previous article. What is rate limiting? Poor Man's Mock Objects - Codebyjeff Laravel Quick Tip us2. campaign-archive1. com Hello, Laravel Friends! You know you should mock services like API calls when you're testing, but that means a whole new set of techniques to learn. Sometimes we *are* in a hurry and need to get things done, not spend a day studying. How to detect and diagnose Laravel application errors with Rollbar learninglaravel. net Rollbar is gaining a huge popularity in Laravel community. We can use Rollbar to track production errors and deployments in 8 minutes or less. Rollbar is free to use and it supports all major languages and frameworks, such as PHP, Node. js, Angularjs, Ruby, Java, Swift, Python, etc. Working with Laravel and E-Mails – O. Kaufmann okaufmann. ch I’m working on a Project, where mails will be sent to users for several reasons. I read about some useful packages for Laravel help handle emails while in dev or test environments. Better handling of TokenMismatchException in Laravel dyrynda. com. au At my day job, we recently enabled monitoring of our web server logs for 500 level error codes. Subsequent to this, we discovered that we started getting an influx of these errors from our Laravel sites. Scheduling Tasks in Laravel, When You Can’t Run the Main Task Every Minutetechxplorer. com Earlier this week I posted the first post, in what I hope will become a series of posts, on my explorations with Laravel and building my own dashboard. The first post focussed on the functionality records pings from my home server. Useful Tips to Handle Relationships in Laravel www. dunebook. com Handling Relationships in Laravel can’t be a easy task for beginners . In this article you will learn  some useful tips Tomake it easier  . Let’s suppose that we are searching for the document number of a specific user. We will use the User and IdentityDocument entities we just saw. A console command to replace deprecated Route::controller() with explicit routes. github. com In laravel 5. 3 implicit controller routes will be removed from the framework, the functionality will likely be extracted into a separate package, however if you'd like to make the move and start using explicit routes this package will help you. Replace the content of your routes. Composer magic mamchenkov. net Now that everyone is super comfortable with composer, I thought I’d share these two gems which I didn’t know or think about. This command lists all of your packages installed with composer.

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Articles from Laravel Daily blog How to create adminpanel in Laravel – with or without QuickAdminPanel laraveldaily. com A lot of people were asking about out QuickAdminPanel tool – how does it actually work and what it does or doesn’t do. New in QuickAdminPanel – API Generator laraveldaily. com We continue our work on improving our adminpanel generator at QuickAdminPanel. com, and today I want to present to you a new important feature – API Controller generator. Here’s a short video. Have you tried the generator yet? Register at QuickAdminPanel. Starting a Laravel Project: 9 Things to Discuss with Client www. youtube. com Today I want to recommend 9 topics you need discuss with your client before even starting the coding process on your Laravel project. Half of those are Laravel-specific, the other half aren't, but still really important. PyroCMS 3: another (new!) Laravel-based system laraveldaily. com The name PyroCMS is not new on the market – it was actually created as a CodeIgniter-based system and became quite popular. And recently the shift was made – the whole system was re-created into Laravel framework. So what do we have with a new PyroCMS 3? Laravel-related articles from all the web Laravel 5. 3 RC1 is now released laravel-news. com Last week I relaunched Laravel News, and the new site is running on Laravel with WordPress as the backend. I’ve been… Easily schedule regular cleanup of old soft-deleted Eloquent data. github. com Schedule a force delete of your soft deleted Eloquent models after they've been soft deleted for a given period of time. Quicksand is an Artisan command that you can run in your scheduler daily. Becoming a Laravel Rock Star with Artisan Tinker www. stillat. com Being able to easily interactive with your application to experiment or debug issues is an important thing. To help with this, Laravel provides a tinker command out of the box. How to use WordPress as a backend for a Laravel Application laravel-news. com Last week I relaunched Laravel News, and the new site is running on Laravel with WordPress as the backend. I’ve been using WordPress for the past two years, and I’ve grown to enjoy the features that it provides. How to optimize memory in laravel for best Perfomance www. dunebook. com Sometimes, you will need to process thousand and thousand of records. You know that those operations are very heavy for your RAM, but Eloquent has a useful method to chunk query results in blocks to optimize your load. The first parameter defines the size of the block you want to use. Laravel Development with Docker kyleferg. com One of the challenges every development team faces is managing a consistent local environment to work in. Tools like Vagrant have made this easier in the past but working with heavy VM's can be time consuming and quite taxing on your computer's resources. Three Approaches to Testing Events in Larave ladamwathan. me What’s the best way to test events in a Laravel application? Well depending on your needs, you have a few options available to you. In this screencast, I walk through three different strategies you can use to test events, as well as the trade-offs associated with each approach. Speed test PHP vs Lumen vs Laravel chema. ga But before we start… let’s test the speed of the stack. I used my local computer a 8 cores i7 2ghz 8GB ram 512SSD. Apache2, PHP 7. 0. 8. Soft Deleting Parent & Child Models in Eloquent Laravel 5 medium. com Laravel is shipped with Eloquent and supported Soft Delete feature. We can read in Laravel Official Documentation: Soft deleting one model is super easy in Laravel. But how we attempt soft delete in model that has relationship to another model? For example: Some handy collection macros murze. be Laravel’s collection class is truly wonderful. It contains a lot of handy methods and you can create some very elegant code with it. In client projects I found myself adding the same macro’s over and over again. All of the Laracon videos are now available for free laravel-news. com As we all know technology changes fast and if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it. HTTP/… Laravel Notification Channels laravel-notification-channels. com If you'd like to add a custom driver to the list, please download use our skeleton repo, and open a new Pull Request on our new channels repo. Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. A free open source IT asset/license management system built in PHP on Laravel 5. 2 and Bootstrap 3. github. com This is a FOSS project for asset management in IT Operations. Knowing who has which laptop, when it was purchased in order to depreciate it correctly, handling software licenses, etc. It is built on Laravel 5. 2. Bonus: successful IT projects John from Build Better Software : #8 us13. campaign-archive1. com Don't stop blogging. If you haven't started, you should: Brands that create 15 blog posts per month average 1,200 new leads per month. Blogs give websites 434 percent more indexed pages and 97 percent more indexed links. Blogs on company sites result in 55 percent more visitors. Forget Technical Debt — Here's How to Build Technical Wealth firstround. com Andrea Goulet and her business partner sat in her living room, casually reviewing their strategic plan, when an episode of This Old House came on television. It was one of those moments where ideas collide to create something new. Figuring out what a Startup CTO actually does medium. com I just passed my two year anniversary at Snapdocs. In that time, the engineering team has grown from two contractors to eight full-time members. Also in that time, I might have actually figured out what it is I’m supposed to do as the CTO. What are some things non-programmers say that frustrate programmers? www. quora. com Non-programmers say 19 things that frustrate programmers the most. 1. “Are we on track?” I never know how exactly to respond to this. Maybe we’re “on track” right now to hit the deadline, but what if something happens? We could easily be off track any minute. That's it for this week, see you next Thursday! Povilas KoropLaravelDaily Team

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Hey Laravel fans and developers,This week is special for me cause I've attended my first Laracon EU - you can read my impressions below. Also, of course, finally 5. 3 was released, so now we all have a toy to play with :)So, without further intro, let's move to articles of this week. Laravel new release Laravel 5. 3 is now released laravel-news. com The Laravel team is proud to announce the release of Laravel 5. 3 and it’s now available for everyone. After many months of work Laravel 5. 3 is now released and available for everyone. The new features in 5. New Laravel. com website: check it out laravel. com Driver based full-text search for Eloquent, complete with pagination and automatic indexing. Event broadcasting, evolved. Bring the power of WebSockets to your application without the complexity. Official Laravel Certificate program laravel. com The Laravel Certificate program is created and monitored by an advisory board composed of top laravel developers and entrepreneurs whose members contribute heavily to the Laravel ecosystem. Laracon EU Confererence Thoughts and feelings after Laracon EU 2016 laraveldaily. com Yes, you’ve read it right – thoughts and feelings, not review or recap. This short article will be filled with emotions, cause that was my first Laracon and for me it was a lot of new thing, meeting people etc. #LaraconEU 2016 Was a Great Experience Overall geshan. com. np It all started with submitting my chatops talk to some open call for papers in April 2016. After giving the talk in CodeMotion Dubai, I felt chatops is a useful topic. Everyone working in software development can leverage it to make their life easier. Laracon 2016 Takeaways! parthenonpub. com I recently returned from my first Laracon, Northern Kentucky’s largest Laravel developer conference, and I had an incredibly interesting and informative trip! Whether you’re thinking of attending a Laracon in the EU or the US, here are a few takeaways from my time there that you might find help Laravel-related articles from all the web Why it's not that bad to code PHP on Windows laraveldaily. com Notice: This is a guest post by Oliver Hermanni (you can visit his website or follow him on Twitter). He suggested to reply to my older post about PHP/Windows environment, so here’s his answer in an article form. Some days ago Povilas wrote a post why it’s bad to code PHP on Windows. Learn about Grant Types in Laravel Passport laravel-news. com OAuth2 is a security framework that controls access to protected areas of an application, and it’s mainly used to control how different clients consume an API ensuring they have the proper permissions to access the requested resources. Laravel Lambo – A package to quickly scaffold out a new project laravel-news. com The Laravel team is proud to announce the release of Laravel 5. 3 and it’s now available for everyone. The new f… DreamFactory auto-generates a rich API platform from nearly any SQL or NoSQL database. In addition to automatically g… Adding Mandrill tags to your Laravel email blog. jorenvanhocht. be When using Laravel mail with Mandrill as the mail driver you can send mails the Laravel way, just by adding the API key to your env file. It works great but what if you use one Mandrill account for all your clients and you have to keep track of the number of emails send for each client? Build a Laravel Application with User Authentication scotch. io With over 100,000 downloads per month, Laravel has quickly become one of the most popular web frameworks for PHP. Laravel makes it incredibly simple to build PHP applications by providing a huge number of built-in functionalities that you no longer need to build yourself. Two tips to speedup your Laravel tests driesvints. com I've seen two different tips for speeding up your tests in Laravel in the past week and thought I'd share them with you. For me, they made a significant impact on the speed of my tests. This is a huge time saver. Brief Overview Of Design Patterns Used in Laravel www. dunebook. com In this article , we will discuss the design patterns Laravel uses, and how and why are they used, using some realife Examples . we have divided article To 6 chapters to give you a Brief Overview Of Design Patterns Used in Laravel . Docker, Rancher, and Laravel: Easy and Safe Scalability! paypertrail. com At LaraconUS 2016 many people asked me about my deployment strategy, and to my suprise not many were familiar with Rancher (some didn't even know about Docker)! In this article I'll walk you through my development and production set up by creating a fake Laravel blog app. rinvex/country : package for retrieving country details with flexibility github. com Rinvex Country is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, currencies, and other attributes for all 250 countries worldwide at your fingertips. A MySQL Workbench plugin which exports a Model to Laravel 5 Migrations github. com A MySQL Workbench plugin that allows for exporting a model to Laravel 5 migrations that follow PSR-2 coding standards. When exported, each migration is generated and saved in it's own, properly named, migration file. This plugin requires MySQL Workbench to work properly. Applying TDD with Laravel and PHPUnit Part 1 www. youtube. com In this video I explain how you can use PHPUnit and Laravel to apply TDD concepts. This is the first half of this video which goes through the theory. The second part of this has the code demonstration. Reval GovenderLinkedIn:https://uk. linkedin. com/in/reval-gove. . . Twitter: https://twitter. com/Reval A package to easily work with regex in PHP murze. be PHP offers some functions to work with regular expressions, most notably preg_match, preg_match_all and preg_replace. Unfortunately those functions are a bit hard to use. Take preg_match_all for example, it requires you to pass in an array by reference to get all the matches. PHP - The Wrong Way www. phpthewrongway. com In the world of PHP programming a set of trends are massively being propagated by some people (in their books and on websites) as “Modern PHP” while all other approaches are frowned upon as backwards, stupid, or just plain wrong. Laravel Passport – Easily setup your own OAuth2 server laravel-news. com Creating your own OAuth server can be difficult and Laravel 5. 3 comes with a free optional package called Passport that is a full OAuth2 server that is ready to go in minutes. Always use caret instead of tilde developer. happyr. com I’ve been noticing people having trouble understanding the differences between the caret (“^”) and the tilde (“~”) operator in the composer. json file. Composer’s documentation is great but a bit short, that is why I write this blog post. WATCH ADAM WATHAN - TEST DRIVEN LARAVEL FROM LARACON US! streamacon. com Video from Laracon US

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This week our team is starting to upgrade our QuickAdmin to 5. 3 - both package and online generator (which, by the way, already has first paying customers, yay!).  So hopefully by next week I will have some good news for you. Also I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel Laravel Business, it's doing pretty well - all videos in total were viewed 5000+ times already. And now - let's go to what I've picked for you this week. Articles from Laravel Daily blog Laravel for Clients: why Laravel and not Symfony? laraveldaily. com In this chapter of my e-book let’s take on the “holy war” between frameworks. I’m not kidding here – developers actually fight (verbally only, I hope) with each other about what framework to use. So, in general, there’s not much difference, actually. Laravel or WordPress? How to choose? [VIDEO] www. youtube. com My thoughts on the choice - if a client wants to use WordPress but you "feel" it should be a custom project with Laravel? How do you convince them? PHPMap – make yourself visible on the map of developers! laraveldaily. com There is a new interesting project on the market – a map of developers. Started as a Laramap by Florian Wartner, now it became a broader project, presenting to you PHPMap. co! Laravel-related articles from all the web Set up OAuth2 server using Laravel Passport blog. shameerc. com Laravel is one of my favorite frameworks, not because it is the best but it provides far better developer experience compared to any other frameworks. Laravel 5. 3 comes with a handful of new features like Passport, Scout, Notifications, etc. that will make our life even easier. Deploying a Laravel App - Ultimate Guide www. youtube. com Video series on YouTube 2 new Laravel things I’m using www. dancourse. co. uk This packages just removed about half a day of setting up the backend CRUD per. Model / Entity. A few commands, follow the instructions and then boom, you’ve got a fully functional repository class. Easily deleting old soft-deleted records with Quicksand laravel-news. com When building applications, there are times when you would like to allow users to remove data from their view but keep the record in the database. An example could be allowing a user to delete their account, but you want to give them the opportunity to restart it later. Simple Regex Language is aiming to simplify Regular Expressions laravel-news. com Simple Regex Language is a new PHP package that aims to simplify regular expressions using a cleaner written word approach to the syntax. Here is an example of validating an email address: You can find more details on the SRL and find all the code on GitHub. A package to sync your . env file with . env. example murze. be In a Laravel app most sensitive configuration values, like a db password, are being saved in an . env file. This file usually does not get committed in a git repo. In this way you can share the repo with collaborators without having them to know the sensitive values of your production environment. Memories of Laracon EU 2016 www. youtube. com A video highlighting memories of an amazing gathering in 2016. Visit http://laracon. eu/2016 to learn more about Laracon EU. An Introduction to MailThief in Laravel www. developer. com After attending Laracon 2016 this past week and hearing Adam Wathan's talk on TDD (Test Driven Development), where he used a package his company had developed and open-sourced, called "MailThief", I couldn't help but recall how much of a pain it was to test email. Controller Construct Session Changes in Laravel 5. 3 laravel-news. com Back in laravel 5. 2, a developer was able to interact with the session directly in a controller constructor. However, this has changed in laravel 5. 3. By default the global middleware only contains a check for maintenance mode, the route middleware is what you assign to a route in your routes. How to use Faker with Laravel Tutorial www. youtube. com In this video I show you how to you can the PHP Library, Faker, with Laravel. First I explain what Faker is and then I demonstrate how to use it. Reval GovenderLinkedIn: https://uk. linkedin. com/in/reval-gove. . . Twitter: https://twitter. com/RevalGovenderMy site: http://revgov. co. uk/1. Prerequisite - 00 Dealing with Exceptions in a Laravel API application culttt. com Exceptions are a very important method for controlling the execution flow of an application. When an application request diverges from the happy path, it’s often important that you halt execution immediately and take another course of action. Laravel 5 task scheduling with cron job examplewww. expertphp. in If you want to execute scheduling jobs in specific time and specific interval then you can apply cron job which is a Unix command. We can manage a task in the server that executes scripts which helps in sending daily/weekly reports from our website. Scaffold-interface: A Smart CRUD Generator For Laravel github. com Generate your model,views,controller and migrations just in a few clicks. Views support Bootstrap and Materializecss. Upgrading your Laravel Application with Laravel Shift laravel-news. com We’ve covered Laravel Shift before and it’s a commercial project that will take a Laravel app and automatically upgrade it or shift it to the next version. This site was running Laravel 5. 2 and now that 5. 3 is released it was time to upgrade and I decided to give Laravel Shift a try. Home Automation System Architecture, Communication and Server using PHP Laravel www. techzonemind. com Home Automation System Architecture, Communication and Server using PHP Laravel and Websocket for communication. Laravel LTS is a Trap murze. be Every two weeks I send out a newsletter containing lots of interesting stuff for the modern PHP developer. You can expect quick tips, links to interesting tutorials, opinions and packages. Easy and Fast Emails with Laravel 5. 3 Mailables scotch. io Laravel 5. 3 has just been released and there are a ton of great new features. One of the major improvements is in how you send mail in your applications. Let's take a look at sending emails. Before Laravel 5. 3, sending emails in Laravel looked a lot like this. JayBizzle/Laravel-Migrations-Organiser github. com The number of migrations in any sized project can quickly become huge, and although they are ordered, having one big list can sometimes be inconvenient and slow to navigate. This package will put your migrations in yyyy/mm folders e. g. Quick Tip: Convenience Hacks for Passing Data to Views www. sitepoint. com In MVC based architectures, working with template engines is an inevitable part of the development routine. It usually goes like this: we prepare and pass the data to the view. In the view, we print them based on our layout design. Here is a basic example of how it works using Twig.

Laravel Daily 52




QuickAdminPanel: now for Laravel 5. 3 and with live-chat support! laraveldaily. com Another quick announcement from our team – we’ve upgraded our online adminpanel generator to generate Laravel 5. 3 version. It was quite a big challenge, but now QuickAdminPanel supports both 5. 2 and 5. 3. 10 Fresh Laravel Packages – September 2016 laraveldaily. com Let’s get back to an old tradition started back in Spring – I started reviewing new and interesting Laravel packages at my local meetup in Vilnius. Back to business – here’s the September 2016 version. Jeff Madsen: Laravel newsletter, books and dev-life in Japan [INTERVIEW] laraveldaily. com Let’s continue our new tradition of interviewing interesting people – today I have Jeff Madsen who is really active on Twitter and on his Laravel newsletter, which we will talk about in a minute. He’s also written a couple of books and has a lot of tips – both on coding and on freelancing. Laravel-related articles from all the web Restricting models from a Laravel Scout index — Neon Tsunami www. neontsunami. com For some implementations you may want to restrict some of your models from going into your Laravel Scout index. For example on my own blog I only want to index my posts which have been published - if for whatever reason I haven't decided to publish a post yet then it shouldn't be searchable. Laravel JWT Auth with Vue. js jimfrenette. com This post documents using Laravel to build JSON Web Token based authentication with a Vue. js user interface. A fresh install of Laravel 5. 2 for local development is required. Head over to the Laravel 5. 2 docs to get setup with Composer and Laravel as needed. Once Laravel 5. Laravel Shift - 1,000 applications upgraded jason. pureconcepts. net Less than a year ago I created Laravel Shift. While not my first product, it is my first software as a service (SaaS). If you’re not familiar with Laravel Shift or interested in the backstory check out the Q&A on Laravel News or listen to the interview on Full Stack Radio. Understanding the Laravel Service Container dotdev. co What is this article about? It’s about replacing ‘anonymous’ functions with ‘named’ functions. 5 Best open source project built using Laravel www. dunebook. com Flarum is the combined successor of esoTalk and FluxBB. It aims to be: Fast and simple. No clutter, no bloat, no complex dependencies. Flarum is built with PHP so it’s quick and easy to deploy. The interface is powered by Mithril, a performant JavaScript framework with a tiny footprint. Laravel Spark v2 is now released laravel-news. com Laravel Spark, the commercial Laravel package that provides instant scaffolding for subscription billing, has just released v2. The 2. 0 release is a free upgrade for all license holders and it adds compatibility with Laravel 5. Laravel Spark - 5. 3 upgrade christoph-rumpel. com Laravel 5. 3 is out! It is filled with lots of new and exciting features. Of course we want to make use of them in Laravel Spark too. So what about Spark and Laravel 5. 3? Can we upgrade it too? Is it free? Let's check it out. Let’s bring Laravel to Ubuntu medium. com Laravel is very popular open source PHP framework aimed at fast and easy development of web applications. To know more read — why Laravel is best PHP framework? Official guide to install Laravel is here — https://laravel. Laravel 5. 3 For Beginners leanpub. com Laravel 5. 3 For Beginners is oriented to beginning and intermediate PHP programmers who want to learn the Laravel Framework.  Over 620 pages of step by step content. In the book, we build a sample application that covers the following: Socket. io server for Laravel Echo github. com Create a server. js file and include the following. Edit the default configuration of the server. Laravel 5. 3. 8 is released with new fakes for events, jobs, mail, and notifications laravel-news. com Laravel 5. 3. 8 is now released with new improvements for testing by included new fakes for events, jobs, mail, and notifications. Laravel now provides three helpers for mocking events. Laravel 5. 3 Run Artisan Command Through Routes davehiren. blogspot. lt Recently for one my project we installed Laravel 5. 3 on shared server where we were not having SSH or route access. As we know general practice with Laravel is to create database tables with migrations and for that we have to run artisan commands through terminal and SSH. Tracking If a User Is Currently Online in Laravel (the easy way) erikbelusic. com Today I was tasked with adding a little green dot next to a username, denoting if they are online or not, on a user profile page, in a Laravel app. My first thought was that we were going to need to spin up a node. js server and track of active socket connections for each user. Display user devices there application is currently logged in and option to logout in Laravel thewebfosters. com Often users login into an application from multiple devices, but forget to logout. Or sometimes they want to logout from a particular devices because of any reason whatsoever or they want to check the devices their application is currently logged in. Edit your environment files through the browser with Brotzka . env-Editor laravel-news. com When you’re working with Laravel, every installation includes a . env example file in your application’s root folder. This allows you to keep sensitive information out of version control and makes it easier to have different configurations based on the environment your application is running. PHP Annotated Monthly – September 2016 blog. jetbrains. com “What??? Where was August?” we hear you cry. All will be revealed as Gary Hockin compiles the new style list of all that’s good from around the web, in PHP Annotated Monthly. Let me apologize for the lack of Annotated Monthly in August. How to use Elasticsearch with PHP www. web-development-blog. com Elasticsearch is an open-source full-text search engine which allows you to store and search data in real time. You can search for phrases as well and it will give you the results within seconds depending on how large the Elasticsearch database is. Laravel Quick Tip: Model Route Binding www. sitepoint. com One of the great things that Laravel provides is the easy to use routing component. It offers simple URLs, parameters, grouping, naming and event guarding route groups, to name a few of the different options. PHP 7. 1: changes to types blog. pascal-martin. fr Cet article est aussi disponible en français. This is the 4th post in a series about PHP 7. 1. One of the most important changes PHP 7. 0 brought us last year was about typing, with the introduction of scalar type-declarations for functions/methods parameters and their return value. Other web-dev news and offtopics Vim 8. 0 is released laravel-news. com The Vim editor has released their first major release in ten years, Vim 8. 0. Vim can now exchange messages with other processes in the background. This makes it possible to have servers do work and send back the results to Vim. GitLab raises an additional $20 million and announces their master plan laravel-news. com The Vim editor has released their first major release in ten years, Vim 8. 0. This version includes many small featur… Oh shit, git! ohshitgit. com Git is hard: screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is fucking impossible. Live asynchronously. medium. freecodecamp. com Last year I turned off all my notifications. I stopped booking meetings. I started living asynchronously. Now instead of being interrupted throughout the day — or rushing from one meeting to the next — I sit down and get work done.

Laravel Daily 53




New video: QuickAdminPanel. com – create a Laravel mini-CRM in 2 minutes laraveldaily. com Our team is back on improving our Laravel adminpanel generator, which was released a month ago. Planning to add new features, proper documentation and some marketing material, the first step is a new video to show how easy it is to have a ready-made Laravel project with adminpanel. My presentation: Laravel Code Generators and Packages laraveldaily. com Today I’ve delivered a presentation at my local Laravel Meetup in Vilnius, Lithuania, and now sharing slides with you. Basically, I wanted to research what are available solutions on the market to generate Laravel code automatically instead of writing it manually. Found quite a lot, actually. Laravel Auth: How to disable auto-login after registration? laraveldaily. com Laravel default Auth system is great, but sometimes there’s a need that user would register but NOT log in automatically. The problem is that Laravel does auto-login by default after registration. Worry no more, there is a simple solution for that! Let’s start with fresh Laravel 5. Make soft deleted user email available again! laraveldaily. com When creating user authorization system with soft deletable data we might encounter a problem when deleted user tries to register with same email address and gets an error that it is in use. Laravel-related articles from all the web Will You Be Employee #1 At Laravel? larajobs. com Hi, I'm Taylor Otwell, the creator of the Laravel framework, Forge, Envoyer, and Spark. Laravel has grown faster than I could ever imagine in the last five years. With the continued growth of Forge and Envoyer, the time has come to find someone to join me on this adventure! What's New In Laravel 5. 3 // Speaker Deck speakerdeck. com Chris Wilson will cover the shiny new features coming out in Laravel v5. 3. Laravel Mailable: The new and improved way to send email in Laravel laravel-news. com A new feature in Laravel 5. 3 is a way to simplify sending email by creating “mailable” classes that handle setting up your emails. The best way to explain this feature is with an example. In Laravel 5. Laravel Notifications – Easily send quick updates through Slack, SMS, Email, and more laravel-news. com Laravel Notifications is an all new feature coming to Laravel 5. 3 that allows you to make quick notification updates through services like Slack, SMS, Email, and more. Handy access management validation rule for Laravel 5 www. techyfingers. com I worked on several Laravel projects and in almost every project there was a need for some sort of access management control system. Most basic example is validation whether some resource belongs to user. Making Xdebug, Laravel Valet, PHPStorm, and Composer play nice pixelfear. com There are a handful of resources out there that explain how to set up Xdebug in PHPStorm, and maybe a couple on how to set it up in Valet. That’s great and all, but I’m sure you’ve also seen this: How annoying. But if you disable Xdebug, you can’t use it, obviously. Stubbing Eloquent Relations for Faster Tests adamwathan. me When you’re trying to test methods on an Eloquent model, you often need to hit the database to really test your code. But sometimes the functionality you’re testing doesn’t really depend on database features. Is there any way to test that stuff without hitting the database? How to create custom facade in laravel 5. 2 www. expertphp. in Benefits of creating custom facade in Laravel 5. 2 is it that you don't have to write same function again and again, to avoid repetition you can create a helper class or can say facade class. Things I learned from reading Laravel: Up and running murze. be Matt Stauffer is currently putting the final touches on his new book called Laravel: Up And Running. It aims to be a good guide for newcomers to the framework. But even if you’ve got some experience with Laravel, it should be worth your time to read it. A repository of open source projects built using Laravel openlaravel. com A repository of open source projects built using Laravel Submit Project How to Use Laravel Routes in Javascript ideas. hexbridge. com One of the nice things about Laravel is the ability to have named routes. You can define routes without having to worry about getting the URI perfect from the beginning. How does it do that? Really easy: for each route you can assign a unique name that you will use throughout the application. Sending and Receiving SMS with Laravel and Nexmo laravel-news. com In this quick tutorial by Phil Leggetter, we’ll cover how you can both send and receive SMS from your Laravel application. Adding a vue component to Spark murze. be Every two weeks I send out a newsletter containing lots of interesting stuff for the modern PHP developer. You can expect quick tips, links to interesting tutorials, opinions and packages. Comparing laravel-mediable with laravel-medialibrary murze. be Laravel-Mediable is a package to upload and handle all sorts of files (aka media) in a Laravel app. It was built by a Canadian based web agency called Plank. Pretty cool. You can read more on the way and how the package was built in an introductory post on the Plank blog. Welcome to the next version of Laravel News laravel-news. com Four years ago Laravel News got its start as a simple Twitter and Facebook account where I would share things created by the Laravel community and try to help out the creators as well as users find new awesome stuff. How to Use reCAPTCHA in Laravel 5. 2 Forms for Validation www. cloudways. com In the year 1950, the father of modern computer sciences, Alan Turing developed a behavioral test that was to distinguish the machine-based behavior from the humans. Useful tips for Collection operations In Laravel www. dunebook. com Let’s start with some really basic methods. For a better understanding of what you are going to do, I strongly suggest that you try on your project every single method from the following list: 20 Awesome PHP Libraries For Summer 2016 tutorialzine. com Initially released in 1995, the PHP language is now of legal drinking age, but this doesn’t stop it from still being one of the most popular languages out there, and the first choice of many back-end developers. Bonus: successful IT projects Hello World Enterprise Edition · GitHub gist. github. com A perfect example of over-engineering. 8 Common Mistakes That Get Developers Fired www. sitepoint. com He’s at work and he’s looking at porn. A tech employee, who I’ll call Alan, was watching anime porn at work. Not satisfied with simply watching it, he decided it was time to start printing his porn — on a color laser printer, no less. Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend programmingisterrible. com “Every line of code is written without reason, maintained out of weakness, and deleted by chance” Jean-Paul Sartre’s Programming in ANSI C. Every line of code written comes at a price: maintenance. To avoid paying for a lot of code, we build reusable software. The traits of a proficient programmer www. oreilly. com Do you know what the difference between competence and proficiency is? That sounds like a trick question, because the words seem to mean the same thing. But the subtle distinction between them is critically important. Overdue Project: 4 Types of Contractors www. sourceseek. com It’s not a secret that any project may last longer than it was planned. And everything is quite simple if this is entirely your project: it is only you who should be blamed. But what will happen if it is your contractor who fails to deliver the project on time? That's it for this week, see you next Thursday!Povilas KoropLaravelDaily Team

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Directory Structure Changes in Laravel 5. 3 www. slideshare. net Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × Directory Structure Changes in Laravel 5. 3 1. Directory Structure Changes in Laravel 5. 3 2. Reset Password in Laravel 5. 3 zoneofit. com Home Web Laravel Reset Password in Laravel 5. Image Uploading in Laravel 5. 3 way2php. com Image uploading in laravel is very easy. All most any dynamic web applications have this feature. In this article i would like to explain simple way to upload image. You need to careful while handling with files. For security reasons we need to validate uploaded file. Sending a welcome mail with Laravel 5. 3 murze. be Recently I was working an a project where, in order to use the webapp, users should first apply for an account. Potential users can fill in request form. After the request is approved by an admin they may use the app. Our client expected that the barrier to request an account should be very low. Prevent Browser back button after Logout in Laravel 5. 3 way2php. com When you click back button after logout , still that page will appear. This is not you are actually logged it, just browser cached previous page. If you try to interact with that page, it will not display. Because you were not authenticated. How to automatically apply the Laravel PHP code style barryvanveen. nl Writing clean and readable code is essential. Having a properly defined code style, and adhering to that, is tedious work. Let's automate it as much as possible. Laravel uses the PSR-1 and PSR-2 code style standards. These conventions define things like: Hosting a Laravel application on AWS Lambda cwhite. me This weekend, after stumbling upon an Amazon blog post that describes how to run arbitrary executables in AWS Lambda, I started wondering if it would be possible to run a PHP script inside a Lambda function. How to redirect http to https in laravel using middleware www. wantcode. in Step 3: Now you can use the middleware like. Woah! I switched to Windows and it’s awesome for PHP development. www. newmediacampaigns. com After twenty-two years as a Mac user, I switched to Windows 10. I was motivated by excellent hardware that became available (the Dell XPS 15 specifically). Macbook Pros had remained stagnant for years and I wanted a larger, better screen. Laravel Forge adds a new development blog laravel-news. com Vue. js has announced v2 is now released and available. Version two has been in development since April and features s… Hacktoberfest, the month-long festival of code, is back again this year. The event is hosted in partnership between G… they can bite! – how (not) to use accessors in Eloquent softonsofa. com Eloquent mutators & accessors are handy feature that can simplify your high level code and hide some-data related logic in the model. However, it is pretty common to misuse them and soon regret it. ARCANEDEV/LogViewer github. com This package allows you to manage and keep track of each one of your logs files. NOTE: You can also use LogViewer as an API. Integrating WordPress into Larave lenshrined. co. uk Recently whilst working on an outsourced project at We Are DWM we had a Laravel app and a WordPress site running side by side. The client had wanted the same design across both “sites” and for it to appear as seamless as possible. timegridio/timegrid github. com Online service booking made easy. Small and medium scale businesses wish to provide online service booking for their customers, but the tools out there are either too expensive or too complex for their needs. Stop using Helpers www. schmengler-se. de “Helpers” are often used as convenient collection of functions. They are also a sign of bad design, and I want you to stop writing them. I’ll quote myself Vue 2. 0 is Here!medium. com Today I am thrilled to announce the official release of Vue. js 2. 0: Ghost in the Shell. After 8 alphas, 8 betas and 8 rcs (a total coincidence!), Vue. js 2. 0 is ready for production! The official guide has been fully updated and is available at vuejs. org/guide. Ever since the work on 2. That's it for this time, see you next week!Povilas KoropLaravelDaily Team

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7 business lessons after reaching 1000 QuickAdmins milestone quickadminpanel. com New article from our QuickAdminPanel. com blog. I love reading stories about startups and small businesses – how they started, what were first successes, failures and lessons learned. My Laravel Tricks medium. com I’ve been considering moving my blog to Medium for some time, but wanted to try out posting a few things here first. So let’s try it out, with a quick write-up on some of the “Tricks” or common things I do when working in Laravel. Feel free to holler back with some of your own! Namespaces in Laravel Applications www. conetix. com. au Like many languages, PHP does not allow you to have two classes with the same name at a global level. While on the surface this may sound like a good idea, it becomes a problem when you import libraries and a name collision occurs (completing libraries have one or more classes with the same name). Import Excel data in Laravel 5. 3 way2php. com In my previous post explains Export data to Excel or CSV in Laravel 5. 3 .  This article explains import excel data into database table. For doing this i used ‘maatwebsite/excel’  library. Simply follow below steps. Open composer and add below line of code A Roundup of Laravel CMS Packages laravel-news. com A lot of really great Laravel powered CMS systems have came out in the past year. Everything from the super powerful to the minimal, to open source and commercial. Statamic is built on Laravel and sports a Vue. js-powered control panel. Multiple Laravel Homestead Installations blog. g-design. net Since I maintain some older Laravel applications that are not compatible with the latest PHP version, I need a way to use a different Laravel Homestead installations for different projects. Here is a solution to install different Homestead Composer packages and Homestead Vagrant boxes on Mac Os X. How to integrate Stripe payment gateway in laravel justlaravel. com Hello laravel enthusiasts, welcome back. Here I am going to discuss on something very exciting. You will know how to integrate stripe payment gateway in laravel applications. Handling Laravel Validation Error Messages With Vue. js scotch. io In this post, I will be showing you how to handle Laravel validation error messages with Vue. js. Recently, I launched a open source side project I was working on called Open Laravel. Open Laravel allows developers to submit open source projects that were built using the Laravel framework. Whats something every Laravel programmer should read/view? www. reddit. com Whats something every Laravel programmer should read/view? (self. laravel) Videos, documents, books. Really interested what I'm missing out. Laravel related only please. Laravel + ElasticSearch + React medium. com You can also edit the cluster. name, node. name, etc. Yeah! Now everything is working fine!Let’s go to Laravel. The package I use is Elasticquent, to install, follow the steps here: https://github. com/elasticquent/Elasticquent#setupAdd the provider, alias and publish. Export data to Excel or CSV in Laravel 5. 3 way2php. com In some big applications need export to excel or csv functionality is required. This article explains export excel or CSV data from database table. For doing this i used ‘maatwebsite/excel’  library. Simply follow below steps. Open composer and add below line of code. Free Video Course: Docker for Development laravel-news. com Chris Fidao put together a free mini-series on using Docker for Development with Laravel. The series is ten individual videos covering all the basics to get up and running. This includes how to use and build multiple containers, networking, and persisting data, as well as a development workflow. An opinionated tagging package for Laravel apps murze. be There are a lot of quality tagging packages out there. Most of them offer the same thing: creating tags, associating them with models and some functions to easily retrieve models with certain tags. But in our projects at Spatie we need more functionality. [Slides] Forum PHP: Create Symfony apps as quickly as with Laravel and keep your code framework-agnostic dunglas. fr Founder and CEO at Les-Tilleuls. coop. Member of the Symfony core-team, creator of API Platform and contributor to more than 100 open source projects including the PHP language, Zend Framework, Doctrine, Sonata and Prestashop. What's in store for PHP performance? www. symfony. fi PHP 7. 0 made significant improvements in terms of performance and memory use for real applications. Many applications deliver twice the throughput with much less memory just without any changes to the application code.

Laravel Daily 63, 3 tools to generate Laravel Migrations, Testing Laravel Middleware




REVIEW: 3 Tools to Generate Laravel Migrations from Existing Database laraveldaily. com Recently I’ve found a few interesting tools that help generate Laravel migrations automatically from your already existing database schema. In theory it looks very cool, but we decided to test them – I asked a colleague to actually try them all out with real demo-projects. [DEMO] Generate Laravel adminpanel in 10 minutes - how Larancer was created www. youtube. com Live-demo of how you can easily generate your adminpanel with quickadminpanel. com. As an example, we take a freelance management project called Larancer, which is available for free on Github: https://github. com/LaravelDaily/Laran. . . Conditional Eloquent Where Clauses laraveltnt. com Think of each Eloquent model as a powerful query builder allowing you to fluently query the database table associated with the model. So, basically you can use every Query Builder methods in your Eloquent model. 11 Courses to Help You Master PHP Frameworks code. tutsplus. com In this course, Jason Lewis will show you how to build a functioning content management system (CMS) with the Laravel PHP framework. You’ll understand some of the tasks and problems that are common to so many web development projects and explore different possible solutions to them.   Is Laravel 5. 1 LTS actually being supported? www. reddit. com Is Laravel 5. 1 LTS actually being supported? (self. laravel) What's the deal with support on the LTS version? I don't see anything about updates on the Laravel site, and any googling I do for it just shows me articles and release notes from when it was first released. Laravel v5. 3. 25 is released laravel-news. com Laravel has released v5. 3. 25 which includes two new validation rules, the ability to set the file permissions in the Filesystem, and a fluent builder for SlackMessageAttachmentField. The two new validation rules included in v5. 3. Laravel Collections Make PHP Development Awesomeactivate saga. com Laravel provides a lot of amazing tools out-of-the-box and collections are one of them. The collection class within Illuminate\Support is basically a wrapper that allows you to work with and manipulate arrays of data. Testing Laravel Middleware matthewdaly. co. uk It’s widely accepted that high-level integration tests alone do not make for a good test suite. Ideally each individual component of your application should have unit tests, which test that component in isolation. Review of Test-Driven Laravel laravel-news. com I’ve been programming for close to a decade, and I’m constantly trying to find ways so to improve my skill set to be able to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of technology. The one area I’ve always wanted to improve in has been testing. leeovery/wordpress-to-laravel github. com You want a blog, right? And you want to use the Wordpress backend? But you dislike Wordpress themes, and REALLY dislike creating them? Then this is for you my friend. . . This package provides the tool-set to sync WP posts from the WP DB and into your Laravel DB (or wherever you want it to go). JSON Web Token Tutorial: An Example in Laravel and AngularJS www. toptal. com With the rising popularity of single page applications, mobile applications, and RESTful API services, the way web developers write back-end code has changed significantly. Overriding Laravel Elixir Configs laravel-news. com Laravel Elixir is fantastic for your Laravel projects and it comes with defaults that “just work” within a Laravel application. It works so well that I like to use it for managing all my asset processing even in apps that are not on Laravel. Quick Tip: The Convenient Magic of Eloquent Observers www. sitepoint. com If you’ve used Eloquent on medium to large projects before, you may have encountered a situation where you want to take action when something happens to your models. Eloquent provides a convenient way to do so. Make PHPStorm your new home - Configuring and using Xdebug locally tech. mybuilder. com We assume that you use PHPStorm on a daily basis, and this guide will help to debug your code locally using the IDE. A remote debugging guide will come in the future. Intuition and hunches are great— you just have to test them out. When a hunch and a fact collide, the fact wins. antonioribeiro/health github. com This package checks if the application resources are running as they should and creates a service status panel. It has the following main points: But you can add anything else you need! How I refactor to collections christoph-rumpel. com Refactoring to Collections is a great book by Adam Wathan where he demonstrates, how you can avoid loops by using collections. It sounds great from the beginning, but you need to practice it, in order to be able to use it in your own projects. This is why I refactored some of my older projects. Laration - A simple way to visualize your configs marabesi. com Some times during our development work we need to check wheter a config has been defined, and in most of the times we just jump to the file, which means to seek the file, open it and change it (or just see the value and leave it as it was). Laravel provide us a really simple way to find the configs. Store your translations in the database with Laravel translation loader package laravel-news. com Laravel has built-in support for localization using arrays stored in language files and in 5. 4 they are adding the ability for JSON based language files. Quickly Dumping Laravel Queries laravel-news. com When you are building an application and utilizing Eloquent it’s very easy to hit the N+1 problem. This is where you select a model and then later use lazy loading to fetch child records. Laravel Spark -Pre-populating Custom Registration Fields nisbeti. wordpress. com The Laravel Spark documentation explains how to add additional registration fields. If left at that, the new fields will appear on the page, but the input tag cannot simply be pre-populated with value="some value". Use Laravel Shift for your next upgrade www. joeferguson. me I’ve had an eye on LaravelShift. com since it first made it’s way across my twitter feed some time ago. I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting and talking with it’s creator Jason McCreary at a few conferences over the past year. New Book: Laravel Up and Running laravel-news. com Matt Stauffer who has been blogging about Laravel since the 5. 0 release, the host of the Laravel Podcast, and partner and technical director at Tighten. co has been working on a new Laravel book, Laravel: Up & Running, published by O’Reilly. How terrible code gets written by perfectly sane people chrismm. com When I found out I would be working on porting an old Python codebase to Node, I was slightly excited. These kinds of projects always give you more creative freedom than the ordinary code maintenance gig, and something about the challenge of rewriting other people’s code makes it fun as hell. Learn VIM while playing a game vim-adventures. com VIM Adventures is an online game based on VIM's keyboard shortcuts (commands, motions and operators). It's the "Zelda meets text editing" game. It's a puzzle game for practicing and memorizing VIM commands (good old VI is also covered, of course).

Laravel Daily, Demos, Packages and Getting Things Done




Build Laravel Sports League app - with QuickAdminPanel www. youtube. com Live-coding demo of a real application that was generated with QuickAdminPanel. com and added custom code on top of it. Github source available, too. LaravelDaily/LaraEventTickets-QuickAdminPanel github. com LaraEventTickets: Laravel 5. 4 based system for event organizers to manage and sell tickets. It is a demo project for demonstrating what can be generated with QuickAdminPanel tool. Laravel-related articles from all the web monicahq/monica github. com Monica is an open-source web application to manage your personal relationships. Think of it as a CRM for your friends or family. Monica allows people to keep track of everything that's important about their friends and family. Like the activities done with them. When you last called someone. Build a group chat app using Laravel and Pusher blog. pusher. com This blog post was written under the Pusher Guest Writer program. Socializing with other users has been a trend for past few years and it is definitely not going away. Getting started with Laravel quickstart on Bitbucket Pipelines medium. com I recently reached out to r/PHP to help make Bitbucket Pipelines even better for PHP devs. PHP has been the one of the largest communities using Bitbucket Pipelines since launch, and the overwhelming response was for Laravel with Mysql support. We’re going to create a default pipeline. Give the power of Twig to Laravel github. com Allows you to use Twig seamlessly in Laravel 5. TwigBridge >=0. 7 requires Laravel 5. Rollbar Config for Your Laravel App cameronscott. co Here's a quick, Laravel-focused tweak to get the most of Rollbar, my error-monitoring service of choice. Announcing “Diving Laravel” medium. com It’s almost a year since I started working at Laravel, during this time I’ve been learning tons of stuff working closely with Taylor Otwell and getting involved in the core that runs Laravel & multiple homegrown packages. goodnesskay/Laravel-Open-Source-Projects github. com A Web Artisan list of categorized OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS built with Laravel PHP Framework. This repository includes a comprehensive and unlimited list of open source projects built with Laravel for Newbies to the framework or for exploration by any web artisan. Enjoy Pushing Codes!!! The case for singleton objects, façades, and helper functions php-and-symfony. matthiasnoback. nl Last year I took several Scala courses on Coursera. It was an interesting experience and it has brought me a lot of new ideas. One of these is the idea of a singleton object (as opposed to a class). It has the following characteristics: Single Page App Backends: Where Laravel Beats Node. js vuejsdevelopers. com I’ve been commissioned to write a book about building full stack Vue. js apps. Since many Laravel developers are interested in Vue (Vue now ships with Laravel), the publisher wants the book to focus on full stack Vue. js with Laravel. Update Laravel Pagination With New Collection ohdoylerules. com Have you even done a database search (using the DB facade) and got back an array of results that wasn’t wrapped in lovely little Eloquent Models? After some googling, I am sure you probably found out about the hydrate method. How to order by all() in Laravel medium. com One common issue that I see with Laravel newcomers is that they have hangups using Eloquent correctly. The most basic reference given in the documentation and tutorials is using the all() method. But what happens when you want to sort your users? Chain validation with Form Requests — Laravel medium. com Today I had an interesting validation case at work. I have a Custom Validation that will take a table name. This allows me to let my users to say which table they want to manipulate while keeping it limited/controlled to the valid tables for the feature. Refactoring series: Structuring Laravel - Part 2 blog. jerguslejko. com Hey! The second part of this article is a step-by-step tutorial on how to organize your Laravel app and make use of App\Support namespace. Previous post that talks about advantages of this approach is available here. I want to emphasize that I do not use this approach in every app. Testing Keeps Me From Getting Things Done thephp. cc What does unit testing mean for the developer? Do you have to accept that you write less production code? Is there a benefit that justifies the effort in the long run? Discussion: Why isn't Laravel suitable for "enterprise-grade" applications like Symfony and CakePHP? www. reddit. com Discussion: Why isn't Laravel suitable for "enterprise-grade" applications like Symfony and CakePHP? (self. PHP) I have been building PHP MVPs for over 5 years now, usually we build apps in WordPress (for numerous good reasons) and Laravel. Building a 90 Day Planner with Laravel and Vue. js medium. com In this multi-part tutorial we will be building a 90 Day Action Planner using Laravel and Vue. js to create a single page application. Why 90 days? Well here is a snippet from the article on FastCompany where I got the inspiration from. Packagist and the PHP ecosystem laravel-news. com This is a guest post written by Graham Campbell, prominent PHP open source developer, and StyleCI founder. This is the second blog in a two-part series on best practices using Composer. Read the first blog on Building Maintainable PHP Apps using Composer. Package Auto-Discovery In Laravel 5. 5 medium. com For Laravel 5. 5, which is due for release near the end of July or beginning of August, long time community member Dries Vints and I teamed up to make it much easier to install and enable packages. Package developers will now be able to add a new section to their composer. Send Email In Laravel Through Email Sending  Service Providers www. cloudways. com One of the most important reasons why Laravel is a popular PHP development framework is the ease with which developers could implement routine functionalities such as authentication, sessions, routing, and caching.

Laravel Daily, New Course Teaser, Docker, Caching and 10X Developers




First Teaser of my upcoming Laravel Course! First teaser of what's coming. Content only ~20% done, stay tuned for the first (discounted) launch in upcoming weeks. Did you know Model::all() can have parameters? Don't forget to change APP_URL Content from Laravel Community Announcing Docker for PHP Developers Video Course Since the release of his book in January, Laravel News writer Paul Redmond, has been working on a Docker for PHP Developers video course, a hands-on, tutorial style book + videos on using Docker and PHP in development. Today, the Docker for PHP Developers video course is available for purchase! Create a SPA with role-based authentication with Laravel and Vue. js In this article, i’m gonna explain how I did implement a SPA (Single Page Application) with a role-based authentication with Laravel and Vue. js. The result is available on GitHub at this address : https://github. com/Pochwar/laravel-vue-spa. PHP Test Driven Development Part 4: Enter The Mock Hey there, welcome to part 4! Today we’ll learn how to mock. Mocking is a process where you create a fake instance of a real class, and test against it. This is so that, you do not have to worry about the real functionality of external dependencies inside a class. How to Create a Custom Route File in Laravel In this article, we will discuss “How to Create a Custom Route File in Laravel”. You can found all the route files in the “routes” directory. Laravel provides an easy way to manage all our application route from some of the specific files such as the “routes/web. 2 ways to auto-generate documentation for Laravel APIs ?⚙️ Recently the Kushy API finally reached a beta release of v1, and I redesigned the Kushy API documentation to use GatsbyJS. The documentation itself was hand-written in Markdown, with a structure inspired by most API docs (endpoints with descriptions, code snippets, and response examples). Laravel - Caching Made Easy Caching has never been easier than it is now in Laravel. In this video we take a look at some caching examples and how we can transform any model into a powerful repository that will help us cache items. I know we have covered this before, but the new functions inside Laravel are taking things ever f Laravel — Backup database to your Google Drive Backups are important, period. You will be needing these once your server or server provider suddenly dies. In this tutorial I will cover how to setup Google Drive backup, with Spatie’s backup package, Googles Flysystem and Laravel. Install Laravel 5. 7 & Checkout the New Amazing Features In recent years, Laravel has made its name among the list of top PHP development platforms. It is a top choice of PHP developers and is one of the most popular frameworks in the market. It contributes in many open-source projects. Deploy your Laravel app using Kubernetes This was a hard task for me, but alongside, i was able learn Kubernetes by practicing it and managed to understand key-concepts of Kubernetes simply by trying to run a Laravel app on K8s. Hello, I am Alex. I mainly work with PHP & Laravel, and i want to go further. Verifying Laravel Version Compatibility I’ve been working with Honeybadger to build a new set of PHP integrations. I would like to write more about that soon, however, I feel like I’ve stumbled across something that could be useful to others. I wanted to share it as soon as I could. APP_KEY And You Every time Laravel developers start or clone a Laravel app, generating the application key or APP_KEY is one of the most important first steps. A recent Laravel security update fixed an issue with how APP_KEY is used. Laravel view models View models are an abstraction to simplify controller and model code. View models are responsible for providing data to a view, which would otherwise come directly from the controller or the model. They allow a better separation of concerns, and provide more flexibility for the developer. PHP 7. 3’s First Release Candidate is Here The PHP team is glad to announce the release of the next PHP 7. 3. 0 pre-release, PHP 7. 3. 0RC1. The rough outline of the PHP 7. 3 release cycle is specified in the PHP Wiki: https://wiki. php. net/todo/php73 Merging Eloquent Models in Laravel After having built a couple SaaS Laravel applications I eventually came across the situation of having duplicate model instances in my database. Laravel Tip: multi-function forms Recently I was asked by a client to extend their admin interface with a feature that they can use to clean or re-seed their staging database from/with pre-defined data so that they can start with a clean slate on each demo.

Laravel daily, Vue.js, Instagram in Laravel, Firebase Auth




How it Works: Laravel + Vue. js AdminPanel Generator My guest-post on Laravel News where I present our new Vue+Laravel generator and explain in details what code is actually generated and why. Offtopic: we're pretty satisfied with the initial launch, already 10+ paying customers and 200+ free trials in progress. Did you know about laravel/ideas? GitHub issues for discussing feature ideas for the Laravel framework. Already 200+ issues and 700+ closed! However, if you are proposing a new feature, you should be willing to code the feature if possible. Why should you use Vue. js when using Laravel If you have used a recent Laravel version, you would notice it usually comes with Vue bundled in with other tools like bootstrap and jQuery. You would also notice in Laravel documentation that they gave a small introduction to using Vue components. Is this a sign that Laravel loves Vue? Create API Authentication (Passport) in Laravel 5. 6 — Confirm account + notifications (Part 2) We will learn to create deactivated accounts and then confirm and activate by email, in the authentication system with Laravel API Authentication Passport. In first step, we add two columns active and activation_token also we add thesoftDeletes trait in database/migrations/xxxx_create_users_table. Integrating Instagram API in Laravel 5. 6 In this tutorial, i’ll show you how to integrate Instagram API in Laravel App. We won’t be using any Instagram PHP wrapper library. Tidy up Your Tests with Class-Based Model Factories As you begin writing automated tests, one of the first questions you will find yourself asking is "how do I make it clear what this test is accomplishing?" It is important for tests to have a natural and logical flow that any future developer can follow, but that is easier said than done. Laravel Firebase Auth If you authenticate with Firebase in your app, authenticating with your API is very easy, as the Firebase token is a JWT. All we really need to is implement a Guard with a user function that returns an Authenticatable object. Deploy Laravel sites with Ploi - Built by Developers, for Developers. learning Ploi is a free service which we can use to deploy our Laravel/PHP sites. Deploy a RESTful API using Laravel and Docker You can manage a RestFull API in the fastest, simplest and funniest way! and with open source code dependencies. However you can contribute for a better performance, the goal is to focus on the code avoiding the configurations and having docker installed. Modular approach in Laravel Application Laravel is a great framework, not only because of the elegant syntax, rapid development tool but also because of the ecosystem & open source packages available for it. These packages help a lot to reduce the development time. Building a realtime analytics dashboard for a Laravel application In today’s world, it’s important for website administrators and webmasters to have useful data regarding issues such as the performance of their sites. This helps them to be proactive in tackling issues with their sites.

Laravel nedeljni pregled, plaćanje putem PayPala, napravite Guestbook, Twitter bot




Ove nedelje je naš tim objavio samo jedan, ali veliki članak – o PayPalu (pogledajte u nastavku). Takođe, snimili smo jedan kraći „filozofski“ video o veštinama koje treba da naučite, a koje se ne odnose na pisanje kodova. Osim toga, objavili smo veliki broj uputstava iz zajednice. Uživajte! Plaćanje putem PayPala u Laravelu: Ultimativni vodič quickadminpanel. com PayPal je jedan od najpopularnijih načina za prodaju/kupovinu stvari online. U ovom članku ćemo detaljno razmotriti kako to funkcioniše u radnom okviru Laravel. Pa, hajde da počnemo! Kako da napravite listu želja u Laravelu 5. 5 tjd-studio. com Danas ćemo naučiti kako da napravite listu želju pomoću Laravela 5. 5. X. Ovde treba da dobijemo user_id i product_id. Evo kako ćemo to uraditi. Napravite Guestbook koristeći Laravel i Vue. js scotch. io Izgleda kul, zar ne? Nakon toga ćete kreirati konfiguracijsku datoteku i ukazati na naziv domena u javnoj fascikli (za mene će to biti http://guestbook). Kreiranje Twitter bota u Laravelu – Jesús Amieiro www. jesusamieiro. com U ovom postu ću vam objasniti kako da kreirate Twitter bota u Laravelu. Ova aplikacija će periodično (svakog sata) i automatski slati slučajne tvitove (izabrane iz baze podataka) putem Laravelove usluge planiranja zadataka. Ovaj projekat nema grafički korisnički interfejs. Predstavljeni su novi načini rutiranja u Laravelu 5. 5 laravel-news. com Laravel 5. 5 je isporučio nekoliko odgovarajućih prečica za klasu Laravel Router koja eliminiše potrebu za kreiranjem kontrolera ili zatvaranja samo da biste vratili jednostavan prikaz ili preusmeravanje. Alatke za debagiranje i razvoj u Laravelu 5. 5 medium. com Ranije sam napisao post o testiranju pomoćnih alatki u Laravelu 5. 4. Ti koraci za podešavanje mogu biti dodati u svaku Laravel aplikaciju da bi testiranje postalo lakše i efektivnije. Isto tako, postoje alatke koje mogu biti dodate u svaki novi Laravel projekat da bi se olakšalo debagiranje u programiranju. Moć Laravelovih „zadatih vrednosti“ rutiranja za kreiranje SEO stranica na osnovnom nivou medium. com Dakle, optimizacija pretraživača je nešto što čega se mnogi backend programeri pribojavaju. Ona je važna za napredak veb sajta, ali SEO sam po sebi predstavlja sasvim drugi posao koji je složen i, u suštini, prilično nezanimljiv. Upoređivanje numerisanja stranica u radnim okvirima medium. com Veoma je zanimljivo kako različiti radni okviri (ORM-ovi) implementiraju numerisanje stranica. Radni okviri omogućavaju programerima da uštede vreme tako što će ponovo upotrebiti generičke module da bi mogli da se fokusiraju na druge oblasti. Validacija API zahteva pomoću Javascripta i Laravela m. serversideup. net U poslednjem uputstvu (https://serversideup. net/api-form-submissions-javascript-vuex-laravel/) dodali smo jednostavan način na koji će korisnici dodati Cafe to Roast and Brew. Sada to funkcioniše odlično! Međutim, korisnik može da unese bilo šta u bilo koje polje obrasca ili da ne unese ništa i zapis o Cafeu će biti dodat. Brzo AJAX pretraživanje pomoću Laravela i Vuea pineco. de Brzo pretraživanje je veoma popularna funkcija na sajtovima i u aplikacijama. U ovom postu ćemo pokušati da obuhvatimo ono što je važno za kreiranje komponente radi pretraživanja u realnom vremenu pomoću funkcija, kao što su debaunsiranje ili isticanje rezultata. Ultimativni vodič za Laravel multi-tenant arhitekturu sa više baza podataka medium. com Pre nekog vremena napisao sam članak pod nazivom „Jednostavni multi-tenant u Laravelu“. Dobio sam mnogo dobrih povratnih informacija u vezi sa tim člankom. Ali taj članak je o internoj alatki za administraciju pomoću koje korisnik bira kojim tenantom (stanarom) želi da upravlja. Laravel – dinamičko dodavanje ili uklanjanje polja pomoću JQuerya itsolutionstuff. com Danas ću podeliti sa vama kako da dodate više polja pomoću JQuerya u aplikaciji Laravel 5. 5, a takođe sam implementirao validaciju dinamički generisanih polja. Dakle, ako ste dodali više dinamički generisanih polja koristeći Laravel validaciju, onda ste na pravom mestu. Proširenje komande za migraciju u Laravelu radi dodavanja novih opcija hackernoon. com Pošto je naša multi-tenant aplikacija spremna, želimo da upotrebimo komande Laravelove konzole da bismo upravljali migracijama. U ovom članku ćemo videti kako možemo da proširimo implementaciju migracije u Laravelu da bismo na elegantan način upravljali svim šemama naše multi-tenant aplikacije. SOLID je laž medium. com Verovatno ste mnogo puta čuli da programeri imaju zajednički mudri savet koji kaže da morate da napišete SOLID kod, koristite TDD, Dependency Injectin… U suštini, to znači da vam je potrebno više apstrakcije. Ali apstrakcija čini kod kompleksnijim. Ako ne koristite ove usluge provajdera u Laravelu, onda ih nećemo ni registrovati. medium. com U Laravelu je svaka usluga odvojena u zasebne pakete kompozera. Organizovane su na takav način da možemo da ih koristimo odvojeno u našim php projektima, baš kao što Laravel koristi simfony komponente. Šabloni repozitorijuma u Lumenu – yoonsin91 – Medium medium. com Šta su šabloni repozitorijuma? Ovako je Wikipedia opisala repozitorijume. Ja posmatram repozitorijume kao neku vrstu kolekcija. Oni sadrži entitete i izvore podataka. Možete da filtrirate i vraćate entitete u zavisnosti od potreba vaše aplikacije. Kontrolna tabla (dashboard) za kontinuirano testiranje u Laravelu laravel-news. com Test Watcher je kontrolna tabla za kontinuirano testiranje koju je pomoću Laravela osmislio Antonio Carlos Riberio. Prema tvrdnjama autora, možete je smatrati kao „Laravel Horizon za sve vaše testove“. Podržava PHPUnit, Laravel Dusk, PhpSpec, Behat, Atoum i sva testna okruženja koja su izvršena u terminalu. Alatke za pretraživanje u komandnoj liniji koje su namenjene programerima laravel-news. com Tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina poboljšao sam pretraživanja u komandnoj liniji pomoću nekoliko alatki koje su namenjene programerima. Ove alatke pomažu programerima da pronađu fraze i šablone u tekstualnim datotekama u nepoznatoj bazi koda bez komplikovanog pretraživanja. Funkcija Package Management u Laravelu code. tutsplus. com U ovom članku ćemo istraživati funkciju Package Management u okruženju Laravel. U tekstu ćemo videti primer iz stvarnog sveta da bismo prikazali svrhu ovog članka. Objavljena je verzija Laravel v5. 5. 19 medium. com Još jedna nedelja, još jedna verzija.
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