CO. DESIGN 23. jun 2017.
A Design Student’s Brilliant, Terrifying Thesis On Trump’s Tweets
Falsehoods, fallacies, lies: Trump’s tweets are plucked straight from a dystopian novel. One graphic designer is underscoring the similarities with type.
Baby Boomers Are Aging–And Designers Need To Adapt
As Americans age, interface and product design itself will transform.
This Tool Is Built To Make Responsive Type A Reality
Prototypo uses algorithms to automatically adjust type parameters. Will it lead to typography that scales to screen size?
Graphic Design’s Next Great Challenge: Branding AI
Pentagram brands an AI processor startup demonstrating its smarts, and without tech tropes.
NYC’s First LGBT Monument Will Be A Luminous Garden Of Rainbows
The design was inspired by Stonehenge and uses prismatic glass to casts rainbows on Hudson River Park.
This App Lets You Play Super Mario Bros. In The Real World, And It’s Incredible
For better. And worse.
This N. Y. C. Park Is Testing Pop-Up Rest Stops That Deliver Wi-Fi By Bike
The park’s Mobile Information Units, still in the prototype stage, unfold from the back of a customized bicycle.
How Ford’s New CEO Plans To Beat Tesla, Uber, And Google
Jim Hackett was raised on Ideo’s brand of design thinking. Can he use it to save the 114-year-old automotive giant?
Grenfell Tower: How Deregulation, Privatization, And Bad Design Led To Tragedy
The number of London towers that were outfitted with flammable cladding is rising, according to new investigations.
Ikea And Apple May Be Cooking Up The Next Big Thing In Retail
Ikea is developing an app that puts virtual furniture right in your home. And it could be big.