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20 Home-Business Ideas: Make Money Working From Home




With these home based business ideas, you can make a living from the comfort of your own home Opening a business from home is a great strategy for entrepreneurial-minded individuals. There are tons of ideas for home-based businesses that operate online, allowing you to create a thriving internet business from your living room couch. Here are some ideas to get you started. 1. Amazon affiliate business Not many people realize that Amazon actually has a pretty cool commission program. That’s right, Amazon will dish out commissions to websites that refer customers to its site. Join the Amazon Associates Program, create a website reviewing or promoting various products (with links to where users can buy the items on Amazon), and get a nice little cut if users complete an Amazon order. Some affiliate marketers don’t love working with Amazon, because the payout can be small compared with other sites. Amazon starts you off with 4 percent, but that can become as high as 8. 5 percent, depending on how many orders are made through your links. 2. Blogging Blogging isn’t just a fun online activity to feed our narcissistic tendencies-it’s also a clever internet business idea. A quality blog with a loyal audience can earn decent dough by partnering with advertisers, whether through Google AdWords, affiliate partners, or through sponsored blog posts. Monetizing a blog isn’t easy by any means, but if you have the passion and are writing about a unique niche, blogging is definitely a smart online-business idea to consider. 3. Sell stuff on Etsy If you’re even a bit artistically inclined, selling products on Etsy can be a great work-from-home business. Users love checking out Etsy for unique specialty gifts, and many customers appreciate how easy it is to order custom pieces from Etsy stores. See what’s selling out on Etsy and consider whether you may be able to offer something similar. 4. EBay seller EBay seems as ancient as a dinosaur in today’s fast-moving webiverse, but it’s still the top online auction marketplace, where users go to order collectibles, rare goods, and other items. Building a solid reputation on eBay can take some time, as most sales go to the power sellers who have established five-star ratings. Still, if you can acquire the goods no one else has, you can make a nice income reselling items on eBay. Scour local Goodwill stores and garage sales for antiques or high-demand niche items that can earn a decent price tag online. Pick a specific niche, research it, and become an expert so you know exactly what kinds of products to look for and what they’re worth online. 5. Become a YouTube star There are thousands of online users who work from home and make an internet living creating YouTube videos. In fact, PewDiePie, YouTube’s most famous online celeb, makes millions a year with his wildly ridiculous videogame playthroughs. All right, pick your jaw off the floor-I’ll tell you how this happens. You’re probably all too aware of those obnoxious video ads on YouTube that are shown before the video that you really want to watch. YouTube makes a ton of revenue from these video ad rolls, and when a user has a large enough subscriber base, he or she is invited to join YouTube’s partnership program, allowing the user to grab a piece of the advertising pie. Some YouTube stars, like makeup tutorial master Michelle Phan, make money from YouTube advertising plus sponsorship deals with various products that they recommend in their videos. Becoming a known person of interest on YouTube is tough work, and earning views and subscribers is competitive, as more people are getting dollar-sign eyeballs when they see what the big YouTube power users make. Still, if you have something unique to bring to the table or have a great onscreen personality, YouTube could be the spot for you to make your millions (from the comfort of your own home, no less)! 6. Social media manager Nearly all businesses understand the importance of maintaining a social media presence, but not everyone can afford to bring in a full-time social media manager. Contract yourself out as a social media manager and spend your days tweeting, posting to Facebook, and snapping Instagram pics. If social media is your second skin, this could be a great home-based business idea for you. 7. Web developer Web developing is another specialized skill in which you can make a decent living as a freelancer. Everyone needs web assistance, and if you’ve got thetechnical know-how, you can easily start your own work-from-home web-dev online business. 8. Write an e-book E-books have made self-publishing a real income-generating option for writers who previously may have had trouble partnering with big-name publishers. If you have in-depth knowledge about a specific topic, crafting a well-written, informative e-book and selling it online can be a great way to supplement your regular income. 9. Consulting If you have extensive experience in a highly valued field, consider starting your own consulting business. Outside businesses often look to consultants to help and guide them, rather than hire someone in-house. Popular consultants include those for cybersecurity, finance, accounting, and graphic design. 10. Freelance copywriter Online businesses are becoming increasingly more dependent on content to delight and attract website visitors. However, not everyone is a born writer, which is why businesses are always looking for freelance writers and editors to help craft and polish quality online content. Often businesses are happy to work with remote freelance writers, which means you can potentially work from anywhere in the world! If you’re a knowledgeable wordsmith, freelance copywriting can be a great home-business idea. 11. Grant writer Grant writing is essential for nonprofit companies looking to gather much-needed funds. Learn all you need to know about grant writing and start taking clients! You’ll be earning a living while doing good work by helping nonprofits bring in the money they need. 12. Graphic designer Many businesses seek out freelance graphic designers for logos, custom letterheads, infographics, and web design work. With digital visual assets becoming ever more valuable online, graphic designers have plenty of opportunities to make money remotely from home. Home-Based Businesses for Offline Activity While there are limitless ways to start an online business from home, there are plenty of ideas for a home business you can start offline as well. We’ve got a few examples below. 13. Pet care Many people consider their pets to be family, and pet owners are often more than willing to shell out some serious money for Fido or Princess Pie. Whether you want to start a pet grooming, pet sitting, pet walking, or even a pet photography business, there are plenty of profitable from-home businesses you can manage in the pet care industry. Naturally, a love of animals is mandatory! 14. Cleaning service Everyone wants a clean house, but many people don’t have the time or desire to do it themselves (most of us are just waiting for Roombas to become more affordable while we drown in dust). Starting your own housecleaning service is another great home-business idea, although of course this job requires travel and can’t strictly be done from home-you’ll mostly be in other people’s homes. 15. Handyman If you’ve got a streak of contracting experience under your belt, you may want to consider starting a handyman service. Your assignments may vary dramatically, from installing a kitchen counter faucet to refinishing an outdoor deck. If a variety of projects sounds exciting to you, consider a future as a for-hire handyman! 16. School tutor Many parents seek out tutors to help students with schoolwork in areas they are struggling with. Consider hiring yourself out as a math, literature, or science tutor (or whatever else the kids are learning these days). Experience with kids and with schools is a major plus here. 17. Language tutor If you’re a native English speaker, you’re in luck — there are tons of foreigners looking to practice their English skills, and you can help them simply by engaging in conversation. Even foreigners with years of English lessons often are looking to develop their conversation skills. Meet at a coffee shop or even offer Skype sessions. No teaching experience required (although time in a classroom would provide a major advantage). 18. Portrait photographer Families are looking for expert photographers to preserve memories and milestones in their lives, whether it’s their baby’s first Christmas or Aunt Dorothy’s 80th birthday. Photographers can take clients in the comfort of their own home, provided they have the space and the studio equipment available. 19. Give music lessons Parents are often seeking out instructors to help their children develop musical talent. Sure, some parents may be just trying to make their kids appear well rounded on college applications, but there are also plenty of students looking for a rewarding skill to last them into adulthood. If you have some musical skills, considering taking on pupils for music lessons. Since you’re teaching a specialized skill, you can earn a decent hourly rate. The more specialized the instrument, the better (you can probably charge a fair bit more teaching the French horn than the piano). Consider doing home visits; you may be able to charge an even higher premium. 20. Any specialized skill You can start a home-based business around just about any specialized skill you possess. If you have knowledge that others want, you can likely capitalize on it. These are just a few examples of great home-business ideas you may want to consider. Remember that starting your own home business requires an organized and self-efficient individual. If that sounds like you, go for it-you’ll be working from home in no time. Originally published on Inc. com Found this post useful? Kindly tap the ❤ button below! :) About The Author Larry Kim is the Founder of WordStream. You can connect with him onTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Growth Hacking info 3




The 9 Best Books for Growth Hackers in 2016 Understanding E-commerce Growth Hacking And Using Apps To Hack Your Way To Success:… Blog - iSpyPrice. com Price Comparison Si — Growth hacking has been a buzzword in the last few years, but do e-commerce business owners really understand how to translate… Open in a new tab Growth Hacking Digest - Issue 36 growthhackingdigest. com — What is Link Retargeting? Increase Your Top of Funnel Traffic by 500%+ Link retargeting is pixeling people that have never…Open in a new tab Growth hacking at Philips Lighting 20 Actionable Growth Hacking Techniques Scoro — Part 1: This is the final article of our 3-part business hacks blog series. You can find links to previous business hacks tips… Open in a new tab The Worst Lies We've Ever Heard About Growth Hacking What is “Growth Hacking” really? – Medium Medium — There is a lot of buzz around the new term "Growth Hacking", and many companies I know or have met recently are looking for a… Open in a new tab The Definition of Growth Hacking 3 Signs Your Startup Isn’t Ready For Growth Hacking - Cox Blue

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Kako da dodate video ili slike na vaš LinkedIn profil




LinkedIn, tradicionalna tekstualna društvena mreža za profesionalce, omogućava i dodavanje video snimaka i slika.   Pokretanjem novog LinkedIn Professional Portfolio omogućeno vam je aploudovanje slika, video snimaka, prezentacija i dokumenata na vaš LinkedIn profil. To znači da možete da prikažete svoja dostignuća pomoću slika ili inovativnih prezentacija.   Možete da aploudujete slike, video snimke, prezentacije i dokumenta u odeljke Summary, Experience i Education vašeg profila. Članovi LinkedIn-a mogu da kliknu na Like ili da komentarišu vaš rad.   Da biste dodali slike i video snimke na vaš LinkedIn profil, uradite sledeće:   Kliknite na Profile u meniju na vrhu stranice. Kliknite na Edit Profile. Pod svakim unosom u odeljcima Summary, Experience i Education nalazi se nova ikonica – kvadrat sa znakom plus. Kliknite na ikonicu da biste aploudovali fajl ili dodali link ka nekom sadržaju koji želite da podelite. Ako izaberete da dodate link, ukucajte ili pejstujte link ka vašem sadržaju u polje Add a link. Ako aploudujete fajl, selektujte fajl sa vašeg desktopa. Slika ili video će se prikazati sa poljima za naslov i opis. Da biste editovali naslov ili opis, pomerite kursor preko Profile na vrhu home stranice i selektujte Edit Profile. Skrolujte do media primera koji želite da editujete i kliknite na ikonicu sa olovkom u donjem desnom uglu. Kliknite na polje Title i Description da boste editovali tekst. Kliknite na Save. Takođe možete da prebacujete fajlove iz jednog odeljka u drugi tako što ćete kliknuti na padajući meni pod Move this media to i izabrati odeljak profila u koji biste želeli da prebacite fajl. Kliknite na Save. Da biste promenili redosled stavki unutar istog odeljka profila, kliknite na fajl i prevucite ga na mesto na koje želite. Ako želite da uklonite sliku, prezentaciju, video snimak ili dokument sa vašeg profila, skrolujte do fajla koji želite da uklonite, kliknite na ikonicu sa olovkom u donjem desnom uglu a zatim kliknite na opciju Remove this Media. Nakon toga kliknite na Yes, remove it, da biste potvrdili brisanje fajla.

Kratki videozapisi u digitalnom marketingu




Uvod Kratki videozapisi su preplavili digitalni svet, postajući neizostavan alat u marketingu, zabavi i komunikaciji. Njihova sposobnost da brzo prenesu informacije i angažuju publiku donela im je ogromnu popularnost na platformama kao što su TikTok, Instagram i YouTube Shorts. Povezana Pitanja: Šta su kratki videozapisi? Kako kratki videozapisi utiču na potrošačke navike? Koje su prednosti korišćenja kratkih videozapisa u marketingu? Koje su platforme najpopularnije za deljenje kratkih videozapisa? Kako kratki videozapisi menjaju način na koji konzumiramo sadržaj? Koje su najbolje prakse za kreiranje efektivnih kratkih videozapisa? Kako kratki videozapisi utiču na pažnju korisnika? Koje industrije najviše koriste kratke videozapise? Kako merenje uspeha kratkih videozapisa funkcioniše? Kakav je uticaj kratkih videozapisa na tradicionalne forme medija? Detaljni Odgovori: Šta su kratki videozapisi? Kratki videozapisi su video sadržaji koji traju od nekoliko sekundi do nekoliko minuta. Tipično se kreiraju za brzu konzumaciju na društvenim mrežama i mobilnim aplikacijama. Kako kratki videozapisi utiču na potrošačke navike? Kratki videozapisi imaju moćan uticaj na potrošačke navike jer: Privlače pažnju brže nego duži formati. Olakšavaju brzo razumevanje proizvoda ili usluga. Povećavaju verovatnoću deljenja sadržaja, što vodi do veće vidljivosti. Koje su prednosti korišćenja kratkih videozapisa u marketingu? Veća angažovanost publike. Sposobnost da se prenesu ključne poruke brzo i efikasno. Veća šansa za viralnost. Bolje prilagođavanje mobilnim uređajima. Smanjeni troškovi produkcije u poređenju sa dužim videozapisima. Koje su platforme najpopularnije za deljenje kratkih videozapisa? Najpopularnije platforme za deljenje kratkih videozapisa uključuju: TikTok Instagram (Stories i Reels) YouTube Shorts Snapchat Facebook (Stories) Kako kratki videozapisi menjaju način na koji konzumiramo sadržaj? Povećavaju brzinu konzumacije sadržaja. Omogućavaju multitasking. Promovišu veći obim sadržaja u kraćem vremenskom periodu. Smanjuju strpljenje za duže formate. Koje su najbolje prakse za kreiranje efektivnih kratkih videozapisa? Fokus na prvi nekoliko sekundi za privlačenje pažnje. Koristite jasan i jednostavan jezik. Uključite poziv na akciju (CTA). Budite kreativni sa vizuelnim elementima. Održavajte konzistentan stil i brending. Kako kratki videozapisi utiču na pažnju korisnika? Smanjuju kapacitet za dugotrajnu pažnju. Povećavaju fragmentaciju pažnje. Povećavaju potrebu za instant gratifikacijom. Koje industrije najviše koriste kratke videozapise? Modna industrija E-trgovina Zabavna industrija Obrazovanje Hrana i piće Kako merenje uspeha kratkih videozapisa funkcioniše? Broj pregleda. Angažovanost (likeovi, komentari, deljenja). Zadržavanje publike. Konverzije i klikovi na linkove. Brendirana prepoznavanje. Kakav je uticaj kratkih videozapisa na tradicionalne forme medija? Smanjuje interesovanje za duge formate. Prisutan je prelazak publike sa TV-a na digitalne platforme. Povećava pritisak na tradicionalne medije da skrate sadržaj. Povećava upotrebu digitalnih uređaja za konzumaciju sadržaja. Zaključak Kratki videozapisi predstavljaju moćan alat u digitalnoj komunikaciji. Njihova sposobnost da brzo privuku i zadrže pažnju publike čini ih neophodnim za svaki brend i kreatora sadržaja koji želi da ostane relevantan u današnjem digitalnom svetu.


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