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Saveti – Baze podataka

Ukupno: 40, strana 1 od 2

Auto: Ford je predstavio novi sistem zaštite dece vozača




Ford je predstavio ključ za auto koji će roditelji već 2010. godine davati svojoj deci. MojKljuč (MyKey). Na putu sa MyKey. Neke od prednosti ovog ključa su: Maksimalna brzina od 85 milja na sat (da nije previše). Link za detaljano upoznavanje.

Cubeecraft nudi modele igračaka od papira koje možete sami da kreirate




Papercraft Toys od Cubeecraft-a je web sajt koji besplatno nudi veliki broj modela papirnih igračaka koji će nasmejati i zabaviti i mlade i  stare. Vi možeta da daunlodujete veliki broj modela popularnih likova kao što su Stormtroopers, Master Chief, Kirby, NIN - Ghosts I-IV (!) ili Mario. Svaki model je dizajniran tako da stane na standardni A4 format papira i ništa ne može da vas spreči da kreirate sopstvenu armiju Stormtrooper-a, Iron Man-a ili Batman-a. “Svaka igračka poseduje jezičke koji se međusobno uklapaju, eliminišući potrebu za lepkom i selotejpom u konstruisanju. Da biste ih daunlodovali kliknite na model koji vas interesuje a onda snimite sliku šablona”. Isecanje delova modela predstavlja najveću teškoću u kreiranju papirnih junaka. Ali. . . gde su Darth Vader i Boba Fett ? http://www. cubeecraft. com/

DB2 - Baze podataka - Podrška




Upravo je izašla knjiga, prva i jedina na našem tržištu za DB2. Knjiga: DB2 vizuelnim putem (CD). Ako vam je i pored toga potrebna podrška, na raspolaganju vam je nekoliko izvora.   IBM:   Podrška 1 podrška za IBM menadžment Podrška 2 za Linux, UNIX i Windows Podrška 3 za z/OS i OS/390 Podrška 4 za IBM softver   Dobro došli u DB2 XML Wiki: Sajt je kreiran da vam pomogne da lakše uđete u DB2 XML tehnologiju.   DB2 XML Wiki   IBM DB2 magazin:   Pored ostalog, veoma je čitana rubrika Saveti korisnika korisniku: Video: IBM TV   DB2 Magazin - Najnovije izdanje   Planet DB2 je sakupljač članaka, vesti, saveta sa blogova na kojima se piše o DB2.   Blog DB2 Planet   Webinar o DB2   Trendovi arhiviranja baza podataka i najbolje iz prakse.   Link za Webinar   Podelite svoje izvore sa drugima.   Predložite      

Flexigrid: atraktivne Web 2.0 mreže podataka sa jQuery-jem




Flexigrid je jQuery zasnovani način za kreiranje fleksibilnih mreža podataka, ili putem direktnog ubacivanja podataka ili njihovim ubacivanjem iz tabela, XML, ili JSON izvora. "flexi-" u Flexigrid nazivu se odnosi na promenljivu visinu i širinu kolona. Flexigrid ima i liniju alatki, funkciju za pretraživanje i svoj sopstveni API. Iako API još nije dokumentovan, ovde ima dovoljno toga da biste saznali kako da uradite najvažniju stvar koju Flexigrid radi: prikupljanje i sortiranje podataka. On koristi Ajax kako bi ispunio vašu novu mrežu iz XML izvora, a tu je i funckija automatske promene veličine, što znači da ne morate odmah da se bakćete sa vašim kolonama. CSS takođe možet da se edituje, što znači da ako ste ambiciozni onda možete da kreirate sopstvene teme. Adresa: Flexigrid

IDEJA: Hladan zimski vazduh




Zašto mi grejemo svoje kuće i stanove, a unutar tog toplog prostora hladimo našu hranu? Zar ne možemo da iskoristimo hladnoću spolja za hlađenje hrane? Pomoću cevi ili creva frižider bi mogao da se poveže sa hladnim vazduhom spolja. Zamislite koliko bi se električne energije uštedelo tokom pola godine u svim hladim krajevima. Da li i Vi imate neku ideju? Izvor: Whynot. net Pripremio: Milenko Kusurović

IDEJA: Noć zvezda




Zašto gradovi nemaju takozvanu „noć zvezda”. To bi bila jedna noć u nedelji ili u mesecu kada bi se pogasila sva svetla u jednom delu grada. Zaljubljeni parovi bi se tada šetali i gledali u zvezde. Ponekad u previše osvetljenim delovima grada nemoguće je videti zvezde. Noć zvezda je prilika da posmatramo zvezde i da se opustimo i zabavimo. Da li i Vi imate neku ideju? Izvor: Whynot. net Pripremio: Milenko Kusurović

IDEJA: Zatvorenici biciklisti




Zašto zatvorenici ne voze bicikle koji proizvode električnu energiju. Mogli bi da se podele u timove i da proizvode kilovate električne energije i na taj način odrade dug društvu. Da li i Vi imate neku ideju? Izvor: Whynot. com Pripremio: Milenko Kusurović

KAKO DA - besplatno sačuvajte vaše podatke koristeći neograničen prostor (Mozy)




Mogućnost gubljenja dragocenih podataka sačuvanih na vašem hardisku je visoka zbog postojanja različitih faktora kao što su virusi, kvarovi hardvera ili ljudske greške. Postoji mnogo alternativa čuvanju kopija sadržaja korišćenjem različitih medija za skladištenje ili internet servisa. Mozy je prezentacija koja nudi besplatan bekap servis za Windows i Mac korisnike. Inicijalno dobijate 2GB hardisk prostora, ali svaka osoba koja postane član Mozy-a putem vašeg linka ili unoseći vaš kod donosi vam dodatnih 256 MB. Ovako praktično možete ostvariti neograničen disk prostor za vaše rezervne podatke. Prvo morate napraviti vaš MozyHome nalog da bi mogli da preuzmete neophodan softver. Kada ga pokrenete program će testirati vašu internet konekciju i zatim već možete napraviti prvu rezervnu kopiju vaših podataka. U naprednijem modu postoje različite dodatne opcije kao na primer planiranje bekapa unapred. Postoji dosta prednosti kod korišćenja ovakvog servisa, naročito kada često modifikujete fajlove. U tom slučaju možete uštedeti dosta vremena na narezivanju i zameni prethodnih verzija bekapa. Izvor: Softpedia. com Pripremio: Marko Kusurović

KAKO DA automatizujete MySql Backup




Ovaj skript pronalazi sve MySQL baze podataka na vašem serveru, pravi rezervnu kopiju svake pojedinačno, kompresuje ih, i čuva u fajlu u navedenom direktorijumu i/ili vam ga šalje na e-mail. Sve što treba da uradite je da preuzmete ova dva fajla:             backup_dbs. txt             backup_dbs_config. txt zatim da ih preimenujete iz . txt u . php, stavite bilo gde na vaš server i jednostavno pokrenete. Bitno je samo da su zajedno na istom mestu. I to je to. Za detaljnija uputstva, kao i razna naprednija podešavanja, posetite internet prezentaciju ovog skripta. Pripremio: Marko Kusurović

KAKO DA koristite ClearType da biste poboljšali Screen fontove u Windows XP-u




Ovaj korak-po-korak članak opisuje kako da uključite ClearType da biste izoštrili fontove na vašem Windows XP displeju. ClearType poboljšava vaš displej tako što uglačava ivice fontova na ekranu. ClearType posebno dobro radi na Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) uređajima, kao i na ravnim monitorima i laptop računarima. Kako da omogućite ClearType Da biste koristili ClearType za fontove na ekranu: 1. Kliknite na Start, zatim na Control Panel, zatim kliknite na Appearance and Themes, a potom na Display. 2. Na kartici Appearance, kliknite na Effects. 3. Uključite opciju Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts, a zatim na listi kliknite na ClearType . Kako da Customize-ujete ClearTypeMožete namestiti podešavanja kontrasta za ClearType for your personal preference. Iako ne postoje alati ili podešavanja u Windows XP-u da bi se ovo uradilo, sledeća stranica Microsoft Web sajta podrazumeva alate za uključivanje ili isključivanje ClearType-a, i podešavanje kontrasta: http://www. microsoft. com/typography/cleartype/cleartypeactivate. htm http://www. microsoft. com/typography/cleartype/cleartypeactivate. htm Lociranje i uklanjanje grešaka Ekran izgleda zamrljanClearType je dizajniran da poboljša LCD displeje. ClearType može izgledati blago zamrljan na standardnim desktop monitorima i na nekim LCD displejima. Ovo možda možete popraviti customize-ovanjem ClearType-a kao što je objašnjeno u "Kako da Customize-ujete ClearType" sekciji ovog članka. U retkim slučajevima, primećena zamrljanost je uzrokovana fabričkom greškom na LCD displejima u kojima je normalni striping crveno-zeleno-plavo obrnut u plavo-zeleno-crveno. Trenutno, ne postoji podrška za Windows XP ClearType koja bi popravila ovu anomaliju. Ovo može biti problem kod slučajeva u kojima nijedno od podešavanja ClearType kontrasta ne izgleda dobro na određenom LCD displeju. Kod takvih slučajeva, najbolje bi bilo isključiti ClearType. Kolor podešavanja moraju podržavati ClearTypeDa biste koristili ClearType, morate imati video adapter i monitor koji podržavaju podešavanje kolor palete od najmanje 256 boja. Najbolji rezultati se postižu pod High color (24-bit) ili Highest color (32-bit) podrškom. Da biste promenili kvalitet boje: 1. Kliknite na Start, zatim na Control Panel, zatim kliknite na Appearance and Themes, a zatim na Display. 2. Na kartici Settings, na listi Color quality, izaberite drugo podešavanje boja. Pripremio: Milenko Kusurović

KAKO Da povežite svoj trenažni bicikl sa Informix-om ili DB2




Ne očekujemo da će svi koji pročitaju ovaj članak povezati svoje trenažne bicikle na računar. Namera nam je da vam ideje koje su predstavljene u ovom članku pomognu da razumete proces „hvatanja” i obrade analognih signala. Trenažni bicikl predstavlja bilo koji uređaj koji proizvodi analogne signale u realnom vremenu. Uređaj je povezan sa na analogno-digitalnim pretvaračem. U ovom primeru pretvarač je jednostavan magnetni prekidač kombinovan sa mišem. Kada se analogni svet transformiše u digitalnu reprezenatciju (u ovom slučaju to je klik mišem) spreman je za obradu. Svet je analogan a kompjuteri su digitalni. Naučite kako da „uhvatite” podatke (signale) iz analognog okruženja i ubacite ih u Informix® Dynamic Server ili DB2 bazu podataka pomoću laptopa i Informix/DB2 OLTP klijenta. Upotrebite WebSphere® Community Edition da napravite grafikone ili da uhvatite podatke i predstavite ih u Java™ Server Pages. Ceo članak Pripremio: Milenko Kusurović

KAKO DA promenite ime Recycle bin-u




Ako želite da promenite ime za Recycle Bin, (kanta, džubre. . . itd. ) evo kako to da uradite. Otvorite tekst editor (Notepad, npr. ) i kopirajte ovaj tekst: Windows Registry Editor Version 5. 00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder]"Attributes"=hex:50,01,00,20"CallForAttributes"=dword:00000000 Sačuvajte tekst kao (Save as) . reg datoteku bilo gde u računaru (npr. Datoteka će se zvati "Kanta", a vi upišete ovako: Kanta. reg), znači na kraju naziva datoteke je potrebno samo dodati ". reg" ekstenziju.  Sada dva puta kliknite na novonapravljeni registry ključ i samo pritisnite Yes. Od sada možete mjenjati ime Recycle Bin-u kao i svakoj drugoj datoteci na računaru. (Desni klik i Rename). Pripremio: Milenko Kusurović

KAKO DA pronađete sačuvane procedure koje sadrže ključnu reč - SQL Server 2005




Modifikovanje baza podataka koje su kreirane od strane  drugih može da bude veoma težak zadatak, posebno kada ne želite da prekinete  postojeće sačuvane procedure. Vi  možete da  pretražite sačuvane procedure baze podataka i pronađete ključne reči da biste  pronašli koje procedure koriste ključnu reč koja je uključena u promenu koju  želite da izvršite. Na taj način identifikovanje ovih procedura je veoma lako i  omogućiće vam da izvršite željene promene:  Otvorite SQL Server Management Studio.   U liniji sa alatkama kliknite na dugme New Query.   Izaberite željenu bazu podataka.   Unesite i izvršite sledeću komandu:    SELECT sys. sysobjects. name, sys. syscomments. text    FROM sys. sysobjects INNER JOIN syscomments    ON sys. sysobjects. id = sys. syscomments. id    WHERE sys. syscomments. text LIKE '%VašaKljučnaReč%'    AND sys. sysobjects. type = 'P'    ORDER BY sys. sysobjects. NAME    Gde je VašaKljučnaReč zamenjeno sa vrednošću koju tražite.   Set rezultata će sadržati ime i tekst svake sačuvane procedure koja sadrži datu  ključnu reč.

Kako da sve zapamtite - Evernote




Evernote - da sve zapamtite Pamtim kao slon, kao da je nacrtano na zaglavlju. Sve što vam je na pameti možete lako da: Zabeležite. Organizujete. Pronađete. Link.   Knjiga koja je već 10 godina mnogima priručnik - SQL Otkrijte praktične strukture baza podataka. Naučite da koristite funkcije i uslove u upitima. Otkrijte brže, lakše metode za manipulisanje podatcima. Kreirajte tabele i napredne upite sa lakoćom. Naučite da prepoznate i otklonite uobičajene SQL greške. Podesite vašu bazu podataka koristeći ugradjene procedure i trigere. Iskoristite korisne savete, tehnike i pomoć eksperata. Naučite PL/SQL, Transact SQL, SQL*Plus. Link ka knjizi i kopri za naručivanje.

NoSQL weekly 264




Articles, Tutorials and Talks What's New in MongoDB 3. 2, Part 2: New Support for Mission-Critical Applications In this post, I'll cover features designed to support mission-critical applications, including document validation and the enhanced replication protocol. The role of NoSQL in the Next Generation of Financial Informatics This talk covers how financial institutions using a next generation NoSQL operational data store to achieve speed at scale. The MongoDB Statbox - Graphs of stats in 5cm by 6cm Using just a Pi Zero, a Unicorn Hat, a slice of Python and a plug-in of Wifi, find out how you can turn you database stats into shining beacons of information in the return of the TinkerTank. Building Apps for Mobile, Gaming, IoT, and more using AWS DynamoDB In this session, we will talk about the evolution of databases from SQL to NoSQL and understand how the NoSQL paradigm is making a big difference in powering modern-day use-cases. We will also take a close look at DynamoDB, Amazon's primary NoSQL database. We will go over the high level concepts and design patterns with DynamoDB, and focus on how you can build interesting applications for Mobile, Gaming, IoT etc. using DynamoDB. DistCp Performance Improvements in Apache Hadoop In this post, we'll provide a quick introduction to DistCp. Then we'll explain how HDFS-7535 improves DistCp performance by utilizing HDFS snapshots to avoid copying renamed files. Finally, we'll describe how HDFS-8828 (shipping in CDH 5. 5) improves performance further on top of HDFS-7535. Backing Spring Cache with Couchbase In this post, we'll discover how to cache data easily using Spring Cache and Couchbase as a backing store. Getting Syslog Events to HBase In the Apache NiFi 0. 4. 0 release there are several new integration points including processors for interacting with Syslog and HBase. In this post we'll demonstrate how to use NiFi to receive messages from Syslog over UDP, and store those messages in HBase. The flow described in this post was created using Apache NiFi 0. 4. 0, rsyslog 5. 8. 10, and Apache HBase 1. 1. 2. Build a notepad application with PHP, MongoDB, and IBM Bluemix Store and search free-form text notes in the cloud on a mobile or desktop web browser. Offline Web Applications with CouchDB, PouchDB and Ember CLI Spark-TS: A New Library for Analyzing Time-Series Data with Apache Spark      Getting Started with Neo4j in . NET with Neo4jClient Library Crawling APIs Using Neo4j - Building The Star Wars Graph Do You Need A Graph Database? Books Apache Kafka Cookbook If you are a programmer or big data engineer using or planning to use Apache Kafka, then this book is for you. This book has several recipes which will teach you how to effectively use Apache Kafka. We will cover topics like how to configure your broker, producer, and consumer for maximum efficiency for your situation. Also, you will learn how to maintain and administer your cluster for fault tolerance. We will also explore tools provided with Apache Kafka to do regular maintenance operations. We shall also look at how to easily integrate Apache Kafka with big data tools like Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Storm, and Elasticsearch. Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries migr8 Concurrent redis migration utility written in Go. Clutch A Clojure library for Apache CouchDB. node-redis-import Import JSON objects directly into Redis using deep recursive lookup to convert key:value pairs into hash:value pairs based on JSON structure depth.

NoSQL weekly 264




Articles, Tutorials and Talks NoSQL, No Injection? Analysis and Mitigation of NoSQL Injections In this talk, we analyze the techniques for injecting malicious code into NoSQL data stores, providing examples of new NoSQL injections as well as CSRF attacks allowing an attacker to bypass perimeter defenses, such as firewalls. We analyze the source of these vulnerabilities and present methodologies to mitigate the attacks. Since code analysis alone is insufficient to prevent the attacks in today's typical large scale deployment, we describe the mitigations that should be done through the entire software lifecycle.      DynamoDB - The Paper That Changed The Database World In this talk we'll go through the main parts of Dynamo and discuss them in the context of how Apache Cassandra has implemented them. We'll cover:; Consistent hashing; Strategies for replication; Working out distributed state with Gossip; Recovering from failure with Hinted handoff and Anti-entropy repair;We'll also talk about why picking a masterless architecture, and trading availability and partition tolerance for consistency really can lead to a linearly scalable database. Building a scalable platform for streaming updates and analytics In this episode of the O'Reilly Data Show, I sit down with Evan Chan, distinguished engineer at Tuplejump. We talk about the early days of Spark (particularly his contributions to Spark/Cassandra integration), his interesting new open source project (FiloDB), and recent trends in cloud computing. What's New in MongoDB 3. 2, Part 3: Tools and Integrations for Data Analysts and DBAs In this post, I'll provide an overview of new tools and integrations supporting data analysts, DBAs, and operations teams Redis For Everything In this talk we'll discuss how we take Redis to its extreme by examining real-world production solutions for various scenarios through building abstractions on top of Redis, while leveraging its unique properties and crafting user-friendly APIs using Ruby's magic. bitmapist: Analytics and cohorts for Redis bitmapist is a powerful analytics and cohort library using Redis bitmaps. Here's a guide of why it's useful and how to get started. MongoDB Internals: From Storage Engine to Aggregation Framework In this session, we'll describe the original design goals for WiredTiger, including considerations we made for heavily threaded hardware, large on-chip caches, and SSD storage. We'll also look at some of the latch-free and non-blocking algorithms we've implemented, as well as other techniques that improve scaling, overall throughput and latency. Finally, we'll take a look at some of the features we hope to incorporate into WiredTiger and MongoDB in the future. A full description of the Architecture that supports MongoDB, from the very low Storage Engine to the more abstract Drivers and Aggregation Framework Evaluation of time series forecasting using Spark windowing Microsoft Azure - How Azure, Web API and Redis Helped Deliver Data Faster Books Mastering Data Analysis with R Beginning with taking you through essential data mining and management tasks such as munging, fetching, cleaning, and restructuring, the book then explores different model designs and the core components of effective analysis. You will then discover how to optimize your use of machine learning algorithms for classification and recommendation systems beside the traditional and more recent statistical methods. Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries Mongotron Cross platform MongoDB management. Gaffer A large-scale graph database. It makes it easy to store large-scale graphs in which the nodes and edges have statistics such as counts, histograms and sketches. These statistics summarise the properties of the nodes and edges over time windows, and they can be dynamically updated over time. Nchan Nchan is a scalable, flexible pub/sub server for the modern web, built as a module for the Nginx web server. It can be configured as a standalone server, or as a shim between your application and tens, thousands, or millions of live subscribers. It can buffer messages in memory, on-disk, or via Redis. All connections are handled asynchronously and distributed among any number of worker processes. It can also scale to many nginx server instances with Redis. Open Source Hadoop Connectors for Solr Lucidworks has announced that several of their connectors for indexing content from Hadoop to Solr are now open source. There are six of them, with support for Spark, Hive, Pig, HBase, Storm and HDFS, all available in Github. All of them work with Solr 5. x, and include options for Kerberos-secured environments if required. New Releases ArangoDB 2. 8 beta 2

NoSQL weekly 266




Articles, Tutorials and Talks Offline-First Apps with PouchDB Learn how to build offline-enabled responsive mobile web apps using the HTML5 Offline Application Cache and PouchDB. We'll also discuss how to build cross-platform apps or high-fidelity prototypes using PouchDB, Cordova, and Ionic. PouchDB can also be run within Node. js and on devices for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. How To Choose An In-Memory NoSQL Solution: Performance Measuring The main purpose of this work is to show results of benchmarking some of the leading in-memory NoSQL databases with a tool named YCSB. How To Install and Configure OrientDB on Ubuntu 14. 04 In this article, you'll learn how to install and configure the latest Community edition of OrientDB on an Ubuntu 14. 04 server. Managing Microservices with Neo4j Feeding Graph databases - a third use-case for modern log management platforms.     Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries Redis Desktop Manager Redis Desktop Manager (aka RDM)-- is a cross-platform open source Redis DB management tool (i. e. Admin GUI). Redis Desktop Manager developed to replace hundreds of slow and ugly tools for redis. nosql4idea NoSQL plugin for IntelliJ. This plugin is a fork from mongo4idea and intends to integrate Redis and Couchbase databases. tornado-dynamodb An Asynchronous DynamoDB client Tornado. swift-redis Redis bridges for Swift, Linux friendly. New Releases Redis 3. 2. 0 RC1 Neo4j 3. 0 Milestone 2 ArangoDB 2. 8 (beta 3) Upcoming Events and Webinars Webinar: Distributed Consensus in MongoDB's Replication System In this session, you will get an overview of the architecture of replication in MongoDB, with special focus on its leader election protocol. After that, we will dive into some of the changes in our 3. 2 release and will discuss how those changes lead to faster elections, more robust systems, and lay the groundwork for new replication features going forward.

NoSQL weekly 279




Articles, Tutorials and TalksNoSQL Injection in Modern Web ApplicationsThe threat of SQL injection in modern web applications has been left by the wayside with the rise of NoSQL databases. Unfortunately, a new, but fundamentally similar threat has taken its place: NoSQL injection. Let's take an in-depth look at this type of attack and the steps we can take to protect ourselves from it. NoSQL Python Anyone who's dealt with a CSV file that contains arrays or a JSON with nested fields knows the pain of shoehorning non-rectangular data into standard Python data tools, such as data frame. This presentation will show you Python best practices for managing such non-rectangular data and highlight new opportunities for using "NoSQL" Python for interesting and painless analyses of real world data. Secure MongoDB with X. 509 AuthenticationThis tutorial describes the detailed process of setting up X. 509 based authentication, both for cluster inter-member authentication as well as for client authentication, using a local CA (Certificate Authority). FPGA-based hardware acceleration for a key-value store databaseThis thesis investigates the use of a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as a hardware accelerator for a key-value database. Utilized as a platform of reconfigurable logic, the FPGA offers massively parallel usability at a much faster pace than a traditional software-enabled database system. This project implements a key-value store database hardware accelerator in order to investigate the potential improvements in performance. Furthermore, as new technologies in materials science and computer architecture arise, a revision in database design welcomes the use of hardware for maximizing key-value database performance. Geospatial Indexing US Congressional Districts with Neo4j-spatialIn this post I will show you how we can use geospatial indexing with Neo4j. We will extend the legis-graph dataset (a graph of US Congress), adding US Congressional districts to the graph. We will use neo4j-spatial, a plugin for Neo4j, to index the geometries of the Congressional districts. Finally, I will show how we can connect Neo4j to Mapbox, a mapping framework, to make an interactive geographical visualization in the browser. Using Spark and Zeppelin to process big data on Kubernetes 1. 2Storing, Indexing and Searching files with Couchbase and Spring Boot8 Solid Tips for Succeeding with Neo4j    Simple CouchDB and Cloudant BackupBooksAdvanced Analytics with Spark: Patterns for Learning from Data at ScaleYou'll start with an introduction to Spark and its ecosystem, and then dive into patterns that apply common techniques--classification, collaborative filtering, and anomaly detection among others--to fields such as genomics, security, and finance. If you have an entry-level understanding of machine learning and statistics, and you program in Java, Python, or Scala, you'll find these patterns useful for working on your own data applications. Interesting Projects, Tools and LibrariesFeatherFeather: fast, interoperable binary data frame storage for Python, R, and more powered by Apache Arrow. REEFREEF, the Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework, is our approach to simplify and unify the lower layers of big data systems on modern resource managers. For managers like Apache YARN, Apache Mesos, Google Omega, and Facebook Corona, REEF provides a centralized control plane abstraction that can be used to build a decentralized data plane for supporting big data systems. Special consideration is given to graph computation and machine learning applications, both of which require data retention on allocated resources to execute multiple passes over the data. redis-apiA redis API for use with Slack. SneakerJSEntity relationship automation for AngularJS and CouchDB (or PouchDB etc. . . )xlatorTranslation service prototype that is backed by a hosted Elasticache (Redis) instance. Upcoming Events and WebinarsWebinar: Faster Big Data Analytics with MongoDBJoin us for 40 minutes session showcasing real-world case study on very unique and innovative Big Data Analytics solution which CIGNEX Datamatics, for one of its esteemed clients in Silicon Valley has architected, implemented and delivered for effective lead generation for data-driven sales, marketing and business development teams using MongoDB. Webinar: Building a Real-time Streaming Platform Using Kafka Streams and Kafka ConnectThis presentation will give a brief introduction to Apache Kafka and describe it's usage as a platform for streaming data. It will explain how Kafka serves as a foundation for both streaming data pipelines and applications that consume and process real-time data streams. It will introduce some of the newer components of Kafka that help make this possible, including Kafka Connect, framework for capturing continuous data streams, and Kafka Streams, a lightweight stream processing library. Finally it will describe the lessons learned by companies like LinkedIn building massive streaming data architectures. Using Memory-Based NoSQL Data Structures to Eliminate the Network Bottleneck - New York, NYThis session will explore how IMDGs can implement user-defined data structures by leveraging their NoSQL, object-oriented, data-parallel data model. We will also discuss techniques that lets applications define object-oriented methods which execute within the IMDG to implement a user-defined data structure. Other techniques extends this approach for scalability by distributing stored data across the IMDG's cluster of servers and performing data-parallel operations across the distributed data structure. Several examples will be described that demonstrate both the power of this approach and its ability to reduce network congestion. Cypher for SQL Developers - London, United KingdomThis session is an introduction to graphs for SQL developers. We'll start with an overview of Neo4j and its query language Cypher before moving on to a worked example where we'll query the same data set using a relational database and Neo4j. We'll also cover graph modeling, query optimisation and show an example of procedures which will be available in the 3. 0 version of Neo4j.

NoSQL weekly 280




Welcome to issue 280 of NoSQL Weekly. From Our Sponsor  Spend your time coding instead of searching for a job. Let us bring opportunities on you. In one week on the Hired Marketplace, you'll get 5+ introductory offers from top tech companeis in the US & UK.  Join today! NewsDocumentDB protocol support for MongoDBMicrosoft Azure DocumentDB databases can now be used as the data store for apps written for MongoDB. Using existing drivers for MongoDB and this preview functionality, applications written for MongoDB can easily and transparently communicate with DocumentDB. Developers can use their current tools and skill set for MongoDB to build applications that leverage DocumentDB's fully managed and scalable NoSQL databases. Articles, Tutorials and TalksHow Neo4j Saved my RelationshipRelational databases have come a long way in the past decade, but sometimes complex data models (a map of network infrastructure, or a quantum-entangled network of social relationships) call for a different approach. How can we address these sorts of modeling challenges? This talk will explore practical uses of Neo4J, a graph database designed to solve the problems of connections and relations that are too complex for traditional relational databases. We'll learn about managing and querying highly connected data and explore the power of graph databases in taming our complex data problems. Will Spark Power the Data behind Precision Medicine?Spark is already known for being a major player in big data analysis, but it is additionally uniquely capable in advancing genomics algorithms given the complex nature of genomics research. This post introduces gene analysis using Spark on EMR and ADAM, for those new to precision medicine. Migrating from Parse: Understanding Your OptionsWith the sun setting on Parse's mobile backend-as-a-service, Parse customers are encouraged to migrate their MongoDB database by April 28, 2016. Understanding your options not only for the database, but for the Parse Server as well, will be critical to your app's success. In this video, Parse's Erik Nakagawa and ObjectRocket's Andy Woodward, willl cover what you need to know about the shutdown, options to consider, and we'll walk you through a migrationNDP - Episode 3 - Switching from a Relational Database to NoSQLTom Coates, Senior Principal Architect at Nuance shares how his company started with Oracle, but later switched entirely to NoSQL. It wasn't just a one stop transition though because as Tom discusses, Nuance had tried two different NoSQL solutions before deciding what was the best fit for them. Topics in this episode include a discussion on what kind of data was being stored in Oracle and what the driving factors were in regards to making the jump. We discuss how well the process went and any kind of difficulties that existed throughout. Running MongoDB as a Microservice with Docker and KubernetesThis post delves into the extra challenges you face when attempting to run and orchestrate MongoDB in containers and illustrates how these challenges can be overcome. Learn to live with Apache Hive in 12 easy steps Hive lets you use SQL on Hadoop, but tuning SQL on a distributed system is different. Here are 12 tips to help your effort fly. How to validate user input in a NoSQL web applicationLike many other modern JSON databases, RethinkDB is schemaless: the developer doesn't have to define a fixed structure or specify field types when creating a new table. In cases where validation is desirable, it's up to the developer to build it into their application. Shifting the responsibility for input validation from the persistence layer to the application layer gives developers a lot of flexibility in how they choose to implement the capability. This blog post demonstrates several ways to validate input in Node. js web applications. CouchDB Design DocumentsA little tool for managing Design Documents under version control. Introducing Complex Event Processing (CEP) with Apache FlinkThis post introduces Flink's CEP library and we illustrate its ease of use through the example of monitoring a data center. Bulk IP Address WHOIS Collection with Python and HadoopIntegrating Amazon DynamoDB into your development processThis Week in Cassandra: Digging into SysdigAn Overview of Apache Streaming TechnologiesInteresting Projects, Tools and LibrariesAjguDBAjguDB is a graph database (graphdb) written in Python with Gremlin querying. EredisFast and light Redis C client library built over Hiredis, thread-safe, write replication, auto-reconnect, sync pool, async libev. couchdb-forceUpdate documents in CouchDB without having to fetch them. One cannot update CouchDB documents blindly, you always have to fetch their revision first. But even if we do so, conflict errors might occur and you have to retry the operation until it succeeds. But sometimes you just want to update the documents, without having to worry with the obstacles mentioned above. ChillCouchDB client-side library for the Rust programming language. New ReleasesRethinkDB 2. 3RethinkDB 2. 3 has new security features that bring more flexibility to database deployment and administration. The update also includes performance improvements, a handful of new ReQL features, and a beta release of our recently-introduced Windows port. Upscaledb 2. 2. 0This release has following changes Records are now typed, just like the keys A new query interface based on SQL-ish query statements Bug fixes

NoSQL weekly 281




NewsOpen Sourcing Dr. Elephant LinkedIn has open sourced Dr. Elephant, a powerful tool that helps users of Hadoop and Spark understand, analyze, and improve the performance of their flows. Introducing DataStax Enterprise GraphDataStax has announced an exciting new component of DataStax Enterprise (DSE): DSE Graph, which is a scale-out graph database used to manage complex and highly connected data. DSE Graph is a critical part of the largest upcoming release in our company’s history that includes new versions of our server, management/monitoring, and development tools. Articles, Tutorials and TalksAnalyzing the Panama Papers with Neo4j: Data Models, Queries & MoreIn this post, we look at the graph data model used by the ICIJ and show how to construct it using Cypher in Neo4j. We dissect an example from the leaked data, recreating it using Cypher, and show how the model could be extended. Data Modeling in Cassandra from a Postgres PerspectiveHow easy is it to model my schema in Cassandra if all I know is Postgres? Cassandra has its own SQL-like dialect called Cassandra Query Language (CQL) that mirrors many of the semantics of SQL but that's where it stops. You'll need to know how SQL and CQL differ and how to model the data properly in Cassandra. Rethinking Streaming Analytics for ScaleHelena Edelson addresses new architectures emerging for large scale streaming analytics - based on Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka (SMACK) and other streaming analytics platforms and frameworks using Apache Flink or GearPump. Edelson discusses the problem domain and what is needed in terms of strategies, architecture and application design and code to begin leveraging simpler data flows. Apache Showdown: Flink vs. SparkIn this post, we will describe the evaluation and decision process, and show why Apache Flink best fulfilled our requirements, as opposed to Spark. ArangoDB: Polyglot Persistence Without CostHello World, Kafka Connect + Kafka StreamsManaging Data Storage with Blockchain and BigchainDBCode-generating away the boilerplate in our migration back to SpiderMonkeyBooksHadoop Real World Solutions Cookbook - Second EditionOver 100+ hands-on recipes to help you learn and master the intricacies of Apache Hadoop 2. X, YARN, Hive, Pig, Oozie, Flume, Sqoop, Apache Spark, and Mahout. Interesting Projects, Tools and Librariesdr-elephantDr. Elephant is a performance monitoring and tuning tool for Hadoop and Spark. It automatically gathers all the metrics, runs analysis on them, and presents them in a simple way for easy consumption. Its goal is to improve developer productivity and increase cluster efficiency by making it easier to tune the jobs. DocussandraDocussandra marries MongoDB's simple data storage model with the horizontal scaling of Cassandra. It enables developers to store arbitrary payloads as BSON, as they would with MongoDB, in a Cassandra cluster. It supports indexing, filtering, sorting, querying and pagination (via familiar limit and offset semantics), all at a blazing speed. Simple json document storage with effortless scaling exposed as a service - that's Docussandra!TiKVTiKV is a Distributed Key-Value Database which mainly refers to the design of Google Spanner and HBase, but much simpler (Don't depend on any distributed file system). We've implemented the Raft consensus algorithm in Rust and stored consensus state in RocksDB. It not only guarantees consistency for data but also makes use of placement driver to implement sharding (split && merge) and data migration automatically. The transaction model is similar to Google's Percolator, and with some performance improvements. In fact, we provide snapshot isolation (SI) and serializable snapshot isolation (SSI), and then externally consistent reads and writes in distributed transactions. redis-labs-use-casesApplication examples (quick starters) that showcase Redis simple and advanced features. spark-notebookInteractive and Reactive Data Science using Scala and Spark. redis-migrate-toolredis-migrate-tool is a convenient and useful tool for migrating data between redis. New ReleasesArangoDB 2. 8. 7
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