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Saveti – UX DIZAJN

Ukupno: 55, strana 3 od 3

UX Design Weekly: Pixars Rules of Storytelling, Login Forms, Interface Copy Impacts Decision Making




ARTICLES Pixar’s Rules of Storytelling Applied to Product Managers & UX DesignersWe constantly need to be telling stories when communicating with everyone. Don’t Get Clever with Login Forms  Create login forms that are simple, linkable, predictable, and play nicely with password managers. Interface Copy Impacts Decision MakingThe language used in interfaces influences the decisions that our users will make. 4 Reasons Why You Should Design Without Color FirstCreating your screens in grayscale before adding color forces you think clearly and prioritize right when it comes to UX design. Prioritize Opportunities, Not SolutionsA product team’s job is to create value for the customer in a way that creates value for the business. 101 princip za dobar UX dizajn Knjiga je bila jedna od 10 najtraženijih na 63. Sajmu knjiga u Beogradu 2018. VIŠE O KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE.   TOOLS AND RESOURCES Maturing User ResearchA strategy deck for someone trying to establish design research in a new time. DesignerHunt. ioA place to follow & learn from the best designers. MixedReal-time whiteboard and collaboration tools for distributed teams. MEDIA Timezon. es – 10-minute RedesignA redesign that talks about layout, alignment, typography, hierarchy, and other tactical design advice. UX PORTFOLIO Ales NesetrilAles is a product designer co-leading a design team at STRV. LAST BUT NOT LEAST How I failed Microsoft’s interview as a UX DesignerLessons learned from rejection and growth as a designer. “Art challenges technology and technology inspires art. ”— John Lasseter If you know anyone that might enjoy UX Design Weekly, please share this issue with your friends and colleagues.

UX Design Weekly: The problem with tooltips, Bottom Navigation Pattern, Path to Empathy




ARTICLES The problem with tooltipsSome of the downsides of tooltips and what to do instead. Bottom Navigation Pattern On Mobile Web Pages: A Better Alternative?Fixingthe mobile navigation of our websites to have a lower interaction cost. Large Devices Preferred for Important TasksDespite substantial improvements in mobile UX over the past decade, people still tend to do their most important online activities on larger screens. A Designer’s Path to Empathy: My First Four StepsFour steps for any designer integrating themselves into a new team. Designing Dark ModeHow Microsoft crafted Dark Mode experiences across Microsoft 365 that adapt to your daily flow. SPONSOR Collect user insights (practically) anywhere with Nudge for Prototypes. Catch design mistakes and usability issues pre-deployment with Qualaroo. Nudge for Prototypes is compatible with InVision, Figma, Axure, Marvel, AdobeXD, and (most) public URLs. No code required. Sign up for a trial and try it free! This content is sponsored via Syndicate Ads. TOOLS AND RESOURCES High-Fi Protyping with ProtopieLearn to prototype advanced animations and interactions with ProtoPie 4. 0 in this free course. FakeClientsPractice logo design using randomly generated client briefs. Sketch 58 BetaThe upcoming Sketch will now allow smart layout - keeping the space between layers consistent. EagleA design library to help you be more organized. UX PORTFOLIO Jess PhoaJess is a UX designer and researcher from Brooklyn, NY. LAST BUT NOT LEAST How googly eyes solved one of today’s trickiest UX problemsA little robot at a library in Helsinki went from reviled to beloved, all because it got a new pair of plastic eyes. “Every great design begins with an even better story. ”— Lorinda Mamo 101 princip za dobar UX dizajn   VIŠE O KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE

UX Design Weekly: Tips to design faster, What Parallax Lacks, Quest for simplicity




ARTICLES 7 tips to design faster Tips to design fast and why speed is important. What Parallax LacksParallax-scrolling effects add visual interest, but they often create usability issues. Design Checklist for the Perfect ChartsQuestions to guide you to an improved UI and UX of yur charts. The quest for simplicityComplexity is not the opposite of simplicity. Select to ProceedA guide to designing and using selection controls. SPONSOR Make 2019 about Great Design—Upskill Yourself in UXGet 25% off UX design courses for the whole of 2019 because you're a reader of UX Design Weekly. Whether you want to upskill yourself in Design Thinking, User Research or UX Management, there's a course to suit your UX needs. TOOLS AND RESOURCES The Design Thinking Workshop KitA free digital and print kit to help run your own workshop. Vector Mockups LibraryFree collection of mockups for Sketch, Figma & Photoshop. STUDIO 2. 0Design to live website in one click. MEDIA Great Things Come From Great Diverse Teams (with Katie Dill) - Hustle PodcastKatie Dill, VP of Design at Lyft discusses the importance of believing in your mission, staying in touch with users, and more. Scott Belsky - Design MattersScott Belsky reveals how creatives can survive the ‘Messy Middle’ of any meaningful endeavor. UX PORTFOLIO Hiroo AoyamaHiroois an incoming product design intern at Facebook. How to Create Your UX/UI Portfolio (Without Much Experience)Finding projects as a beginner, what not to include in your portfolio, and some portfolio inspiration. Pablo Stanley on What UX Skills Will Help You Get Your Dream Design JobPablo shares his thoughts about what skills UX designers need and how to get your dream design job. LAST BUT NOT LEAST 10 Year Challenge: How Popular Websites Have ChangedA look at how some of the most visited websites on the internet have aged over the last 10 years. “This is the real secret to life, to be completely engaged in what you are doing in the here and now. Instead of calling it work realize it is play. ”— Alan Watts Thanks to this issue's sponsor: If you know anyone that might enjoy UX Design Weekly, please share this issue with your friends and colleagues.

UX dizajn kultura povratnih informacija




Kultura povratnih informacija Kreirajte kulturu povratnih informacija za kontinuirano poboljšanje 1. Šta je loše Nedostatak otvorenosti: Zaposleni se osećaju neprijatno ili uplašeno da dele iskrene povratne informacije zbog straha od negativnih posledica. Nedostatak strukture: Povratne informacije se pružaju ad hoc, bez jasno definisanog procesa ili pravilnosti. Nedovoljna upotreba povratnih informacija: Čak i kada se povratne informacije prikupljaju, često se ne koriste za stvarne promene ili poboljšanja. Jednosmerna komunikacija: Povratne informacije se pružaju samo odozgo nadole, bez prostora za povratne informacije odozdo nagore. Niska učestalost: Povratne informacije se pružaju retko, što onemogućava brze iteracije i prilagođavanja. Nepreciznost: Povratne informacije su često nejasne, generičke ili nejasno formulisane, što otežava njihovu primenu. 2. Šta je dobro Otvorena komunikacija: Zaposleni se osećaju sigurno da dele povratne informacije, znajući da će biti slušani i cenjeni. Strukturiran proces: Povratne informacije se prikupljaju i pružaju u skladu sa jasno definisanim procesom i pravilnošću. Konstruktivna primena: Povratne informacije se redovno analiziraju i koriste za implementaciju stvarnih poboljšanja. Dvosmerna komunikacija: Povratne informacije se pružaju u oba smera, omogućavajući zaposlenima da daju i primaju povratne informacije. Visoka učestalost: Povratne informacije se pružaju često i redovno, omogućavajući brze iteracije i prilagođavanja. Preciznost: Povratne informacije su jasne, specifične i usmerene ka konkretnim poboljšanjima. 3. Kako od lošeg doći do dobrog Promovisanje otvorenosti i sigurnosti: Loše: Zaposleni se osećaju nesigurno da dele povratne informacije. Dobro: Zaposleni se osećaju sigurno i podržano da dele povratne informacije. Kako: Kreirajte okruženje koje naglašava važnost povratnih informacija. Organizujte radionice i obuke koje će pomoći zaposlenima da razviju veštine pružanja i primanja povratnih informacija. Menadžment treba aktivno da podstiče i nagrađuje otvorenu komunikaciju. Uvođenje strukturiranog procesa: Loše: Povratne informacije se pružaju nesistematično i ad hoc. Dobro: Povratne informacije se prikupljaju i pružaju kroz jasno definisane procese. Kako: Implementirajte redovne sesije za povratne informacije, kao što su mesečni ili kvartalni pregledi performansi. Koristite alate kao što su ankete i platforme za povratne informacije kako biste osigurali konzistentnost. Efektivna primena povratnih informacija: Loše: Povratne informacije se prikupljaju, ali se ne koriste za stvarne promene. Dobro: Povratne informacije se koriste za kontinuirano poboljšanje i implementaciju promena. Kako: Osigurajte da postoji jasan plan akcije za svaku povratnu informaciju. Pratite implementaciju i rezultate promene, i redovno obaveštavajte tim o napretku i uticaju povratnih informacija. Omogućavanje dvosmerne komunikacije: Loše: Povratne informacije se pružaju samo odozgo nadole. Dobro: Povratne informacije se pružaju u oba smera, omogućavajući zaposlenima da daju i primaju povratne informacije. Kako: Uvedite redovne "open door" politike i sastanke gde zaposleni mogu direktno razgovarati sa menadžmentom. Koristite anonimne ankete kako biste omogućili slobodno izražavanje mišljenja bez straha od odmazde. Povećanje učestalosti povratnih informacija: Loše: Povratne informacije se pružaju retko. Dobro: Povratne informacije se pružaju često i redovno. Kako: Postavite raspored za redovne povratne informacije, kao što su tjedne ili dvonedeljne sastanke. Ohrabrite zaposlene da pružaju povratne informacije u realnom vremenu koristeći digitalne alate ili neposredne razgovore. Precizno i konstruktivno davanje povratnih informacija: Loše: Povratne informacije su nejasne i generičke. Dobro: Povratne informacije su jasne, specifične i konstruktivne. Kako: Trenirajte zaposlene i menadžere kako da pružaju specifične i konstruktivne povratne informacije. Koristite metode kao što su "SBI" (Situation-Behavior-Impact) model za strukturiranje povratnih informacija. Implementacijom ovih koraka, možete stvoriti kulturu povratnih informacija koja promoviše kontinuirano poboljšanje i razvoj unutar organizacije.

UX dizajn nedeljni pregled broj 159




Članci Beskonačna borba: Dizajn orijentisan ka korisniku protiv dizajna orijentisanog ka dizajneru  Srž dizajna interakcija je korisnik, a ne dizajner. Primena dizajna koji je orijentisan ka čoveku na nove tehnologije Šta treba da učinimo kako bismo dizajnirali ono što ljudi zaista žele pomoću tehnologija kao što su VR i AR. 14 neprijatnih navika koje će vam pomoći da postanete bolji UX dizajner Učite i napredujte tako što ćete se navići na neprijatne navike. Savršeni vodič za izgradnju prvog nezaboravnog korisničkog iskustva Ako želite da napravite proizvod koji ljudi vole, morate da izgradite prvo korisničko iskustvo kroz emotivnu priču. Strategije za napredovanje u vašem prvom poslu dizajnera Neki korisni saveti koje bi Chris Chan voleo da zna pre nego što započne svoj prvi posao dizajnera. Detaljniji pregled novog dizajna Google kalendara Pregled zanimljivih UX odluka u redizajniranju Google kalendara. Sponzor 25% popusta na online kurseve UX dizajna za celu godinu U saradnji sa Interaction Design Foundation omogućili smo vam 25% popusta na njihovo godišnje članstvo Od samo 72 dolara možete da pohađate koliko god želite online kurseva UX dizajna tokom sledeće godine. Alatke & IzvORI Pitanja koja UX dizajneri treba da postave Lista pitanja koje treba postaviti u svakoj fazi procesa. Smernice za kreiranje glasovnog interfejsa Izabrani skup smernica za dizajnere koje će im pomoći da brzo nauče kreiranje glasovnih interfejsa. DesignOps: Lista izvora Ideje o tome šta je stvarno potrebno da bi dizajn bio orijentisan ka poslovnoj strategiji. Upravljač sistema dizajniranja - InVision InVision je preuzeo Brand. ai i pokrenuo jedinstvenu platformu za dizajniranje po meri tako što pomaže timovima u kreiranju, održavanju i razvijanju moćnog sistema dizajniranja. Flow Flow omogućava da animirate dizajne iz Sketcha i da generišete kod koji je spreman za upotrebu. talebook Interaktivni obrazac radnog okvira UX istraživanja Integracija Zeplin + Figma Sada možete da uvezete Figma dizajne u Zeplin. Interactions 2. 0 Webflow je dodao animacije koje su vođene tokom događaja, indikator napredovanja pomeranja sadržaja, interakcije pomoću miša i još mnogo štošta. Balsamiq Cloud Balsamiq je sada dostupan kao izvorna veb aplikacija za kolaborativno žičano modeliranje. KNJIGA ZA UX DIZAJN Više  o knjizi UX Portfolio Cofolios Dizajniranje internih portfolija u visokotehnološkim kompanijama. i na kraju, ali ne manje važno Skiciranje interfejsa Airbnb eksperimentiše sa generisanjem koda iz žičanih modela niske vernosti (low-fi). „Dizajn je vizuelno promišljanje namere. “ — Andrea Mignolo

UX dizajn nedeljni pregled broj 161




ARTICLES Fake designs yield real results How doing fake design work was critical to Daniel Burka's career. What Tesla’s Model 3 UI Reveals About Its Vision for the FutureThe car’s UI design tells us a great deal about Tesla’s long-term strategy towards a driverless future. Looking After Number One-fortyThe design details in Twitter's new character counter. The relationship between design deliverables and presentation skillsHow the level of detail of a design deliverable varies depending on the presenter’s storytelling skills. What employers expect from UX designers?Looking over 150 job offers in order to determine the most valuable UX skills and traits in 2017. UX Mapping Methods Compared: A Cheat SheetUX mapping methods have different processes and goals, yet they all build common ground within an organization. What designers can learn from the iPhone X3 design take aways from Apple’s latest smartphone. TOOLS AND RESOURCES Really Good UXA library of screenshots for UX inspiration. Shortcuts. designEvery shortcut for designers in one place 3D for DesignersConnecting designers with 3D and emerging mediums with beginner friendly tutorials. Design Sprint Starter KitThis Starter Kit helps you to run your first Google Design Sprint. Iconbros150+ free and continuously growing high quality icons. Shards - A Free and Modern Bootstrap 4 UI Kit A free and modern UI kit based on Bootstrap 4. MEDIA Intro to FramerA beginner's tutorial to build a simple app prototype. UX PORTFOLIO Vanessa LiVanessa Li is a UX designer and product manager, currently working on personalized video recommendations at musical. ly (which was just reported to be acquired for as much as 1 billion). LAST BUT NOT LEAST The iPhone X Is A User Experience Nightmare. . . notAn argument against the FastCo Design article that said the iPhone X is a disaster. “You have to start with the customer experience and work your way back to technology. ”— Steve Jobs

UX MASTERY avgust 2016




This month our theme is Make Meaningful Work, inspired by Dan Szuc, who we were lucky enough to host in our Ask the UXperts Slack channel. If you missed that session, make sure you grab a coffee and read through the transcript. For Dan, making meaningful work is all about using skills and techniques to encourage healthier collaboration and cooperation around purposeful project work.  What does it mean for you?   How UX adventures can help your career UX is an exciting profession – frequently allowing for a steady flow of intriguing work activities. But work activities aren’t everything. UX careers expert Cory Lebson has the word on why stepping out of your routine is a good idea for your career. The difference between good and great designers Design is meant to show the intent that exists behind an action or an object in a clear way. Great design strips away all possible interpretations of intent, leaving only one.  That is to say – it must be unambiguous. Silence equals agreement: Negotiating scope and strategy with stakeholders Keeping stakeholders happy (and getting along) can make or break your project. In this second exclusive excerpt from his new book ‘Think First’, Joe Natoli explains shows how to ask your stakeholders the right questions to make sure your project doesn’t get derailed. My boss told me to be less emotional as a designer Ryan's boss told him to use less emotional language when presenting concepts, which made passion feel like a weakness. We talk about emotion and how to harness it. Does this job even exist? Chris agonises over the transition from UX training to finding that first job. It's something that comes up a lot in our community, and in this topic we brainstorm some approaches. Remote working/working from home Working remotely is becoming more common, so in this topic we evaluate the pros and cons of working from home, and share tips for creating healthy home work environments.  

UX research, complex data design, the design community we believe in and more UX this week




UX research, complex data design, the design community we believe in and more UX this week The evolution of design with culture thinking → It seems to me that rarely we consider the long-term impact on our culture by the designs we design. We invented automobiles and built our cities around them leaving little room for anything else — leisure, green spaces and community. We designed digital social networks which has changed the definition of “friend” and changed the way we interact. Facebook has been the tool to organize revolutions and makes news, breaks news, and decides what is news. Instagram has made the word selfie a world-wide phenomenon; it was even awarded ‘Word Of The Year 2013′ by Oxford Dictionaries. And let’s not forget the physical product it runs on that gave us apps — the iPhone. Together, these products have tethered us to obsession: literally framing our lives as perfect, one filter at a time, sharing every second of our day, placing knowledge at our fingertips, and teleporting us around at the push of a button. All this results in and make up our culture, all of which is designing us. Read full story → Welcome to mach and better → Building a design system and publishing platform for digital verticals and a major news site — from the outside in. How to turn UX research into results → We’ve all known researchers who “throw their results over the fence” and hope their recommendations will get implemented, with little result. Tips for changing your company mindset → An actionable guide to make the UX designer role clear to your company and team. The politics of UX language → Words have meaning and power and are remembered long after they are uttered. The UX community we believe in → Everything we do has to have a purpose. That applies to our design decisions, but also to our careers, our field, our communities and our lives. Are design tasks ethical in a job interview? → Young designers often complain about doing design tasks to get a job. Some designers even think they should be paid for their time. UX for complex data design → Tips to help you optimize your design for big data sets. How machine learning impacts the way we test software → Artificial intelligence has the ability to convert the entire development and testing phase into a more convenient experience for developers. A critical analysis of notification systems → Lessons and opportunities lying ahead of the current systems. News & Ideas Apple Homepod, app store, iOS 11, iMac Pros AirBNB is encouraging people to open their homes to refugees Planet of the Apps is a Shark Tank for app makers Google’s Be Internet Awesome initiative has a new site and game This chatbot therapist will see you now The Met’s digital collection has been updated Quick-fire thoughts to inspire creative professionals Take the survey: how does Tech hire in 2017? Vault helps you save for retirement every time you get paid A report about the business impact of InVision Weirdly-shaped scissors Tools & Resources Apple Design Awards celebrates the best apps of 2017 This tool builds human photos out of hand sketches Cryptowatch tracks the value of digital currencies Now there’s a design canvas for chatbots 10-minute mail is a temporary email to sign up for untrusted sites Shots is a tool to manage your screenshots Snap lets you take notes on top of your screenshots fairly easily 6 surprising stats behind tech’s design shortage An article on the state of CSS  

UX Weekly 191




Change is hard. I’m a big believer that putting yourself in uncomfortable situations allows you to grow. My challenge for you this week is to get out of your comfort zone and make yourself uncomfortable - learn a new skill, meet new people, or change your routine. I’d love to hear how it goes. ARTICLES From First Mile To Nth: Onboarding Beyond User Onboarding Why the nth mile matters just as much as the first. How to Test Visual DesignWhen evaluating fonts, colors, and other visual details, assess both aesthetic impressions and behavioral effects. 10 insights into user-centered growth designSome valuable growth design practices picked up at Dropbox. Tips for designers to become better copywritersAs designers, what can we do to become better at writing copy for user interfaces? Why Design Thinking is failing and what we should be doing differentlyThe art of problem-solving, thinking outside of the box and craftsmanship is dying in certain areas of the digital arena. This is all you need to know to conduct a UX SurveyHow to design them, advantages, disadvantages and how to increase participation. SPONSOR Start steering your career in the right directionFollow one of the Interaction Design Foundation's new learning paths and start enhancing your professional profile. Through our partnership, you can get 25% off their annual membership which provides access to all courses involved! TOOLS AND RESOURCES Figma 3. 0A major update to Figma that adds styles, updates to prototyping, and more. Zeplin 2. 0Zeplin has updated with new features and improvements including components, renaming assets, a revamped interface and more. Sketch Beta 51The next version of Sketch featuring library styles, fixed header/footer in prototypes, and other enhancements. Inspect by AbstractInspect provides one place to access the information needed to implement any design. The films, books, and podcasts that inspire design leadersA list of books, podcast, film, and more that inspire design leaders. TwemojiTwitter’s open source emoji featuring 2,841 emojis for free UserLook RecorderRemote user testing videos w/ just a link. Studio ShortcutsA list of Keyboard Shortcuts for Invision Studio. The Ultimate Sketch Resource ArchiveSketch kits, companion tools, plugins, learning resources and more. MEDIA CenteredA video series exploring human-centered design, hosted by Google’s Yasmine Evjen. UX PORTFOLIO Agatha TutiaAgatha is a Master in Human-Computer Interaction Design candidate at the University of Washington in Seattle. UX JOB UX Designer at Cloudvirga - Irvine, CACloudvirga is looking for a UX Designer that wants to disrupt the mortgage industry and design intuitive experiences for homebuyers, realtors and lenders. LAST BUT NOT LEAST Five rants from a cranky designerLong, tedious rants are boring…so here are five short ones after two decades in design. “Change can be frightening, and the temptation is often to resist it. But change almost always provides opportunities - to learn new things, to rethink tired processes, and to improve the way we work. ”— Klaus Schwab

UX Weekly 192




ARTICLES The Comprehensive Guide to Finding a Kick-Ass UX Job Key principles when approaching your next job search. Designing for accessibility is not that hardSeven easy-to-implement guidelines to design a more accessible web. 10 Small Design Mistakes We Still MakeRevisiting principles from Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug. Designing search for mobile appsExplore the various ways to implement search and the purpose behind each. Design-Driven Companies. Are We There Yet?The spectrum of design drivenness, challenges and strategies. The ten commandments of UXThe foundational values of UX. SPONSOR Focus on your design, not managing your techJamf Now is a device management solution for the iPad, iPhone and Mac devices at work. We make management tasks like deploying Wi-Fi passwords, securing company data and enforcing passcodes, simple and affordable, so you can support your users; no IT required.  Create your free account! This content is sponsored via Syndicate Ads. TOOLS AND RESOURCES UI GoodiesA directory of UI resources. Readinglist. designA directory of books every designer should read and why. Figma 101 CourseA free 7-day course on Figma with daily tutorials, downloadable templates, and a cheat sheet. Marvel DashboardA livestream of images uploaded to company projects in Marvel. shotsnappA simple too to quickly create mockup presentations for your app and website design. MEDIA Problem Spaces, Understanding How People Think, and Practical Empathy with Indi YoungThe ways in which empathy is more complex than sympathy or compassion. UX PORTFOLIO Sophie GardnerSophia is UX designer who previously interned at Google and Palantir. LAST BUT NOT LEAST Current state of webdesignThis is the unfortunate experience people get every day. We can do better. “It’s art if can’t be explained. It’s fashion if no one asks for an explanation. It’s design if it doesn’t need explanation. ”— Wouter Stokkel

UX Weekly 196




This week, I was excited to see Meng To's Design for React course come out just in time for Framer X. Not to be outdone, Vincent Le Mogin released the largest icon library in the world with a real cool website to show them off. ARTICLES Common webpage design mistakes Simple layout and design tips to help you create a stunning webpage. User Research: is more the merrier?Determining the right number of users for user research. Fostering focus for small screensHow Dropbox redesigned their mobile app for rapid work. What Can Bike Sharing Apps Teach Us About Mobile On-boarding Design?Comparing the mobile app on-boarding experiences of bike/scooter sharing services. Fake UX Jobs and how to Spot Them (and avoid them)Advice and tips on how you can spot and avoid fake UX jobs and proceed with confidence with your next move. Six lessons learned by creating a design system at a fast-moving start-upLessons on how to successfully communicate, create, and organize a team to build a design system. SPONSOR Become a Certified UX ProfessionalBuild a career in UX with the world’s only university-accredited online course. Acquire the mindset, the skills and the confidence that make UX designers so valuable. A rewarding and meaningful career awaits.  Register you interest today. This content is sponsored via Syndicate Ads. TOOLS AND RESOURCES Streamline 3. 0Over 30,000 icons in 3 distinct weights. It's the only icon set you'll ever need. React for DesignersLearn how to build and animate your site from scratch using React. Also check out this 3 step guide. Framer XAfter you've learned React, you'll want to use Framer X to design and code. Design DictionaryA dictionary with design industry jargon. Digital PsychologyA free library of psychological principles and examples for inspiration. Apple Design ResourcesUpdated full set of the most essential AppKit UI elements for designing macOS apps in Sketch or Photoshop. Atomize Design SystemA UI design framework that helps designers create beautiful and consistent user interfaces for the web. MEDIA Leading Service DesignPosters for the test of a good user need and framing the problem. UX PORTFOLIO Rahul JainRahul is a product designer pursuing a Masters in HCI at Indiana University. LAST BUT NOT LEAST We are what we consume: how good design benefits our livesAll products are outcomes of design intention, whether explicit and well-considered or implicit and careless. “Even though it isn’t necessarily true, people equate having choices with having control. ”— Susan M. Weinschenk

UX Weekly 197, Product Design: Expectations vs Reality




ARTICLES Product Design: Expectations vs Reality Some of the mistakes we make and the expectations we have when designing digital products. Is Agile the Enemy (of Good Design)?The only way to battle short-termism and the urge to cut corners is to show great results. How to create design principles that people actually useMake your design team better by making design principles with lasting power. Motion design in digital products: a white paperThe value of motion in digital products, challenges when it comes to delivering motion, metrics worth examining, and more. BitsIf we want a faster web, we have to talk about performance in a broader context. Toggle-Switch GuidelinesThis simple user-interface component can make a big impact on user experience. TOOLS AND RESOURCES Nutrition Cards for Accessible Components A11Y ExpectationsSimplifying the accessibility expectations when it comes to components. UI SourcesMobile design patterns and interactions from the best designed and top grossing apps. RelateAn interface design tool that empowers design and development teams to collaborate in the creation of digital products. For more, Read the intro. UX TricksA blog and bookstore for leveling up design skills. MEDIA Design NotesA podcast about creative work and what it teaches us. User Experience Design is Product ManagementJared Spool talks about design leadership, learning, and measuring success. Refactoring UI: The BookLearn how to design beautiful user interfaces by yourself using specific tactics explained from a developer's point-of-view. UX PORTFOLIO Erica HeinzErica is a freelance UX designer who posted her new UX portfolio as a spreadsheet. UX JOB UX Designer/Frontend Developer at CrowdTwist, Inc. - New York, NYCrowdTwist is seeking a hybrid UX Designer/Frontend Developer for their growing team based in New York City. LAST BUT NOT LEAST Amazon Dark PattersnHow Amazon censors unhappy customer. “Great designers don’t fall in love with their solution. Great designers fall in love with the problem. ”— Jared Spool If you know anyone that might enjoy UX Design Weekly, please share this issue with your friends and colleagues.

UX Weekly 203, Unboxing Chrome, Adobe XD Resources, Why Google is the most important design company of 2018




ARTICLES Disruptive Interfaces & The Emerging Battle To Be The Default  With disruptive interfaces on the horizon, defaults will rule the world. Unboxing Chrome With the recent redesign of Chrome, we get a look at redesigning the omnibox which has over 2,000 permutations before you even interact with it. Checking time zone privilege in remote teams and global orgsIf we can’t collocate in space to show shared commitment, we can at least collocate in time to do so. Breaking the Deadlock Between User Experience and Developer ExperienceWe can no longer talk about user experience without including performance as a first-class requirement. When You Shouldn’t Take That UX PositionWarning signs and red flags in your job search. SPONSOR Unlimited Access to Over 25 Online UX CoursesFrom Design Thinking to UX Management, AR & VR to User Research, IDF courses cover it all. Get 25% off a full year of access by enrolling today! TOOLS AND RESOURCES Adobe XD ResourcesFree UI kits, icon sets, templates, and more for Adobe XD. Mini Visual Starter KitTake the very first steps towards making your meeting notes and project planning more visual. Microcopy InspirationsCurated examples of good microcopy on websites and apps. watchOS Apple Design ResourcesWith new, bigger watches just announced, Apple has updated their watchOS design resources. SensiveA design collaboration tool to share, present, and document your ideas as you go. MEDIA Be a Good Ancestor with Alan Cooper - User Defenders PodcastAlan Cooper talks about why it’s so hard to build good software and why UX is about solving the big problems that exist for users. Why Google is the most important design company of 2018CEO Sundar Pichai explains how Google got design. UX PORTFOLIO Shawn ParkShawn is the Lead Designer at Blitz. Read how and why he redesigns his portfolio every year. Uber Rebrand 2018Uber rebranded itself again and put together a beautiful case study. LAST BUT NOT LEAST My aha moment as a UX designerElaine Tran's story of her Aha moment into UX design and why it excites her each day. “Visual organization is the deliberate prioritization of meaning within a visual design. ”— Luke Wroblewski

UX Weekly 211, Things I learned from working at Shopify




ARTICLES Gamification: A guide for designers to a misunderstood concept How to build a gamification system the right way. WAYWO. Because work doesn’t have to be polished to be shared. How Deliveroo's design team informally shares what everyone is actually working on right now. There’s no “I” in feedbackHow and why you should treat feedback as a team sport. Things I learned from working at ShopifyA designer's learnings and insights working at Shopify. Don’t @ meWhat UX designers can apply to notification design tactics to redefine the state of alert. Listening to user feedbackLearning how to make the most of our customers' requests and feedback. Kill Your PersonasHow persona spectrums champion real user needs. Balancing Creativity and UsabilityA short comment on “Why Do All Websites Look the Same?” TOOLS AND RESOURCES Flowkit User flow library for Figma and Sketch. PalxAn automatic UI color palette generator. MEDIA Master Product Design at ScaleA design systems master class taught by the most influential thinkers in the field. Becca Kennedy - User Defenders PodcastBecca Kennedy teaches us how to do UX research on a budget. UX PORTFOLIO Adithya HolehonnurAdi is a software engineer turned designer working for Honeywell. LAST BUT NOT LEAST Re:BirthModern apps and sites reimagined as vintage gadgets. “Confusion and clutter are the failure of design, not the attributes of information. ”— Edward R. Tufte 101 princip za dobar UX dizajn Knjiga je bila jedna od 10 najtraženijih na 63. Sajmu knjiga u Beogradu 2018. VIŠE O KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE.

UX Weekly 212, The Methods UX Professionals Use




ARTICLES Breakups, Space Travel, And Design ResearchUsing metaphors to listen to people’s experiences The Methods UX Professionals Use  An overview of how common methods are used and how their use has changed over time. Drop-Down Usability: When You Should (and Shouldn't) Use ThemWhy you should avoid drop-down meus in your UI. Creating Excellent UX Flow ChartsIllustrate complex processes by including use cases, actions, and life cycles. How to Run a Successful Design ReviewDesign reviews and feedback at every stage of the design process is both helpful and crucial for a successful product. Gestalt-Driven UX: The Patterns That Drive Our WorldHow and why we perceive things the way we& do. 101 princip za dobar UX dizajn Knjiga je bila jedna od 10 najtraženijih na 63. Sajmu knjiga u Beogradu 2018. VIŠE O KNJIZI I KORPA ZA NARUČIVANJE.   SPONSOR Build websites? BugHerd makes client feedback simple, visual & pain-free. Like sticky-notes for your website, BugHerd turns client feedback into clear actionable tasks complete with screenshots, browser info, CSS data and more.  Trial for free today. TOOLS AND RESOURCES DrawKitFree MIT licensed PSD illustrations, in 2 styles. SquooshAn image compression web app that allows you to dive into the advanced options provided by various image compressors. MEDIA Leading Design 2018Videos from this year's Leading Design conference. Margaret Lee - Method PodcastGoogle UX Director Margaret Lee on redefining design leadership and inclusivity in the workplace. Radical Empathy with Seth Godin - User Defenders podcastSeth Godin reminds us to do work that matters, for people who care by focusing on serving a minimum viable audience. UX PORTFOLIO Ismael BarryIsmael is a product designer who worked as an intern for AirBnB. UX JOB Lead Product Designer (UX/UI) at Knowde - Seattle or RemoteKnowde is looking to add an immensely talented UX/UI designer to help invent, design, refine and deliver their products. LAST BUT NOT LEAST MS PaintMS Paint made in JavaScript. “If anybody here has trouble with the concept of design humility, reflect on this: It took us 5,000 years to put wheels on our luggage. ”— William McDonough
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