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A Guide to Proper Error Handling in JavaScript A look at approaches and best practices to error handling in JavaScript, including how to deal with errors thrown by asynchronous code. CAMILO REYES 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid with Angular 2 A compilation of common beginner mistakes to avoid when you’re writing your first Angular 2 app. KARA ERICKSON On Adding JavaScript Modules to the Web Platform Domenic Denicola presents an update on WHATWG progress on adding support for JavaScript modules to popular Web Platform specs. THE WHATWG BLOG Twilio presents SIGNAL: The Developer Conference for Communications Join us at SIGNAL for an amazing speaker lineup including JavaScript engineer Katy Moe who will hack an NFC chip implanted in her hand onstage. TWILIO   SPONSORED React v15. 0 Released With the first ‘major version’ release following 0. 14. 0, React 15 brings key improvements to how it interacts with the DOM and removes some deprecations.  15. 0. 1 followed a day later. DAN ABRAMOV TypeScript 2. 0 Preview At Build 2016, Anders Hejlsberg discussed the current state of TypeScript and previewed some features coming in the next few months.  Video here. INFOQ Previewing Salsa: The New JS 'Language Service' in Visual Studio Preview ‘Language services’ are responsible for syntax highlighting, completion lists, signature help, and other tooling features in VS. MICROSOFT Understanding JS Modules: Bundling & Transpiling Mark Brown looks at the state of modules and shows how, with the help of Browserify, Webpack and jspm, you can use them in your projects today. MARK BROWN In brief Building Realtime Applications with CycleJS and RxJS TUTORIAL JACK FRANKLIN Destructuring and Default Parameters in ES6 TUTORIAL DOUG WADE ES6 Symbols: What Are They TUTORIAL PAUL SHANNON Very Brief Intro to the Web Cryptography API TUTORIAL If you want something far more indepth, enjoy this 2+ hour workshop on YouTube.  TIM TAUBERT Future-proof your JavaScript with Rangle. io’s New online course: 'Angular 2 Transitional Architecture’ COURSE Master RESTful APIs, ES6, TypeScript more for moving to Angular 2. Attend remotely and take advantage of recorded sessions after completion.  RANGLE. IO   SPONSORED Performance Optimizations for React Apps TUTORIAL The key takeaway: “Return false from shouldComponentUpdate as high up in your application as you can. ” ALEX REARDON Understanding The 'prototype' Property in JavaScript TUTORIAL BYTEARCHER Let's Build a Redux Powered React Application TUTORIAL A look at why Redux is valuable when building a React application.  ROBIN ORHEDEN Using the SoundCloud API with their JavaScript SDK TUTORIAL How to build a simple app to list and play a user’s tracks.  MUSTAGHEES BUTT React Native: Building Your First iOS App With JavaScript TUTORIAL Part one of a series on building an iOS app with React Native.  NASH VAIL Tracking Unhandled Rejected Promises TUTORIAL DR. AXEL RAUSCHMAYER Getting Started with the Twilio Video JavaScript SDK TUTORIAL For building multi-person video chat apps.  SAM AGNEW React: 15 Minutes at a Time VIDEO A new series of tutorial videos. It leans on CodePen and starts from the bare basics.  YOUTUBE Easier Remote JavaScript Debugging with Vorlon. js VIDEO A tight 4 minute intro to Vorlon.  ETIENNE MARGRAFF Service Workers Replacing AppCache: A Sledgehammer to Crack A Nut OPINION MAXIMILIANO FIRTMAN Binary Repositories !== Package Management. (Just ask your devs. ) TOOLS Over 4M developers trust npm to integrate with their workflows. Unblock your team to build amazing things.  NPM ENTERPRISE   SPONSORED Starlight: For Embedding Lua on the Web TOOLS Enables you to run Lua scripts on a page by placing Lua code directly in script tags.  PAUL CUTHBERTSON Multi-Window Layout Manager 'Golden Layout' Goes Open Source TOOLS A React-powered layout manager for web apps.  WOLFRAM HEMPEL Phenomic: A Static Website Generator That Uses React Components TOOLS MAXIME THIROUIN Polygoat: Make A Function Support Both Promise and Callback Styles CODE SONNY PIERS JavaScript Entity Graph: An In-Memory JS Graph Database CODE Super simple, client-side and in-memory only.  BRANDON BLOOM InlineTweet. js: Create Tweetable Links From Any Page Text CODE IRE ADERINOKUN

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Angular 2 + React Native: The Best of Both Worlds? Angular and React? Here’s a look at work being done to render Angular 2 apps with React Native to make cross-platform native app dev easier. ANGULAR TEAM A Comprehensive Look At Events in jQuery A look at jQuery’s event methods, complete with Codepen examples, and best practices to follow when working with them. BALJEET RATHI CSS within JavaScript? Meet CSSX Facebook introduced JSX, in which HTML markup is mixed in with JavaScript. What about if we did the same with CSS? Enter CSSX. KRASIMIR TSONEV Microsoft Dynamics CRM Uses Wijmo 5 UI Controls To build the new mobile interface for its Dynamics CRM solution, Microsoft used the high-quality JavaScript controls in Wijmo 5, a collection of true JavaScript UI controls by GrapeCity. Read more about the top reasons Microsoft Dynamics chose Wijmo 5. WIJMO   SPONSORED EmberConf 2016 in 37 Videos Didn’t make it to EmberConf? Slept in too late to see Tom and Yehuda’s keynote? Never fear, it’s all here. YOUTUBE React Native: A Year in Review After just one year in the open source community, React Native has changed the way many developers build apps on both desktop and mobile platforms. FACEBOOK A Lap Around ChakraCore (video) Recently open sourced, ChakraCore is the heart of the JS engine used by Microsoft Edge and Windows 10. Brian Terlson looks at what’s new, what’s next, and how to directly use it yourself. CHANNEL 9 A Fast Angular 2 Setup with Components and the Component Router A walk through a simple boilerplate designed to help developers understand the architectural process behind setting up Angular 2 apps. TODD MOTTO In brief Last chance to join our March UI/UX courses, launching this Friday! COURSE Learn UI UX design through part-time, online courses with 1-on-1 mentorship from expert designers.  DESIGNLAB   SPONSORED ESLint Joins The jQuery Foundation NEWS  Creating Modules with ES7 and Babel TUTORIAL PETER VAN DER ZEE Killing CORS Preflight Requests on a React SPA TUTORIAL DAMON AW A High Level Guide to Testing a React App TUTORIAL A. SHARIF Function Expressions vs Function Declarations TUTORIAL The differences and advantages of function expressions over function declarations.  PAUL WILKINS Creating Your First Node. js HTTP Server TUTORIAL Continuation of a series aimed at total beginners to Node.  GERGELY NEMETH The SaveAs Webinar: Exporting Content from JavaScript Apps TUTORIAL Implementing export functionality in your web apps presents a multitude of challenges. Learn how to tackle them.  TELERIK KENDO UI   SPONSORED Speeding up Startup for Large React Apps VIDEO REACT. JS CONF 2016 A Million Ways to Fold in JS VIDEO A look at alternatives to loops and cool stuff with recursion.  BRIAN LONSDORF How to Start an Ember Revolution VIDEO Want to get your company into using Ember? A developer at Intercom shows how he did it.  PATRICK O'DOHERTY A Chat About RxJS with Matthew Podwysocki PODCAST RxJS, the popular reactive extensions for JavaScript.  JAVASCRIPT JABBER Autochecker: Test Node Modules Across Multiple Node Versions TOOLS NODE VICTOR BJELKHOLM React Components for Building Composable and Flexible Charts CODE RUMBLE INC. Kewler: A Functional and Immutable Color Manipulation Library CODE ADRIEN ANTOINE Turntable. js: A Responsive jQuery Slider CODE Rotate through a list of images as the pointer sweeps across a container.  POLAR NOTION promiseRunner: A Promise Maker That Creates Promises Out of Normal Functions CODE FARZAN Scrollbear: Maintain Scroll Position As Images Load On A Page CODE HOWARD CHANG Tabular Input Fields: A jQuery Plugin for Simple Tabular Fields CODE  ClippyJS: Add Clippy to Any Web Page for Instant Nostalgia CODE  rule-reactor: A Fast, Expressive Forward Chaining Business Rule Engine CODE There’s an introductory article too.  ANYWHICHWAY LINK

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33 Videos from ng-conf 2016 Angular’s largest conference took place last week and videos are already up. Enjoy the keynote for a major overview of Angular 2 and its ecosystem. A Taste of JavaScript’s New Parallel Primitives A look at an API that lets programmers use multiple workers and shared memory to implement true parallel algorithms. Build a Chrome Extension with Angular 2 & TypeScript Learn how to add more functionality to your browser by creating your own bookmark manager Chrome extension using Angular 2 and TypeScript. Linode SSD - Your Lightning-fast JavaScript Playground Don't be held down by your hosting provider's stack - we offer full root access, 99. 9% uptime, 24/7 support, and lightening-quick cloud hosts. Spin up your server in minutes. Electron 1. 0 Released A major milestone for the toolkit that lets you build native-feeling apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Simplified JavaScript Jargon A handy reference of JavaScript terms with community-driven descriptions. Modular JS: A Beginner's Guide to SystemJS and jspm Ravi Kiran introduces jspm and SystemJS, tools that let you load any module format (ES6, AMD, CommonJS and globals) directly from any registry. JavaPoly. js: Java(script) in the Browser Polyfills native JVM support so you can import existing Java code and invoke it from JavaScript. If you wanted to. Nodecasts: Series of Node. js Screencasts Inspired by sites like Laracasts and Railscasts, the videos so far seem to be free so fill your boots with videos on Express, npm, ES6, and more. In brief V8 to Implement Async/Await Functions NEWS  EmberCamp London: A Full Day of Ember Talks - July 12th NEWS  Summaries of Each Day of ng-conf 2016 NEWS The main Angular conference took place just last week and there are write ups of day 1, day 2 and day 3.  ADO KUKIC JavaScript Road Map: Smaller, More Frequent Updates Ahead NEWS ECMAScript will be updated more often, even if releases bring fewer new features.  PAUL KRILL The Best News From Angular’s ng-conf 2016: A Huge Recap NEWS  Custom Angular 2 Training: Options Available in Person or Online COURSE Master RESTful APIs, ES6, TypeScript and more with the experts who developed the Angular 2 debugging tool, Augury. Attend remotely or in person as it suits the needs of you and your team.  RANGLE. IO   SPONSORED Tips to Optimize Rendering A Set of Elements in React (up to 20x) TUTORIAL ANTON LAVRENOV Uploading Multiple Files At Once with Ajax and XHR2 TUTORIAL RAYMOND CAMDEN What Is Promise. try, and Why Does It Matter? TUTORIAL An “explanation of what Promise. try is, and why you should always use it, without exceptions”.  SVEN SLOOTWEG Building Forms and Custom Validation in Angular 2 TUTORIAL How to create both simple and complex forms, as well as custom form validation.  RYAN CHENKIE A Look at ES6 Sets TUTORIAL JAIME GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA How to Build and Publish ES6 Modules Today, with Babel and Rollup TUTORIAL KONSTANTIN TARKUS How to Implement Smooth Scrolling in Vanilla JavaScript TUTORIAL Or as David Bachmann said on Twitter: “Step 1: Don’t” GIULIO MAINARDI Write Robust and Type-Safe JavaScript with Flow SLIDEDECK PATRICK STAPFER If React Native Exists, Should We Even Bother Learning Swift? VIDEO YOUTUBE Angular Performance: Tuning the Engine VIDEO From our live webcast last week, a ton of Angular performance tips.  TODD MOTTO A Case for ES6 Generators OPINION NIKOLAY NEMSHILOV How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The JSX OPINION JAMES K NELSON A Scripting Panel for After Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop TOOLS Did you know you can script many Adobe apps with JavaScript? This makes playing easier.  MARSHALL JONES Tocbot: Generate A Table of Contents Based on HTML Headings CODE TIM SCANLIN Stop. js: Promise-Based 'setTimeout' and 'setImmediate' CODE ROCKY WU Trial. js: Mouse Position Monitoring and User Input Prediction CODE Preload data as someone approaches a button, for example.  MARKO CEN Free Webinar - How to Launch A Career In Software Development Learn what it takes to become a professional software developer, what employers are looking for, and how to make the transformation.   

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3 Kinds of Prototypal Inheritance: ES6+ Edition Eric Elliott compares 3 approaches to prototypal inheritance: differential, concatenative, and functional. V8, Modern JavaScript, and Beyond (video) A look at advances in V8, ES6, and WebAssembly, plus a demonstration of debugging Node via Chrome’s DevTools. Promises, Async and Await A look at avoiding ‘callback hell’ in JavaScript by using new features in ES6 and ES7, plus some lessons learnt using them in production. The Sequel to Our Popular Angular 2 Course: Reactive Angular 2 Learn how to build functional, reactive web applications in Angular 2 with a Redux inspired library, @ngrx/store and observables from Rx. js. React Infinite Calendar: An Infinite Scrolling Date Picker Includes localization, theming, and keyboard support, and looks good on both desktop and mobile. AnyPixel. js: To Create Big Interactive Real World Displays An open-source software and hardware project from Google that anyone can use to build large and unusual interactive displays. Design and Build Your Own JavaScript Library: Tips & Tricks Tim Severien provides a variety of tips for when building your own library, ranging from API design to testing and documentation. A Facebook Sixth Sense: A Look at FB's JavaScript If you enjoy a good code dig, this is for you. A developer digs into Facebook’s JavaScript code to detect when his friends are typing. Front-End Hyperpolyglot: The Same Code in 6 Frameworks 30 different techniques or syntax elements from React, Angular 1 and 2, Polymer, Vue and Ember are compared in this table. In brief Progressive Web App Dev Summit 2016 (Amsterdam, NL) NEWS Two days of talks, labs and access to the Chrome engineers to discuss the future of the web.  GOOGLE The JS Kongress (Munich, November) Program Schedule Now Online NEWS JS KONGRESS The npm Registry Gets 'Hooks' NEWS NODE Get notifications of npm registry events.  THE NPM BLOG New Tutorial: How to Write Secure REST APIs for Mobile Apps TUTORIAL Learn everything you need to build a RESTful service for use in your mobile app. You'll finish with a functioning API built in Node. js, protected by OAuth 2. 0, and ready to plug into an iOS or Android app.  STORMPATH   SPONSORED Make a Simple JavaScript Slideshow without jQuery TUTORIAL YAPHI BERHANU The Complete(ish) Guide to Upgrading to Gulp 4 TUTORIAL JOE ZIMMERMAN Quick Angular 2 Hosting with the Angular CLI and GitHub Pages TUTORIAL The steps to set up an Angular 2 application locally using the Angular CLI and then deploy it to GitHub Pages as a single page app.  TJ VANTOLL Smooth Page Scroll in 5 Lines of JavaScript TUTORIAL DUDLEY STOREY Getting Started with TDD in React TUTORIAL DAVE CEDDIA An Angular 2 Introduction to Webpack TUTORIAL GOOGLE Build A Simple Mobile App With NativeScript And Angular 2 TUTORIAL NIC RABOY JavaScriptCore CSI: A Crash Site Investigation Story STORY A very technical, in-depth post on debugging a JavaScriptCore issue.  MARK LAM Stop Bringing Strong Typing to JavaScript OPINION JAMES WRIGHT Using React and D3 Together to Build Visualization Components VIDEO SWIZEC TELLER When was the last time you found a tool that triples your productivity? TOOLS Instant feedback from your tests and realtime code coverage right in your editor, no context switching.  WALLABY. JS   SPONSORED gDoc. js: Use Google Sheets as a CMS CODE Pull data from a Google spreadsheet into a page on the fly.  JADE ALLEN COOK microlight. js: A Tiny Code Highlighting Library CODE Takes an interesting approach of not having language specific rules.   Inferno: A Fast, React-like Library for Building Modern UIs CODE An isomorphic library for high-performance UIs.  DOMINIC GANNAWAY WebGazer. js: Scalable Webcam EyeTracking Using User Interactions CODE BROWN HCI GROUP An Experimental Twitter Desktop Client Written with JSGtk+ CODE JSGtk is a JavaScript binding for GNOME. For Linux and OS X.  ANDREA GIAMMARCHI

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A Thorough Introduction to ES6 Modules (video) Kent C. Dodds covers the history of JavaScript modules before looking at how the ES6 standard handles them and how they work in practice. Angular 2 Tutorial: Create a CRUD App with Angular CLI Learn how to build an Angular 2 ‘To Do’ list CRUD app using Angular CLI to generate components, services, and tests. A Warning About jQuery 3 A look at a subtle change in jQuery 3 that could cause you headaches when debugging: exceptions within the document ready callback are now swallowed. Find and Fix JavaScript Errors Faster (and have fun doing it) Quickly pinpoint what’s broken and why. Get the context and insights to defeat all JavaScript application errors. ESLint 3. 0 Released A major release of the popular JavaScript linting tool, including a handful of breaking changes. A React Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By If you missed this last year and if you’ve not got your head into React yet, enjoy this extensive introduction complete with interactive code boxes. Horizon: A Scalable Backend Perfect for Mobile JS Apps A walkthrough of creating a tic-tac-toe game using Horizon, a realtime-focused RethinkDB-based backend for mobile-based JavaScript apps. In brief Safari Technology Preview Release 8 Achieves 100% ES6 Support NEWS APPLE webpack is Growing; Gets A Core Team; Seeks Extra Maintainers NEWS TOBIAS KOPPERS Part how-to, part show tell, totally amazing: npm’s first conference NEWS npm’s not just Node. Meet cool folks building amazing things with the world’s largest software repository… NPMCAMP: JULY 30 IN OAKLAND   SPONSORED Writing an Angular 2 App in ES5 (In Case You Have To) TUTORIAL LUKAS RUEBBELKE Build a Hybrid Mobile App with Angular 2 and Ionic 2 TUTORIAL A very thorough walkthrough.  GANGA CHRIS ES5 Objects Vs. ES6 Maps: Differences and Similarities TUTORIAL KURT CAGLE Using the MVC Pattern For Building Three. js Applications TUTORIAL LUCAS MAJEROWICZ Beyond 'Console' Debugging Tricks TUTORIAL DANIEL REIS Borrowing Methods in JavaScript TUTORIAL DAVID SHARIFF A Primer on the React Ecosystem TUTORIAL NITIN PUNJABI Composable SQL in JavaScript TUTORIAL A look at using SQL queries in conjunction with Functors to create reusable querying systems.  GAL SCHLEZINGER ES6 for Humans: A Simple, Code-Driven Overview TUTORIAL DEEPAK GROVER 7 Surprising JavaScript 'Features' TUTORIAL A golden oldie worth revisiting.  LUKE PAGE 3 Splendid JavaScript Debugging Tips VIDEO BRITISHCODE Racket: Generators, Best Practices + Starting App for Developing Universal React/Redux Webapps TOOLS NODE MOHAMAD MOHEBIFAR 10 jQuery File Upload Plugins TOOLS JULIAN MOTZ ZingTouch: A JavaScript Mobile Gesture Detection Library CODE ZINGCHART Iterall: Minimal No-Dependency Utilities for using Iterables in JS Environments CODE LEE BYRON RBush: High-Perf R-Tree-Based 2D Spatial Index for Points and Rectangles CODE VLADIMIR AGAFONKIN Musical Chord Progression Arpeggiator DEMO A beautiful piece of work that leans on Tone. js.  CODEPEN DreamFactory 2. 2 released, includes important API changes Our API automation platform keeps getting better with new streamlined commercial packages.  DREAMFACTORY   SPONSORED Knjiga za vas Više o knjizi.  

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Slate: Framework to Build Rich Browser-Based Text Editors A flexible, plugin-driven framework for building rich editors like those used by Medium or Dropbox Paper without your codebase getting mired in complexity. Puck. js: A JavaScript Bluetooth Beacon The creator of Espruino (a JS interpreter for microcontrollers) is creating a JavaScript-programmable Bluetooth beacon. It’s on KickStarter and has already far surpassed its goal. var, let and const: The What, Why and How An engaging and educational 15 minute tour of the roles of var, let andconst in ES6, led by a front-end developer from Spotify. Last chance for ForwardJS tickets, July 25-August 1 in San Francisco Eight days of sessions and workshops on React, Redux, D3, Angular 2, Accessibility, Progressive Web Apps, Dev Ops and Functional JavaScript. Grab one of the last few spots Create Your First Application with Vue. js 2. 0 Vue. js is a reactive UI component library.  Beta 1 of v2 is now out, and this tutorial provides a thorough introduction. jQuery 3. 1. 0 Released; No More Silent Errors Changes to jQuery Deferreds in jQuery 3 caused errors to be silenced in certain places (e. g. document ready handlers). jQuery 3. 1 fixes this. Fathom: A Framework to Extract Meaning From Web Pages An experimental framework for extracting meaning from web pages, identifying parts like buttons, address forms, and the main textual content. It scores DOM nodes and extracts them based on criteria you specify. Cleave. js: Format Input Text Content When You Are Typing A library to help you format input text content automatically (e. g. dates, card numbers). Take a look at the demo page for plenty of examples. In brief Introducing React's Error Code System NEWS FACEBOOK ES6 Feature Complete in JavaScriptCore NEWS And a look at some of the optimizations the WebKit team is making.  WEBKIT Announcing TypeScript 2. 0 Beta NEWS Now will non-nullable types and easier module definitions.  MICROSOFT A Quick Look At 10 Changes in jQuery 3. 0 NEWS BALRAM KHICHAR Angular. js Tutorial: Single Page App with Secure User Authentication TUTORIAL Quickly build an Angular. js SPA + Node. js API with registration, login, and user profile functionality.  STORMPATH   SPONSORED Clean Code with ES6 Default Parameters and Property Shorthands TUTORIAL MORITZ KRÖGER Learn to Create D3. js Data Visualizations by Example TUTORIAL MARK BROWN How to Use Angular 1. 5's Component Method TUTORIAL NYAMBATI THOMAS 6 Compelling Use Cases for ES6 Proxies TUTORIAL BRYCE JOHNSON Improve Angular Performance With ngReact TUTORIAL ngReact is a small wrapper to create Angular directives that actually render React components.  DAVE CEDDIA Functional Components with React Stateless Functions and Ramda TUTORIAL MIRKO MARIANI Elm for JavaScript Developers VIDEO Jack thinks all JavaScript developers should be paying attention to Elm.  JACK FRANKLIN You Might Not Need React Router OPINION KONSTANTIN TARKUS A Performance Comparison of JavaScript Frameworks OPINION STEFAN KRAUSE Mixins Considered Harmful OPINION DAN ABRAMOV What JavaScript Programmers Need to Know about Transpilers OPINION MARY BRANSCOMBE 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Promises OPINION NATHAN MEYERS Phoenix: A macOS/OS X Window and App Manager Scriptable with JavaScript TOOLS KASPER HIRVIKOSKI How to find and fix the slowest code in your . NET application TOOLS Find bottlenecks in your code or database and boost performance with new ANTS Performance Profiler 9.  Try free.  RED GATE   SPONSORED Laverna: An Evernote-esque JavaScript Note Taking Application CODE Stores notes in browser-backed storage like IndexedDB and localStorage, but can sync to cloud services too.   DPicker: A Minimal Framework Agnostic Date Picker CODE  iziModal. js: A Responsive, Flexible jQuery Modal Plugin CODE MARCELO DOLCE

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HyperTerm: An Open Source, JS-Based Terminal Emulator “The goal of the project is to create a beautiful and extensible experience for command-line interface users, built on open web standards. ” GUILLERMO RAUCH Howler. js: A Modern Web Audio Library An audio library that uses the Web Audio API but can fall back to HTML5 audio. Supports 3D audio, auto-caches, and has no dependencies. JAMES SIMPSON V8 (JavaScript Engine) 5. 3 Announced In beta until Chrome 53 stable arrives, version 5. 3 boasts improved page startup times and Promise performance (+20-40% on one benchmark), plus a new interpreter called Ignition. SETH THOMPSON Harness the power of AngularJS in your graphs ZingChart-AngularJS is a directive to create AngularJS graphs. Easy to set up. Style as you like. Access all the features.  Try it today. ZINGCHART   SPONSOR Build a Music Streaming App with Electron, React and ES6 A complete tutorial bringing together modern Web technologies to create a simple desktop/GUI music player. WERN ANCHETA How To Use Arguments and Parameters in ES6 Faraz Kelhini’s detailed tutorial explores arguments and parameters and sees how ES6/ES2015 has upgraded their potential. SMASHING MAGAZINE A Deep Dive Into ES6 Destructuring “destructuring takes data from an existing object or array and literally destructs it to extract only the values you’re interested in. ” MIKE EVANS JOBS JavaScript Developer at Evolution GamingWe are looking for a senior developer who would be ready to shape the future and accomplish challenging tasks, e. g. , migrating stateful legacy components to functional React-Redux ones and modularising CSS with the help of css-modules.  EVOLUTION GAMING Javascript Developer at X-Team (Remote)We're looking for developers with an extensive knowledge of JavaScript and skills in different frameworks and libraries. We are 100% remote and we provide the funding needed to help you achieve your goals and grow.  X-TEAM Software Engineer – JavaScriptWanted: JavaScript genius who can apply their analytical work process to our codebase. Experience with webpack, Rollup and Babel? Understand unidirectional data-flow principles? Apply today.  TRIVAGO Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired. com. IN BRIEF The Service Worker Lifecycle TUTORIAL A look at the six states a Service Worker can be in. IRE ADERINOKUN How to Set Up Automated, Cross-Browser JavaScript Unit Testing TUTORIALPHILIP WALTON JavaScript Promises 101 TUTORIAL A brief primer with diagrams. Good for beginners. IRE ADERINOKUN Learn Angular 2 - Online Training Program COURSE Rangle is offering a free Angular 2 online training program for developers on August 16-17. Register now to join this interactive learning experience. RANGLE. IO  SPONSOR Creating Email Templates with React Components TUTORIALCODY REICHERT Writing a Component Based App with Angular 1. 5 TUTORIAL Building a simple app using the new . component method from Angular 1. 5. DIMA GROSSMAN 3 Simple Steps to Improve Your React Redux Code TUTORIALCHEESECAKE LABS Using ES6 Generators and Yield to Implement Asynchronous Workflows TUTORIALBEN NADEL How to Deal with Different Form Controls in Angular 2 TUTORIALJECELYN YEEN How to Handle State in React: The Missing FAQ TUTORIALOSMEL MORA Building Single Page Apps with Angular and the WordPress REST API TUTORIALALMIR BIJEDIC Why Object Literals in JavaScript Are Cool OPINION This goes into more depth than you’d think. DMITRI PAVLUTIN Consider Vue. js for Your Next Web Project OPINIONROMAN KUBA Turn your web app into a native app with new visual app builder TOOLS Designed for web devs to build truly native iOS & Android apps without native coding. Easily connect apps to any REST API.  Join free today. DROPSOURCE  SPONSOR Jets. js: A CSS-Powered On-Page Search Library CODE Dynamically uses CSS selectors to show/hide certain items. DENIS LUKOV Just: A Library of Dependency-Free Utilities That Do Just Do One Thing CODE Things like object comparison, filtering, mapping, reduction, intersection. . ANGUS CROLL Allora: Promisify Anything Using ES6 Proxies CODE Under 50 lines of code too. GIANLUCA GUARINI Uppy: An In-Progress Next-Gen File Uploader for Web Browsers CODETRANSLOADIT nx-observe: Powerful Data Observation/Binding Without Special Syntax CODERISINGSTACK Dio. js: A Lightweight Virtual DOM Framework in 6KB CODESULTAN TARIMO Chevrotain: A Parsing DSL for Fault-Tolerant Recursive Descent Parsers CODESAP Aquarelle: A 'Watercolor Effect' for The Web CODE A striking visual effect. See this demo. RAMOTION

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Aurelia 1. 0 Released Aurelia is a next-gen JavaScript client framework that Rob Eisenberg, formerly an Angular 2 core team member, first shared 18 months ago. Create React App: Create React Apps with No Build Configuration A new, official toolkit that brings together several tools to rapidly create React apps with no up-front build config.  Official announcement and guide here. Introduction to Redux with TypeScript and Angular 2 An extremely thorough tutorial/walkthrough extracted from ng-book, an Angular 2 book. AngularJS Tutorial: Build a Feature Loaded Chat App Learn to build your own AngularJS chat app with realtime messages and more in no time.  View Tutorial. Bringing ChakraCore to Linux and OS X Microsoft open-sourced ChakraCore, the core of their JavaScript engine, in January. Now, they have implementations on Linux and OS X, as well as an experimental version of Node that uses it. Higher Order Components: A React Application Design Pattern Jack Franklin takes a look at Higher Order Components, a design pattern that helps keep your React applications tidy, well structured and easy to maintain. Announcing Meteor 1. 4: Updated Node & MongoDB Versions This update brings Meteor up to Node 4. 4. 7 (from 0. 10. 46), plus a jump from MongoDB 2. 6 to 3. 2. React Monocle: A Tool to Visualize A React Application's Component Hierarchy Parses your React project’s source files to generate a visual tree graph representing the React component hierarchy. Angular 2 Upgrade Strategies from Angular 1. x Todd Motto explains when and why you should consider moving from Angular 1 to Angular 2 and some approaches from making the conversion.   IN BRIEF Ember. js 2. 7 and 2. 8 Beta Released NEWSTILDE INC. The jQuery Foundation and Standards NEWSJQUERY FOUNDATION Interactive ES6 cheatsheet: 9 sections, 31 code samples TUTORIAL In 5 minutes you'll be able to read and understand modern JavaScript code with 31 runnable code samples. SWIZEC TELLER  SPONSOR JavaScript Closures Explained by Mailing a Package TUTORIALKEVIN KONONENKO How to Build a REST API with AWS SimpleDB and Node. js TUTORIAL NODEKYLE DAVIS A Step-by-Step TDD Approach on Testing React Components using Enzyme TUTORIALTHEREIGNN What Do the Popular JavaScript Tools Depend On? TUTORIAL Examining the dependencies of popular tools and frameworks including Angular, React, jQuery, and Aurelia. CODY LINDLEY Introducing Reduce: Common Patterns VIDEO 9 min video looking at the map() and filter() functions and how reduce can give a performance boost. MYKOLA BILOKONSKY Learning How to Ride: An Introduction to Cycle. js VIDEO Cycle. js is a declarative JS framework for building apps as pure functions. YOUTUBE Download Rangle’s Official Angular 2 Training Book TUTORIAL This extensive training book covers the most important Angular 2 topics including how to get started with the Angular 2 toolchain and write scalable & maintainable applications. RANGLE. IO  SPONSOR Career. JS: Podcast Where 3 JS Devs Share Software Dev Career Advice PODCAST Mixins Considered Harmful OPINIONDAN ABRAMOV ECMAScript Version Detector: Paste in Code, See What Bits of Specs You're Using TOOLS Bi Sheng: A Static Site Generator Based on React and Markdown CODEBENJY CUI RE-Build: Build Regular Expressions with Expressive Semantics CODE e. g.  ("2"). then. oneOf. range("0", "4"). then. digitMASSIMO ARTIZZU MetricsGraphics. js: Time-Series Data Visualization Library CODE Provides a simple way to produce common types of graphics with D3. ALMOSSAWI AND ULMER

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lightgallery. js: A Full-Featured, Responsive Lightbox Gallery Modular, responsive, supports numerous video services plus HTML5 video, CSS3 transitions, and more.  Demo here. A Comprehensive Look at jQuery Selectors If you’re using jQuery, being familiar with selectors to select the elements upon which you want to operate is key. Baljeet Rathi takes an in-depth look at the many selectors available. JavaScript and Functional Programming An introductory look at functional programming in JavaScript inspired and fuelled by Kyle Simpson’s recent Functional-Light JavaScript workshop. Are you Formidable? Formidable is a React and Node. js consultancy. We contribute to the Open Source Ecosystem and solve interesting problems for companies of all sizes using the latest and greatest in JavaScript. You can be Formidable too - we're hiring. Custom Form Controls in Angular 2: A Comprehensive Guide A code-driven exploration of creating custom form controls that integrate nicely with Angular’s form APIs. React's New Core Algorithm, React Fiber A plain language, jargon-free description of React Fiber, an ongoing reimplementation of React’s core algorithm and the culmination of over 2 years of research by the React team. Building Ambitious Web Applications with Ember. js A good general introduction to the core concepts of the Ember framework, and a demo of how to build an Ember app. Why ChakraCore Matters Microsoft’s JavaScript engine ChakraCore now supports Mac OS and Linux. Here, Christian explains why it matters. IN BRIEF “Async functions are now stage 4 and will be included in ES2017” NEWSBRIAN TERLSON ON TWITTER A Primer on the React Ecosystem TUTORIAL Part 2 of a series looking at React components and how to create and structure them.  Part 1 is here. NITIN PUNJABI The for Loop vs. forEach TUTORIALDAVID TANG Gathering Data In Parallel Inside an Asynchronous Generator-Based Workflow TUTORIALBEN NADEL Functional TypeScript TUTORIAL A practical look at applying functional thinking to refactoring TypeScript code. VICTOR SAVKIN Use React Native to a Create a Face Recognition App TUTORIAL How to use the Microsoft Face API within React Native. WERN ANCHETA How to Build Nested Model-Driven Forms in Angular 2 TUTORIAL . . with validation using the latest forms module. JECELYN YEEN Exploring Mithril, a JS Framework for Building Web Front Ends TUTORIALMIKE WARD Ultimate JavaScript String Tutorial in 37 Minutes VIDEOYOUTUBE SoundCloud's Experience with React Native STORY How Soundcloud took to using React Native for their Pulse iOS app. JAN MONSCHKE AND PETER MINARIK A Quick Look at the React and Redux Browser DevTools OPINIONCHRIS COYIER Why Choose ES6 Modules, Based on the State of the Art of JS Modularization OPINIONMATHIEU BRETON The Case for JS++ OPINION JS++ is a superset of JavaScript with type guarantees. ROGER POON Expanding horizons beyond instant test feedback and realtime code coverage TOOLS Introducing Wallaby. js App: real-time test analytics for your project's tests connected to your editor. WALLABY. JS  SPONSOR PyMiniRacer: Embed JavaScript into Python via V8 TOOLSJEAN-BAPTISTE AVIAT 67 Open Source Modal Window Plugins for the Web TOOLS Not a fan of these but sometimes they have a use. JULIA CHEN Code Smarter, Not Harder with Jacks by Building More Secure JS Apps TOOLS Scan your GitHub repo and master security as you code with Jacks, a developer-driven security tool for JS. CODISCOPE JACKS  SPONSOR jQuery Rate: A Simple jQuery Plugin for Creating Graphical Ratings CODE Demo - the actual code is here. react-media: A CSS Media Query Component for React CODE Slapp: A Node Module for Building Slack Integrations CODE Uses Slack’s new Events API. React Interpose: Use CSS Variables in React Components CODE Reduces the clutter of React components by bridging the gap between JS and CSS. ADAM TIMBERLAKE Kasia: A React Redux Toolset for the WordPress API CODE

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A Glimpse Into The Future With React Native For Web React went from the Web to native with React Native, but now we have React Native for Web which brings React Native’s predictable components to the Web. A full intro here. The State of JavaScript [video] At Frontend NE, Jack Franklin gave an hour long talk on the current state of Web development with JavaScript including ‘fatigue’, ES6, ES7, Babel and module support. Setting Up Flow When You’ve Already Got Babel in Place Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript that can help you be more productive by providing feedback and warnings in real-time as you code. Go for the Gold with the AngularJS Medal Tracker Sample New sample using AngularJS as the framework, Wijmo UI controls for data visualizations and Material Design for the user interface and UX. See how you can use these three technologies together to quickly build a full featured application.  Get the sample. A Tour of Shadow DOM v1: Self-Contained Web Components A great intro to Shadow DOM, which provides a framework-free way to create self-contained Web components. Chrome 53 and Safari 10 are shipping with Shadow DOM v1 support. Functional Testing with Nightwatch. js Hugo Giraudel demonstrates how to use Nightwatch and how functional testing ensures that an app works as expected from a user perspective. React Enlightenment: A New, Free Book A complete cookbook-style introduction to React, written by Cody Lindley. Image Upload and Manipulation with React Using react-dropzone, superagent, and Cloudinary, you can get a lot done relating to image uploading, entirely client-side.   N BRIEF Angular 2 RC5 Released: NgModules, Lazy Loading and AoT compilation NEWS The State of Vue: 2. 0 is Now in RC NEWS Reflections on the progress of Vue 2. 0. EVAN YOU Advancing the Open Web Through Test262 NEWS An update on Bocoup’s work with Google to make V8 and other projects more spec compliant. MIKE PENNISI The Comma Operator in JS TUTORIALJS TIPS A Guide to Internationalization in React TUTORIALPREETHI KASIREDDY Function Composition: Building Blocks for Maintainable Code TUTORIALSITEPOINT Building Animated Stacked Bar Charts with D3. js TUTORIALMASSIMILIANO PESENTE Learn Ember. js From Scratch: Tuts, Books, and Resources for Beginners TUTORIALJAKE ROCHELEAU Getting Started with Vue. js (1. 0. x) TUTORIAL Vue is a MVVM library that’s somewhat simpler than Angular. ASHRAFF HATHIBELAGAL Consuming A DynamoDB Stream in The Browser TUTORIALYANIV KESSLER An Introduction to Parallel Processing in JS with Web Workers TUTORIALTAMÁS SALLAI Angular 2 by Example TUTORIAL Explaining the major concepts of Angular2 using a real app you can play with. FELIX GESSERT How to Replace 5 Old ES5 Tricks in Your JavaScript TUTORIALDMITRI PAVLUTIN Opbeat for AngularJS TOOLS Instantly pinpoint performance issues. See how your app spends its time, and who wrote the slow code. OPBEAT  SPONSOR A 30 Minute Introduction to Service Workers VIDEOPHIL NASH Should We Load CSS in Our JavaScript? OPINION ‘No’ is by far the most common answer. REDDIT Why Redux Makes Sense to Me and How I Conceptualize It OPINIONWILLSON MOCK Lightning-fast Hosts for Your JavaScript TOOLS The perfect hosting solution for your javascript project. Use promo code JAVASCRIPT20 for $20 credit. LINODE  SPONSOR Typr. js: Process Fonts in JavaScript CODE There’s a demo page too. PHOTOPEA Baffle: A Tiny Library for Obfuscating and Revealing Text in DOM Elements CODECAM WIEGERT DN2A JavaScript: Digital Neural Networks Architecture with JS CODE A set of decoupled modules for neural network and AI development. DN2A js-joda: Immutable Date and Time Library for JavaScript CODEPHILIPP THUERWAECHTER AND PATTRICK HUEPER Mister Poster: A Social App Built with React Native CODE . . plus Redux, Redux Storage, and Firebase. PROVASH SHOUMMA

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Test262 is a JavaScript Sideshow Test262 is a test suite for the JavaScript language. Here’s a look at some of the quirky tests Bocoup came up with and contributed to cover new language features like default parameters and Promises. BOCOUP   Babel 6. 14. 0 Released with New 'es2017' Preset Despite the version number, this is a key release. The es2017 preset adds support for async/await and trailing commas in functions. Also a new ‘latest’ preset, plus many bug fixes. HENRY ZHU   Cache Fetched AJAX Requests Locally: Wrapping the Fetch API A look at building a wrapper for the Fetch API, step-by-step, to cache fetched AJAX results and avoid repeated requests to the server. PETER BENGTSSON Building a responsive HTML5 app? Learn the must-know techniques with this free whitepaper If you're an HTML5/JS dev, maybe you have already jumped in on a responsive project and would like to learn more. If not, responsive web design will probably be a requirement in the near future. This free whitepaper will give you the must-know about responsive web. PROGRESS   SPONSOR   The State of JavaScript? Take This Extensive JS Survey An in-depth survey by Sacha Greif (creator of Telescope) that wants to get a feel for the JavaScript landscape in 2016. He promises to share the results. SACHA GREIF   WebMonkeys: Massively Parallel GPU Programming from JS Works in both Node and the browser to make using the GPU for calculations easy. In the browser, it does some trickery with WebGL to make it all work. MAIA VICTOR   Offline Content with Service Workers A simple introduction and look down the ‘deep rabbit hole’ of how powerful and versatile service workers can be for delivering offline content. MIKE RIETHMULLER   You Should Learn Vanilla JavaScript Before JS Frameworks Should you learn vanilla, pure JavaScript before hopping on any JS framework bandwagons? This developer says yes. FRANCOIS-XAVIER P. DARVEAU   Drinking in the Present to Learn Future JavaScript Jafar Husain from Netflix, and member of the TC-39 committee, talks about the future of JavaScript in this hour long podcast. FRONT END HAPPY HOUR   JOBS Front End Developer at GeckoboardGeckoboard is a successful and growing 30-person B2B SaaS startup based in East London looking for curious and creative problem solvers to help beautiful UIs with React and ES6.  GECKOBOARD JavaScript Developer at Pixformance (Berlin)We're an established Berlin startup creating the most innovative fitness and rehabilitation training experience in the world. We are looking for a JavaScript Developer to help build the next generation of our product.  PIXFORMANCE Find Your Perfect Company MatchYou're smart, you're efficient. Why job hunt the old way? Try Hired and get your profile in front of thousands of top tech companies.  HIRED. COM IN BRIEF The State of JavaScript: Front-End Framework Usage NEWS Some preliminary results from the State of JavaScript survey shared above. SACHA GREIF Spacecamp 2. 0: A 2 Day JavaScript Coding Retreat and Unconf NEWS In North Carolina this November. SPACEDOJO Join us at DataLayer NEWS Hear speakers from GitHub, Adobe, ZenDesk many others as they discuss how their teams are optimizing the data layer to scale modern web and mobile apps. Reserve your seat now for this one day event on Sept. 28 in Seattle. COMPOSE/DATALAYER  SPONSOR Removing Elements from JavaScript Arrays TUTORIALMARIUS SCHULZ How to Convert Legacy ng-class Bindings to Angular 2 Attribute Bindings TUTORIALJEREMY LIKNESS Tracking Outbound Forms and Links with Google Analytics TUTORIAL A Look at Ahead-of-Time Compilation in Angular 2 TUTORIALMINKO GECHEV Angular 1 Using Redux Architecture TUTORIALDIMA GROSSMAN 19 Tips to Make Learning Angular 2 Easier TUTORIALCODY LINDLEY Video Tutorial Series: Using React JS for Front-End Development VIDEO Check out these 10-minute tutorials on using React JS with Redux & Flux. If you’re creating a new web app, you may find it useful. BANDWIDTH  SPONSOR Let's Build A Drum Machine with Ember. js VIDEOGAVIN JOYCE Webpack from First Principles: A Smooth 15 Minute Intro VIDEOFRONT END CENTER Relay 2: Simpler, Faster, More Predictable Data-Driven React Apps VIDEO Facebook’s Greg Hurrell revealed Relay 2’s features at the Silicon Valley ReactJS Meetup. PETE HUITSING From MVC to Flux: The Difference Between Two Architectures VIDEOGUY NESHER Tree-Shaking Example with Babel and Webpack TOOLS How to enable tree-shaking for dev and production builds. SOÓS GÁBOR GopherJS 1. 7-1 Released: Compile Go 1. 7 to JavaScript TOOLSDMITRI SHURALYOV Transcompiling F# to JavaScript with Fable TOOLSINFOQ A Pure JavaScript Version of Google's Closure Compiler CODEGOOGLE Keystone 4. 0 Released: A CMS Built on Node CODE NODE React Static Plate: Build Static Sites with React + CSS Modules CODE Uses ES6, supports hot reloading locally, generates a sitemap. xml file. YANNIK SCHWEINZER Grade: Generate Complementary Gradients From Supplied Images CODE The demo shows it off well. BEN HOWDLE Pluggable. js: Make Your JS Project Extendable Through Plugins CODE . . while still keeping sensitive objects and data private through closures. JC BRAND Push. js: JavaScript Notifications for (Almost) Every Browser CODETYLER NICKERSON

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3 JS Performance Fundamentals That Make Bluebird Fast The creator of the Bluebird promise library shares 3 JavaScript performance fundamentals he’s encountered. PETKA ANTONOV   babili/babel-minify: An ES6+ Aware Minifier on Babel A minifier that copes with modern JavaScript syntax and allows smaller file sizes when targeted at browsers with native ES6+ support. BABEL   BuckleScript 1. 0: An OCaml to JavaScript Compiler Claims to be very fast, flexible, clean and elegant in the way it integrates with existing JS libraries. OCaml is a great language so it’s worth a look. HONGBO ZHANG Deploying React with Zero Configuration Ramp up on React and focus on what’s different and interesting about your app. Deploy a React app in minutes. HEROKU   SPONSOR   Exploring React's State Propagation How is state updated throughout a React-backed app and how can Facebook’s Immutable help? ERIC GREENE   Itsy Bitsy Data Structures: Simple Data Structure Examples in JS Annotated simplified examples of many of the common data structures written in easy to read JavaScript. Essentially a great article but written in code. JAMES KYLE   Create a Language and Parser in JavaScript with Ohm Introducing Ohm, a JavaScript parser generator for building your own programming languages. JOSH MARINACCI   JavaScript Performance Through the Spyglass [video] “Knowledge of implementation details is crucial not only to writing fast JavaScript code but even to simply measuring the difference between fast and slow. ” 45 minute video. VYACHESLAV EGOROV   The State of JavaScript 'Flavors' People Use More preliminary results from the State of JavaScript survey shared last week, this time looking at thevariants of JavaScript people use (e. g. ES6, CoffeeScript, TypeScript). SACHA GREIF   IN BRIEF Google's Closure Compiler Now Available in Pure JavaScript NEWS We linked it last week but now Google have explained more. GOOGLE Announcing TypeScript 2. 0 RC NEWSMICROSOFT ES Proposal: Function. prototype. toString Revision NEWSDR. AXEL RAUSCHMAYER Angular 2. 0 Release Candidate 6 Released NEWS Lightning-fast Hosts for Your JavaScript TOOLS The perfect hosting solution for your javascript project. Use promo code JAVASCRIPT20 for $20 credit. LINODE  SPONSOR ngMigrate: From angular. module to ngModule TUTORIALTODD MOTTO Using ES2015/ES6 'Proxy' for Fun and Profit TUTORIALALON NIV 11 Simple npm Tricks TUTORIAL NODETIERNEY COREN JavaScript's Role in Artificial Intelligence, AR, and VR PODCAST An hour-long podcast (with transcription) exploring how JS will play a role in AI and Virtual Reality. CHRISTOPHE LIMPALAIR AND ERIC ELLIOTT Why I Use a JavaScript Style Guide and Why You Should Too OPINION Mark Brown explains how a style guide can help reduce friction when working as part of a team. SITEPOINT Building Animated Components, or How React Makes D3 Better OPINIONSWIZEC TELLER Creating Your Own 'JavaScript': Should You? OPINION You can use Babel to fix some of the ‘ugly parts’ in JavaScript, but should you?KAROLIS MASIULIS A Curated Collection of 396 React Components TOOLSROMUALD BRILLOUT Find and Fix Node. js Errors Faster (and have fun doing it) TOOLS Quickly pinpoint what’s broken and why. Get the context and insights to defeat all Node errors. ROLLBAR  SPONSOR in-view: Get Notified When A DOM Element Enters or Exits The Viewport CODECAM WIEGERT Vexwarp: Audio Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting CODE JS implementations of STFT and phase vocoder algorithms.  Demo. Cesium: A WebGL Virtual Globe and Map Engine CODECESIUM React Dates: A Date Picker from Airbnb CODE An accessible, easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly date-picker library for the web. AIRBNB Postmate: A Powerful, Promise-based postMessage Library CODE This allows a parent page to speak with a child iFrame across origins. DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB xterm. js: A Full Xterm Terminal Component, in Your Browser CODE Enables apps to provide fully featured terminals. SOURCELAIR Dext: A Smart App Launcher for Mac, Powered by JavaScript CODEVU TRAN

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An Intro to PouchDB, A Client-Side JavaScript Database Get started with PouchDB, an in-browser NoSQL, document database inspired by CouchDB that can help with offline apps that later sync with a server-side DB. JATIN SHRIDAR How to Bundle JavaScript with Rollup Learn how to use Rollup as a smaller, more efficient alternative to webpack and Browserify to bundle JavaScript files. Goes into a lot of depth in both text and video forms. JASON LENGSTORF Routing React Apps: The Complete Guide A gentle introduction to the fundamentals of routing in React apps.  (As an aside, get a chance at some free React stickers by registering for our new React newsletter. ) CHRIS NWAMBA Try the RASON® API – and Start Using Advanced Analytics in Your Web/Mobile Apps Solve powerful optimization and simulation models in your app easily with the RASON® API. Use a high-level modeling language embedded in JSON, and a simple, Azure-backed REST API service. RASON. COM BY FRONTLINE SYSTEMS INC   SPONSOR Appmetrics. js: Measures Performance and Reports to Google Analytics A small library for measuring and recording performance metrics and annotating the DevTools timeline. ERIC BIDELMAN An Overview of Node's Long Term Versioning and LTS Plan Outlining the steps to Node v7. x.  P. S. Don’t forget Node Weekly for more Node each week. ROD VAGG vim-es6: Write ES6 Code More Easily in Vim ES6 snippets and syntax highlighting for the Vim editor. RUSLAN ISMAGILOV An Introduction to Chart. js 2. 0 in 6 Examples Jack Rometty takes you on a tour of Chart. js 2. 0 and its various chart types (bar, radar, polar, etc. ) Plenty of easy-to-follow examples to drop in to your next project. SITEPOINT   IN BRIEF ES Proposal: Template Literal Revision NEWS A proposal to give the innards of tagged template literals more syntactic freedom. DR. AXEL RAUSCHMAYER Announcing Quill 1. 0: The Powerful Rich Text Editor NEWSJASON CHEN PouchDB 6. 0. 0 Released: A CouchDB-Inspired In-Browser Database NEWSDALE HARVEY Removal of the Expression Sandbox in Angular 1. 6+ NEWSANGULAR CORE Samsung Brings JavaScript to the Internet of Things NEWS Samsung is offering a stable 1. 0 release of its ‘JerryScript’ engine for resource-constrained IoT devices. PAUL KRILL JavaScript Arrow Functions Introduction TUTORIALWES BOS Master the JavaScript Interview: What is Function Composition? TUTORIALERIC ELLIOTT My New Favorite ES6 Toy: Destructured Objects as Parameters TUTORIALSARAH DRASNER Learn Node. js: A Free Course for Node Beginners TUTORIAL NODE Uses the online Hyperdev development environment. HYPERDEV Migrating From ngAnimate to Angular 2's 'animate' TUTORIALLUKAS RUEBBELKE Building a responsive HTML5 app? Learn the must-know techniques in this whitepaper If you're a HTML5/JS dev, responsive web design is or will be a requirement in the near future. This whitepaper will give you the must-know on responsive web. PROGRESS  SPONSOR Creating Forms with React and Redux VIDEO How to use the Redux Form Library to create forms that can store their state. HENDRIK SWANEPOEL Is 'var' Dead? What Should I Use? OPINION “There isn’t a right answer here, just opinions. ”WES BOS JavaScript (and Node. js) Continues To Eat The World OPINION Opinions on JavaScript’s future based on two days spent at NodeSummit 2016. DALE KNAUSS JS frameworks & libs fade and die, good tools and acquired skills don't TOOLS Instant feedback from your tests and realtime code coverage right in your editor, now with test analytics. WALLABY. JS  SPONSOR 10 jQuery Panorama Image Display Plugins CODETHOMAS GRECO granim. js: Create Fluid and Interactive Gradient Animations CODE Demo page. BENJAMIN BLONDE Fuse. js: A Lightweight Fuzzy-Search Library CODEKIROLLOS RISK Text Mask: Text Input Masking for React, Angular, Ember, and Plain JS CODE Supports phone numbers, dates, emails and more.  Demo. TEXT MASK cookies. js: Simple Front-End Cookie Manipulation Library CODEFRANCISCO PRESENCIA timeago: A Tiny Library to Format Dates/Times as '3 Hours Ago', etc.  CODE

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Getting Started with Webpack 2 A walk through a soon to be released 2nd version of the popular JavaScript bundler. Jack Franklin has also written a handy migrating to Webpack 2 guide. DREW POWERS Brendan Eich on JavaScript and the Web Platform Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, is the special guest for the very last episode of JavaScript Air. JAVASCRIPT AIR Adventures in Aurelia: Creating a Custom PDF Viewer Jedd Ahyoung demonstrates how to combine the power of PDF. js and the Aurelia framework to create a custom PDF viewer with two way data binding. JEDD AHYOUNG Try the RASON® API – and Start Using Advanced Analytics in Your Web/Mobile Apps Solve powerful optimization and simulation models in your app easily with the RASON® API. Use a high-level modeling language embedded in JSON, and a simple, Azure-backed REST API service. SkateJS: Cross-Framework Web Component Library Built on W3C Specs A library built on top of the W3C web component specs for writing functional and performant web components with a small footprint. Webpack Plugin and CLI Tool to Visualize Bundle Contents in a Treemap A great effect visually, but also a practical way to see what’s contained within bundled JavaScript files and what’s taking up the most space. YURIY GRUNIN Easy Angular Authentication with JSON Web Tokens Stateless authentication is a great fit for Angular apps. In this post, Ryan Chenkie talks about implementing it using JSON Web Tokens. RYAN CHENKIE WebAssembly Browser Previews Now Available The WebAssembly project has reached a Browser Preview stage, with multiple interoperable implementations from Firefox, Edge and the V8 project to try. SETH THOMPSON Webpack or Browserify and Gulp: Which Is Better? Some insights into the pros and cons of different JavaScript and asset packaging approaches. ERIC GROSSE The Latest Issue of Our New React Newsletter We're at issue 10 now and putting most of our React stories there instead. REACT STATUS   IN BRIEF Announcing Dart Sass: A Dart Implementation of the Sass CSS Pre-Processor NEWS It’s fast, and compatible with JavaScript, naturally. async/await Support in Firefox Nightly NEWSMOZILLA A JS Logo Guessing Game, Purely for Fun NEWS Can you identify over 100 libraries and tools from their logos alone?SAMI SUO-HEIKKI Join us for Chrome Dev Summit 2016 via Livestream on November 10-11th NEWS All sessions of Chrome Dev Summit 2016 will be livestreamed from our website on Nov. 10-11.  Sign up for livestream updates. GOOGLE INC.   SPONSOR Using HTML Form Validation in Pure JavaScript TUTORIALRAYMOND CAMDEN Angular 2 Testing In Depth: How to Test Services and Use DI TUTORIALGÁBOR SOÓS Getting Started with Ember and 'Data Down Actions Up' TUTORIALEMBER IGNITER Make Dynamic Tables in Seconds from JSON Data TUTORIAL Tabulator is a jQuery UI plugin for quickly creating dynamic tables. OLI FOLKERD Building an Autocomplete Widget with React TUTORIALAZAT MARDAN Generating Sounds Programmatically in the Browser with JavaScript TUTORIALMARC G GAUTHIER Discover How to Write Apps in Angular 2 with Rangle’s Online Sessions COURSE Register to join Rangle’s free Angular 2 online training course for JavaScript developers on November 22-23. RANGLE. IO  SPONSOR A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue OPINION Practical pointers for navigating the ‘confusing’ JavaScript ecosystem. SACHA GREIF TinyTyper: A Tiny Library for Creating A Typing Effect On Specified Text Element TOOLSKORNEY VASILCHENKO Gatsby: Transform Plain Text Into Dynamic Blogs and Sites using React TOOLS Recordy: Simple Audio Recording in the Browser CODEMAXIMILIAN TORGGLER JSONata: A JSON Query and Transformation Language CODE A new way to extract values from JSON documents. Fuse. js: Lightweight Fuzzy-Search with Zero Dependencies CODEKIROLLOS RISK egjs: jQuery-Based UI Interactions, Effects, and Utilities Library CODE Typeis. js: A Simple JavaScript Value Type Checker CODE medium-draft: A Medium-Like Rich Text Editor Built on Draft. js CODE With a strong focus on keyboard shortcuts. BRIJESH BITTU Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.

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Splittable: Bundler with Code Splitting, ES6 & CommonJS Module Support A module bundler with super simple code splitting support that aims for extremely efficient packing. It uses Browserify, Babel and Closure Compiler behind the scenes. Clarity: A HTML/CSS/UX Design System and Angular 2 Components Jumpstart projects with a UI kit, set of Angular 2 components, and HTML/CSS framework. Migrating to Jest Kent C. Dodds is super excited about Jest as an alternative to AVA and Mocha, and explains how he was won over after not initially being a fan. Unlimited LIVE online front-end engineering workshops Starting this week, Frontend Masters is offering all their LIVE online workshops from world-class experts, 100% free for members. Get unlimited access to ALL live online workshops, plus 50+ awesome courses for just $39/mo. Choosing Ember over React in 2016 This isn’t about if Ember is better than React, but is a thorough look at how and why one team chose Ember for their project. React v15. 4. 0 Released React and React DOM are now finally separated, React component events can now be monitored in the Chrome Timeline, and you can now provide mock refs to test renderers. An Intro to Monkey Testing with Gremlins. js Monkey testing is a method of testing that generates random user input - clicks, swipes, entering input - with the sole purpose of finding issues with, or entirely breaking, your app. Fun Functional Programming with the Choo Framework With the aid of seven comprehensive demos, Mark Brown introduces you to Choo — a fun new framework for building single page apps in a functional manner. Preact: A Fast, 3KB React Alternative with the Same ES6 API We first linked this earlier this year when it was more experimental but it has seen lots of updates and adoption recently. IN BRIEF Angular 2. 2. 0 Now Available NEWS No breaking changes, but you can now AOT compile Angular 2 Components and Modules when using @angular/upgrade. GOOGLE Over 500 Nominations to the JavaScript Weekly Awards 2016 NEWS Get your own nominations in before November 25 :-)JAVASCRIPT WEEKLY Screeps: A MMO RTS Sandbox Game Where You Code JavaScript NEWS You program unit AI using JavaScript within the game. Note: This is a commercial, pay-for game. STEAM A Dead Simple Intro to Destructuring JavaScript Objects TUTORIALWES BOS Building Angular 2 Web and Native Apps from a Single Codebase TUTORIALTELERIK DEVELOPER NETWORK Creating a Reactive UI Framework with Proxies and Virtual DOM TUTORIAL A quick look at the core of creating a React + MobX-lite of your own. FRANCESCO STRAZZULLO Custom Validators in Template Driven Angular 2 Forms TUTORIALJURI STRUMPFLOHNER How to Build a WebSocket Multi-Client Chat using Ionic and Node TUTORIALLONDON APP DEVELOPER An Introduction Into Lenses in JavaScript TUTORIAL Essentially functional getters/setters. A. SHARIF Vue. js, The Progressive Framework VIDEOEVAN YOU Visualizing Data with D3. js VIDEO A live stream from Sirajology, a popular coding YouTuber. YOUTUBE How to Get Started with Framework7, Vue. js and Webpack VIDEOTIMO ERNST Next. Js: Is It The Next Big Thing in JavaScript? OPINIONARUNODA SUSIRIPALA Which IDE / Editor Are You Using for JavaScript? OPINION WebStorm, vim, and Visual Studio Code are notably popular. REDDIT You Might Not Need Promises OPINION And why callbacks are just fine in some cases. DECLAN DE WET Komodo IDE: The Best IDE for Web and Mobile Developers TOOLS Web & mobile devs get all their favorite frameworks, languages, and tools in one cross-platform, polyglot IDEACTIVESTATE  SPONSOR 8 JS Libraries for Interactive Map Visualizations TOOLSRUSLAN BOROVIKOV interceptjs: jQuery Plugin to Handle 'Call to Action' Intercepts CODETEN7 ChaosSocket: A WebSocket Mocking Interface CODEHECTOR ZARCO Victory: Modular Charting and Data Visualization React Components CODEFORMIDABLE OPEN SOURCE Try Kendo UI - the most complete JavaScript/HTML UI library with 70+ widgets CODE Need to build web applications? From Data Grids to Spreadsheet, Kendo UI has 70+ UI components to choose from to create responsive apps. PROGRESS  SPONSOR Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.

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  Top JavaScript Frameworks and Topics to Learn in 2017 Eric Elliott explores what technologies you should care about next year, and where you should invest your time to get the most benefit. Next Angular To Be Angular 4. 0 Due to a clash of version numbers, the next Angular will be version 4, not 3. A full explanation here plus a run through the release schedule (final is due March 2017). Voca: Over 70 String Manipulation Functions Billing itself as the ‘ultimate JavaScript string library’, with Voca you can tweak cases, trim, pad, slugifly, latinise, sprintf, truncate, escape and more. Break Bad Security Habits Right Now Stop writing risky code! Use Jacks to find areas to secure your JavaScript application and learn how to secure it. Get expert advice, in-depth courses, and proven code fixes for free.  Try it now. Hyper 1. 0: A Terminal Built on JavaScript and HTML Built using Electron, Hyper is a powerful JavaScript-backed terminal emulator. Version 1 brings Windows support and a better Linux version. Vuetify: A Vue. js 2. 0 Component Framework Clean, reusable Material Design-inspired components to make building your apps easier. When Everything's Important, Nothing Is Do libraries and frameworks prioritize components on boot? If so, how, and if not what can we do? In exploring that question Paul Lewis considers that Server-Side Rendering isn’t a silver bullet. IN BRIEF Big Aurelia Release Update NEWSAURELIA PROJECT 2016 in Jest: A Big Year for Facebook's JS Testing Tool NEWSCHRISTOPH POJER RxJS 5. 0 Released: A Reactive Programming Library NEWSREACTIVEX webpack 2. 2: The Release Candidate NEWSSEAN T. LARKIN Beginner's Guide to Installing Node 7 on a Raspberry Pi TUTORIAL NODEDAVE JOHNSON Emoji. prototype. length — A Tale of Characters in Unicode TUTORIALSTEFAN JUDIS How to Render Components Outside the Main React App TUTORIALRYAN ZEC Using Kendo UI With Angular 2 TUTORIALTELERIK DEVELOPER NETWORK How Ember 2. 10 and Glimmer 2 Improved Our App Performance STORYTHE DEVEO BLOG Creating a marketing automation platform: an Emarsys case study STORY Discover how Emarsys architected a micro-services marketing platform using MongoDB, Postgres & Redis. COMPOSE  SPONSOR A 110 Minute Intro to Composable Functional JavaScript VIDEOBRIAN LONSDORF Make A JavaScript Drum Kit in Vanilla JS VIDEOWES BOS Native JavaScript Development After Internet Explorer OPINIONSITEPOINT Play With Jest Online Before Installing It TOOLS Jest is a testing framework built and used by Facebook. REPL. IT React Fix It: Automagically Generate Tests From Errors TOOLSMICHELE BERTOLI Try RASON™ – And Start Using Advanced Analytics in Your Web/Mobile Apps TOOLS Solve powerful optimization & simulation models in your app easily with RASON™. Use a high-level modeling language embedded in JSON & a simple, Azure-backed REST API. RASON. COM BY FRONTLINE SYSTEMS INC  SPONSOR JavaScript State Machine: Library for Managing a Finite Set of States CODEDAVE STEWART LoadJS: A Tiny Async Loader for Modern Browsers (710 Bytes) CODEANDRES MOREY TypeORM: A Data-Mapper ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript CODE Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. YAKDU Dante2: A Medium-Style Editor Built on DraftJs CODE Demo here. MIGUEL MICHELSON MARTINEZ redux-subscriber: Subscribe to Changes in Any Part of Redux State CODEALEXANDER IVANTSOV Pure JavaScript Smooth Image Zooming CODEDESMOND DING Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.

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  Authoring and Publishing JS Modules with Flow An accessible hands-on look at using Flow, the static type checker, and integrating it with a Babel workflow. Inferno 1. 0 Released: A Fast React-like UI Library Isomorphic, modular, provides a React-like API, and clocks in at 9KB. It’s slightly larger than Preact but claims better performance. Master the JavaScript Interview: What is Functional Programming? Functional programming continues to be a hot topic in the JavaScript world. Eric Elliott covers what you need to know. Early Bird Tickets to ForwardJS flying away Nine days of in-person workshops on Angular 2, React, WebVR, Redux, Async, D3, WebPerf, Ionic, TypeScript and Halogen presented by industry experts this March in San Francisco. Early bird tickets are almost gone. 3 JavaScript Libraries to Keep an Eye On in 2017 Spoiler alert: it’s Vue. js, Svelte, and Conditioner. js (a conditional module loader). Flatpickr: A Lightweight Date/Time-Picker with No Dependencies A straightforward, good looking, vanilla date and time picker. Also available as Vue. js, React, Ember and Angular components/addons. Marky: High-Resolution Timer based on performance. mark() and measure() Works in both the browser and on Node and uses the highest resolution timing options available. Clean Code Concepts Adapted for JavaScript A guide, adapted from Robert C. Martin’s book Clean Code, to producing readable, reusable, and refactorable software in JavaScript. TypeScript: The Missing Introduction A detailed introduction to how you can think about TypeScript, and its ability to improve JavaScript development. The Truth About Traditional JavaScript Benchmarks Serious about performance for the web? Benedikt argues that we need to start judging browsers “by real world performance and not their ability to game four year old benchmarks”.   IN BRIEF Calling All Speakers: SIGNAL 2017 CFP NEWS Tell your stories with code at Twilio’s SIGNAL conference on May 24-25 in San Francisco. TWILIO  SPONSOR Migrating A Legacy Frontend Build System to Webpack TUTORIALCHANG WANG Build a React App with User Login and Authentication TUTORIALROBIN ORHEDEN The 5 Things You Need To Know To Understand React TUTORIALSACHA GREIF 3 Questions to Watch Out For in a JavaScript Interview OPINIONDANIEL BOROWSKI How My 10-Year-Old Learned JavaScript STORY “It was a long journey with many bumps in the road”RICH KLEIN A (Very Quick) Introduction to ES6 Proxies VIDEOKENT C. DODDS Exploring Functional JavaScript (via 6 Great Talks) VIDEOGRZEGORZ ZIÓŁKOWSKI Webinar: Why React. js is Game-Changing for Customer Experiences Learn why React creates powerful, consistent customer experiences across both mobile and desktop. RANGLE. IO  SPONSOR The Web Bluetooth Module for Angular TOOLSWASSIM CHEGHAM 5 jQuery Print Page Options TOOLSSIMON CODRINGTON Shrimpit: CLI Analysis Tool for Checking Unused JS and JSX ES6 Exports TOOLSDAVY DUPERRON eventstop: A Minimal Event Library for Node. js and Browser CODEEGOIST Trae: A Minimalistic Fetch-Based HTTP Client for the Browser CODENICOLAS DEL VALLE AND CHRISTIAN GILL A JS Implementation of Python's range() Function.  CODEMICHAŁ PERŁAKOWSKI HTML5 Canvas Gauges (radial, linear, etc. ) CODEMYKHAILO STADNYK TexGen. js: Procedural Texture Generation CODE Zoom. js: Medium's Image Zoomer, with No Dependencies CODENISHANTH SHANMUGHAM Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.

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Making Transpiled ES Modules More Spec-Compliant Dr. Axel demonstrates how a proposed ‘spec mode’ for Babel will help you prepare for a world of native ES modules. Refactoring 30,000 Lines of JS with Types How to significantly change 30,000 lines of client-side JavaScript without breaking things? This team tried both Flow and TypeScript and brought some minimal typing into play. Ionic 2. 0: Framework For Building Mobile Apps with Angular Ionic 2. 0. 0 comes with new cross-platform components with 100% Material Design support, a 'native feature' plugin system, and enhanced performance. “Use your nice tools without jumping through unnecessary hoops”: npm on the job npm’s the obvious choice for managing JavaScript dependencies, but when Ellie Mae built a web app, they needed to keep some code private. How? “Choose tools that work with the grain of how you want to work, and work with the grain of your tools…” Gmail to Block . js File Attachments Soon . js is to join . exe, . bat, and other file types in being blocked for security reasons. You’ll need to archive or host them instead from February. An Introduction to Parsing Expressions with Nearley Nearley is a fast and modern parser toolkit for JavaScript that uses the Earley algorithm and this is a handy walkthrough the ideas involved. An Introduction to Observables for Angular Developers What are ‘observables’? Why are they helpful for asynchronous communication? And how can you use them in an Angular 2 application with RxJS? Answers here. ES Proposal: Shared Memory and Atomics ES2017 is picking up some new concepts that will help with building higher-level concurrency abstractions. Here’s Axel with the deep dive. ECMAScript Regexes Are (Going To Be) Getting Better Regular expressions were added to JS 18 years ago and have only been slightly improved. Mathias looks at five new proposals under consideration to improve them further. IN BRIEF Using Redux for Managing Immutable State TUTORIALDAVID XU JavaScript Array Methods: Mutating vs. Non-Mutating TUTORIALLOREN STEWART Working with HTTP Streams with Cycle. js TUTORIALIVAN JOVANOVIC New Course: ⚡️ ES6 The Right Parts with Kyle Simpson COURSE Uncover new ES6 JS features like arrow functions, generators and computed properties with Kyle Simpson's book series: "You Don't Know JS". FRONTEND MASTERS  SPONSOR A Look at TypeScript 2. 1's Mapped Types TUTORIAL Create new types from existing ones by transforming properties. MARIUS SCHULZ How To Conditionally Load Modules with StealJS TUTORIALMANUEL MUJICA Source Maps with webpack in Chrome TUTORIALERIK AYBAR JS Library Development in ES6 with Babel, Mocha and npm Scripts TUTORIALHUGO DI FRANCESCO Getting Started with Vue. js 2. 0 in 2017 for Beginners VIDEO A tidy 20 minute intro and live coding demo. ERIK HANCHETT Code-Splitting Your Way to Better Performance with Webpack VIDEO A quick 6 minute conversation. GOOGLE CHROME DEVELOPERS ES6 and Beyond Workshop at PayPal (January 2017) VIDEOKENT C DODDS JSDOW: Chart Daily/Weekly Download Numbers for npm Packages TOOLS Who wants to add a virtual stock game to this? ;-) Best in Class UI Components for Angular Development – Kendo UI for Angular CODE 100% jQuery-free Angular components built from ground-up which deliver the business app essential building blocks. PROGRESS  SPONSOR BuckleScript: A JavaScript Backend for the OCaml Compiler CODEBLOOMBERG FINANCE Tilt. js: Tiny Parallax Tilt Effect for jQuery CODEGIJS ROGÉ qart. js: Merges Pictures and QR Codes for Artistic QR Codes CODE Clever, I’m surprised the output worked (I tested it!)

JavaScript nedeljni pregled saveta, vesti, uputstava




U profesiji u kojoj je obrazovanje veoma važno, Chris Gregori nas podseća ove nedelje o nekoliko jednostavnih koraka koje je izvršio da bi poboljšao sebe i svoju karijeru, u članku “Kako postati bolji programer” na blogu Bits and Pieces. Još nekoliko dobrih članaka na ovom blogu za ovu nedelju su "Razumevanje komponenti višeg reda u Reactu " od Chidume Nnamdia, "Šta je GraphQL?" od Mahesh Haldara i Nwose Lotanna nam predstavlja sve funkcije koje je dobro znati u verziji 2. 8. 0 Nuxt JS-a u članku "Šta je novo u Nuxt JS 2. 8. 0". Robin Wieruch se fokusira ove nedeljen na Prettier sa dvodelnim tutorialom, od kojih prvi obuhvata instalaciju za Visual Studio Code u članku "Kako da upotrebite Prettier u VS kodu" a zatim primenu pomoću ESLint u članku "Kako da Prettier funkcioniše pomoću ESLint-a" u drugom delu. Hernan Rajchert je ove nedelje u Šekspir raspoloženju "Promeniti ili ne promeniti, pitanje je sad", upoređujući TypeScript i PureScript, dok nam Nwose Lotanna pomaže da kontrolišemo tok rada upotrebom veza životnog ciklusa u članku "Predstavljanje Vue veza životnog ciklusa" a Sean Van Mulligen nam objašnjava razloge zašto kreiranje veb aplikacija prvo offline nije trivijalan zadatak u članku "Strategije poništavanja keša pomoću IndexedDB-a u Angularu 2+" . . . na Logrocketovom blogu. Ako uživate u kreiranju animacija zasnovanih na vremenskoj osi, pogledajte članak "Predstavljanje biblioteke Scene. js za kreiranje animacija zasnovanih na vremenskoj osi" od Daybrusha i ne zaboravite da pogledate ScaffoldHub, generator veb aplikacije koji vam omogućava da generišete React, Angular ili Vue + NodeJS + SQL, MongoDB ili Firebase Firestore aplikacije. Popularne priče koje su izabrali strastveni članovi zajednice Generalno Generator veb aplikacije za React, Angular ili Vue + NodeJS + SQL, MongoDB ili Firebase Firestore ScaffoldHub je generator veb aplikacije koji vam omogućava da generišete React, Angular ili Vue + NodeJS + SQL, MongoDB ili Firebase Firestore aplikacije. . . . Felipe Lima Pročitajte više Kako da postanete bolji programer Ne kažem da biste trebali sve da preispitate što čujete ili da biste trebali da se raspravljate sa programerima na društvenim medijima. Samo kažem da vi. . . Bit pročitajte višE Microfrontends: dobro, loše i ružno Front-end twitter je prošle nedelje razbuktao diskusiju o 'microfrontendu', sa jakim argumentima i mišljenjima sa obe strane. . . . Kevin Ball pročitajte višE Kako da učinite da Prettier funkcioniše sa ESLint-om Ovaj tutorial je 2. deo (i poslednji) u ovoj seriji. Podrazumevana postavka za moje JavaScript projekte: Prettier + ESLint. Dok se Prettier koristi za. . . Robin Wieruch pročitajte višE Šta je GraphQL? Zašto mi je potrebno nešto bolje od REST API-a? GraphQL nema nikakve veze sa ReactJs-om. Da, tako ja započinjem ovaj post. . . Bit pročitajte višE JavaScript JavaScript Mutation funkcija o kojoj nikada niste čuli Čuli ste za X-mena, zar ne? Pa ovo je isto kao X-men, ali je to lekcija o JavaScriptu. Ali ipak, prilično isto kao. . . DiscoverSDK pročitajte višE Manipulisanje nizovima u JavaScriptu Važan deo svakog programskog jezika. Uglavnom treba da izvršimo nekoliko operacija u nizovima, što je i opisano u ovom članku. U ovom članku. . . B O L A J I ⚡ pročitajte višE JavaScript osnove: upotreba uslovnih struktura Kada želimo da predstavimo logiku & donesemo odluku u programima, mi koristimo uslovne strukture. Pomoću uslovnih struktura možemo da kontrolišemo ponašanje. . . Tim Robards pročitajte višE Kako pravilno da kreirate animacije vezane za skrolovanje Ovaj članak govori o obe klase odgovora, sa dva odlična saveta: upotreba šablona JavaScript prijemnika i upotreba CSS-a gde je to moguće. . . LogRocket pročitajte višE Smanjite širenje i putanja za jedinstvene elemente Smanjivanje širenja i putanja za jedinstvene elemente kao moderna funkcija JavaScripta ima sve veću podršku i ja je sve češće koristim . . . Remy Sharp pročitajte višE Koji kompajler bita bih trebao da upotrebim? Svet veb razvoja prolazi kroz brze i uzbudljive promene. Veb aplikacije su postale sve složenije, i zato. . . Bit pročitajte višE Razvoj čeone komponente je mrtav. Živelo frontend inženjerstvo! Sećate li se dobrih starih vremena kada je sve što ste trebali da uradite bilo da napišete dobar CSS i HTML? Možda malo PHP-a, JSP-a ili. . . gitconnected pročitajte višE TypeScript Promeniti ili ne promeniti, pitanje je sad, Blog Ovo je drugi post u seriji “nisu svi kompajleri kreirani jednako”, u kojem ćemo uporediti TypeScript (TS) i PureScript (PS),. . . LogRocket pročitajte višE Angular Sve što treba da znate o Ivy-u, novom Angular mehanizmu! Prvo i najvažnije - Mobilni uređaji! Možda zvuči neverovatno ali 63% online saobraćaja u SAD-u dolazi sa pametnih telefona i tableta. Angular In Depth pročitajte višE Dinamički naslovi stranice u Angularu Problem sa ovim pristupom je da treba da postavimo te metode u komponentu i treba da pozovemo taj metod za svaki link koji. . . Bit pročitajte višE Strategije za poništavanje keša pomoću IndexedDB-a u Angularu 2+ Kreiranje veb aplikacije offline nije trivijalni zadatak. Postoje brojna razmatranja (više nego što može da se opiše. . . LogRocket pročitajte višE React Budućnost Reacta, upotreba alatke Suspense Blog Od kada je React tim izdao njihovu 16. x verziju, to je definitivno iznenadilo zajednicu. Neki od najboljih dodataka. . . Lusan Das pročitajte višE Razumevanje komponenti višeg reda u Reactu Kompletan vodič za React komponente višeg reda. U našem poslednjem postu govorimo o proveri tipa u Reactu; videli smo kako da specifikujemo. . . Bit pročitajte višE Autentifikacija emaila pomoću React Nativea i Firebasea Provera identiteta korisnika može da bude implemenitrana pomoću Facebooka, Googlea, Twittera ili LinkedIna ali autentifikacija emaila. . . Bit pročitajte višE Vue Šta je novo u Nuxt JS-u 2. 8. 0 Nuxt je radni okvir izgrađen za kreiranje Vue aplikacija. Ove Vue aplikacije mogu da budu jednostranične aplikacije, statički generisane aplikacije. . . Bit pročitajte višE Prestavljanje veza životnog ciklusa Vue-a Blog Okalšajte tok rada koristeći veze životnog ciklusa za dodavanje prilagođene logike u različitim fazama životnog ciklusa Vue instance. . . LogRocket pročitajte višE Opsecanje slika u pretraživaču pomoću Vue. js-a Blog Da li ste ikada kreirali veb aplikaciju koja je trebala da prihvati slike od korisnika i kasnije ste shvatili da korisnici šalju slike. . . LogRocket pročitajte višE Node. js Šta je Abstract Syntax Tree Naučite šta su AST-ovi (i zašto su važni). AST je skraćenica za Abstract Syntax Tree. To je reprezentacija tokena generisanih iz. . . Bit pročitajte višE Predstavljanje AwesomeLog-a AwesomeLog je sistem za evidentiranje za poslovne nodejs aplikacije. Obezbeđuje osnovno rešenje za evidentiranje koje je spremno za. . . arei pročitajte višE Biblioteke i alatke Predstavljanje Scene. js JavaScript biblioteke za kreiranje animacija zasnovanih na vremenskoj osi Scene. js je JavaScript biblioteka animacija zasnovanih na vremenskoj osi za kreiranje veb sajtova za animacije. Ova biblioteka vam omogućava da. . . Daybrush (Younkue Choi) pročitajte višE Ostalo Kako da kreirate prilagođenu traku napredovanja Tema za #14 nedelju Weekly Coding Challenge je: Traka napredovanja se koristi za prikaz koliko je daleko stigla akcija korisnika. . . freeCodeCamp. org pročitajte višE Kako da upotrebite Prettier u VS Code-u Tutorial koji govori kako da instalirate Prettier za VS Code (Visual Studio Code). Saznajte kako da konfigurišete Prettier za format snimanja i kako da. . . Robin Wieruch Pročitajte više Vidite najnovije priče Ovo je sve za ovu nedelju. Uživajte u čitanju! Bob, Robert, Miro, Branko i Boris  

JavaScript nedeljni pregled saveta, vesti, uputstava




O ekonomiji upravljanja paketima — Esejska verzija C J Silverio govora sa JSConfEU ▶️ (pogledajte ako imate slobodnih 35 minuta). Ona je svrgnuta sa mesta CTO u npm, Inc. -u prošle godine ali se vratila sa istorijom ekosistema JavaScript paketa, diskusijom o tome ko ga zaista “poseduje”, i preporukom za novi put usmeren ka Entropicu, novom, agnostičkom registru paketa.  C J SILVERIO Nekoliko novih JS funkcija i upoznavanje sa “opcionim ulančavanjem” sada u fazi 2 — Nove JavaScript funkcije prolaze kroz različite faze pre nego što postanu zvanične i ovaj ?.  operator, koji vam omogućava opciono ulančavanje svojstva ili poziva funkcije, je napredovao. U vestima, Array. isTemplateObject se takođe navodi da je u fazi 2, top-level await u fazi 3 a BigInt je sada u fazi 4.  ECMA TC39 Novi kompletan uvod u React. . . Sada, sa vezama — Mnogo više od uvoda. Izgradićete stvarnu aplikaciju pomoću najnovijih funkcija u Reactu, uključujući veze, efekte, kontekst i portale.  FRONTEND MASTERS Da li dugi JavaScript zadaci odlažu 'Time to Interactive'?  Chrome DevTools sada mogu da vizualizuju ‘Long Tasks’ (kod koji izaziva zamrzavanje glavne programske niti, što izaziva aktivnost korisnika) olakšavajući ispravljanje grešaka i optimizacije za bilo koje probleme.  ADDY OSMANI Prebacite se sa Mediuma na sopstveni blog za nekoliko minuta — Zar ne bi bilo dobro ako bi više ljudi sa kojima smo povezani koristili sopstveni blog umesto Mediuma? (Da. ) Ovde je primer krajnjeg rezultata, ali možete da ga prilagodite vašem ukusu.  MATHIEU DUTOUR Pisanje koda: Cloudflare poboljšava doživljaj programera njihove Workers Serverless JavaScript Platforme — Workers, Cloudflare-ova globalno distribuirana platforma bez servera dobija CLI programersku alatku, mogućnost pokretanja aplikacija na workers. devu bez upotrebe sopstvenog domena, novih dokumenata i obezbeđuje mogućnost da je isprobate besplatno.  RITA KOZLOV (CLOUDFLARE) Brzi bajtovi: Sada postoji 1 milion npm paketa. GitHub je dodao podršku za upotrebu GitHub skladišta kao 'šablona skladišta'.  Označite skladište kao šablon a zatim će taj šablon biti upotrebljen za brzo generisanje novih skladišta. Može biti korisno za šablonske projekte. Na ovonedeljnom WWDC događaju, Apple otkrio je novi proizvod Mac Pro koji je “zver” od mašine. Međutim, potrebni su vam veoma duboki džepovi. npm bezbednosni tim je osujetio krađu kripto valuta putem zlonamernog paketa. Poslovi JavaScript programer u X-Teamu (udaljeno) — Pridružite se najenergičnijoj zajednici programera. Radite sa bilo koje lokacije sa vodećim svetskim brendovima.  X-TEAM Front End inženjer (Manchester, UK) — Pridružite se našem prijateljskom timu u kreiranju lepih aplikacija koje vole korisnici širom sveta. Odlična ravnoteža posla/života i prednosti.  CAPSULE Oglasite novi Dev Job na Vetteryu — Vettery je specijalizovan za tehničke uloge i potpuno je besplatan za korisnike koji traže posao.  VETTERY Tutoriali, mišljenja i video snimci 8 korisnih JavaScript trikova — Izgleda da svi volite članke sa listom saveta, i ovaj uopšte nije loš, posebno ako se smatrate početnikom srednjeg nivoa.  MILOS PROTIC Otkrivanje Hoistinga — “Hoisting je stara i zbunjujuća terminologija” rekao je nedavno Allen Wirfs-Brock. Dr. Axel ima neke ideje kako da bolje razmišljate o deklaracijama.  AXEL RAUSCHMAYER Automatizacija pregleda koda — Codacy označava greške u kodu pa možete brzo da ih ispravite, direktno iz aktuelnog radnog toka. Počnite već danas.  CODACY Najbolja praksa za izgradnju velike React aplikacije — Nekoliko koncepata koje vredi da imate na umu da biste vremenom kreirali lepše i veće aplikacije.  AMAN KHALID Kako da renderujete dinamički dijagram u obliku stabla pomoću SVG-a i Vue. js-a — Šta je uključeno u kreiranje dinamičkog dijagrama u obliku stabla upotrebom cubic bezier krive i Vue alatke za reaktivnost podataka.  KRUTIE PATEL Uvod u MediaRecorder API —MediaRecorder API je API pretraživača koji možete da upotrebite za snimanje audio i video snimaka u pretraživaču. Evo kako.  PHIL NASH (TWILIO) Kako da upotrebite jQuery sa Angularom (kada morate) — Kada zaista morate,. . jer “kada se jQuery integriše u Angular, to može postati malo čudno. ” ADITYA MODI Angular 8: A Kratak rezime novina ALLIGATOR Izgradnja veb aplikacija pomoću MERN Stacka i Google Cloud Platforme MONGODB Omogućavanje modernog JavaScripta u npm-u — Moderna JavaScript sintaksa vam omogućava da uradite više sa manje koda, ali koliko JavaScripta koji isporučujemo korisnicima je “moderno” i prevodimo li previše? JASON MILLER Kod i alatke PixelMatch 5. 0: Najjednostavnija i najbrža biblioteka za poređenje slika na nivou piksela — Zadajte joj dve slike i ona će istaći razlike.  MAPBOX Nerv: Brza React alternativa kompatibilna sa IE8 i React 16 — Nerv se smatra manjom, bržom React alternativom koja podržava funkcije modernog Reacta 16. Upravo je izdata verzija v1. 4. 0.  LI WEITAO inline-loops. macro: Babel Macro za umetanje iteratora u izvorne petlje za performansu — Obezbeđuje metode kao što su map, reduce i find i kompajlira ih na navodno brže alternative vođene petljom.  TONY QUETANO Kreirajte pouzdane JavaScript testove pomoću Gaugea i Taikoa — Novi radni okvir otvorenog koda za automatizaciju testa iz ThoughtWorksa.  GAUGE Pinker. js: Biblioteka za renderovanje koda i UML dijagrama klase WITHOUT HASTE PDFKit: Biblioteka za generisanje PDF-a za Node i pretraživač GITHUB tinydate: Mala i brza, ponovo upotrebljiva alatka za formatiranje datuma — na primer, tinydate('Current time: [{HH}:{mm}:{ss}]') . . koji vraća objekat koji možete da pozovete bilo kada (ili unesite vreme u sopstvenom formatu).  LUKE EDWARDS ms: Mali pomoćni program za konvertovanje u milisekunde — Na primer: ms('2 days')vraća 172800000. Nova verzija je upravo izdata u kojoj su ispravljene neke greške.  ZEIT
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